is MILF a complement?
what the heck is "girl code"?
I prefer that women have the babies. I don’t think I could man up to that kind of pain.
Burqaus are very attractive on a woman. Imaginations run wild when looking at a woman in a burqua.Burqaus are very atractive
If every day was special no days would be special. Once a month on a random day I think is good. It is just enough to make the wife feel good but not too much so that she expects it.
JJSobey you qualify as hot. get 5 pairs.
what is an "Unholy Death Knight"?
we see you have a sexy mouth.
00sarah you look 27
It is obvious; two men in a locker room in Washington DC. They are passing government secrets.
it is a brand new year. lot of room for bad postings.
Not every one can say that. I have a friend who was a young wife. One morning she wakes up next to her husband and he had passed in his sleep. they were both young and married less than 3 years.
Aug 23 here too
WOW candacet36 you have REALY beautiful eyes.
a pound is a pound. a pound of gold weighs the same as a pound of feathers. a pound of fat weighs as much as a pound of muscles.
it sounds like you should add some items to your non negotiable list. From reading your post it seams like you need to feel like you are central in his life and right now he is not demonstrating it. That should be a non negotiable.
I think everyone should have a list of non negotiable. What I mean by that is traits or attributes in a partner that is of the upmost importance and without those traits it would be hard to continue a relationship. Then everything beyond that is just minor annoyances. dont accept any thing less then your non negotiables…
what i miss: the looking forward to the excitment of watching my child being born. it was like christmas, better even then holding them in my arms for the first time. non stop smiling. what i dont miss: hearing "dont look at me", "don't touch me", and "get that thing away from me"
that would be an awesome job to have.
Women how wear tight clothes in the weight room lift weights and are nipping. Then expect me not to look at them.
I have to tell you, for me a tattoo is distracting. Women have a glow about them that make them appealing. I think tattoos distracts from their beauty. Being covered in ink is just YUCK. I would much rather see skin than tattoos.