HELP!! Can't lose a pound. what i'm doing wrong?



  • I also can`t lose. I haven`t lost a lb since starting 5 weeks ago. I need to lose only 20 lbs. I eat about 1600 per day at 175 cm. First 3 weeks I ate 1200 as recommended by MFP. I lost nothing. I upped it for two weeks now. I lost nothing but gained nothing either. Try upping the calories, why suffer if it isn`t going to work anyway.

    My fit bit says I burn about 2800~3000 cal per day. I am considering upping it more.

    So...even if your fitbit is off by a bit, you clearly state you are consuming at least 1,000 calories less than what your body needs to survive? Per day? :frown:

    right I am going to eat!