any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    I am 6' 2', and when I started my journey I was almost 300 lbs. Im now down to 184, and in the healthy range for my height. I'd really like to get below 175 to feel like I really accomplished my goal.....even though Ive alreadly lost almost 100 lbs, I still feel like Im not there yet so Ive got 10-15 more lbs to go....almost there=)
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    I am 6' 2', and when I started my journey I was almost 300 lbs. Im now down to 184

    WOW, that is great :happy: Good luck with the last few pounds
  • ibp2102
    ibp2102 Posts: 6
    see below
  • ibp2102
    ibp2102 Posts: 6
    I am 5'6 and 122 pounds.. trying to get down to whatever weight where I can have abs.. seems almost impossible! Add me as a friend if any of you want to try to work through this and give each other any tips. I can't seem to lose anymore weight :(

    Im in the same boat girly! Lets work on this together! Im 5'6 120 pounds wanting to be at 116. Not much to lose but it super hard when we are as small as we are already! I just wanna be defined not lose fat! I want those rock hard abs and tight tone legs :)

    Me too! I'm 5' 6.5" and 120 lb but when I got back from school I was 112 and in awesome shape. my mom wants me to be 125 lb but I've already gained 8 lb and am starting to feel lethargic. I'm setting my goal at 112 since its a little lower than what I actually want to be (figure it may push me a bit, especially in the beginning!)
  • urmyeffinstar
    urmyeffinstar Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 4'11 and 139 pounds, which is overweight but I don't think I look all that bad. According to my doctor I have good blood pressure, good cholestorol however I just don't feel happy with my weight. I am going for 115 and I will see how I feel there!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I am 5'6 and 122 pounds.. trying to get down to whatever weight where I can have abs.. seems almost impossible! Add me as a friend if any of you want to try to work through this and give each other any tips. I can't seem to lose anymore weight :(

    Im in the same boat girly! Lets work on this together! Im 5'6 120 pounds wanting to be at 116. Not much to lose but it super hard when we are as small as we are already! I just wanna be defined not lose fat! I want those rock hard abs and tight tone legs :)

    Just an FYI when you do get those rock hard abs and tight toned legs, you will actually more then likely weigh more. Sorry! lol...I weigh my heaviest when i'm cutting and toning for a competition, that muscle will fool you! it's hard to weigh very little and maintain some serious muscle mass...i'm 5'4 and 112.5 lbs right now..I struggle to get under 110 to meet industry expectations, without taking a huge hit to my lean muscle mass...and the other problemis you have to eat quite the fair amount to sustain the muscle! so got a few things working against ya!
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    I am 6' 2', and when I started my journey I was almost 300 lbs. Im now down to 184

    WOW, that is great :happy: Good luck with the last few pounds

  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    I am 5'6 and 122 pounds.. trying to get down to whatever weight where I can have abs.. seems almost impossible! Add me as a friend if any of you want to try to work through this and give each other any tips. I can't seem to lose anymore weight :(

    Im in the same boat girly! Lets work on this together! Im 5'6 120 pounds wanting to be at 116. Not much to lose but it super hard when we are as small as we are already! I just wanna be defined not lose fat! I want those rock hard abs and tight tone legs :)

    Just an FYI when you do get those rock hard abs and tight toned legs, you will actually more then likely weigh more. Sorry! lol...I weigh my heaviest when i'm cutting and toning for a competition, that muscle will fool you! it's hard to weigh very little and maintain some serious muscle mass...i'm 5'4 and 112.5 lbs right now..I struggle to get under 110 to meet industry expectations, without taking a huge hit to my lean muscle mass...and the other problemis you have to eat quite the fair amount to sustain the muscle! so got a few things working against ya!

    haha wow your so right its almost embarrassing.:blushing: I forgot that muscle weighs more than fat!...I just get crazy thoughts when i look at the mirror and think I look good...then step on the scale and woaahhh...haha. :laugh: But yes...Im almost to the point my abs look good i just have a small layer of fat over them :angry: Im just TOO SCARED to work extra hard to lose the rest of my extra body fat because I don't wanna lose my BOOBS!! haha sorry for anyone who did not want to read that... Anyone else have this issue??
  • I am 5'4" and 113 pounds. And I am trying to lose 3 more to be at 110. The last few pounds are the hardest to lose.
  • MelliCheer
    MelliCheer Posts: 26
    I'm sitting in the middle of my healthy BMI range but I want to get down another 5 kgs (11 lbs) to where I think I'll be happy with my shape. I'm built quite solidly so going any lower just isn't practical even if I'm just 5'4. I think i'd look like a stick at 110 lbs and besides like someone said before - I don't want to lose my boobs! :tongue:
  • absofsteel
    absofsteel Posts: 48
    I think I might be the shortest person here...I'm 5ft TALL and at the moment weight 120lbs which in theory is great but in reality is a spare tire round my middle, love handles and a muffin top !!! I have to loose 15lb and have given myself till sept to lose it.
    Why oh why did I sabotage my efforts in January ??? i would be at that weight now if I had just stuck to the healthy eating and stayed away from the vino (and crisps,and chocolate,and pizza and......) !!
  • flannan
    flannan Posts: 45 Member
    Today is my first day. I never had a weight problem (to other people anyway). I ate whatever I wanted my entire life which means tons of Coke, candy, cake, meatloaf, mac & cheese...anything wrong you can think of. I am 5.5 and varied from 110 to high of 118; certainly not a superskinny supermodel but OK.
    However, this year I hit menopause and started a medication at the same time. In the past 8-10 months I have gained to 130! It's all on my middle and I am freaking out.

