Skinny girl trapped in a chubby girl's body!

kpie11 Posts: 53
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all. My name is Katie and I've just started using this site. One of my friends told me about it and I thought I'd give it a try. I've tried every diet under the sun but never really thought of using any sort of support system. It's nice that there are others out there going through the same things I am, that understand the hardship of it all. My overall goal weight is just to be in the healthy range for my height of 5'10". I've got a long way to go! (175lbs) Does anyone have any helpful hints on how to stay focused during the first week and not let food tempt you?


  • Robin304
    Robin304 Posts: 64
    Hi Katie,
    This is a great site to find support to help you through those tough times. What I'm about to say is going to sound so cliche but it is true. You have to decide that you are worth more than the tempory void the food is going to fill. And it is just tempory. Go for a walk, read a book, dust the furniture (not my favorite) whatever it takes to take your mind off food) Everyday gets easier and the changes you make become more permanent. There will be times you slip but don't beat yourself up, just keep going. This is what has helped me. I'm still working a work in progress but am getting closer to my goals every day. You can do it too. I sent you a friend request.
  • just stay focused on the big picture....I have to lose 150 lbs to be at a healthy weight for my height 5'2....if i want to be at my idea weight, i need to lose 170....I dont focus on the weight that I need to lose though....i focus on why i'm losing weight and what the benefits of losing weight will be....get to play with kids without getting tired....hang with friends without being wore out after barely walking etc....

    stay focused, keep motivated and dont beat yourself up over one little small fall or slip.....just dust yourself off and get back up....
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    I started using the site to only track my exercise - I thought it would be too hard to put in my food - was never one for keeping a calorie journal - too much work! I only started using the food journal here in the last 2 months, and I noticed a complete change in my own diet. I saw how much junk I was eating, and how I wasn't really getting anything healthy in my body and after using the food tracker I made an effort to change my habits.

    You're going to be tempted to have bad things - it happens - you might even cave sometimes, but the way I look at it, is that you learn from mistakes, and tomorrow is always a new day. Keep track of what you eat, and try to change your food style slowly. Too rapid of a change is less likely to stick with you, and you'll just be mad (at least I was!). Just track everything you eat, and see where you can start making a difference! One step at a time adds up to an amazing amount of milage over time. Good luck and be strong!

    And drink a ton of water in any way you can - can help you feel full and flushes some of the garbage out of your body!
  • kscarlett24
    kscarlett24 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Katie. I think logging in every day and tracking your food is a great way to stay on track. It keeps you accountable. Its a little daunting at first, but once you get used to doing it, it's easy. Planning ahead is also key for me. I know what I am going to eat and that way I don't have to make a rush decision about what to have for lunch. Communicating with people on this site has also been helpful for me. Its so inspiring to read other people's stories and see all the support everyone gives each other. You can do it! It won't happen overnight, slow and steady win the race. So just keep looking toward the future. I sent you a friend request.
  • Garfy
    Garfy Posts: 41
    Hi Katie

    First of all well done for joining the site in the first place !

    Few things I've learned from using this site so far (I'm starting week 3 today).

    How much tea or coffee do you drink ? Try & switch to water instead. I was surprised that a simple cup of tea with skimmed milk was using 18 calories - may not sound a lot, but 6 cups a day uses a 10th of my daily calories!

    If possible, weigh your portions (don't guess) - I found is that my portion sizes were way to big & I didn't actually need to eat as much as I was.

    If you are out at work & can't access the internet during the day then try & plan your lunchtime meals ahead, logging them, either the night before or in the monring so that you know exactly how many calories you have used.

    Don't deprive yourself - just see if you can find an alternative. I was off to the pub on Thursday last week. Usually I like Vodka & Ginger Ale, but I discovered that if I switched to Vodka Lime & Soda, I could have double the number for the same calories ! (Funnily enough once I got there I decided not to have a drink in the end)

    If you are having a special meal or night out - just try & do some form of exercise that day & watch how quickly you can earn extra calories so that you can still enjoy it, eating pretty well what you want.

    Have a look out for tasty snacks that don't break the calories bank - I like kelloggs mini breaks & harvest chew bars - both under 100 calories.

    The key thing for me is that I want this to be a lifestyle change, NOT A DIET. I still want to be able to enjoy my food & have things I like.

    My starting weight was 172.8 & I'm only 5'5. I've managed to lose 7.6 lbs in my first 2 weeks & because of careful planning I have still had a BBQ night (including 3 biscuits !), been to a Party & had champagne and had strawberries & icecream for pud on several occassions.

    Good luck & free feel to add me as a friend.

