

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    chicklet - ((((great big hug)))). You know what it (the depression) is, and that's a good sign.

    Ladies - I have a dilemma, I don't know if any of you can help but I'll give it a try. We are going to go on a lunch cruise as a going away gift for friends of ours who are moving. Really, there was only one lady who wanted the lunch, everone else was fine with the buffet or dinner. Personally, I think the buffet would have been best. But anyway. Well, the food that's offered on the lunch cruise is a choice of turkey (this I'll probably get), chicken salad (no way), or sliced ham (talk about sodium!) on a large croissant (I'd prefer not to have the croissant) with lettuce, tomato (OK, that's OK) and pickle (another sodium pit, I won't want the pickle) on the side. There is also a 2 hot dog plate available (more sodium!). All lunches are served with cookies (I'd prefer not to have these), chips (I really don't want these) and ice tea or coffee. They do have unsweetened tea or I can get water. If I want a house salad it will cost extra. No one can tell me what comes on the house salad (cruitons, bacon, cheese?) The lunch cruise is $19.50. If all I get is the turkey, I'm afraid that it won't look good to everyone else. Yet, if I get the cookies or chips, I'm afraid that I'll start to feel bad. I've noticed that lately if I have something that has fat and sugar in it, my stomach afterwards feels really bad and I wish I could throw up (although I wouldn't do that). I'm wondering if what I might do is get the cookies and chips, but maybe have only one or two and leave the rest or maybe give them to someone else. That's the only solution I can find to this dilemma. That is, unless someone here has a suggestion. They don't have anything special for diabetics.

    Barbiecat - I just noticed that on my newsfeed page, some days there's a link to view your food diary, and some days there isn't. Why is that?????? <wondering>

    Really, really wish we'd get this yard landscaped. Vince isn't crazy about spending the money for something he says we can do ourselves. Me? I would like to get it done properly the first time. After that, I don't have a problem keeping up with it (mowing, weeding, etc). Now to convince him....... Last year he was on a kick of getting some grass in...in this clay....it really didn't take. I kept saying "shouldn't we put some hay on top of the seed", he kept telling me that it would be OK as long as we kept watering it. Guess what happened? The seed burned in the sun......

    chicklet - you post how you feel -- up or down. That's what we're here for, to listen, sometimes to offer advice. It's good to get things off your chest and this is a safe place to do it.

    mimi - actually, Bryan made the pissaladiere. However, I'm supposed to go to this gal's house Tues. evening and bring an appetizer. I might make another one and take that with me.

    Those who remember pillbox hats -- here's another blast from the past -- nehru jackets

    Someone (and I don't remember who) was talking about how they connect eating with being in the car. I seem to always want to eat when I'm at the computer. But lately I do eat, just that I'm eating veges or fruit. cherries are good.

    mimi - got a question for you about roasting veges. One of the stores around here has asparagus on sale, so I will probably buy some. The last few times I steamed it. To some extent, steaming it made it somewhat "bland". Then again, I didn't want to use any sauce or butter. when you buy it, do you break it so that the tender parts just get roasted? Is there anything special that you do?

    Robin - contrats for your daughter!!!!!

    A friend's daughter is going to FL and may be spending the night here, so I'll probably make some chocolate cookies for her. That's just me, always making something for someone.

    Just had a kid at the door selling some sort of card where you get discounts at places. Really, we don't go to any of those places (lots of fast food, pizza places, etc), and I don't remember seeing him in the neighborhood. So I just gave him a donation.

    Donna - if you constantly don't have that small fry and hamburger, you are going to drive youself crazy. Kackie is right -- one won't be the end of the world. Just make sure it's only one and only once in a while, that's all.

    kackie - congrats on the 36 years. You know, a few years ago a friend of mine from college and I got together, she had business to do in Philly and we were living nearby. Anyway, we realized that out of all our friends, we were the only two who were still married to our first husbands. All of our other friends were on their second, third, and even fourth husband. There's a difference between getting divorced because of abuse or something like that. But most of them got divorced for reasons that probably could have been worked out. We'll be hitting 32 this year. Hope you have a great dinner.

