

  • Once you start its easy to finish a walk... Getting up is the hardest part - so do it quick like ripping off a bandaid! And once its over think of the benifits!
  • I like the suggestion of making them cook a healthy meal one night a week - my mum forced me to cook when growing up and I hated it! But not I could not be more apprciative now because I know how to cook my own healthy meals every night. Mum had rules that the meal must have three serves of veg in it (could be a salad) and…
  • You're not the only one! The only way to get more flexible is to stretch - often. Try stretching every morning or before bed - definately after excersize... but don't stretch till it hurts - just till you can feel it. Then you improve a little bit each time..
  • The polar ones come in sizes too... XL/ L /M etc... or similar to that. I'm a pretty average size and can get the strap to wrap around me twice... it is very forgiving and elastic and adjustable. I thought it would be very uncomfortable under sports bras but it isn't...
  • I too thought that this was about cheese.. I was sad when it wasn't.... I always say I would marry chocolate and have an affair with cheese! But I guess everywhere has nicknames like this - I was born in QLD Australia - which makes me a 'banana bender'
  • Just a banana... skim milk... and honey. I'm very boring with my smoothies but that one is a delicious sugar-craving-killer snack sized smoothie.
  • Agreeing with everyone here also! If you're uncomfortable in the first visit you wont be comfortable for the next one and eventually you wont want to go. Three sessions a week is a bit much too - if you do one or two it will keep you on track and you can just repeat what one of the training sessions on your day off. Use…
  • mmm.. - Pay off the credit card (so I can start saving for a trip somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere to have a white Christmas!) - Get my motor boat licence - train for, and complete, a novice triathalon! eep!
  • No vegies?? Do you eat fruit? A good 200cal snack that I do is a banana smoothie... just banana, skim milk and honey blended up.
  • Yep. Been there... often. I do feel bad for those days, but they are easy to do. I would have gone well over 2000 + the other night having a couple of quiet drinks with friends... a couple of beers and chips and dip will send anyone well over! But all of those bad feelings after a day of bad eating are out weighed by the…
  • I was just posting a similar question else where - for shift work foods. I am after recipies that will make me stop wanting fast food at 4am. Salads don't cut it. I also am in Australia. For lunches I like stir frys... they only take a few minutes to cook at home then in the microwave at work. I don't use packaged sauces -…
  • after a while my HRM chest strap started to malfunction... I would be doing pretty much nothing and it would be claiming that my heart rate was 275 beats per minute... Obviously this wasn't correct but if I left it on it would record that I was burning thousands of calories and had the same resting heart rate as a…
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