Keeley23 Member


  • I did it August 2010. I never missed a day and lost 7lbs and 5.5 inches. This was without altering my diet too much, i didn't calorie count just stopped the snacks and TRIED to eat slightly smaller portions. I noticed the biggest difference in the stomach area, i actually increased on my arms and stayed the same on my…
  • Add diet lemonade to the wine or soda water, halving the calories straight away...however this would actually lead me to just drink more glasses of the stuff!!
  • I have lost 31lbs and gone down from a UK size 18 (i refused to buy anything this size, but all my 16's were pretty tight) to a size 12, so roughly 10lbs a size for me. I have 12lbs to go until my goal and hopefully that will mean losing one more dress size.
  • Congratulations! I had similar results to yourself...7lbs lost and 5.5 inches. I'm starting 6 week 6 pack on 1st September!
  • Thanks so much for that! They look lovely...can't wait to try them once i can actually eat proper food again (had my wisdom teeth out on Weds).
  • I have no idea how true this is but a friend of mine says that it takes 48 hours for food to be completely digested and pooped, or stored as fat. So if you have not gained 2 days after the over indulgence then you won't at all. Makes sense not to weigh anytime before this anyway as you are almost certain to have gained due…
  • The pasta dishes look delicious, i would imagine most of them to be quite nutritious too.
    in Takeaway Comment by Keeley23 July 2011
  • All the pizza places around here do kebabs and chips too, the chicken would be more nutritional than the pizza i think. Hungry now!
    in Takeaway Comment by Keeley23 July 2011
  • Chicken kebab on pitta with lots of salad is very low in calories...add mayo then it starts adding up. You could even get some chips with it and still be way within your calories.
    in Takeaway Comment by Keeley23 July 2011
  • I have 1 rest day a week, today as it happens. My limit is 1200 and i am on 1290 as of 9pm...i just gobbled up a 94 cal skinny cow ice-cream which has taken me over. I have been thinking about ice-cream all day, i should have just factored it in but i have been ravenous today, and that's with lots of protein and 4 litres…
  • I set myself targets each day...1 litre bottle drank by the time i get in work at 9:15am, then a second 1 litre bottle drank by the time lunch is finished, so around 1pm. Then i have another 1 litre bottle to drink by the time dinner is finished, so 6pm, then i have a final 1 litre bottle the rest of the evening which is…
  • I drink 4 litres a day, used to pee constantly but now not so much really. I stop drinking it about an hour before bed too so i'm not up in the night. It's taken me since January to get used to it properly, i gradually increased it from one 500ml bottle a day, now i drink 8 of them.
  • Hi, i did this in August of last year. Without dieting as such (i just cut out snacks, didn't alter portion sizes etc), i lost 7lbs and 5.5". I am 5"6 and weighed about 12st 8 at the time. If i'm being totally honest i didn't enjoy it that much, but i gritted my teeth and i'm so glad i did because it got me into the…