    Did the pilates class and then the toning today. Was planning to do a step DVD tomorrow, but decided to do it today since I like to exercise in the a.m., I most likely would get sweated and then want a shower, but we have a Newcomers meeting to go to, so I did the step today. Tomorrow a.m. (if I have time) I'll do a stretching DVD, something where I won't get all sweated up.

    Going to have egg whites for breakfast tomorrow since they usually fill me up. Whenever we go to these Newcomers meetings, someone brings snacks. Honestly, most times it isn't something healthy at all. So I usually skip the snacks. I want to be so full that I don't even WANT anything to eat.

    Well, everyone, have a great evening.

  • Angusowner
    Happy, lethargic Tuesday! I have been running errands, trying to get materials for tiling a backsplash. Just driving & running into stores, and going down mile-long aisles has me worn out. Maybe it is because so hot & humid out & I was in & out of air-conditioning? Maybe it is because I have been been using all my great defensive moves agains the hoard of mosquitos - Alice, they ARE awful! - Maybe it is because my breakfast was on the run - a protein bar - and I ate a late lunch via Subway? Who knows, but I had to log on here & get a mental boost from your posts in order to make it further into the day without nap or snack. :yawn: I thought Amanda's idea of snuggling in with a good book sounded divine!!

    Actually, I am snacking. Mimi, I have a bag of veggies right here that I am snacking on in your honor! I am thinking "The Queen Veggie" would be a good name, also! What a darling story; I am betting our grandchildren & nieces/nephews wonder about us sometimes :smile: . You are such a great researcher! You know, they pay people to do That!!

    Thanks to Michele & Barb, also, about the good info. When I first mentioned it to DH last night, he said, "Tried it: it has a funny aftertaste. I can only find it in packets so it gets expensive." Now I can counter with good info!

    Oh, you girls with such energy: Donna, I wish I could get that same busrt of energy (flea market LOL!) Robin - all I can say is WOW - impressive! Minnesota is one of my favorite states. Perhaps because my DGD lives there :happy:

    Oh, no! My DD's dear boy friend, who is staying with us in order to actually put the tile on the backsplash just informed my I bought the wrong adhesive.....back to the salt mines, my dears. More late!
    Take care,
  • Chelius
    Chelius Posts: 2
    Hello everyone!
  • ainslieglen
    :heart: Happy 36th Anniversary, Kackie....enjoy your celebratory dinner!
  • pcw52
    pcw52 Posts: 26 Member
    I am very new to this. I am so lost. I really do not know how to communicate on this thing. How often do you weigh in? Do you try to exercise everyday? My goal is to exercise 4 days a month. I am so excited that I have been able to exercise for a couple of days in a row. I feel like that is a major thing right now. I have started on the exercise thing first food will follow. Why? I have been unable to exercise consistently for the last 20 years. I feel like if I can accomplish something like exercising and meeting my goal , it will give confidence to tackle the food. Hope I am right.
  • mimi7grands
    Getting ready to go out for a walk. Just wanted to say Hi first. I got to use my new (very used) little truck today to do an errand for my son. He needed one more piece of trim for the stair rail before the painters got there. I just hopped over to the lumber yard then up to where he's working. Hurray for my new little truck. She's not pretty but she's solid.

    Michelle, maybe you could call the cruise company to ask about the salad. That or bring some of your own food. You can do that with pride. Who knows, it might catch on! Re the asparagus, I do break the tough ends off. Then I spritz them with olive oil using my Misto sprayer, place them on a broiler pan, and bake them at 475 or so for about 9 minutes...the exact time depends on the size of the asparagus. Don't overcook! I love it roasted but also like it steamed. Either way, the flavor's delicate. I think it's a little more interesting roasted.

    pcw52, your approach makes sense. One of the books I read (Strong Women Stay Young) recommended building up some muscle before you tried cardio because the exercises are easier for someone who's out of shape. The eating part will come in time. Be sure to log everything. You'll find it tremendously educational. One of the things that struck me the most was how exercising bumped up the number of calories I could eat. I knew that but I didn't truly get it. You've come to a great place for support!

    Chellus, welcome.

    Bec, good for you on the veggies. I just had a big bowl of fresh-picked tomatoes and cucumbers with a little yogurt, vinegar, and pepper. I'm full now but have lots of calories left. I'll have a little more to eat when I get back from my walk. Speaking of which, I'd better get going. It's easy to procrastinate when I'm talking to all of you. But the daylight won't last forever.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Laura, I watched the video from the Today show and loved it……thank you for sharing the info

    Alice, I’m so sorry for the loss of your aunt, and glad that you were able to have a recent visit with her

    MacMadame, sorry your calf is taking so long to heal…….I am a big fan of chiropractors…I highly recommend them

    Kackie, Happy Anniversary……36 years is amazing

    Michele, my food diary is always open for anyone to see……check my profile page……I don’t know why it doesn’t show up on the friend feed…….about your cruise, I am a bigger fanatic than most, but if I were going, I’d eat my lunch at home before I went, pack a snack that fits in with my food plan, and eat only the turkey…..even if you could justify the calories for the cookies and chips, the aftereffects wouldn’t be worth it…….I’ve stopped worrying what anyone else thinks ….my friends in OA and FA bring their own food wherever they go and never eat the meal that is served.

    Pcw52…..the best way to get started is to start…..do some exercise today and more tomorrow…..I exercise every day but I didn’t start out that way…….plan your food ahead of time….the food diary will help you make small adjustments every day until you have a plan that fits into the right boundaries of calories and nutrients……take it one day at a time and take baby steps ……and drink a lot of water.

    Chellus, welcome, this is a great group….I hope we’ll hear more about you.

    We met with a wonderful woman today who explained all the things we didn’t understand about Medicare and supplemental insurance and prescription plans so now we think we know what to do next…..she made everything very understandable and the dogs liked her.

    All these long posts are good for my arms…..I use my hand weights while I read so the longer the better
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Angusowner
    I have returned. I live in a small town, so had to drive 30 miles to exchange the adhesive. Since we drive that so often, it seems like nothing. However, huge storm blew up on the way back home. Fortunately, Angus & Mac were not too upset about the storm (DH at a meeting), but tails wagged fiercely when we came through the door. :ohwell:

    Contiinuing with some comments:
    Mimi - if the Veggie lovers belong to HEC - would they then be HEClers?:laugh:

    Chicletgirl - Kackie is so right: just work on making it one day @ a time. You know you have a place to turn when you need to vent, cry, whatever it takes. One technique that is so affective is to journal. That could be here. Please take care of yourself.:flowerforyou:

    SuzyQ - I am sure that your daughter is going to thrill her grandmother! Her presence will be a wonderful birthday gift.:heart:

    Laura - thanks for the Today Show link. Inspirational is right!:smile:

    Alice - I am sorry about your aunt. My mom was the last of a generation, also.:cry:

    Bkrbabe - I love your lessons - thanks for sharing.:flowerforyou:

    Erica - Good For you! I hope to be reporting "into the hundreds" . I just hope I will be able to say that before TOO long! fo how long will that temp job be? Will there be a chance of it becoming permenant? Will it give you time to search out another full time job? I hope you find what is best for you!!:drinker:

    Michele - We always grill our asparagus with olive oil, Italian seasoning and sometimes garlic. What a dilemma on that cruise! I think you should take something with you like some apple slices to eat with the turkey. I have done that, pleading "doctor's orders" - so I fib a bit....Well, my doctor did tell me to cut out fats & sodium! :ohwell:

    Kackie - Happy 36! We hit 30 this year :flowerforyou:

    Pcw52 - Welcome! I only weigh in once a week, but weight myself constantly! My goalwas to exercise 3 times weekly, but try to do something everyday. I am relatively new to this all, also, but have done much better since getting help from these supportive women and this board.

