jonathandavid_t Member


  • Hi all, please can I get some feedback on my squat technique? I'm not sure if my lower back is becoming too rounded when I'm down low. I'd appreciate any other comments too, thanks! I've been lifting for six weeks - this is 47kg (103lbs) -Jonathan
  • I think there was a "</sarcasm>" tag implied. I hope.
  • Almost always INCLUDE. It becomes a problem if you do, say, two hours of low intensity exercise, and think you've earned an extra 600kcal to eat, but actually your body would have burnt say 200kcal anyway even if you were watching TV on the sofa. Hence suggestions about only eating back about 50% of exercise calories.…
  • It's similar thickness to a thin cotton t-shirt but feels silky smooth and doesn't get damp.
  • Not sure about dri-fit, but give merino wool a try and you'll probably love it -- just no smell, at all. Underwear, socks and t-shirts. Dries fast. Can go days without washing it (even the underwear). Awesome for gym/travel/running/warmth in winter/coolness in summer. I love my Icebreaker stuff but there are a handful of…
  • Healthy BMI and out of breath after 4 minutes of running. Assuming you're not going for a full-out sprint, and in view of your comments about it being a longstanding issue with exercise, I'd suggest seeing a doctor as there are a handful of medical conditions that could lead to that, some of which could benefit from…
  • On a similar note, there's a suggestion I've read somewhere (not sure if trialled scientifically or not) that getting dark-coloured plates influences the food you put on them -- classically we use light plates so pasta, potatoes, etc. tend to be less visible so we load more of them on out plates, whereas with dark plates…
  • He said all calories gone, so let's assume he's pretty-much on target at lunch time. Good options are either: 1. lift weights, eat as per normal at dinner (say 500-600kcal?) essentially be at maintenance today. 2. do cardio, burn say 500kcal, eat dinner as above, still be on target 3. do nothing, eat dinner as above,…
  • Go lift some heavy weights. Put those calories to use - there must be some protein and carbs floating around in you. Won't burn many calories but you can make it a one day "bulk" phase before going back to a "cut" phase for the rest of the week (or whatever). Or go for a bit of a run if you prefer. Eat sensibly for the…
  • Gait analysis may be good, but it may be that instead of looking for shoes to "fix" your gait it would be worthwhile working on improving your gait in itself -- use a gait analysis to highlight problems with your running gait rather than necessarily to guide you to buying a particular type of shoe. You can run in pretty…
  • Maybe worth getting someone to check your wrist angle while you're pushing the bar.
  • Anyone figured out how to remove an item (armour) and replace it with another one? (iOS)
  • I've downloaded it too. Haven't quite figured out what to do, despite being fairly IT-savvy. Feel free to add me - username Jodath
  • Just wanting to add a vote of thanks to all the posters in this thread; it's been useful for me as I was sitting on the same fence (BF around 17% following 3.5kg weight loss over a 7-week period with cardio but no resistance other than push ups) - now clear about it being sensible to stay at a mild calorie deficit while…
  • Maybe it's worth manually creating a route on mapmywalk of a route you've walked, to see what it calculates as -- that would (presumably) be the most accurate, assuming you can plot your route reasonably accurately.
  • Mapmywalk will give a correct distance if your phone has a decent GPS signal. Fitbit has to guess the distance based on either guessed or user-inputted step length multiplied by counted number of steps. If you set your stride length on Fitbit it will be more accurate, but it still has to assume that each step is the same…
  • Motivation and inspiration are WAY overrated as tools to achieve goals in life. Consistency and discipline is needed. Showing up and doing SOMETHING, even if it's small. If you feel you're going to give up on 30 minute sessions, I'd suggest doing say 10 minute sessions. But do them regardless of how you feel. Become…
  • Quick very similar test: 1km walk. Manual step count same as Fitbit (well, 1110 vs 1116). GPS measured distance using iSmoothRun. 10 minutes. Fitbit One activity: 72kcal iSmoothRun: 59kcal 66kcal 1km run. Couldn't count steps manually but Fitbit says 800, no real reason to doubt it - stride length sounds ok…
  • Well, it looks like it's overestimating. Maintained weight the week before last, eating all Fitbit exercise calories and at a supposed 500kcal/day deficit. Lost 0.3kg over the last 6 days with a (supposed) deficit of 750kcal/day. I guess I can work around it - 0.3kg/week is fine with me - but is there anything I can do to…
  • It's a great result because it means you look better, have more muscle, AND can enjoy more food.
  • Thank you for the detailed replies! My stats: 5'11" (=181.6cm), 75.6kg (167lbs). Mifflin BMR = 1733 Harris Benedict BMR = 1792 Fitbit says 6kcal/5min sleeping >> 6 * 12 * 24 = 1728 i.e. all near enough each other. Fitbit step counting is pretty accurate for me (difference of maybe 1% compared to manually counting over a…
  • A simpler version of the one that was recently on the MFP blog: 2 cans tuna, 1 avocado, half an apple chopped up small, 1oz chopped nuts, mash and mix and stick in fridge.
  • Aim for something you enjoy. If you end up seeing it as a chore, you'll be wanting to give up after 3-4 weeks. There are essentially two options, partially depending on your fitness/ability and partly depending on how much time you have free. Going along steadily with enough effort to work up a sweat for 30-60 mins will…
  • It's probably most accurate to use sedentary and then log the walks and the lifting. Unless your other day/night activity/job involves a reasonable amount of moving around rather than sitting at a desk all the time, in which case you need a higher activity level selected.
  • I'd suggest setting yourself to be sedentary, but log all your walking/exercise as specific exercises. If you choose lightly active, that's taking into account some uncertain amount of that exercise, but you don't know what it is. If you find you're regularly getting the results you desire with weight…
  • Chester, feel free to add me -- getting into shape around the needs of two young kids and a busy job.
  • Remember that with a calculation for an hour walking, if for example it comes up as 300kcal expenditure, (regardless of whether on tracker or MFP estimates or HRM), if you had sat at home watching TV you still would have burnt TDEE/24 kcal anyway (80, for example) so the ADDITIONAL benefit you got from walking was e.g.…
  • Thank you all. I'll try the maintenance calories and weights for a few months and see what progress I make.
  • Which do you prefer in the gym? HIIT on an elliptical isn't difficult; I just turn resistance up and down and change my speed at the same time.
  • What geekyjock76 said. There's some easy-to-read and helpful info at