Eating to make up excersise calories?

Thegent Posts: 6
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
When I log my food & excersise I am always 1400 calories short of my limit. I take it I shouldn't eat extra to compensate for the excersise loss of calories... very confusing feature of app? It changes your daily goal with excercise cals taken off.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Actually to reach the goal you set out for when signing up for MFP you would have to eat all of your calories including those earned from exercise, assuming the estimates are correct.
    What is you current weight loss goal per week on MFP? If you are at 2 lbs/week you are already in a caloric deficit of 1000/day, if you still have 1400 left at the end of a day your caloric deficit would be 2400, which over the long term is too large and may cause your metabolism to slow down. Food is fuel for your body and if you don't refuel your body may start shutting down.
  • Raina0512
    Raina0512 Posts: 216
    Actually to reach the goal you set out for when signing up for MFP you would have to eat all of your calories including those earned from exercise, assuming they estimates are correct.
    What is you current weight loss goal per week on MFP? If you are at 2 lbs/week you are already in a caloric deficit of 1000/day, if you still have 1400 left at the end of a day your caloric deficit would be 2400, which over the long term is too large and may cause your metabolism to slow down. Food is fuel for your body and if you don't refuel your body may start shutting down.

    Should EVERYONE eat their exercise calories?? I feel like it defeats the purpose of exercising...
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Should EVERYONE eat their exercise calories?? I feel like it defeats the purpose of exercising...

    The short answer is yes, your body needs fuel and survive and if you exercise you are using that fuel for other purposes.
    The amount of the exercise calories you eat depends on a number of things. The more weight you have to lose you can sustain a larger caloric deficit and as long as you are getting 1200 NET calories you should be fine. The less weight you have to lose the more of your exercise calories you should eat. You have less fat to lose and a large caloric deficit may cause you to burn off muscle which in turn will slow your metabolism.
    The only time I would suggest not eating your exercise calories would be if you are set to maintain your weight on MFP and are using your exercise calories to create the deficit to lose weight. If you are set up to lose on MFP I would eat at least half, to keep your deficit in a "safe" range.
  • Buckeye_Mama
    Buckeye_Mama Posts: 30 Member
    Don't look at it as eating your exercise calories...just look at "your daily goal" and don't eat more than that. If your daily goal says you have 1400 calories for the day, which accounts for your weight loss goal, then eat that. If you work out and burn say 500 calories, then your daily goal will be 1900 calories, with your weight loss goal still accounted for, so now eat that number. You have to remember that your weight loss goal, 1 lb x week, 2 lb x week, whatever it is, is already accounted for in your daily goal. Concentrate on that number.
  • finally1415
    finally1415 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you for clearing this topic up for me.
  • finally1415
    finally1415 Posts: 18 Member
    How do I get my ticker to post. I tried copy/paste, but it only paste for that one time. Help!!!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    I've found that if I eat ALL of my exercise calories, the weight doesn't come off. Everyone is different & you need to find what works best for your weight loss...
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    please read through the following links, there's lots of information in here that will eliminate many of your questions.

    hope this helps.
  • Thanks one & all, going to carry on as I am.. .only eating if hungry after excercising (good stuff), I've stopped all alchohol now.... should help !
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