    A -/+:
    1. :grumble: I ate too much food tonight. Even though it was good, healthy food, I feel uncomfortable.
    :happy: Tomorrow I am on all clear liquids for the day so will not feel too full all day!

    Random thoughts:
    1. Does anyone else use a lap top that has a curser that is cursed? I will be typing along when suddenly the curser jumps to another line and I have typed something in the middle of other words! I try to be sure I correct them, but if you read something that does not make sense, that is why. Well, that and I am a pretty bizaare thinker.
    2. Another story from my childhood related to my dad: I thought babies came from mail order stores like Sears. That's because when I would ask my mother where dad was, she might say, "Out delivering a litter of baby pigs". I thought that dad had gotten in a litter from the mail and was taking them to the farmer. I had no thoughts about where the mail order store would get the piglets. This continued until my 8th birthday when my dad let me watch our dog have puppies. I was surprised to say the least, but glad that I finally knew the truth! (I am starting to sound like a goofy kid....)

    Question for you HEClers:
    What is a really good, quick breakfast that will help me in my good eating habits when I return to teaching in a week? I am not a morning person. (love mornings, but love to sleep & keep kind of strange hours - such a night owl and no internal clock). What is quick, easy, filling, good for me? Thanks!:tongue:

    Time to help with some more tiling. This post took me hours to write since I would stop to help, eat suppers, etc. Thanks for everyone's posts. They are wonderful!:heart:
    Take care,
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Just a quick post to tell you I have a possible solution for your cursor issue, and will have to search recent email for it and will PM to you.

    Also, I think "HEClers" is PERFECT--let's heckle all those on the MFP website who aren't eating enough veggies!!!

    Chiclet-I am glad you posted since the one yesterday. When I saw it, I considered phoning you, but felt it was too late to do so. Glad you are back on a more even keel. Take care of yourself.

    No time for long post, just on here for a sec at my mom's.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good night, ladies!

    Last night's candlelight dinner was not so romantic, just me and the pooches. Power came back on 5 mins before DH got home from work. Second power outage this summer, our thunder and ligthing storms have been terrific this year. THIS time I'm not putting the candles away!

    Did try roasting brussels sprouts, ala Mimi, but didn't cook them long enough and the marinade must have had some sugar in because, they were a bit blackened on the outside, and decidedly C H E W Y !!!

    Tonight I stopped at the new smaller farmer's market, maybe only half dozen vendors. Got beets and turnips with their tops on, a small watermelon, some garlic, red peppers both hot and sweet and a cucumber. The cute sweet gal who sold me my first bluberries last week persuaded me to try a cherry tomato (pink brandywine). It is a testament to my mother's training that I didn't spit it out or throw up. I really DO NOT LIKE TOMATOES! And yes, I'd read SuzyQ's excellent and inspiring advice. Will not be following it tho'...Got home and scrapped planned dinner in favor of turnip greens sauteed with a strip of bacon and one of our tiny home grown potatoes, a piece of bread and some brie. YUMMMMM! Oh and some red wine... ;}

    Dance class tomorrow and Thurs so that will be all the creative cookery until Beer Friday night. Lenten lifestyle is going by the wayside. Light beer Monday and 2 glasses of wine tonight. Ah well.

