any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • justkeeprunning
    i am 5'6 and 111 lbs, i joined this site because i am in such a struggle with myself over losing wieght or gaining. i have an eating disorder, and i dont know what i want more, to be thin or to be rid of this monster. ive recently forced myself to gain 20 lbs with medicine because i am TRYING, but i hate my fat self so much, i cant do this anymore. i need to lose weight or lose control, and i figured that this site at least provides structure for losing weight so i'm less likely to go and do things that are unhealthy like screwing up my metabolism by fasting for weeks. i know i have to gain back my mind before i can gain weight. so im going to try to start to lose weight in a more healthy way. then maybe i'll work on a maintaining diet, and then i'll try to eat what everyone else does completely on my own and gain back. screw ana, i want to be free again so badly. of course, in an hour i could be saying, screw this, i want my obsession again so badly hah. i know i wont find support here or anthing and i dont want it, i just thought i'd say hi.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Thank you for sharing Justkeeprunning, I know where your coming from when you talk about your struggles with an ED. I too have been anorexic and bulimic in the past and I know how hard it is to force yourself to gain the weight to be healthy. I have sent you a friend request :)
  • justkeeprunning
    thanks schnarfo
  • lauraparkerrr
    lauraparkerrr Posts: 86 Member
    I'm at 136 and wanting to get to 130 or a bit under, I did start at 161 but I lost quite a bit of that before I joined this site. I'm 5'3 btw.
  • NikkiLaFleur
    Same here. I'm 5'3 and started at 156 but am now 152 after a week and a half...My boyfriend thinks I look fine at this weight, as most of it is in my thighs and butt however I am in the army reserve and according to their standard I'm overweight and it was suggested I lose 13 lbs even though my bmi is within healthy range. I'm also trying to get promoted so that's the motivation.
  • Skinny100
    Skinny100 Posts: 77
    i am 5'6 and 111 lbs, i joined this site because i am in such a struggle with myself over losing wieght or gaining. i have an eating disorder, and i dont know what i want more, to be thin or to be rid of this monster. ive recently forced myself to gain 20 lbs with medicine because i am TRYING, but i hate my fat self so much, i cant do this anymore. i need to lose weight or lose control, and i figured that this site at least provides structure for losing weight so i'm less likely to go and do things that are unhealthy like screwing up my metabolism by fasting for weeks. i know i have to gain back my mind before i can gain weight. so im going to try to start to lose weight in a more healthy way. then maybe i'll work on a maintaining diet, and then i'll try to eat what everyone else does completely on my own and gain back. screw ana, i want to be free again so badly. of course, in an hour i could be saying, screw this, i want my obsession again so badly hah. i know i wont find support here or anthing and i dont want it, i just thought i'd say hi.

    I'm so proud of you. You are worth it. You deserve to live a beautiful life. I hope God blesses you with guidance, peace, and joy in your heart. You were created a unique individual, and no one can replace you. Don't waste your time - decide now, at this very moment, that you will live a beautiful life, filled with gratitude and success. Don't be obsessed with your weight, be obsessed with living a great life. Best wishes and God bless.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i am in the same boat. there is also another thread on this too

    i am 5'10 and 145. size 9 pants. gah! i hate it. i have so many beautiful pairs of pants that just dont fit me. i am getting older :(

    why don't we all start a challenge. i had a lot of success doing this on here before with a group called red high heels. we checked in once a week and held accountable to challenges and talked pretty much every day for support.

    i would totally love this with people that have similar weight loss goals. let me know what y'all think!
  • renarda08
    renarda08 Posts: 2
    hi, im not too heavy and i too want to loose like 15 lbs. what are some of the things you have done lately that has worked for you.:smile:
  • cindeazy
    cindeazy Posts: 5
    i'm toootally in the same boat! 5'6 and at 122 BUT all my weight goes to my thighs!!!! i just wanna be proportional!
  • Darlin
    Darlin Posts: 17 Member
    I understand the happy weight thing - people love to tell you to eat and gain some weight - when you are perfectly happy...

    How well I know that. It happened to me once. I had lost weight and was almost down to my goal. Wearing smaller clothes and feeling good. Then someone came up to me and said so and so said I needed to stop losing. I wasnt even near my bottom goal weight. I`m a believer in if you cant say something good and uplifting, dont say anything!
    Good luck to you!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    i'm 5"3.5' and a little under 130...and its the skinniest i've been since i was a freshman or sophomore in high school! even still since i've finally shed the 10+ lbs that have been weighing me down for the past 10 years i'd love to end up about 125ish which means losing almost 5 more lbs...i feel guilty because i know that i am not heavy but i want to try for my personal best :)
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I have about half a pound to lose to reach my goal of 112 and it is driving me nuts! I cannot seem to loose this last 0.6 of a pound! Its been three weeks on the same weight and I still haven't been able to shift it. I am glad there is a thread for us not so big girls - people often don't understand how frustrating it is to lose weight when your already slim!
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I'm in the same position all of you are. Technically my BMI is in the healthy range but I still feel bigger than I should be. I wonder some times if I have a touch of body dysmorphia (sp?) that maybe I see myself as bigger than I am. Any time I mention to my fiance or friends (thin or heavy friends) about wanting to trim down I get an annoyed response but how stupid that is. My current weight hoovers around 140 and I am 5'7.5". I am very muscular, I very toned arms and legs, but I carry this little layer of fat over my mid section. I love working out go to the gym 5-6 times a week and I do well watching what I eat the mojority of the time. I just can't seem to drop any lower than about 138. All through high school i weighed no more than 115 lbs and I LOVED being that thin. I'm not saying I want to get to the size again but getting down to around 130lb would be perfect!!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Glad you posted this! I'm 5'2" and 149 pounds, I just want to be 130-135. Not too far off, but taking an eternity (my own fault mostly).

