dawn_eichert Member


  • You look fantastic!!! Great Job
  • OMG I am laughing out loud in my cubicle at work and people are really looking at me funny. This is being copied and emailed
  • While I believe his sentence is harsh, I don't think it is too much time. As other's have said, murderers and rapists get less time. That is the true crime. If we actually start punishing criminals harshly instead of giving them club med, maybe some of the crime rates will go down. No, not too much time and I hope other…
  • Move on for you!!!! You deserve more than someone who is more than happy to beat you down (physically, emotionally, verbally, etc...). Getting out of these situations is not easy but it can be done. Find your own support system and you can start here. Feel free to add me and good luck
  • OP, it sounds like you know your spouse pretty well and what may be driving him but you really need to look at what is driving you. You need to do this for you and no one else. While it is great to rub it in someone's face when we succeed, you still need to do this for you. I am glad you are looking into getting counseling…
  • Both of my kids were planned and conceived first month out of the gate trying after stopping BC. So after #2, medical intervention to make sure we stayed at two. However, I was the biggest surprise!!! My parents were told they couldn't have kids (Dad supposedly had no swimmers) so they adopted my older brother, then six…
  • I work in a professional environment and majority of the folks here will bring their lunch. We usually end up eating at our desks anyway as we are dealing with folks in other time zones so there isn't a set "lunch hour". A lot of times, when someone warms something up that smells really good, we end up with recipe swaps…
  • Totally feeling you. I am a F/T working mom of a 14 and 10 year old who are both actively involved in activities outside of school/home. We are always running to one thing or another. My husband also works nights and is also in the National Guard so gone at least one weekend a month. I cannot get to a gym no matter who…
  • SW: 211 CW: 200 GW: 195 (stretch goal is 193) Weigh in Dates: 5/1 - 200 5/9 5/16 5/23 5/31 Total weight lost: 0 for Month (11 in Total) Just for fun: What fitness event are you going to accomplish this month? Getting my rear back into gear after three weeks of traveling for work with too much wine and food and not enough…
  • SW: (Starting weight) 211 CW: (Current weight) 201 (was 197 three days ago - mass water retention) GW: (Goal weight for the month) 192 Weigh in Dates: 4/1 - 201 4/4 4/11 4/18 4/25 4/30 - 200 End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use) Total weight lost: 1.0 Well this month was a bust but I knew it would be since I was…
  • my husband is having the same issue and what we have talked about is that he needs to mirror maybe a little more closely the diet they supply in bootcamp which is actually fairly protein (primarly chicken) heavy with the vegies and salad. very little of processed cards (pasta, rice, breads, etc). Maybe that will help…
  • I am so sorry you are going through this but be glad it is now and before you marry and have kids. I had a very similar situation that ultimately ended in divorce after having two kids. He my "love" you in his way but it obviously is not the "no matter what, no matter what you look like, the beautiful person you are…
  • I am in for 40 in Aprl. I am traveling for 3 weeks in April for work so this will be good for me to get me down to the gym at the hotel.
  • You are on the right track. You have the first 30 days under your belt and typically it takes 3 weeks to set a new habit so you are already there. Keep going and you are doing great!!!
  • I am back again after march being a fail month in terms of weight loss. However, I successfully quit smoking on 3/1 and maintained my weight during the month (until the last two days) so I will actually consider March a win for me. Now it is back to re-coupe from Easter weekend and the mass sodium buildup and to convince…
  • 1/1 SW: 211 CW: 197 Mar GW: 193 - Stretch goal 190 UGW: 150 (for now) Weigh in Dates (I adjusted for my normal weigh days): 2/28 - 198 3/7 - 197.5 3/14 - 198 3/21 - 197 3/28 - 197 3/31 - Total weight lost: (since 1/1: 14.0) for Mar: 1 OK, I am going to just accept that my body is revolting against me because I gave up…
  • Thank you to all who have replied. At least I know that I am not alone (well already knew this but nice to have it reaffirmed). I will try to work on only having water (yeah may be difficult as I am a diet coke addict who has cut down from almost a 12 pack a day to about 2 - 3 cans since the first of the year). I will also…
  • Well, it is good to know this isn't only me because I was starting to think maybe I was subconsciosly sabotaging myself somehow. Good luck to everyone and I hope someone has some insight for us
  • Oh boy....I have 6 days left in the month. So far I have logged 39 miles. I had a goal of 60 miles. Opps, safe to say that isn't going to happen. But this was my first month with this challenge and it was a good thing. I will be pushing to get 40 this month then and be pleased with myself. Happy walking everyone and let's…
  • I am very slowly trying to become a runner. I am currently slowly plodding along with intervals of jog/walk. I am working on building it up. I am hoping as the weight comes off, it will get easier.
  • I will enjoy the day with my family. I will get exercise in, log everything and when I go over, I won't beat myself up over it. It I have to have that chocolate egg, I will. And then on monday, I will be back to my healthy eating and moving more. One day won't hurt anything as long as it stays at one day and doesn't move…
  • All of the above is great advice. A few of my own: 1) Don't make drastic changes in either food or exercise that you don't think you can live with forever. This is a lifestyle shift, not a crash course 2) Don't give up on yourself. This can be hard but sometimes we just plain make it harder on ourselves than we need to.…
  • Unless your doctor has restricted you to 1200 for medical reasons, my opinion (and only my opinion) is that you aren't eating enough. I started at 211 and am eating 1500 each day. Otherwise, I am starving and binge. For OP, you have done great for 2 months. Strength training sometimes causes an initial increase in weight…
  • Hello. You have taken the first and biggest step. You know you need to do something. Congrats. Now to keep going forward as you said. It isn't easy and some days are just the pitts but then you wake up the next day and do it again. Log everything you eat and you will be surprised what you find out about yourself (I know I…
  • Boy are you right about it being about choices. Choices are what got me to the point of needing this in the first place and now my Choices are going to get me back to where I want to be. Now I log on here every day, log everything I eat and am doing my utmost to workout at least 5 days a week a min of 30 minutes. Good luck…
  • You look fabulous!!!! What a difference.
  • I think I am going to have to try this over the weekend with the kids. My hubby balks at pizza because of the cheese but this way, we can control how much is on his own. Yeah!!!!
  • I am working towards losing somewhere between 60 - 70 depending on how things look towards the end. This site is great. I used it faithfully three years ago and lost 35 pounds, quit logging on and gained it all back. So now I am back for good and at 15 down. Anyone feel free to add me but please put a note on where you…
  • 1/1 SW: 211 CW: 197 Mar GW: 193 - Stretch goal 190 UGW: 150 (for now) Weigh in Dates (I adjusted for my normal weigh days): 2/28 - 198 3/7 - 197.5 3/14 - 198 3/21 - 197 3/28 - 3/31 - Total weight lost: (since 1/1: 14.0) for Mar: 1 Well this blows :frown: :frown: :frown: I really expected to come off TOM week with a totally…