

  • Thanks for the reminders, Katy! :)
  • You are so cute! :)
  • Same for me! I know we're supposed to eat back our exercise calories so that affords us more to eat but I want to eat MORE when I exercise a lot!
  • Mine change drastically with weight gain and loss. I'm on the large side of average anyway (my size 38 DDs don't fit well--think I'm bigger) but they definitely shrink when I lose and grow when I gain. Looking forward to my "natural breast reduction" over the next few months! ;)
  • Thanks for your response. :) I have always done what you're doing: just try to eat better and cut out some things. I think I might start P90X again soon. I get inspired every time someone mentions it, especially with great results like yours!
  • Awesome job! I have a question: are you following the P90X diet to a T? I've started the program a few times (never got past Week 9--something came up every time) and while I lost some weight, I never actually did the specific diet. Just wondering! TIA!
  • Katy, PLEASE don't beat yourself up about this. I know you personally and you are one person who has INCREDIBLE willpower. It was one slip-up in four months! No problem. Like someone else said, it probably just gave your metabolism a kick and you'll drop 3 lb. this week! It's over and done. :)
  • You could try telling yourself, "I can have that can/bottle of Coke, but first I have to have an apple with a tall glass of water (or a cup of green tea, which has some caffeine to boost your metabolism and cancer-fighting antioxidants)." Chances are, you'll feel good enough after that apple and water that you will drink…
  • Wow, that is a lot to sacrifice of yourself for your child! But that is being a mom, isn't it? :) A good one, anyway... It sure does help knowing other people have problems and heartbreaks and are being strong and dealing with it the best they know how!
  • Yes, I'm a sad mom 14-year-old daughter has been missing for a week. She snuck out of her bedroom window a week ago last night. In fact, in about 15 minutes it will be the time it was when I discovered it last Tuesday morning. I've talked to her friend and no one knows where she is but I have seen that she logged…
  • Thank you, guys! :)
  • I'm actually completely confused at this point about how many calories I should be trying to eat. I am doing P90X and walking about 3 miles a day, 6-7 days a week, plus I have four kids and two of them are under 5 so I am moving, moving all the time. I tried starting out at 1200 calories because I wanted to lose 2 lb. a…
  • Not much more I would suggest that everyone else hasn't. I peeked at your diary and would definitely agree with adding more lean protein throughout the day. Also, I would suggest never going over THREE hours without eating. I go by something called The Good Mood Diet by Dr. Susan Kleiner. It's made a WORLD of difference in…
  • It definitely sounds like you're just gaining muscle and losing body fat so the weight will be coming down for sure! Just watch how your clothes fit instead of what the scale says. Caro83, I can see one big reason you might have gained weight--DON'T make breakfast and lunch smaller and keep dinner the same! Breakfast…
  • Bump to keep this up so I can check out profiles later. :) I have more to lose than most of you but I still get "YOU don't need to lose any weight!" Those first 10 lb. came off so quickly and now I'm hitting a plateau. I need inspiration by looking at how others lose those last 10-25 lb!
  • Three hours is GREAT. I don't believe you need more food at breakfast; you are SUPPOSED to eat again about three hours later. You should never go longer than two to three hours without eating something (and of course, that something should be healthy and sustaining, like protein or fiber or good fats or a little of each).…
  • Thank you so much for so many quick responses! Erik, that is exactly what I needed to know. Thank you so much! I know I could do all this research on my own but I have four kids and not a lot of time to be on the computer so I really appreciate your taking the time to write all that out for me. And thank you all for your…
  • I seriously don't mean to hijak this thread, and someone can message me if you would rather, but as long as I have a lot of you P90X-ers here, I've been wanting to ask: When your heart rate monitor says that you have burned, say 600 calories, is that 600 above and beyond the calories that you would have burned in the same…
  • Welcome! :) 5'10" and 175 lb. is really not that far off from healthy! I'm 5'7" and started out at 171.2 in April. Anyway, if you eat a good balance of everything your body needs, you shouldn't have too much of a problem with temptation. Just make sure you eat a good amount of protein and healthy fats throughout the day…
  • It sure does, especially when you walk at a brisk pace in very hot, humid weather! I wear my heartrate monitor and the other day it said I burned 809 calories in an hour! OK, well, I did some alternating running in there too. That helps--running little spurts in-between the walking to boost metabolism. But anyway, the only…
    in walking Comment by beckbeck June 2010
  • You're doing an awesome job! Such a big difference! :)
  • When I was 21 and I did Curves for a couple months after two kids in three years, my tummy got right back to flat. Now, I'm almost 33 and I've had two more kids in the past four years and I had a bit of a "muffin top" a couple months ago when I started really eating better and working out...and just this morning I noticed…
  • That is FANTASTIC! Great job! :)
  • As to the original poster's question of whether it matters if the one meal is balanced or the whole day in general is, you want every meal and snack to have a good balance so it will get you through the next two or three hours (how often you should be eating something). I try to follow the ideas in a book called "The Good…
  • Yup, I usually weigh more the morning after my harder workout days. Muscles retaining water!
  • Yup, it's happening for me too (my ticker says I have lost 1 lb. but it hasn't been working or something because I have lost about 8 lb. since April 20th)! I think that I am way more active than I thought and entered in the Goals section. I have four kids, two of them 4 and 1 1/2 years old, and I am almost ALWAYS on my…
  • That is FANTASTIC! Don't be afraid to be proud of yourself! You worked hard! Great job! :)
  • Just hang in there and keep up the good work! From what I have read from others on here, it's most likely that your stepping up the exercise is making your muscles hold water while they repair tissue. The difference will show in a couple more weeks! :) Just keep drinking lots of water. You're doing GREAT!