

  • Lovesauburn - Do you have that program at your church? If not, how did you hear about it? It sounds really good. Erica
  • Good evening. I was updating my food diary, so I thought I'd check in really quickly. My new job is going well. There is sooooo much to learn :huh: , it's hard to remember it all. Everyone's been very nice, though, and understanding. I actually worked alone today, which was nice, but a little scary. I hope I didn't make…
  • Good evening. I have finished all my cooking today, so dinners are taken care of for this week. I need to plan next week's meals so I can buy what I need and plan for cooking day Sunday. I got up extremely late this morning, so I dove right into the bread making. Unfortunately, I neglected the exercise and indulged in a…
  • A very early good morning. I got home from my sister's (where I definitely ate too much), and sat down to plan my meals for the week. I just finished reading all the posts, so I thought I'd check in. I'm pretty sure my weight is going to be up tomorrow (or, rather, later this morning) ::smile: , but I'm not going to stress…
  • Good Morning! I thought I'd check in today. I'm not sure I'll get another chance to before I start working. I missed a few days, again, so I didn't read all the posts. I'll try to catch up later, if I can. Chiclet - all right, I'll buy groceries first. My husband will probably be working nights, because he works until 1:15…
  • Good Evening, Everyone, It's actually still Tuesday 8/31 here, for the next 45 minutes anyway. I just finished catching up on the posts. It's hard to believe August is over. I didn't accomplish anything I had hoped to accomplish over the summer, but tomorrow's a new month, so anything can happen, right? :smile: Vicki - I…
  • Good very early morning! Yes, I know I shouldn't be up, but we are leaving for Las Vegas this morning, and I needed to get some laundry done. DS was using the washer when I got home from work, so I had to wait. It's okay, though. I can sleep in the car. It's a 4 hour drive, and I can't read in the car, so there's really…
  • Good morning all! I missed yesterday as I played scrabble with DD#2 after dinner, watched NCIS, and promptly fell asleep on the sofa. UGH!!! :mad: I haven't yet exercised, but I will get it in before lunch. Not working this afternoon, but I need to get to the library to renew two books before heading off to Las Vegas…
  • Good Evening, When I weighed myself this morning, I was 199.25 lbs! :happy: :happy: :happy: I broke 200 and am in the one's! I am hoping to keep it under 200 from now on. The friend I talked to at church yesterday regarding an office job called me this evening to tell me her office manager wants to see my resume. :smile: I…
  • Good Evening, Everyone, I was going to try to catch up on the posts, but I only made it to page 4! I had vacation bible school at church this past week, with today being the big family celebration after service. I was paired up with a 5-year-old autistic boy who was fun to be around, but it was draining having to keep my…
  • Sorry, I accidentally hit the reply button. Anyway, I'll be talking to my supervisor tomorrow, so I can get my questions answered. I better go. Goodnight all. Have a great day tomorrow. I won't be able to log on until the evening. Erica
  • Good Evening Ladies, Vacation Bible School starts tomorrow, so I need to get to bed early tonight. I wanted to check in before I ended my day. I didn't have time to read everyone's posts, again, but I will try to get back into the swing of things tomorrow. Chiclet - awesome feeling being able to fit into something you…
  • Saturday July 31 Theresa - 17 Nia - 13 Mia- 27 mj - 21 Ohhhhhhhhhhh, so close! I checked back, thought I made the finish line, but I'm one day short :( hooah, anyway for July.....come on August....:)! Elyse - 24 Anna - 16 Robin - 10 Jill - 27 Lana - 10 Callie - 24 Woo- hoo This was like my 3rd or 4th month attempting to…
  • Thursday, July 29 Theresa - 17 Nia - 13 Mia- 25 mj - 18 Elyse - 22 Anna - 16 Robin - 10 Jill - 24 Lana - 10 Callie - 21 Katie - 15 Andie - 8 Shua - 3 Heidi - 1 Erica - 20 Keith- 28 Nicole -4 Rebecka - 4 Breannah - 3 Nancy - 16 please keep me on the bottom of the list. With my Iphone I can't go to the top of the list. So…
  • Monday July 26 Theresa - 16 Nia - 13 Mia- 23 mj - 16 Elyse - 21 Anna - 16 Robin - 10 Jill - 22 Lana - 10 Callie - 18 Katie - 15 Andie - 8 Shua - 3 Heidi - 1 Erica - 18 Keith- 25 Nicole -4 Rebecka - 4 Breannah - 3 Nancy - 15 please keep me on the bottom of the list. With my Iphone I can't go to the top of the list. So this…
  • Thursday July 22 Theresa - 13, I'm finally back online, I started the Couch to 5K July 1st and doing additional cardio and weights. Nia - 13 Mia- 20 mj - 12 Elyse - 17 Anna - 16 Robin - 7 Jill - 18 Lana - 7 Callie - 16 Katie - 15 Andie - 8 Shua - 3 Heidi - 1 Erica - 16 Keith- 21 Nicole -4 Rebecka - 4 Breannah - 3 Nancy -…
  • Hello everyone, It's 1:00 a.m., and I'm still up. I have an appointment with a nutritionist tomorrow, so I needed to finish my food diary so I could print it out for her. I'm supposed to be watching my carbs, which I do well for breakfast and lunch, but late afternoon and evening is hard. I went to the doctor today for a…
  • Monday, July 19 Nia - 13 Mia- 18 mj - 12 Elyse - 14 Anna - 16 Robin - 7 Jill - 16 Lana - 5 Callie - 13 Katie -12 Andie - 8 Shua - 3 Heidi - 1 Erica - 14 Keith- 19 Nicole -4 Rebecka - 4 Breannah - 3 Nancy - 13 please keep me on the bottom of the list. With my Iphone I can't go to the top of the list. So this way I can up…
  • Good evening, everyone, I haven't been on for a couple of days. I've been in kind of a funk. My eating was a little off Thursday and yesterday, but I feel like I've done okay today. I'm falling asleep on the sofa, again, and not getting a proper nights sleep, so that hasn't helped any. This is my goal for the remainder of…
  • Saturday July 17 Nia - 13 Mia- 16 mj - 9 Elyse - 12 Anna - 13 Robin - 7 Jill - 14 Lana - 5 Callie - 12 Katie - 9 Andie - 8 Shua - 3 Heidi - 1 Erica - 13 Keith- 16 Nicole -4 Rebecka - 4 Breannah - 3 Nancy - 11 please keep me on the bottom of the list. With my Iphone I can't go to the top of the list. So this way I can up…
  • Hi, all. Had a crazy day yesterday, so couldn't get on the site. I logged my food from yesterday today and started on today's. I was successful Monday night not eating sweets for dessert. The apple and cinnamon satisfied my sweet tooth very nicely. :happy: I made sugar-free jell-o yesterday, so that was my dessert, no…
  • I lost 1 pound this week! Yeah! :happy: I walked this morning and have planned my meals for the day, so I'm happy. I have my list of things to do, so I'm hoping it will help me keep the night time snacking to a minimum. I did well yesterday, except, of course, for the oreos. I have apples with a little cinnamon on them…
  • Monday, July 12 Nia - 9 Mia- 11 mj - 4 Elyse - 9 Anna - 8 Robin - 2 Jill - 8 Lana - 1 Callie - 9 Katie - 6 Andie - 1 Shua - 3 Heidi - 1 Erica - 10 Keith- 11 Got 71 miles cardio and my first lifting/abs session in this week! Nicole -4 Rebecka - 4 Breannah - 1 Nancy - 7 please keep me on the bottom of the list. With my…
  • Once, again, it's the end of the day. I finished my food diary and thought I'd check this out before doing dishes and getting ready for bed. Rjadams - thanks for the link about the apple cider vinegar. I may have to give it a try. I don't think I have any, but I'll check my cupboard. It certainly couldn't hurt to try it. I…
  • I just finished logging my food and exercise for the day and thought I'd check back here before heading off to do the dishes. I did pretty well today, except for the chocolate candy bar I had for dessert. I did have a glass of skim milk with it, though. Even with the candy, I managed to stay under my calories for the day.…
  • I almost didn't walk today, but managed to get on the treadmill for 45 minutes! :happy: Saturday, July 10 Nia - 8 Mia- 9 mj - 4 Elyse - 5 Anna - 8 Robin - 2 Jill - 8 Lana - 1 Callie - 9 Katie - 5 Andie - 1 Shua - 3 Heidi - 1 Erica - 9 Keith- 10 Nicole -4 Rebecka - 4 Breannah - 1 Nancy - 5 please keep me on the bottom of…
  • Good morning, all! It's overcast here (Torrance, CA), but it is supposed to burn off later today. It's been a rather cool week, and even though it's supposed to warm up elsewhere, those of us by the beach will be experiencing the low 70's, much to the dismay of my kids who want to go to the beach. While I'm glad we're not…
  • I joined this site a week ago. I'm trying to find some good groups to join, and this sounds like a good one. I will be 53 next month and am determined to lose at least 50 pounds. I, too, have a problem with emotional eating, which is a constant battle because I suffer from depression. It is being treated and I am much…
  • Friday, July 9 Nia - 8 Mia- 7 mj - 4 Elyse - 5 Anna - 4 Robin - 2 Jill - 8 Lana - 1 Callie - 7 ( for Thurs) Katie - 5 Andie - 1 Shua - 3 Heidi - 1 Erica - 8 Keith- 9 Nicole -4 Rebecka - 4 Nancy - 5 please keep me on the bottom of the list. With my Iphone I can't go to the top of the list. So this way I can up date my…
  • Thursday, July 8 Nia - 7 Mia- 7 mj - 3 Elyse - 5 Anna - 4 Robin - 2 Jill - 5 Lana - 1 Callie - 6 Katie - 5 Andie - 1 Shua - 3 Heidi - 1 Erica - 7 Keith- 8 Nicole -4 Rebecka - 4 Nancy - 4 please keep me on the bottom of the list. With my Iphone I can't go to the top of the list. So this way I can up date my workout. Thank…
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