    I am in the same boat! my own fault

    I have heard that if you are doing everything right but your body isn't losing anymore you should change things up. Like trying a new exercise or something. But also if your body is happy where it is it gets really hard to lose. At some point you need to be happy with yourself the way you are, if you are healthy and active. You should read "Life isn't fun at size 0" talks about loving your self and life vs hating life because all you do is exercise and eat only carrots and about the need to have a balance. I can't live happy unless I can have a slice of cake on my birthday.

  • DancingYogini
    I'm in the same position all of you are. Technically my BMI is in the healthy range but I still feel bigger than I should be. I wonder some times if I have a touch of body dysmorphia (sp?) that maybe I see myself as bigger than I am. Any time I mention to my fiance or friends (thin or heavy friends) about wanting to trim down I get an annoyed response but how stupid that is. My current weight hoovers around 140 and I am 5'7.5". I am very muscular, I very toned arms and legs, but I carry this little layer of fat over my mid section. I love working out go to the gym 5-6 times a week and I do well watching what I eat the mojority of the time. I just can't seem to drop any lower than about 138. All through high school i weighed no more than 115 lbs and I LOVED being that thin. I'm not saying I want to get to the size again but getting down to around 130lb would be perfect!!!

    I am so there with you!! My BMI is 21.6 which is perfectly healthy. I just don't like how I fit into my clothes. I have 3 kids...Having babies stretches out your skin, so I will always have a little belly, but weighing my goal weight gets rid of the jiggly bits. My friends also get on me for even suggesting that I want to lose a few pounds, which frankly makes me angry. Anyway, I am at 146 lbs and want to get to around 130-135, been there before and loved it! Oh and I am 5'9", so that weight would put me around a 19.2 BMI.
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    I am there with you as well. I am 5'7 and I weight 131 to 133 pounds! I am fluctuating a lot right now. I have always been 120 and I am struggling to lose those last 10 pounds! I was 141 when I started MFP and managed to get down 10 pounds.

    To everyone whos gotten close to their goal, what worked the best in dropping those last few pounds?? I am looking for some new ideas and tips!

    I just want to feel like "ME" again and happy in my own skin, I dont feel that now at all.
  • eliblish
    eliblish Posts: 124 Member
    I'm there too!! I'm 5'5" and fluctuate between 120-125. I really want to get down to 115-118. It is so hard! It seem like no matter what I do I can't get below 120. Also, I am breastfeeding which makes it really tricky because I don't know EXACTLY how many calories i'm burning doing it. I know I need to exercise more but whenever I get into a routine something happens to throw it off track! So frustrating!!
  • DancingYogini
    I'm there too!! I'm 5'5" and fluctuate between 120-125. I really want to get down to 115-118. It is so hard! It seem like no matter what I do I can't get below 120. Also, I am breastfeeding which makes it really tricky because I don't know EXACTLY how many calories i'm burning doing it. I know I need to exercise more but whenever I get into a routine something happens to throw it off track! So frustrating!!

    I breastfed all 3 of my kids, and found that the last bit of weight didn't come off until I weaned! Your body will hold onto a fat supply to make sure that your milk stays plentiful. You are so close to your goal, I bet, after you wean you will drop it without much effort :smile: You are doing such a good thing for your baby and yourself :heart: (lowers your risk of ovarian and breast cancer!)
  • DancingYogini
    Oh and your girls are adorable :heart:
  • justkeeprunning
    Glad you posted this! I'm 5'2" and 149 pounds, I just want to be 130-135. Not too far off, but taking an eternity (my own fault mostly).

    I am in the same boat! my own fault

    I have heard that if you are doing everything right but your body isn't losing anymore you should change things up. Like trying a new exercise or something. But also if your body is happy where it is it gets really hard to lose. At some point you need to be happy with yourself the way you are, if you are healthy and active. You should read "Life isn't fun at size 0" talks about loving your self and life vs hating life because all you do is exercise and eat only carrots and about the need to have a balance. I can't live happy unless I can have a slice of cake on my birthday.


    thanks for posting this :smile: