robstot Member


  • in squats! Comment by robstot February 2013
  • I would suggest to go a smith squat machine if your gym has one. It will help you with your form . If you do not have access to one there are other leg exercises that will help you get your results if you are struggling with squats/. There are sissy squats, Romanian one leg squats and leg presses/ My other suggestion is…
    in squats! Comment by robstot February 2013
  • Black Stone Cherry-random songs. perfect for cardio workouts.
  • After your workout try getting protein into the body within 30 minutes as this may help reduce the soreness.
    in SWEEL Comment by robstot February 2013
  • I use protein shakes to supplement my protein intake, around 220grams per day on a 1800 calorie intake. I use one that has 35grams of protein with only 156 calories, I add 1/2 cup of plain low fat Greek yogurt and water. and Sometimes some type of melon. I have one each morning and after a workout. I think they are…
  • I am in as part of my weightlifting routine after work
  • Well, I am about the same height as your husband and weighed 220. Now down to 180 and pretty lean, and looking to compete in my first body building competition. Oh yeah, I am 50 years of age. It is hard to motivate oneself and then trying to motivate someone else is even harder. I can suggest that you say its not about…
  • A protein powder to increase your protein levels. Mix with some yogurt and fruit for a smoothie. And yes, eat more but be selective in your food choices Keep it going and good luck
  • welcome. I am interested in the vegetarian approach with strength training. How do yoy get max protein? I am curious.
  • go non alcohol, It messes you up with your calorie intake and quite often you will eat more than you nomrally do. I would look at club soda and take some limes. consider it a challenge and first test and congratulate yourself when you pass. good luck and have fun
  • Not sure on your strength training what exactly you are doing for sets, weights etc. but a gain is usually the water retention in the muscles. If you are using different muscles than your rock climbing, or different areas of the muscles, than you have in the past, then yes, you may see some weight gain as your muscles…
  • I use fresh fruti, bananas, blueberries or saskatoon berries, strawberries, and Yoplait Source Yogurt, usually berry or vanilla (this only has 35 claories and no extra sugar) and one scoop of my protein powder and a little skim milk
  • It appears that you have plateaued and your body has adjusted to your current weight. Some ideas to trick the body is to zig zag; eat moe than you are now and trick your body into thinking it has to work to burn off the extra and then go back to your lower caloric intake. Do you exercise? Sometimes with strength training…
  • As you weight train and build muscle, the muscle will retain water so much of the plateau is water weight and your body readjusting itself. some people increase their caloric intake to "shock" the body to burn more, some ease off the weights a bit, other increase cardio. Its tough. It is a learning experience for everyone.…
  • Well I am glad I am not the only one who has experienced this. thanks
  • banana would be the way to go. so much better for you
  • hey thanks for the information. I used to work out quite a bit but stopped and have gotten back into it the past 6 months. it is only the past 8 weeks I have changed my diet to achieve a more defined look. I am in for the long haul so your encouraging words will help during the down times. And the body fat %, yes it has…
  • I know the problem as I am experiencing it right now and as erickrb has suggested, water retention could be the issue. I was losing quickly and now have plateaued, actually gained five pounds back, but I work out intensely 6 days a week with heavy weights and reps. but erik, I have increased my arm size and shoulders and…
  • I am absolutely starved after weightlifting. I immediately have my protein shake. About an hour before I work out I usually have a banana or apple so that I do not get hungry during my training time.
  • Whoever takes part in this scientific study please enter the results into the database.. At lease will have a base to work from.
  • rhanks. for the support. It is really appreciated
  • I think there is a website that details that to....
  • sales of HRM's just increased across the continent
  • I think my numbers were skewed then, maybe it was trying to catch somebody first that added up to those numbers. Just kidding. I guess more research is needed.
  • Not weird. Just not sure how to reply. But I have read anywhere from 200-350. good as any numbers I would guess.
  • I am hate the BMI. It is a lazy way for doctors to give, usually bad advice, about weight and health. It says I am extremely obese. Um, I am far from it, I am carrying a few extra pounds, why I am here, but I am quite muscular and my body fat % is below 12%, my goal is to be under 10% or even less. My doctor hates the BMI.…
  • Whote wheat pasta is awesome. If not used to it, add some to regular pasta just to get the idea of the taste and you will come to like it.
  • A baked potato with no butter or sour cream. Add a spice or sitr fry mushrroms and peppers on top. Do not be afraid of the potato, the carbs are good and the calories low. Sweet potato also great.
  • Here is an equation to figure it out. I hope that this helps. I found this a few months ago on a wesite called Bodybuilding Hub Step 1: Take your current body weight in pounds (lbs) and multiply by 11. Example: 194 lbs x 11 = 2134 calories This is what I need to just keep what I have, without moving. But remember, you do…
  • I do not see a problem with the zig zagging. as most have pointed out it keeps your metabolism going and prevents your body from hitting that plateau. I know I lost three pounds on a holiday and I ate what I wanted but also walked three times a day. And you are doing the right thing by logging it so you are making yourself…