teinepalagi Member


  • He had an endoscopy with biopsy and that's how they determined the low levels. I'm not sure why just the nurse called.....thanks for the info! I appreciate it!
  • As someone with celiac disease.....I don't find there is a compelling reason to remove wheat from your diet unless there is a medical indication. I believe the reasaon why people lose weight initially is it takes out most of the high calorie low nutrition foods (i.e., cake, cookies, crackers, anything fried, etc.....) But…
  • To inject a little evidence-based medicine into the conversation. The Institute of Medicine issued new guidelines in 2009; I've linked directly to the table in the report: http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12584&page=2#p20019b269960002001 basically, here's the table: Underweight: Gain 28-40 pounds Normal weight:…
  • now I HAVE to see it...bump for later.....
  • My husband had invited old friends from out of town to visit us and the last time they saw me was 2 kids and 70 pounds ago. I was a size 18-20. I didn't want to see them. We were all big salsa dancers in the day and I knew they would want to go out. They were nothing but nice to me and OF COURSE didn't mention me weight.…
  • Could be a lot of things....water weight, fat, maybe a little muscle. You're doing the right thing by lifting while trying to lose weight. I have heard that you should get a gram of protein in for every lb of lean body mass (just the muscle). Maybe try to hit that protein goal? (I think you do great on your…
  • I'll tell you what i do and I've been losing weight (slowly), but more importantly, lowering my body fat percentage. I do the NROLFW 3 days a week, I run 5 days a week for about 30 minutes and I have recently started some core exercises on my non-weightlifting days. I'm 5'2" and 135. And I eat around 2000-2100 on lifting…
  • I LOVE!!!! NROLFW. I'm currently about to start Stage 3. I have definitely seen great definition in my arms......
  • cheese tortillas avocado I think I'd starve if I didn't have that in my fridge.......
  • If you want me to be honest with you....it's therapy. Binge eating/bulimia is an illness like any other and requires treatment. Find a good therapist and try and figure out the dysfunctional relationship you have with food. Although never bulimic, I have had binge eating where I've lost control....speaking with a therapist…
    in Help! Comment by teinepalagi July 2012
  • honestly, I have celiac and I don't do too many recipes that make things that used to have gluten in them gluten free (they usually are pretty gross and not that healthy). I stick to rice as my carb or corn (like corn tortillas). Given that, I was pleasantly surprised with the betty crocker gluten free cake mix. Add a…
  • When I stopped wearing spanx every day to work.......
  • Here I LOVE corn tortillas. Having some tonight. Are you making sure you're heating them up properly? Like on a comal? Or just use any flat non-stick skillet......earthenware is the best. If you eat them just out of the bag, they crumble and taste like cr*p. Try heating them up first and see if that helps. Otherwise I am…
  • I have both. I use my fitbit to count every day running around and purposeful walks and runs. I use my HRM for things the fitbit isn't good at (like strength training, biking, etc.) My advice...if you do a lor of walking, running as your main activity..fitbit. If you like to do other things more.....HRM. And I absolutely…
  • I have both a HRM and a fitbit. I wear my fitbit 24/7 and I use it to count all of my running and walking (what it's designed for). If I do anything else: strength training, biking, etc....I use my HRM. I only have abouty 10 more to lose so I've set myself to .5/week and I want to be as accurate as possible to ensure I'm…
  • :)
  • There are certain things I ALWAYS have: FF milk corn tortillas string cheese avocados bananas strawberries blueberries apples salsa chicken, lots and losts of chicken limes salsa hot sauce plain greek FF yogurt black beans eggs spinach jalapenos peppers (green, red, etc)
  • wow.....I read a story about deep fried cereal (like twix). ugh....pretty gross to be honest.........
  • I completely do not have this problem. :) I work out almost every day for an hour and I eat between 1800-2000 calories a day and I am still losing. And I'm 5"2" and 134 pounds right now. Just trying to get off the last 10. I would say to go for denser foods (nuts, avocado, even a little peanut butter now and then). You'll…
  • Although I am not completely there yet.....I am slowing coming to the realization that I CAN'T do moderation. If I have one....I have 20. The only thing that I've found that helps is to have individually packaged and labeled "treats". A tub of icecream is off limits in my house. But I can do icecream bars. Chocolates are…
  • I had friends visit after my second child was born. The last time they saw me was at my wedding (80 pounds lighter). I looked at those pictures and then my wedding pictures and I looked like I ate myself. It was bad. They were too nice to say anything, but the look of surprise on their faces when they saw me was pretty…
  • when I first started running....I used to repeat to myself "Taking my life back, one step at a time"
  • I have always shopped at Goodwill and resale shops. And my closet is full of Ann Taylor, Banana Republic, and Armani exchange. I think you'd be surprised what kind of really nice clothes they have there. And I tend to buy things and then they sit in my closet for some reason....slightly too short, didn't quite match what I…
  • I've got the guy who snorts his snot constantly...in meetings, while over your shoulder directly in your ear. I literally can not stop myself from making a face of absolute revulsion when he does it. he also yells at his wife on the phone constantly....real dillhole. So I don't care if he has some sort of nasal polyp…
  • I'm doing a weight lifting program (New Rules of Lifting for Women), and it suggests that you keep your macros at: 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. If you have trouble getting all of the protein in, they also suggest a protein shake (especially on lifting days). You can reset your macros on your profile to get these…
  • I LOVE my fitbit. I had set myself to sendentary and the fitbit added more calories in because I apparently was a whole lot more active than sedentary. I no longer log any walking or running.....I just let it do it for me. It does not count biking, weight lifting, elliptical as well.....I count those separately. Even on my…
  • I get like this too....it's almost a numbing reaction to what's going on around me. I eat, I feel better.....but I haven't dealt with my true emotion (usually frustration, stress, anger). I have not mastered this (I still occassionally go a little nuts), but at leaast I acknowledged that it was a stress response. It works…
  • I have a couple: 1) I didn't wear spanx to work today and felt OK doing it 2) I bought a bikini (I haven't worn one since I was 16...I am now 37) 3) I am consistently in a size 4....this is still a little shocking to me......