Buckeye_Mama Member


  • I love Total Plus+ Omega-3s Honey Almond Flax. Not only does it taste really good, but it's the only cereal I've found so far that actually keeps me from feeling hungry a couple of hours later.
  • I would shoot for 1 lb per week. That way you won't feel like you're starving yourself and it won't seem like a chore to lose the weight.
  • I agree...chalk it up as yesterday and today is a new day. :)
  • apple cinnamon and tension tamer...although I put honey in mine. :)
  • I agree with Megs....change your daily activity level. That's what it's there for.
  • I drink a glass or 2 of wine (or a beer) every day for dinner/afternoon snack. I've lost 21 lbs so far and still counting. As long as that glass of wine you want at dinner isn't taking you over your calories and you're eating healthy, you'll lose weight...unless there are other medical issues why your dr. said you…
  • I have my goals set at 1 lb/week and have actually found that I end up losing more than that. I think it all comes down to how much and how fast you want to lose it. I'm personally not in a hurry because I don't want to ever feel like I'm starving myself. If I ever got to that point, I would probably get tired of it and…
  • I have the Reebok Simply Tone. My mom raved about them so I had to go get a pair as well. I honestly have noticed that my legs have been getting more toned (defined) as I wear these. I work out in them too, so doing lunges and squats is even more difficult and I feel my legs get a better work out because of them. When you…
  • I've been adding "running up and down stairs" into my home workout...it's a killer and a big calorie burner if you have good stamina.
  • Don't look at it as eating your exercise calories...just look at "your daily goal" and don't eat more than that. If your daily goal says you have 1400 calories for the day, which accounts for your weight loss goal, then eat that. If you work out and burn say 500 calories, then your daily goal will be 1900 calories, with…
  • I am by no means a dietician, but briefly glancing at your log I noticed you plan on eating 3 eggs a day. I would try to substitute egg whites for 1 or 2 of the eggs to help bring down the cholesterol. Just my opinion though.
  • In my opinion, your lifestyle sounds more lightly active as opposed to sedentary. I know as a mother myself that I am far from sedentary during the day with my kids. Regardless of what activity level you select, I would definitely always enter your actual workout mintues/calories into your dairy.
  • When I do vigorous, literally all day cleaning, something I only do when my house gets completely out of hand, that's when I'll give myself a freebie beer or glass of wine for my efforts after I'm finished. Other than that occassional type of cleaning, I do not count normal everyday pick up the house, clean the bathroom…
  • Gotta log everything or else it's pointless counting calories.
  • I do pump twice a week, combat once a week, and flow once a week. I elliptical at home the other days of the week. I don't do spin only because, well, I don't like it. ;) Love combat though...if it was offered twice a week, which it's not, I would definitely get it in a second time.
  • You can select "leisurely swimming" in your exercise journal and then just enter how much time you think you spent actually swimming.
  • Is your calorie goal to maintain or to lose weight? Mine is to lose weight, so as long as I don't go so far over that I'm also going over my maintain calories, I'm usually not too hard on myself. ;) You're still losing some weight even if go over "lose", but stay below "maintain". Just my thoughts. :)
  • Sounds yummy...can't wait to try!