Do you not think that limiting veg and cutting out fruit is a recipe to disaster??
The excess of protein will produce harmful by products that the body needs to work extra hard to eliminate. It is laborious for the body to convert protein into blood sugar and it does so if it has to. Why not make it more efficient and have good carbs that have nutrients and are slow releasing? And I’ve noticed you’ve…
Besides, I thought you said you want to learn how to eat healthily? Dukan diet won’t teach you that at all. It won’t teach you how to make the right choices. Unfortunately it is just a fad diet.
It doesn’t seem extreme? It is one of the most extreme diets out there. You cut out carbs AND fats. There are a few problems with this – no matter what people will say on here, you do need carbs. More than just giving you easy energy you need them to produce Serotonin. If you are low on this neurotransmitter you will…
Amazing results
Thank you.: ) took me a year...
Thanks to all the serious replies :)
5"11.... 138 pounds. Shame about the loss of boobs though :-/
Another one, bet you are all gonne say too skinny.... And give me a break, it's 5 mins after I woke up...
Thanks :D I use to be a size 12 UK now I’m a 8-10. I tried a lot of different things, but basically cardio only once a week, weight lifting twice a week and the diet was low sugar 1200-1500 cals.
Oh and the best thing I've learnt - low sugar diet.
Thank you :) I tried a lot of different things, and went through different phases. I went on low carb, lowered calories to 1200, eating BMR, upped to 1900, did cardio every day, did no cardio only lifting, macros 30:40:30, did fasted cardio, lifted light and lifted heavy, cycled carbs, cycled calories, completed Turbofire,…
Thank you :) To be honest I am not sure. I have got calipers but I didn't use them before I changed and I still can't get a hang of them. In weight I have lost 10 pounds.
Wow thanks :-D Yeah, it has been a LOT of hard work, and took me over a year to get here. What's next? A break. I am going to continue training but I want to stop counting calories - I'm fed up! I just want to be healthy and stop worrying about hitting my macros each day or not going over a certain number. I use to aspire…
I have done a few of those programs. I wouldn't go as high as 2000 unless you want to maintain or purely build muscle. 1500 is a good figure, if you workout every day.
Bulk freeze. that's what I do. I make about 4 or 5 meals, freeze them in portions and rotate them during the week so I have plenty of options, they are healthy and easy to heat up.
Are you absolutely sure that you only eat 1000 calories, do you count and measure everything? I know some people will say you are overdoing it and not eating enough but I beg to differ. So many people say the same thing but when they actually log everything they eat more than they think, and that is the reason they are not…
There are a lot of opinions but I wouldn't. Definitly not if it's cardio. If you are looking to gain muscle make sure you eat enough protein, which should be about 40% of your deit especially if you are on 1200.
Cute :)
It is very hard and to be honest it might not be worth it. Some people have to work so hard to get there, and it's nearly impossible to maintain. Especially women.
Salad or limited carbs. Like 40g rice or 5 baby potaotes. Or you could have a small baked potato? Other than that you can always try cauliflour rice.
You should experiment and decide for yourself. I hate the damn thing but I think I am sensitive to it. Why eat it when you can eat Stevia which is natural?
It helped me shift the final few pounds that wouldn't budge. I started off at 1400 - 1200 every other day. Then went up to 1500-300 and I am now on 1700. I found it helped, but what helped even more was on the low calorie days I ate low carb and high protein.
Without pictures it's hard to tell but 14 % is low for a non athelit. I am 19% and people often tell me I should put on weight. I can udnerstand your fears of going back to old habbits, but all you have to do is slowly increase your calories by 100 calories each day for week until you are happy. You can add more fruit or…
Hmm. no.
It's very hard to stop fighting yourself. i still do it all the time. I gained a pound this week and I HATE IT. But I am trying to remind myself that weight is not everything in life and I am lifting weights so I am gaining muscle too. I am 5"11 with 20 inch thighs too
What does that include?
I would be on such a sugar high whilst dying!