ngressman Member


  • Enell Sports bras. Hands down the best. I am a 42G and I wear a #5. They are $66. I can do Zumba, and they are fully supported. No need for extra bras or support. i think you would be a size 3, but check the sizing.
  • I just started going to the gym, and one of the most frustrating thing for me has been the scale. Even though I go and workout 1-2 hours per day, the scale wasn't budging. I was taking classes like body pump, Insanity, and Zumba. I would sweat, the classes were hard, and yet the scale would say I lost 1 and sometimes 2…
  • I don't understand why you blame the "rich" for your weight problem. Rich people aren't the ones putting food in your mouth. Changing your diet for 10 days won't fix your weight problem either. I do think it's a good idea to stay away from processed foods, but have no idea why you connect that with rich people.
  • I weigh every Friday morning. If I weigh more often, I get too obsessed with the weight fluctuations.
  • I like the body for life weightlifting program. The number of reps are 12, 10, 8, and 6. With one min break in between. You start out with light weight, then add 5-10 pounds with each set. After the one with 6 you do 24 reps with the light weight again. Alternate upper and lower body. My son likes pyramid weight lifting,…
  • My big NSV this week is that I feel great. After going to the gym for a month, I feel so energized. I can do situps now. I still can only do modified pushups, but they are getting easier.
  • So I have a bit to go before I am at a healthy weight, but right now, my goal is 135-140. I am lifting weight, so I will see inches come off, but not a lot of movement on the scale. I plan on getting to 150, and evaluating what I look and feel like. Then I will decide how much lower to go. If I get to 140 and it looks fat,…
  • I am 5 ft 2. Waist is 42 and hips I think are 46. I weigh 235. I don't think you measured right.
  • I think if it's zero calorie and non caffeinated then it counts as water. My son has fainted five times after drinking nothing but Mountain Dew or some other pop. The nurse said that pops with caffeine actually dehydrate the body rather than hydrate, so that is why I have the non caffeine rule.
    in Water? Comment by ngressman July 2014
  • I think on mfp it's called the Onederland. So excited for you. Congratulations.
  • My obese 6 year old is in a program for his weight. They aren't teaching me or him about counting calories, but instead are teaching him portion control. He eats 5 servings of fruits or veggies, 2-3 servings of lean protein, 6-9 servings of whole grains, and 2-3 servings of dairy. Also he is being taught 5, 2,1, 0. 5…
  • Miralax. Unless you want to eat more fruits, but if you are worried about carbs, then just take the Miralax. (Start with 17mg).
  • I think the minimum amount of calories is 1200. I would suggest adding a string cheese to your morning snack and even a handful of almonds. The two egg whites for dinner is probably another change. What about adding some fruit and toast, or a veggie? Do you feel hungry?
  • At your age it might come off quicker than someone like me in my 40's. My son loses a lot more than I do with simple changes to his diet. You might lose more quickly than others, but unless you are working out like they do on biggest loser it will slow down. Don't worry too much about it.
  • I have only had one c-section, but still have that overhang of skin. I don't know if it's because of the weight I gained with that first pregnancy. I don't know if it ever goes away. When I get to my goal weight, it is the first thing I want gone. Does anyone know if the overhang ever goes away on its own?
  • Wow Kiki. 75 pounds lost and maintained. Congrats.. I hope you make it to Onderland soon.
  • My fitness pal set my calories at 1200. I am 5 ft 2 and want to lose 2 pounds a week. I am also obese, so have a lot to lose. I exercise, but also make sure I eat back my calories when I do. I try to make sure I choose my foods wisely. 1200 calories is not a lot when it is spent on fatty foods. I think given my lifestyle I…
  • My sister has a saying when your why is big enough you will find a way. (She probably got it from a motivational book or speaker.) I am in the same boat, but I know my reasons are mostly outside reasons. When it is more about me, then maybe I will be more motivated. Right now I just want to lose weight, but don't know why…
  • Trying this group again. It seems to need more people on it. My name is Natalee. I am from Meridian Id. I have been trying to get back to a healthy weight for years. I give up, and then realize I have to start again. This time I am making changes with my family so hopefully this time will be it. I love doing the FitOne…
  • Definitely go out and get a bra fitting. When your boobs aren't where they are supposed to be it makes you look 10-15 pounds heavier. I was amazed at how much of a difference the right bra makes. Soma, Essential Bodywear, or any good quality bra. Have someone else do the bra fitting. Don't wear baggy t-shirts or sweats.…
  • For most of those people (the ones that really care about you) they are just not used to the change. They probably know that most doctors say 1-2 pounds a week is a healthy weight loss. However I think the more overweight you are, you should be able to lose more weight a week. I once lost 5 pounds a week and because of my…
  • Peanut butter, but just use it more sparingly. I can't imagine putting cottage cheese on toast. My food has to taste good as well as being nutritious. (Don't look at my diary for today though... fell off the wagon and went for something that just tasted good at the time.)
  • Just had to say congratulations. That is an amazing amount of weight loss.
  • Weight Watchers has a program where you don't track your food, and I was successful at that. You just eat fruits, veggies, and lean proteins. My youngest son is on a weight loss program and all they are having him to do for 3 months is track his veggies and make sure he gets at least 1 hour of exercise a day, and no more…
  • I am surprised your doctor hasn't referred you to a dietician. You have wheat allergies- which means you should be avoiding white bread( someone should have told you that one. White bread still has wheat in it.) Talk to your doctor and get a referral. Good luck.
  • I think that is one of the reasons it's harder to lose weight in your 40's. We slow down. I tend tohave no go through phases- sometimes I am lifting weights more often than others. I have noticed people in their 40's reading a book while walking on the treadmill and vow that will never be me.
  • I feel ya. My 5 yr old is on a diet set up by a nutritionist and a dietician. It's around 1300 calories give or take. I was just informed by his doctor that he wants me to be eating exactly what my son eats. A 1200-1300 calorie diet. It has only been 3 days and I feel like I am starving. I am supposed to eat back my…
  • I was on Wellbutrin for approximately 3 months. I lost about 18 pounds on it. I didn't have much of an appetite. I am not sure though if it was the drug or not. It seems like most people I know on it either lose or maintain their weight. So at least for those I know it didn't cause weight gain.