

  • Well, I didnt meet my goal last month unfortunatley but I'm not letting that put me off. I'm off to a strong start for August and am positive. Tiarapants - to lose 7 pounds Cnbethea - to lose 8 pounds Yentess ridelikeagirl616 - to lose 5 pounds EboniA - to lose 4 pounds WendyTobin GiGi76 TruSunshine - to lose 5 pounds…
  • I'm pretty upset because I didnt loose anything this week just gone. I thought it might of been because of my period, but now thats over i'm still stuck on the same. So i've still got five pound to lose by the end of the month... :(
  • I've now lost five pound, so Ive got another five to go this month to hit my 10 pound goal... here's hoping!
  • Thanks for all the answers guys :) It's my sisters hen night tonight you see, and it's a set menu and someone else has picked the restraunt - I choose something that I felt wasn't as bad as a burger, pizza etc. Good thing is I'm not a big drinker anyway, so i'll probably have a couple of cocktails and do my best to work it…
  • I second Christina's 'Bionic' - it's a really fun album with a good amount of upbeat songs.
    in SONGS Comment by Darling_Jay July 2010
  • If you like to have a good loud sing a long like me I just throw on pop music, because it's so easy to sing along too really loud and is usually uptempo... Beyonce (Crazy In Love, Single Ladies, Diva, De Ja Vu, and Destinys Child) Britney (Stronger, Me against the music, Overprotected) Christina (Candyman, Aint no other…
    in SONGS Comment by Darling_Jay July 2010
  • This is a really good idea. I find that being organised with my eating, and planning ahead and making time for exercise etc is making life in general easier to digest and generally brighter and more focused! :)
  • I moved back in with my Mum not long ago, and she had an exercise bike just sat there doing nothing. I've put it in my room and it's been a god send. I just get on it whenever, put an album I love singing along to on really loud and just go until the album is finished and I don't take notice of the calorie counter. When…
  • I find that walking is a really easy way to exercise, because we are all capable of it and you can go at your own pace, and as Lailabug mentioned, its free! Also, you can work it around your day... like walking to work and back or going for a walk with a friend.
  • My goals for this week are: 1) Buy some running shoes, so I can brave the streets 2) Walk to and from work three times (thats a total of 60mins a day) 3) Do my dissertation research for uni 4) Make sure that I'm drinking 2 litres of water a day 5) Wednesday - book wedding with registrar :D !!
  • This may seem like a dumb question - but how do you work out your sodium intake? X
  • Hi :) I would love to join. I am hoping to lose 10 pound in july tattoodfreek - to lose 10 pounds cnbethea- to lose 12 pounds tiarapants - to lose 7 pounds wendytobin - to lose 5 pounds ebonia - to lose 4 pounds ifychudy - to lose 10 pounds JoJo_69 MFPfriend- to lose 8 pounds Breathe_Glamour - to lose 5 pounds russ1220- to…
  • You're all so kind, I can see why it's a great support system! :) X
  • I'm interested to know what it is about this site that really works? is it the support from other people, hints and tips? or is it the food planner / calorie counter? XX
  • Thanks for the welcome... It does seem like a very motivating place which is exactly what I need, a kick up the *kitten*! I know what you mean about wedding nightmares, it's all I seem to think about at the moment, even though I'm sure my fiance wouldn't care how I looked, I just want to look at the pictures when I'm older…
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