Do I log my alcoholic drinks as yesterday or today??

Hmm somebody had a late night. We went out for a mini-bachelorette celebration. I had my one drink (nutritionist's allotment) around 11:00pm before we left the house. I had one at the venue after midnight. Brief interruption to high five myself for only having one and still being fun to be around ;) Okay, and then we closed down the place. I'm pretty sure I burned a few calories dancing around but I am not logging drunken disorderly conduct as cardio. I had one more drink after 3:00am when we all got back to my friend's house. I figure they get logged as yesterday since going to bed is how I end my day and start my new one by waking up (and eating hangover food oops). But kind of funny to think that was this morning, technically....?


  • kidakiwi04
    I generally start a new day whenever I wake up.
  • Buckeye_Mama
    Buckeye_Mama Posts: 30 Member
    I agree...chalk it up as yesterday and today is a new day. :)
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    ha, dont feel bad i had a late night too. but i drank WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to much. like countless numbers of drinks, im not even attempting to log
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I had that issue last weekend...except I had a few more than 3 drinks. Congrats on the self control!

    Anyway, I wondered whether I should split the drinks before and after midnight but I ended up putting them all on the one day as I didn't want my one bad night to taint (mentally) two days on my log. I wanted to be able to let it go and start my morning fresh without already being irritated with my loss of self-control.
  • GinaJ2006
    Hmm somebody had a late night. We went out for a mini-bachelorette celebration. I had my one drink (nutritionist's allotment) around 11:00pm before we left the house. I had one at the venue after midnight. Brief interruption to high five myself for only having one and still being fun to be around ;) Okay, and then we closed down the place. I'm pretty sure I burned a few calories dancing around but I am not logging drunken disorderly conduct as cardio. I had one more drink after 3:00am when we all got back to my friend's house. I figure they get logged as yesterday since going to bed is how I end my day and start my new one by waking up (and eating hangover food oops). But kind of funny to think that was this morning, technically....?

    Well, first of all, I totally think you should log "drunken disorderly conduct" as cardio. That would be hilarious. Anyhow I always log my drinks into the day before since I hadn't gone to bed yet.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Pre-midnight = yesterday.
    Post-midnight = today.

    That's just for me so I can keep things straight. I need a constant cut off every day (midnight), not when I wake up because that could get really confusing if it changes frequently.
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    I go with when I wake up is a new day. And I agree that you should totally log drunken disorderly conduct as cardio lol
  • adriayellow11
    Hmm somebody had a late night. We went out for a mini-bachelorette celebration. I had my one drink (nutritionist's allotment) around 11:00pm before we left the house. I had one at the venue after midnight. Brief interruption to high five myself for only having one and still being fun to be around ;) Okay, and then we closed down the place. I'm pretty sure I burned a few calories dancing around but I am not logging drunken disorderly conduct as cardio. I had one more drink after 3:00am when we all got back to my friend's house. I figure they get logged as yesterday since going to bed is how I end my day and start my new one by waking up (and eating hangover food oops). But kind of funny to think that was this morning, technically....?

    Well, first of all, I totally think you should log "drunken disorderly conduct" as cardio. That would be hilarious. Anyhow I always log my drinks into the day before since I hadn't gone to bed yet.

    Okay I did. But unfortunately it posted on my wall that I did Pilates Apparatus and other exercises. I might have to go back and log that particular ex as today so it posts and then we can giggle ;)
  • jmyers1230
    jmyers1230 Posts: 67 Member
    I log them all in one day (the day I started drinking). But I have seen people who break their diaries up by times and they would end up logging them as 8pm-midnight, and midnight-4am splitting them in two days.

    And I do log drunken conduct as exercise. Last time I went out, a friend dragged me to the dance floor for a good 20-30 minutes. That's a lot of calories for vigorous flailing about lol. I logged it as "dancing".
  • adriayellow11
    I had that issue last weekend...except I had a few more than 3 drinks. Congrats on the self control!

    Anyway, I wondered whether I should split the drinks before and after midnight but I ended up putting them all on the one day as I didn't want my one bad night to taint (mentally) two days on my log. I wanted to be able to let it go and start my morning fresh without already being irritated with my loss of self-control.

    I love you for understanding that 3 drinks was exercising self control and not a failure!! I could have done a lot more damage. But it WAS nice to not A: throw up, B: remember enough to be able to log accurately what I drank, C: be slightly buzzed but not ruined! I am hungover but I have been good for about 6 weeks now so I don't see that as failure either ;) You know, you understand!