When the scale goes up and the effects of sodium

Hi MFP friends,

I wanted to share my experience with the scale this week with you. So many times I have gotten frustrated with the scale and this week I know why it went up. I weighed in on Monday at 282. I have had good nutrition, excellent water intake, and consistent physical activity except yesterday. Yesterday my sodium intake was through the roof at over 4000 mg. And today I weighed in at 286. I know it is water weight and for the first time I'm not upset. I know I just need to make that a one time thing, continue the good habits, and get plenty of water to flush all that extra sodium out.

So, if you're frustrated because the scale went up and you've been doing really good...take a look at your sodium levels.


  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Hey lady, I cut my sodium this week from an average of 4000 mg per day to less th 2000 mg and lost 4 lb just like that. Just thought I'd mention it :) Keep truckin' on!!!
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    I remember when my mother had to give up salt, because of her blood pressure, she lost 15 lbs in a month. Sodium can really do a number on our bodies.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I've had a similar issue a few weeks ago when I gained. I had to take a step back when I gained and asked myself if I should be taht upset over a gain that happened so quickly, since I was eating fairly good and getting plenty of exercise...did I really gained that much fat that quick..duh, of course not! I looked at my sodium intake..yikes! It was high! So I went a little extra on my water intake and it averaged itself out within a few days.

    So for those who get discouraged when the scale goes up, I agree to take a look at your sodium intake.. Drink a little more water and you should be just fine. If not, maybe increase your exercises a bit and if it still goes up, maybe try seeing a doctor.
  • Darling_Jay
    This may seem like a dumb question - but how do you work out your sodium intake?

  • OlenaS
    OlenaS Posts: 125 Member
    I learnt how bad sodium is a couple of years ago, while visiting my mother-in-law in the hospital, there were some brochures laying around and I picked one up...
    Since then, I have been watching my sodium very closely, way before I joined MFP and got serious about getting in shape...
    I noticed that my ankles would swell a lot, and for the life of me I could not figure out why. I thought about everything - from wearing hills, walking a lot, difference in altitude between WA and where I used to live before... (this might seem dumb, but I did not grow up in US, and back home there was just no issue with sodium, hardly any processed foods, my Mom always cooked from scratch and I hardly ever ate out; so even after living here for a while, I did not figure it all out).
    Anyway, now I can always tell by my ankles. They never swell so much any more since I stopped eating high-sodium, but I can always tell if I had too much just by noticing how my ankles look.
    I also heard from other people they notice it in their fingers, when they put their rings on...
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I weighed 2 few weeks back and had put on 4lbs...lowered my sodium and increased my water intake and lost 5lbs this week!

    woohooooooo :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for this important post!
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    This may seem like a dumb question - but how do you work out your sodium intake?


    Do you mean how do you track it? You go to food, then settings, and then you can make it say sodium and it will track it like it does the other food nutrients. :smile:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am laughing because of a recent experience. I was in the hospital (I am fine now) for 5 days. Having eaten a total 2000 calories in that time I was looking forward to at least a drop in the scale for all my worries and concerns.

    On the day I entered the hospital I weighed myself, 136.5. When I returned home 6 days later I let out I yelp when on got on that scale.......136.5!!!!!!!!:angry:

    My daughter who is a freshly graduated LPN came running in the room. I was crying and she thought I popped the stitches or something. When I told her what happened she laughed and laughed:laugh:

    "MOM:huh:......you know you were on a sodium drip for 5 days, right? Wait 2 days and you will be down 2-5 pounds!"

    She was right of course:blushing:

    Today I ingested 3000 in sodium at Panera all while trying for the best foods I could find on the menu!! The best thing for me is to cook it myself!!

    I am so glad you 'got it'!! Those little issues used to send me for the pizza! :flowerforyou:
  • Darling_Jay
    This may seem like a dumb question - but how do you work out your sodium intake?


    Do you mean how do you track it? You go to food, then settings, and then you can make it say sodium and it will track it like it does the other food nutrients. :smile:
