What is your biggest weight loss struggle?

For some people it's eating right on weekends, or saying no to that darn midnight snack...for others, it's getting their butt to the gym or the inability to refrain from the drive thru when time is short.

I know, for me...it's special events. I simply cannot keep it together at weddings/birthdays/parties/thanksgiving/etc. I tell myself I will eat sensibly, then WHAM...before I know it, I have a plate full of lard, butter and cheese and two glasses of wine in my hand.


  • delmekki
    I know all those yummy foods are hard to resist.
    Here's a little advice that I read on a magazine once
    If you're going to a party you should eat a sensible meal before you go
    or even a sensible snak. That way you won't be that hungry and hopefuly you won't over indulge.
    Another option if you forget to do is to drink about 1 or 2 glasses of water before you start your meal
    Hope that was helpful
    Good Luck!
  • aims78
    aims78 Posts: 75 Member

    Mine would definiately be the drive-thru... I have done a lot better in the past couple of months, but I use to be really bad about it.. That was the hardest thing for me to calm down on..
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member

    all my major weekend issues
  • mssgirl11
    mssgirl11 Posts: 99 Member
    mine is my sweet tooth!
  • Probably inconsistency. I will do pretty well for a couple days and then watch a football game and drink one too many beers, and eat a little too much pizza or wings. I can't seem to just have one wing or one slice.. I need a little more self control sometimes!
  • Hayesgang
    A new concept for me is realizing I must eat to lose and I can have anything in moderation.

    I bought into that myth that I must deprived myself and cut certain foods out to lose, it happens for awhile but in the end it doesn't work because I binged, and gave up. It's not longer a "diet" for me, I am making a lifestyle change and that is so freeing.
  • For me its struggling to get through this 6 month plateau. And dairy products! I'm lactose and tolerant which makes me bloat, but I love me some milk and cheese!
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    Peer pressure! I work at a bar, and the only thing to do in this town is to go out to eat... smoke weed... or drink.

    Or work hard and go to the gym with me! :0
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    For me it is kiddie food. Chicken legs, lasagna, spag bol, stuffed potato skins, seafood pie. My kids don't even eat junk and I still struggle with not picking. I guess it just became habit to make chicken nuggets for 4+a bit for mum, I mean, if I'm going to all the trouble of breadcrumbing etc. I might as well test them right? And then the re is leftovers, its gross the things we mums eat! Ewww......I'm so glad I'm not the family plate scraper anymore!
  • ahmpierce1
    ahmpierce1 Posts: 221 Member

    all my major weekend issues

    my 4 favorite things!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member

    all my major weekend issues

    my 4 favorite things!

    What else is there to live for?
  • foraMEthatiLOVE

    all my major weekend issues

    Add chocolate to that and there you have it!
  • EbonyK
    EbonyK Posts: 92
    Resisting dessert for me! It's so hard. One minute I am focused and the next minute I am getting cookies! I did it today. lol
  • manvsfood
    manvsfood Posts: 175 Member

    all my major weekend issues

    Sounds about right... with the addition of pepperoni pizza and ranch!
    Oh, chocolate covered pretzels stole my soul.
  • lindseyrose88
    lindseyrose88 Posts: 1 Member
    eating right while travelling / on the road at shows....catering is the devil!
  • sal22408
    Its definitely being out and socializing for me. I can do without the food...but the wine?? soooo hard to resist. Do any of you know a better option for me when out having a drink? If im going to have one, i might as well make it a good choice. Anyone??
  • mcase44
    For me its weekend indulgences (mostly beer) and carbs before bed...bad. i know.
  • sal22408
    Its definitely being out and socializing for me. I can do without the food...but the wine?? soooo hard to resist. Do any of you know a better option for me when out having a drink? If im going to have one, i might as well make it a good choice. Anyone??

    Its funny because my first true love was with beer....i thought wine was a healthier option because i have crohns disease and need to avoid gluten...but now what?? I cant have wine or beer?? Pfffffffft!
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    I hear you all loud and clear!

    I try to allow myself to have the not-so-healthy foods sometimes. The word "moderation" doesn't work for me because I feel that is simply a matter of opinion. I might feel that a handful of cubed cheese IS eating in moderation, when in fact more than 3-4 cubes is NOT in "moderation." With that being said, I try to allot for those guilt-inducing calories, so that guilt factor isn't so high. I figure out how much of the item I will eat and stick with it. And, when I feel that pull to go get more I repeat this:
    I am not a refrigerator
    I am not a cupboard
    This means that I will not store things in my body that should be stored in the refrigerator or the cupboard! hahahah I know it sounds silly, but it work for me!

    Maybe a mantra wil work well for you ladies, too! Good luck!
  • Keeley23
    Keeley23 Posts: 13 Member
    Its definitely being out and socializing for me. I can do without the food...but the wine?? soooo hard to resist. Do any of you know a better option for me when out having a drink? If im going to have one, i might as well make it a good choice. Anyone??

    Add diet lemonade to the wine or soda water, halving the calories straight away...however this would actually lead me to just drink more glasses of the stuff!!