    I am not here to try to get back to a weight of 110. Frequently, if i dropped below that, I never felt good anyway. But I am disgusted with myself at this point. I am still in the middle of healthy BMI but I don't see how that can be with a muffin top. There is nothing mentally healthy about muffin top! It's stressful getting dressed.
    I have many really overweight people I work with who always tell me how small I am. They dont understand you can be 'fat' at any weight.
    I am glad to see some smaller people here who understand.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I am 5' 3 and 122 but pretty muscular. I am happy with my upper body and abs, but feel I need to lose just a few more pounds to get a more cut lower body. As it is I have lost a ton of boob (went from a full C to a small B :grumble: ) so I am really not asking for much more although I think 115 might look awesome on me (with a boob job :embarassed: ). I am finding it very hard to lose those last pounds, however.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I'm in the same boat too... I'm 5'8", currently 138lbs which puts me at a BMI of 21. My happiest weight is 130lbs (BMI of 20) where I have been several months ago with the help of this site, but my crazy work schedule (lots of call, lots of nights = eating lots of hospital food) got a bit out of hand and here I am. I have been as low as 125 (BMI of 19.5) but find that's less sustainable for me.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Im just TOO SCARED to work extra hard to lose the rest of my extra body fat because I don't wanna lose my BOOBS!! haha sorry for anyone who did not want to read that... Anyone else have this issue??

    Ohhh the boob issue :cry: why oh why can't we choose where to lose the fat from?? I am not going to go into detail but lets just say they aren't what they were a couple of months ago :wink: Overall though I'm so much happier with my body shape the way I am now it's worth it. Like you though I'm a bit worried about losing any more weight although I might end up losing a few more pounds as I'm still trying to adjust to eating more calories now I'm approaching maintenance.
  • flannan
    flannan Posts: 45 Member
    Ha!! I was just whining to hubby the other day about why not even one ounce of this new belly fat didn't land on my 36A chest :-)

    Ariesgrl That is amazing! I hope I can have one ounce of your determination.
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    Ha!! I was just whining to hubby the other day about why not even one ounce of this new belly fat didn't land on my 36A chest :-)

    Ariesgrl That is amazing! I hope I can have one ounce of your determination.

    Thank you! ANd yes you can do it too=)
  • beckbeck
    beckbeck Posts: 31
    Bump to keep this up so I can check out profiles later. :) I have more to lose than most of you but I still get "YOU don't need to lose any weight!" Those first 10 lb. came off so quickly and now I'm hitting a plateau. I need inspiration by looking at how others lose those last 10-25 lb!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I guess we should share some strategies. I have been doing MFP for several months and they don't recommend dropping below 1200 cals/day so I was doing that, while doing the 30 day shred every day for 30 days. I was hungry all the time! I have gotten to my goal weight a couple of times, but it is like a fluke of the scale, I think, and maintaining it seems impossible. I am still sticking to the 1200 cals/day but I only exercise 3 days per week, working on the couch to 5k.
    I have not tried being really restrictive in my diet regarding fat/carbs/protein, I really cannot try to think about all that.
    I am trying to simplify it to eating protein and fruit for breakfast, salad and protein for lunch, and salad, protein, good carbs for dinner, with a fruit and protein snack. This is like a general guideline so you can pick and choose which types of food you want.
    My "downfall" is probably drinking, happy hour with friends un-does a lot of hard work!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I am 5'6 and 122 pounds.. trying to get down to whatever weight where I can have abs.. seems almost impossible! Add me as a friend if any of you want to try to work through this and give each other any tips. I can't seem to lose anymore weight :(

    I'm also 5'6" and 122 (I fluctuate btwn 122-124) and 17ish% bodyfat. I'm trying to get down to 15 % body fat and I'd like to fluctuate between 118 and 120 ... But Lately I've been focussing more on defining and building muscle and trying to get rid of a lit bit of fat. Well... these last few weeks I fell off the wagon with all the treats at BBQs. I need to get back into my routine. I've been hitting the gym, biking or running 6 times a week, it's my diet that has gotten out of control! LOL
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