2011 goals that don't include weight loss.



  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    Keep them coming. I may be adding to my list after reading all of these.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    + Complete my masters degree
    + Pay off my car loan
    + Get a full-time job as a journalist
    + Learn a martial art
  • Toothfairyy
    Toothfairyy Posts: 47 Member
    1. Work on putting money away for retirement.
    2 .Being a great mother and mother in law.
    3. Think more about myself.
    4. Move more.
    5. Keep a cleaner house.
    6. Should I make a goal(weight loss) to buy myself a motorcycle or should I just buy one cause I work and want one?
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    toothfairry... buy one because you deserve it!!
  • olga5454
    olga5454 Posts: 41 Member
    1) Start a career in my field (finished law school and passed bar in 2010)
    2) Achieve a better relationship with my husband
    3) Rebuild relationships with friends
    4) Do morefun stuff/ watch less tv
    5) Read more
  • Oh, goals other than weight related, what an awesome idea!!


    1) finish my master's, which should happen in December 2011 if all goes according to plan
    2) continue to grow closer to God
    3) get a full time job
  • Ashlea_M
    Ashlea_M Posts: 165 Member
    1) keep my grades high enough to stay in the honours program for 2012
    2) practice my perspective drawing more
    3) spend less
    4) finish my French minor
    5) work smarter not harder
  • *Stop being such a perfectionist/workaholic with my grades and actually get out to enjoy my last bit of undergrad!
    *Graduate with highest honors.
    *Spend less time on the computer and more time painting, rock climbing, or any other of my many hobbies. =D
    *Be able to look back on December 31, 2011 and know I had a great year.
  • I've got a quite a few as I've just started the Day Zero Project as well so that's 101 goals in 1001 days!

    Some of them though are

    1. reading a set list of classic books
    2. spending less time online
    3. Adding to eco-friendly habits
    4. Furthering my education
    5. Learning some Maori
    6. Completing knitting/crochet projects for me

    That's just a few!
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Great topic...
    1) Get at least one original song ready for publication (trying to sell it)
    2) Perform with my husband at an open mic night (using his original material)
    3) Change the shape of my thighs (there has got to be a way)
    4) Learn some SQL programming for work.
    5) Stand up for myself with my adult son...I have a habit of caving to his every whim!
    6) Go somewhere I've never been on a short trip.
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    Great goals, I may pick up some from the list!

    Mine so far:

    1. Be more relaxed about my kid's eating and sleeping schedule (I am such a control freak)
    2. Finish at least one of my Graduate Degree classes (postponed it when my baby was born)
    3. Complete "My Baby's First Year" scrapbooking project (I am about half way through)
    4. Take up some yoga classes
    5. Stop smoking (maaaaybe...)
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    I've got a quite a few as I've just started the Day Zero Project as well so that's 101 goals in 1001 days!

    What is a Day Zero Project?
  • cracky
    cracky Posts: 15

    - Pay off the credit card (so I can start saving for a trip somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere to have a white Christmas!)
    - Get my motor boat licence
    - train for, and complete, a novice triathalon! eep!
  • I've got a quite a few as I've just started the Day Zero Project as well so that's 101 goals in 1001 days!

    What is a Day Zero Project?

    Day Zero is a project where you set a list 101 goals that you want to achieve in 1001 days. The idea is set goals that will still "stretch" you but gives you a more achievable time frame in which to do them than say setting New Years Resolutions.

    For example I also have things on my list that involve travel, paying off debt, that sort of thing.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    run 1000 miles
    relax more (yoga)
    reduce my debt
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