I gained 40 lbs in 7 months

Two years ago was the first time I SERIOUSLY tried to lose weight. I had lost over 26 lbs on my own then I discovered this site and lost an additional 50 lbs. I had lost 76 lbs! For the first time ever! I was doing great and feeling good. Then something happened. I jumped ship! I still don't know exactly why, except that maybe I thought I'd be fine on my own, after all, I had lost the first 26 lbs just fine on my own. So I stopped coming on the site and stopped weighing myself regularly. In the next 7 months I managed to gain back 40 of those pounds. It came back so fast I hardly even noticed at first.

I worked so hard for a year to lose those 76 lbs and I'm a bit angry at myself for gaining 40 of it back in 7 months. I've learned my lesson though. I know now this isn't something I can do on my own. I need the support of this community, the accountability it brings, and the tools this site has to offer. I've been back now for a month, dropped 7.6 lbs in that month and I'm back on track again. Gaining back those 40 lbs in such a short time was a wake up call for me. This is something I'm going to have to do for a very long time. I can either love it or hate it, but it's something I need to do or the weight WILL come back. So I chose to be here every day, I chose to weigh, measure, and log my food every day. And I chose to love it. Because I'm making a better me, and what's not to love about that?


  • Primalgal
    Primalgal Posts: 639 Member
    Well said! You are doing great! Keep up that positive attitude!
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    I hear ya! I fell off the bandwagon during the summer and gained some of mine back. Ever since I changed up what ive been eating and the exercises I've been doing I've been losing the weight a lot easier than I used. I don't think of MFP as some diet fad, like most of these ones you read about are, this is a lifestyle change.

    I find I make healthier food choices, but still get to enjoy the foods I love, just by cutting my portion sizes. MFP is great especially with everyone's support! <3
  • stargazergrl82
    You have a great attitude! It takes a strong person to get back up once you've fallen so WAY TO GO on that.
    Best of Luck with your journey :D
  • MoneySavingLisa
    I'm with ya! My last year in the army, I gained 40lbs within 6 months and then it didn't help that I took the shot and that added another 20lbs!! A total of 60lbs gained in less than 8 months. No here I am with no clothes that fit, I feel like crap all the time, and I have problems like back pain and heart burn that I'm not used to. If I want to reach goal, I'd have to lose 70lbs! Hoping to start tomorrow.
  • pupcamper
    pupcamper Posts: 415 Member
    Could have written that post myself - did exactly the same thing! Don't beat yourself up over it but take the lessons learned to make sure you don't do it again! You are off to a great start - keep up the good work! :drinker:
  • stevemcqueengirl
    stevemcqueengirl Posts: 189 Member
    I feel your frustration and concern and commend your willingness to correct the situation all together. I gained 10 lbs in 2008 and then I gained 25 lbs over the last 2 years. Like you, I am so mad at myself for letting this happened. I joined MFP to set things right and get back on the wagon.

    Being healthy, watching what you eat and exercising will be like brushing your teeth - it is something that you will have to do every day (almost) for the rest of your life. Our bodies are our temples and we must respect it. Feel free to friend me for extra support.
  • Bloom23
    Your positive attitude is infectious!! Love it!! Way to go on your hard work. It is so easy to fall off the bandwagon. You are awesome and I'm so inspired by your dedication!
  • allykattt
    I can completely relate. I have always struggled with weight issues. I had lost weight successfully 4 1/2 years ago. I felt great & thought I would be good from then on & never have to worry about weight again. Within 4 years I had gained 120 pounds I didn't think this sort of weight gain was even possible so fast. I have lost a total of 61 pounds this year so far and 44 of those pounds have been with the help & support of MFP. Good luck with your new goals & I have definitely learned (the hard way) that I need to always keep track of things.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I'm with ya! My last year in the army, I gained 40lbs within 6 months and then it didn't help that I took the shot and that added another 20lbs!! A total of 60lbs gained in less than 8 months. No here I am with no clothes that fit, I feel like crap all the time, and I have problems like back pain and heart burn that I'm not used to. If I want to reach goal, I'd have to lose 70lbs! Hoping to start tomorrow.

    Why wait until tomorrow? Start today! :D:heart:
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Thank you for the great responses guys! I love your encouragement! This community is amazing and I feel so blessed to be a part of it!
  • olympicathlete
    In the first 8 weeks of uni, I managed to gain 20lbs, so I definitely know how you feel. It was such a shocker :( But you can only jump back on the wagon and make sure you try your best to keep on track from here on in.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    Well spoken! I think this website is a great tool for keeping track of what you eat no matter what your choices are and for the most part the community wonderfully supportive.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I know how you feel, I have yo-yo'ed around a fair bit with my weight, I was once 160kg and lost 80kg... then I started letting myself go and my portion sizes started growing again, I didn't notice at first but I started gaining slowly, then I got pregnant and stacked on the weight. I gained 40kg of my lost weight back - totally sucked!

    I started trying to lose weight about a year after my son was born and I am now down 30kg again and no way will I ever go back to that! I now know how hard it is to lose and every time I feel myself slipping think about that hard work I would waste if I let myself go again.

    Keep up the good work!
  • Jesusinme4life
    Jesusinme4life Posts: 105 Member
    You are so awesome and such an awesome friend. I love to see your posts with all your encouragement for others. Good for you for coming back and not just giving up. I had lost 100 pounds 6 years ago and had gained it all back. You are right it comes back and you are like, wait when did that happen. I understand the disappointment and anger at yourself because I was there for a long time. Now I say if I did it before I can do it again and even more. Keep at it girl you are doing fantastic!:smile:
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I went through that, and it takes twice as long to lose the fat.
    Almost there!