Opinions/Results on 30 Day Shred?

I'm very seriously considering doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred... for those of you who have done it, what type of results have you had?


  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I just completed day 11 (which is day 1 of level 2) and it kicks my butt! The beginning of level 1 was murder but it got easier the more I did it - you can *feel* results in that you get stronger if you stick with it. I tend to burn around 200 calories per 27 minute workout but the big thing is the strength training - I can see muscles that I forgot were there (since they're actually being used now LOL). If you take your measurements at the beginning, you can see results more easily than watching the scale. I've already lost an inch or 2 off of both my hips/butt and stomach. There are lots of great before&after pics posted on MFP, too. If you go to the 'search' function and type in 'shred results' you can see some AMAZING results!
  • chrissteffen
    Awesome--I recommend doing each of the three workouts for 20 days each--extending it to 60 days. I really felt like I got a challenging workout.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i did it last month and lost 7 inches and 4 pounds i think.. but i didnt do it very regularly and didnt do level 3 at all. i think if i had done it more often and stuck to the 10 days on each level i would have gotten better results. i plan on doing it again after the new year
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I just started it last night and it totally kicked my butt. I'm sore today. I was totally out of shape though. It looks simple but it's not. Do it! Keep in touch.
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
  • cbu23
    cbu23 Posts: 280 Member
    I'm on day 4 of it...and it's great. After the 20 minute workout I want to die, and that means to me that I'm doing something right! I got it due to everything I saw on here about it. Including shipping was only $12 on amazon.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    It's a fantastic program that gives great results for only 30 minutes of your time a day! I definitely noticed increased definition in my arms, legs and abs, and increased strength too. I cant tell you how many inches I lost because I very stupidly didn't take any measurements before I started.
  • Isisnile
    I've done her 30-day shred but I also added her yoga burn so I can't say all of my success is just from her 30 day shred. I have very nice arm definition and I went down a dress size. I probably would have seen more results if I hed been eating right.
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    Love it! Im on day three of level two. Its a great workout in a small amount of time. And you actually see results in the first week!
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    i had wicked results in the first week, and stuck it out for the 30 days....got bored of jillian now tho
  • outtanms
    outtanms Posts: 237 Member
    I am starting this tomorrow.....There is also a group out there for 30 day shred in December....I am hoping that is a good support system
  • Keeley23
    Keeley23 Posts: 13 Member
    I did it August 2010. I never missed a day and lost 7lbs and 5.5 inches. This was without altering my diet too much, i didn't calorie count just stopped the snacks and TRIED to eat slightly smaller portions. I noticed the biggest difference in the stomach area, i actually increased on my arms and stayed the same on my thighs however they were noticeably a lot more toned. I felt really strong too, i couldn't do a full push up at the beginning but i could do most of them properly and with ease by the end.
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    i <3 30DS. first day is gonna have u so sore u cant move. second day u will be terribly sore from day one and itll be hard but then it gets easier till level 2 lol i burn between 130-160 calories(went up when stopped doing the modified version)
  • littleenginethatcan
    I am on round two of the 30 Day Shred. I loved the results I had the first time. I didn't lose a lot of weight, but I did lose inches. I am stronger this round, and am starting out with the ability to change up between 3,5,and 8 pound weights. I recommend it to everyone I know.
  • klynn08
    klynn08 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm not one to try work out DVDs but I saw such positive feedback from 30ds I decided to try it. I just completed level 1, and I really feel like its helping me. The first few days are absolutely hell, keep some Tylenol on hand. But after 5 or 6 days you get used to it. You cannot get a better workout for 25 min. I have really weak arms so the first few days I could barely do any of the strength training but today day 10 I did them all. Also it may just be me but i feel a lot better and my legs feel more firm. I bought mine on amazon for like $5 and i would recommend it. One more thing is that it is a dvd so it tends to get boring after the first few days, I use my ipod and listen to music and mute the tv because I know everything she is saying.
  • Cassiopeia00
    Thank you everyone for the replies! I did some searching on the success stories and in groups for results, and WOW!! There are some incredible results from some very hardworking people here! It definitely pushed me past the point of "considering"- bought the DVD today ($9 at Wal-mart), and am going to start it tonight! I'm excited.
  • Rewinds
    This is my midway point photo. I started on the 1st of Nov and have had a total of 5ish days off the shred. Mainly because I traveled to do my first 14km run and the following day I was so sore :P Two days off because of lack of motivation/recover.


    I was the same weight (54.6kg on average) for about a whole month, and suddenly saw weight loss to 53.5 a couple of days ago and is now my new maintenance/further loss weight.

    Since that post/photo back on the 21st I had a week off the shred and do it every second day now. I've maintained my weight and weighed in at 53kg this morning.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Okay, I finished day 15 yesterday (which is day 5 of level 2, and halfway through the program) - I took my measurements at the beginning and again this morning since I'm halfway, and I have already lost 1" off my upper thighs, 1" off my butt/hips (at the widest point), 2" off my mom-belly at the navel, 1" off my natural waist, 0.5" under my bust and 0.5" off my upper arm. (all this while losing less than 2 lbs, but that is b/c I am only trying to lose around 1/2 lb per week at this point since I'm already in a healthy weight range) Most days I do the workout twice in a row b/c I really want to see results from the abs exercises. And since I've already lost 2" off my huge trouble spot I'd say it's working. :-). Still 15 days to go!
  • Cassiopeia00
    WOW what a difference in that amount of time, Rewinds! Good job!! Hope I get results as nice as that!

    Great job on your success so far too, CMmrsfloyd! Hearing these from you guys makes me all the more excited for what will come from this.

    I am on my second day now (first day being yesterday, the day before when I had planned to start it I was called in by one of the organizations I volunteer for, so didn't get the chance to start that evening), and so far am very happy with the workouts. I am actually going to move right into level 2 tonight- though level 1 was great and I definitely worked up a sweat and felt it, I had no problem keeping up, so I am going to move on to give myself a little more of a challenge, and see how that works out. The leg exercises though in level 1, WHOA my legs are crying today! :) I'm doing the pathetic side-to-side walk up and down the stairs because it hurts to bend them a full deal. lol