HELP!! Can't lose a pound. what i'm doing wrong?

I am 42 years old, 5'3 and weigh 185lbs. I've been doing 90 minutes of cardio on my treadmill the last 4 weeks and I eat about 1000 calories a day (I'm not hungry). I haven't lose a pound. I have gained 2lbs. HELP!WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?


  • frynse_dk
    frynse_dk Posts: 1
    Same here. I'm 42 years old and weigh 76 kg. I've been doing 5 to 8 km of very brisk pace walking almost every day the last few weeks and I too eat about 1000 calories a day. In the beginning I lost weight, but over the last 10 days I've gained 1 kg :-(
    I too would like to know what I'm doing wrong?
  • NathanielUK
    NathanielUK Posts: 61 Member
    just a couple of things.

    1000 calories is wayy to low, Try getting 1300 - 1600 every day.

    What foods are involved in your Cal intake? Bads foods make it redundant.

    Eating that less of cals and training means your body isnt getting what it needs so it will hold onto the fat.

    Where you very active before the work outs? 90 minutes on treadmill is alot - especially if you have gone from 0 - 90/ If you wernt very active then your muslces are building (to an extent) and muscle weighs 3 times the amount of Fat (i think) so this could be possible reasons for not seeing any movement.

    Weighing yourself in the same spot?
    Drinking lots of water??
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    You say 'about' 1000 calories which makes me think your not actually weighing it. I reality for health reasons you should eat a little more than 1000. Weigh all your food and count everything to make sure it's accurate that includes drinks. I doubt your running at the deficit you think you are
  • grandpoobah12
    I also can`t lose. I haven`t lost a lb since starting 5 weeks ago. I need to lose only 20 lbs. I eat about 1600 per day at 175 cm. First 3 weeks I ate 1200 as recommended by MFP. I lost nothing. I upped it for two weeks now. I lost nothing but gained nothing either. Try upping the calories, why suffer if it isn`t going to work anyway.

    My fit bit says I burn about 2800~3000 cal per day. I am considering upping it more.
  • HollieDollieeeex
    HollieDollieeeex Posts: 116 Member
    You aren't eating enough at all. You shouldnt be lower than 1200, and thats before you've been on the treadmill.

    Eat more, drink more water & it will start falling off.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    As said above:

    1. weigh everything.
    2. Log everything.
    3. Log exercise and eat back calories - some say MFP estimates are too generous, but I haven't found that. I think the porblem comes when poeple over-estimate their activity level - like putting "vigorous" instead of "moderate".

    I started out about your weight in January (I'm 48 and 5' 5) and now am almost at my goal weight.

    Logging and patience!
  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    Are you absolutely sure that you only eat 1000 calories, do you count and measure everything? I know some people will say you are overdoing it and not eating enough but I beg to differ. So many people say the same thing but when they actually log everything they eat more than they think, and that is the reason they are not losing weight.
  • GameOfPounds
    GameOfPounds Posts: 128 Member
    You eat a little. I couldn't lose weight at 1200 calories but I am losing fine at 1500-1800 cals. Don't be afraid of calories,you can eat at a deficit without cutting 1000 calories.
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Honestly I know it sounds mad, but I was eating 1600 cals and not losing....I upped it to 2000 and hey presto, am losing. I would eat my own arm if I only had 1000 cals (not sure how many cals an arm has!?!?!) Every one is different so finding the right amount of calories is the tricky part. I also notice that although some people say a calorie is a calorie but when I eat healthy natural stuff I lose weight easier than if I have the same amount of calories of junk food. Hope you find the balance you need :flowerforyou:
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    nope your not. you are not eating 1000 calories and doing 90 minutes cardio for 4 weeks and not loosing weight. this is physically an impossibility your body has had to consume energy from somewhere.

    so you are either:

    not measuring calories right
    not weighting yourself accurately and at the same times of the day
    not keeping your water weight stable (making yourself dehydrated or eating very salty foods)
    lying/exagerating about your results to find a magic answer for your frustration (just saying)
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    This again? Try eating. I'm not trying to be mean here. Do some research of eating properly. You are not eating enough.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    I am exactly the same age and height as you (well 5' 2 1/2"). I eat 1500 and do moderate exercise (walking) most days and I am losing weight. I would say, don't starve yourself (you will never last and you will be miserable). Be patient and the weight will come off.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    1. You need to wear a heart rate monitor with a chest to get an accurate number of calories burned.
    2. Weigh and measure your food.
    3. Eat the number of calories that MFP has allotted to you plus eat back almost all of your exercise calories. Eating less than that could cause your metabolism to slow down.
    4. Cut back on all that cardio. Lift weights!
    5. Weigh yourself at the same time every morning.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Open your diary so that your MFP resources can help you with your question!

    And, ask yourself if you can eat 1000 calories a day forever. If the changes and decisions you're making aren't sustainable, this will be a short term endeavor instead of a lifestyle change...
  • shannonmarie752487
    You are eating too few calories. Get your macros in line (carbs, protein, fat). Get your TDEE
    Ignore the goal MFP sets for you. It's probably too low. I was doing the same thing early on, and I also gained weight. Cardio is good, but you need a more strenuous workout (look up circuit training, bodyweight workouts). However, 90% of losing weight has to do with calories. I know it sounds wrong to say you are eating too few calories, but if you were eating 3,000 or more calories a day, for example, and then you suddenly drop down to fewer than 1,000, your body is going to be all confused and you will mess up your metabolism (especially if you, like me, have done this crash diet kind of thing before).
  • JDySart777
    JDySart777 Posts: 270 Member
    It's been said before and it's worth saying again. Calculate your BMR and TDEE, and aim to eat at least your BMR. If you are not giving your body enough fuel to function, it will start to hoard just about every calorie you eat. The two of you are both very active, so I'd say your bodies need more than 1,000 kcals...and that's NET. If you are eating 1,000 and the exercising away 400 every day, you're only giving your body 600 to do its job. Nowhere near enough.

  • Jaimeknits77
    Jaimeknits77 Posts: 3 Member
    are you eating 3 meals a day or are you eating more? If you eat 6 times a day and cut the portions down that might help reboot your metabolism. Also it matters what you eat. If it is all crabs than that is an issue. I make a frozen fruit and protein smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch and a small sensible dinner. But I also snack on fresh fruit or dried fruit and nuts during the day. Oh and lots of water. The calculation for water is divide your weight in half and exchange the pounds for ounces. so if you are 150 lb divided by 2 is 75 lb so that is 75 oz of water you need to drink in a day to help loose. The water helps to flush out your system. I'm 105 lbs down over the past 2 years and I have 90 lb to go for my goal and I have hit a Plato. So I feel your pain!
  • kklotay
    kklotay Posts: 33 Member
    Other than eating right amount of calories, you need to pay attention to your carb, protien and fat proportions. I had to increase protein in my diet to start losing.

    I am also stuck on my last ten pounds.
  • mfclingan
    mfclingan Posts: 158 Member
    You have to eat to lose. I know....crazy! But the trick is in chosing HEALTHY foods. I know for me if I eat too many carbs (mainly bread, pasta, rice, potatoes........not the natural carbs such as fruits) I don't lose. So look closely at WHAT you are eating also!
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I am 42 years old, 5'3 and weigh 185lbs. I've been doing 90 minutes of cardio on my treadmill the last 4 weeks and I eat about 1000 calories a day (I'm not hungry). I haven't lose a pound. I have gained 2lbs. HELP!WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?