

  • It's so nice that you're so concerned about him :) I'm not too sure about whether I'd recommend the site or not. As you said, it's not tailored for younger growing people. Also, getting bogged down in counting calories as a teenager is no fun! Maybe just keep track of the situation for now - he might get to his own ideal…
  • Honestly, I would just leave him to it. It sounds like he's started up by himself: going to the gym and knowing what's good for you is basically the whole battle. Let it be known to your son that you can give advice through him to his friend if he seems like he needs it, but I know that if any of my friends' parents had…
  • This is stupid. (Get it?) My favourite character is John (followed closely by Terezi and Dave), and I'm completely up to date with updates!
  • I thought it might have been too small a difference really to tell. I guess I'll just have to wait it out and see where I am in a few months. Thank you for the answer!
  • I exercise every day unless something hurts (not just muscle tightness, but real pain) and then I take time off until it doesn't bother me anymore.
  • I call myself a fueler, so even when I'm not that interested in food, I eat anyway in anticipation of working out so I don't get lightheaded. Even if you're not hungry, you won't be stuffed either, so you can always fit a little something in. If I fill up before I've eaten all of them back, I just make sure I've hit at…
  • Don't agree with this. While shorter people don't have the advantage of eating as much as someone who is six foot, there is still no need to eat such silly low numbers of calories. I'm 5'3", eat 1400-2100 a day, dependant on exercise, and I'm losing weight just fine. Also, cardio makes you hungry because you're supposed to…
  • Purely genetics: i.e. the way fat is distributed on your body and the shape of your pelvis. I actually store so much of my body's fat on my legs. My number one goal is to get them to show the muscle that's hiding underneath all the fat. The only way to do this is to strip the fat though, so it'll be a rather long journey.
  • If your maintenance calories are around 2200 net, then that means if you took off 1000 calories to reach 1200 NET calories, you would lose around 2lbs/week. This does not mean that you eat 1200 calories. It means that you eat 2200 and burn 1000 or eat 1700 and burn 500. Trying to lose any more than this I feel is not very…
  • Chicken pies and sausage rolls.
  • No, he probably means 7/12 i.e. 7th December. I write dates day/month and I'm from the UK. It depends where you're from how you write it. I would say that a good chunk of what you lost was food waste and excess water. I just started this week and although I'm not 100% sure, I think I've lost 6.5lbs which is obviously not…
  • In the first 8 weeks of uni, I managed to gain 20lbs, so I definitely know how you feel. It was such a shocker :( But you can only jump back on the wagon and make sure you try your best to keep on track from here on in.
  • Definitely! The amount of progress one can make in 90 days is astounding.