What did you miss/not miss about being pregnant?



  • Brianna72994
    So true! Definitely nice to be able to take a bath and have my laptop resting on the giant mountain that is my belly at the same time. And who needs a plate when you can balance sandwiches on newly swollen breasts?

    You used a laptop in the bathtub? That seems dangerous.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    The list of things you won't miss made me die laughing!!!!!!!!! Oh my word. I have never been preggo, no kiddos yet, but this really just makes me look right forward to it :-P oh man, too funny!
  • CincinnatiDEIFan
    CincinnatiDEIFan Posts: 188 Member
    I will not miss anything about being pregnant.

    Worst. ever.

    What she said.
    Third this.

    Fourth (Pre Eclampsia and three week hospital stays are TERRIBLE!)
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Baby kicks
    Hearing the heartbeat at appointments
    Trying to guess the gender (both our kiddos were surprises)
    Radiant Glow
    How much I loved and respected my body for thsoe 18 months (2 pregnancies)

    Not Miss:
    Decreased bladder size
    Nose bleeds
    leaking breastmilk
    First BM after baby
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    i also had gestationl diabetes with baby number 2. the only thing i oved was the day they were born and having elective c sections. BEST.CHOICE.EVER!!!!
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    So true! Definitely nice to be able to take a bath and have my laptop resting on the giant mountain that is my belly at the same time. And who needs a plate when you can balance sandwiches on newly swollen breasts?

    wtf?? u trying to electracute yourself?

    lol no I was joking. I was taking the food on the plate thing to a higher level... Electronics and water definitely dont mix.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    what will I miss???

    not a damn thing.
  • mikayla169
    mikayla169 Posts: 40 Member
    That list did make me chuckle, and I can relate to near enough every single one of them.
    But I definitely miss feeling my little boy's hiccups, and his kicks. I actually enjoyed the labour part, purely because of the utter sense of joy when you're handed your baby for the first time!
    I miss seeing him move when I'm in the bath, looking uber preggo-sexy in my maxi dresses, and not having to worry about looking fat in an outfit!

    I miss my friends (as like you, I now obviously have a disease and noone visits or even bothers anymore, its me, my fiance and little man against the world), I miss having an unbroken nights sleep, I miss having stable hearing through him not screaming in my ear, I miss having time to clean the house without having to stop every ten minutes and I miss being able to get a bath according to my own schedule!

    The list can go on and on, but every second, through pregnancy and afterwards, the good and bad, is worth it and I can honestly say that a few years down the line, I cannot WAIT to do it all again :).
  • mikayla169
    mikayla169 Posts: 40 Member
    The ONLY thing I miss about being pregnant is feeling a baby move. Absolutely fascinating.

    In addition to all of the things you said you won't miss (which are hysterical, by the way), I do NOT miss:

    *Peeing every time there is a jolt of some sort to my abdomen (coughing, sneezing, throwing up, laughing, jumping, etc.) - BTW, this will stay with you AFTER pregnancy. Have a pad and some back-up panties with you at all times. Not even kidding.
    *Sciatica (ouch!)
    *Indescribable pressure/pain in my hoo-hah for no apparent reason other than "my body is preparing for baby"
    *Acid reflux (Tums is no match to this stuff!)

    I'm sure there's more. While I love my babies and would go through it again for the same outcome, I LOATHED pregnancy!

    The pain in the hoo - ha thing got me good and proper in my pregnancy! Toward the end, as it was getting worse, every day I was convinced I was going into labour! As it turned out I developed gallstones so was induced the day before my due date, he got distressed in labour, their was no dilation after 15 hours so ended up having a section anyway! (FYI, the recovery after a section - NEVER would want that again! NASTY!)
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    My first pregnancy ended in a m/c, so I was nervous throughout both of my successful pregnancies.

    But, overall - I loved being pregnant! I only had nausea issues with my second child, but even that wasn't too bad. I loved loved loved feeling them kick and move around. Neither birth experience was what I really wanted, but in the end, both of my kids are here (and I'm still here) and that's what matters. I worked right up until I went into labor with both my kids, so overall I was a happy, active pregnant lady :-).

    Oh, and I breastfed both kids and had zero trouble losing the baby weight. It was when I stopped nursing my son that the weight slowly crept on. Breastfeeding burns a LOT of calories :-).
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    For me pregnancy was kind of a non-issue.....had 2 days of morning sickness and heartburn didn't kick in until I was 9 months.....then I was like "WTH is happening to me?!?! Am I dying????"

    Liked about pregnancy:
    1) Beautiful hair and nails
    2) Sex drive that was non stop

    Did not like about post-pregnancy:
    1) Formerly nice hair falling out in clumps 6 weeks to the day M was born
    2) Acne as my hormones were all over the place
    3) Starting a diet plan and getting a personal trainer and 3 months no weight loss, started BC pills a year later and dropped 15 pounds in a month....only for it all to come back on once my body got used to the hormones again.
    4) I now like blue cheese
  • JacquelineD35
    JacquelineD35 Posts: 279 Member
    only thing I can honestly say I missed was feeling the baby kick, but that was just the begining. Once the baby is big enough and is squishing the hell out of your insides its just not that cute anymore, so yeah I dont miss that or the constant bathroom visits.
  • mredsolomon
    mredsolomon Posts: 22 Member
    what i miss:
    the looking forward to the excitment of watching my child being born.
    it was like christmas, better even
    then holding them in my arms for the first time. non stop smiling.

    what i dont miss:
    hearing "dont look at me", "don't touch me", and "get that thing away from me"
  • Cindib13
    Cindib13 Posts: 234 Member
    I loved being pregnant. Never got sick and both were healthy babies. I don't miss labor. Ouch!
  • HayleyHat
    I honestly can't think of anything I miss. I was so ill and in so much pain 24/7 for 9 months, and 2 years later still have lots of health problems as a direct result.
    Yeah, not jumping at the chance to do that again. :ohwell:
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Feeling them move. That is it.
    I don't get "pregnancy is fantastic" people, but I'm glad somebody enjoys it!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I will never miss morning, afternoon, evening, nighttime sickness.
    I will never miss the swelling.
    (You haven't had the baby yet, but I'm sure you won't miss leaky boobs. Soooooo sexy)

    I will/have missed playing with the baby watching him kick where I touch, the free gifts, the ability to get out of meetings at work when my belly becomes possessed.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    I had a wonderful pregnancy and would have done it again the day after giving birth IF I could have had the same experience.

    I miss feeling kicks the most.

    I think God was preparing me and my husband for the aftermath of medical stuff we had to deal with since we ended up NOT having a healthy child.