any cheese heads out there??

grizzlymaze Posts: 185 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all, I'm from Tomah, WI and want to introduce myself. I'm 27 and looking to losing a few pounds but mostly to trim the fat and boost the muscle. I love to run, and plan to run my first full marathon this summer. My goal is under 4 hours, but wont be disapointed with 4:30. I love to hunt, and plan to go elk hunting in Colorado this next october. If you have never done this, it is awesome, but you need to be in shape as the land will kill a lesser man. Trust me! I am currently doing the P90X program and finding it loads of fun but challenging. "With challenge comes change."

Anyways, If you want to get to know a little bit more about me let me know. And congrats to everyone that is trying to improve your life.


  • typeaimages
    typeaimages Posts: 29 Member
    Cheesehead here! From Beloit (way down here by Illinois)

    Looking to lose 25lbs to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight after 2 kids : ) MFP is awesome...keeps me accountable!
  • Being british, i thought this topic would be about cheese and the original posters love for it...

    Then i read it and i was like..."okay..."

    Then i re-read your post, noticed the WI in there, and figured you must mean Wisconsin....

    Having watched That 70's Show, i know for a fact that Wisconsin is the dairyland of America ( or so said a numberplate on the beginning of the credits)

    Hence Wisconsin = Dairyland = Cheese = Cheese head = Wisconsin Native...

    Welcome to MFP and the inner workings of my
  • Vivx
    Vivx Posts: 121
    Being british, i thought this topic would be about cheese and the original posters love for it...

    Then i read it and i was like..."okay..."

    Then i re-read your post, noticed the WI in there, and figured you must mean Wisconsin....

    Having watched That 70's Show, i know for a fact that Wisconsin is the dairyland of America ( or so said a numberplate on the beginning of the credits)

    Hence Wisconsin = Dairyland = Cheese = Cheese head = Wisconsin Native...

    Welcome to MFP and the inner workings of my

    im scottish n thot the same lol
  • cracky
    cracky Posts: 15
    I too thought that this was about cheese.. I was sad when it wasn't.... I always say I would marry chocolate and have an affair with cheese!
    But I guess everywhere has nicknames like this - I was born in QLD Australia - which makes me a 'banana bender'
  • typeaimages
    typeaimages Posts: 29 Member
    Wisconsinites = Cheeseheads! : ) Holla!
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    Being british, i thought this topic would be about cheese and the original posters love for it...

    Then i read it and i was like..."okay..."

    Then i re-read your post, noticed the WI in there, and figured you must mean Wisconsin....

    Having watched That 70's Show, i know for a fact that Wisconsin is the dairyland of America ( or so said a numberplate on the beginning of the credits)

    Hence Wisconsin = Dairyland = Cheese = Cheese head = Wisconsin Native...

    Welcome to MFP and the inner workings of my

    I thought this topic was going to ask about eating cheese while trying to count calories and what not and then I see its based on the state .... LOL!!!!!
  • Being british, i thought this topic would be about cheese and the original posters love for it...

    Then i read it and i was like..."okay..."

    Then i re-read your post, noticed the WI in there, and figured you must mean Wisconsin....

    Having watched That 70's Show, i know for a fact that Wisconsin is the dairyland of America ( or so said a numberplate on the beginning of the credits)

    Hence Wisconsin = Dairyland = Cheese = Cheese head = Wisconsin Native...

    Welcome to MFP and the inner workings of my

    I thought the same, I thought the post was for fellow cheese lovers, didn't realise the fact that Wisconsin is the dairyland of America! Thanks for clearing this up for me though!
  • I thought it was about cheese too never mind.

    good luck every one
  • LFern
    LFern Posts: 141
    Cheesehead extradinair here! I'm loving the responses you got from other countries -I guess we truly do live in our own little world here in WI LOL!!

    HOWEVER - being a cheesehead definitely means we have a LOVE of cheese! This is the one thing I am having issues with as I have developed bone spurs because of the excess calcium in my system! My husband is an avid hunter and fisherman in WI and I love to tag along - If I don't drop some excess poundage - I'm afraid I'm going to drop - period!

    Good Luck to you on this journey! I have not friended any men as yet because it frustrates me so that they are able to lose so much faster than us ladies - but your post caught my eye :)
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Am I the only one thinking about football?!?!?!? I thought it had to do with Greenbay winning this weekend!! LOL

    I will be showing signs of football withdrawal pretty soon! :cry: I will have to pull out some old game tapes to easy the withdrawal!! LOL
  • Coramae09
    Coramae09 Posts: 60 Member
    lol these posts just made me laugh so hard!!!! very true we are in our own little world here in wi :) so grizzlymaze is my husband and im in the same boat as you. i would like to go hunting too but i need to get in shape!!! i hate that he loses weight so much easier than me and by weighting waaayyyy more calories!!! But anyway it keeps me going to try to keep up with him i guess! good luck on your journey!!!!
  • Nikkerz620
    Nikkerz620 Posts: 212 Member
    <<<--- CHEESE HEADS ROCK!!!
  • rjcherek2
    rjcherek2 Posts: 26 Member
    Cheese head here from Wausau!!! Good luck on your journey! I to will be going through football withdrawls within the next month.. :noway: Better find something to occupy my time till September!!!
  • Go BEARS!! :)
  • I agree, GO BEARS!!. Illinois born and raised!

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