  • beckbeck
    beckbeck Posts: 31
    Welcome! :)

    5'10" and 175 lb. is really not that far off from healthy! I'm 5'7" and started out at 171.2 in April. Anyway, if you eat a good balance of everything your body needs, you shouldn't have too much of a problem with temptation. Just make sure you eat a good amount of protein and healthy fats throughout the day (especially in the morning), as well as lots of fruits and vegetables. These things will keep you feeling full AND in a great mood so you can stick with it. And drink lots and lots of water, especially this time of year! I drink mine with lemon or Crystal Light Pure Fitness powder in it lately, to get so much down (I'm currently doing P90X so I need even more water).

    Like the previous poster said, when you really do have a major craving, going for a walk or doing something else to distract yourself is great. You'll feel so good about burning off those extra 200 or so calories that hopefully you won't want that treat anymore. :)

    One thing that has really been helping me is starting off my day with my most strenuous, calorie-burning workout in the morning. I use a heart rate monitor so I know exactly how many calories I have burned, and it sure feels GREAT to begin the whole day knowing I have an extra 500 or so calories that I can eat that day! Yes, I LOVE food!!

    Good luck. I love this site!
  • Hi, Katie

    I agree with slow and steady wins the race!!! I have been losing weight for a little over a year, more now then at first... I started at 215 and now and proud 180!!! I still have 25 to 30 more to go but I am half way there!!! You need to take pride in the small victories! Set small goals that way when you acheive them you feel great and that motivates you to keep going!!! Dont forget to log that food and exerecise, it is a great way to stay on track! I did not realize how much junk I was putting in my body, and now I look at food as fuel not as comfort. Good luck, it is hard work but well worth it in the end!!!

    Best wishes!!!!
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Hi Katie! I'm new as well - just started this week and so this is my first post! Your topic caught my eye. That is SO me. I am also 5'10". I'm trying to lose extra weight from my past two pregnancies. I was always skinny growing up with zero effort. Like skinny, skinny - not good skinny. :) Now the weight is throwing me for a mental loop and learning that I may have to actually exercise (gasp) is even more! LOL None of my clothes fit anymore and I don't look forward to getting dressed anymore - not like me since I always loved fashion and clothing! I'm hoping to get back to an 8 for now and end goal is to be back in a 6. I realize my size 4 days are long over!! :) Best of luck to you and here's hoping we can make our goals!!
  • Hi Katie! Welcome and congrats on taking the 1st step towards a new you. I started my wieghtloss journey at 311lbs a year and a half ago before I found MFP. This site has alot of fantastic people who will help you and motivate you to keep going. They have helped me get over and out of my plateau (I was stuck in the 270s for the longest time). Slow and steady is always the best way to go. If you lose weight slowly its more likely to stay off. Small changes are also a great way to go. I set small mini goals and celebrate achieving them once I get there and set a new mini goal. My goals are usually 5lbs in 4 weeks, but usually achieve them before my time is up.

    This is NOT A DIET, but a LIFESTYLE CHANGE if you want it to last.

    As for any cravings, (as everyone has stated) go for a walk, clean house (don't like this one very much), turn some music on, or even exploring why you want the food (is it because I'm bored/sad/angry/happy?). If doing any of this doesn't help, or you explore why you want the food, and you still want the food, or are truely hungry, then have it in MODERATION and half the time you can find an alternative for that food. I have found that I love frozen yogurt instead of ice cream.

    You can do this!! If you fall off the wagon just remember to forgive the "slip up", get back up, dust yourself off, and jump right back on. There is NEVER a reason to beat yourself up......unless you are in the gym and kickin your own *kitten*! :laugh: We will all be here every step of the way if you need us. (I'll send ya a friend request). Good luck on your journey and remember............

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!:happy:
  • ambersee
    ambersee Posts: 8
    Hi Katie!
    I'm Amber! I've tried many diets before using MFP also! At one time I lost twenty pounds using a very popular weight loss program. I dropped down to 130lbs and was happy! Sadly, however I gained all that weight back plus more! This is why diets will never work. My Fitness Pal has helped me realize that loosing weight is not a race you win and then cross the finish line, but rather a journey that will continue the rest of your life. Once you reach your goal you will keep traveling foward on your journey! Diets are like detours that take you back in the wrong direction!! ha ha.
    So anyway...welcome to My Fitness Pal.
    I can feel for you with the cravings for food. I have found it very helpful to drink a glass of water before I eat anything. It helps me feel full and it also makes my body realize when it is just thirsty rather than hungry. The first week of this lifestyle change will be difficult.. but we can do it together! I'm on week three and it's getting better everyday. So hang in there hun! Feel free to add me as a friend I'm always here to talk!
  • FitnessChefJime
    FitnessChefJime Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Katie, Welcome aboard..
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi Katie,

    I'm 5'8" and I can relate to your story. I've been using MFP since February and I just love it! I'm so glad I was introduced to this site. I really need a good support system and I've found it. I log in every day and look forward to hearing from my MFPeeps. I log my food every day and that really keeps me on track. I hope this site works well for you also!

    Take good care,
  • OMG, I feel just like you said in your Topic line, I decided it was time for a change, good luck
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