Beginning on the Elliptical.

I am pretty out of shape, the only 'exercise' that I would say I used to do regularly was walking. (seeing as I don't have a car)
Anyways, I ended up getting my hands on a LiveStrong elliptical, and I have started using it.

I am just curious as to what I good time for one workout session on an Elliptical would be..?
Also what speed?
I have never used any exercise equipment before, and would just like to know generally what I should aim for.

I realize that I'm not in super good shape as it is, so I'm not expecting miracles. I just get on and push myself a little bit more each time. I try and make sure I work up a sweat.

Today was my best so far, keeping my speed at around a 7, and lasting 15 minutes with the resistance slowly going up to 5 or 6.

Thanks for any feedback!
I am an extreme newbie when it comes to fitness!


  • SinCityFit
    SinCityFit Posts: 96
    That's how I started the loss of 115 lbs. I was out of shape and obese (230 lbs, 5'4"), so I did 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, then 15 minutes, then a Full Ironman :) It all escalated from there. Ellipticals don't really have a speed, I just went as fast as I could.

    It's fun to think about speeds and resistance and all that but it's really just movement, so to start just go, that's it!
  • bv109
    bv109 Posts: 83
    since youre new, your top priority should be to do your own thing and not mind how fast others are going or how heavy they are lifting. get into that mindset and aim to progress from there
  • jonathandavid_t
    jonathandavid_t Posts: 107 Member
    Aim for something you enjoy. If you end up seeing it as a chore, you'll be wanting to give up after 3-4 weeks.

    There are essentially two options, partially depending on your fitness/ability and partly depending on how much time you have free.

    Going along steadily with enough effort to work up a sweat for 30-60 mins will certainly burn some calories.

    Doing around 30 minutes of intervals of, for example (and there are lots of options), 60 seconds hard work (increase the speed and resistance) and 90 seconds slow relaxed movement, [so overall only actually around 15 minutes of "work" sessions) will probably give you better effect on your heart/lungs and take less time, but you need to make the "work" sections hard on yourself (much harder than what you'd be doing constantly if you were to do 30-60 mins continuous exercise).

    Maybe it's worth trying both styles of doing it and see what feels best?
  • Thanks, these replies really help!
    I guess for now I will just focus on improving little by little, and eventually mix it up by trying new things.
    This was helpful!