    Chiclet, Its so hard to feel so powerless. You have nothing to apologize for, if you can't share with us, who can you share with? We are here, we care and we all send you warm thoughts. I am so glad you chose to try the meds again, at least for awhile. And you're right, sometimes you need a good cry to purge the bad chems as well as the pent up feelings. As Kackie suggests, put one foot in front of the other. And again. And again. And as Laura says, take a walk. Have a good cry. Try to sleep. Get up and take another very very very long walk. It sounds crazy but exercise can help. It's something you CAN do, it will improve YOUR health, and maybe even your outlook. It might not be a bad thing for your mom to stay in the hospital for awhile. She'll get care there. Sending you a big squeezing bear hug. and a littler one to Boo. Thnaks for sharing the story about your momma and the hot guy nurse. She must be a pistol!

    Barbie Tea at the Empress, now there's a memory... I must have been 5 yrs old, While Mama and Papa were enjoying their tea, I walked up to the pianist and proudly announced that I, too played the piano... Well done with the blessed peach pie. All that walking must have paid penance forward.

    Erica_q, "was reminded that the hours I had last year weren't my hours" sorry but I don't understand?

    Elizabeth, what happy news! What does your son do for a living in Cabo? It sounds like living in any other resort-too good to be true! "You must know that you are a big chunk of my life, even if I'm not a good poster. I visit you every day here, and I care about what happens to you all." You said it just right.

    SuzyQ My grandfolk were gone before I was born too, one Great Gran lived to see me at 1. How old were your parents when you were born? How many sibs do you have? It is a different experience from most. So glad for DDs quick fly in. Enjoy!

    Amanda, I can't fault your guest for wanting to sample the local brews, it would be HIGH :) on my list if I ever returned to the British Isles. Just so long as he doesn't get loopy before lopping of the branches, that could be dangerous. On the other hand, your home is YOUR home and if you don't want booze in the house he must respect that. Sorry about those glasses, hope the broken "arms" don't come in 3s. Whod've thought we'd need new glasses sizes, too? (tee hee!)

    DoobieDoo, sage words!

    Peggy, no wait, you must have me confused with someone else. Exercise is one of my struggles, as in haven't made the gutt'n'butt yet today... The only exception is dance class which is NOT EXERCISE BUT FUN... (think this is key)... Please tell us more about your loom and your spinning. Do you have a wheel? Do you card your own wool? What the heck are noils anyway? Oh Stained glass, if only I had the artist's eye and some hand coordination, I'd love to try it. Oh well somebody has to be on hand to say "Bravo!"

    Jeannie Having a hard time picturing "boat camping"? Do you have a brazier setup on deck for the s'mores?

    Donna Thanks for the toaster oven idea, it really is too hot here to fire up the ol' oven... "Why would anyone want to buy fleas?" snorted the wine that I most certainly DO NOT spit out. Know how hard it is to resist the smell of those fries. Maybe GD will share 1 or 2 with you, you can savor the taste, then move on to a fruit and walnut snack which is pretty yummy too...

    Laura WTG with the bike riding and giving DH a good workout! The whole family coming Christmas? You must be so excited! Not sure you'll come back tanned from an Alaskan cruise... relaxed yes, tanned, don't think so... Paperwork, you inspire
    me! It's mounding up again... 5 lbs to go, its soooo close, you must be so proud!

    Bec, There is a special place in hell for dog poisoners... I want it to be for them to come back as the dogs they poisoned, knowing what is happening, powerless to avoid and knowing they did it as they suffer.
    Lightening up, school year survival yoga plan sounds GREAT! ConVERY gratulations on eliminating 2 of the meds! It won't be long for the other 3. Sweeteners, I can't use nutrisweet, or sweet'n'low or anything with aspartame, it gives me a headache. Maltodextrin makes me "windy" but I like Splenda even though it is chemically processed from sugar. The last time I tried Stevia (a natural product) it had too much "green" taste for me... but imagine they've improved the refining process.
    Sometimes I just use honey and count every calorie. For baking I still use real brown sugar and white sugar and molasses. Haven't experimented with the Splenda blends, worried about their influence on texture and tooth.

    Pat Good for you! 5 mile walk AND badminton? Well done! Perversely, I have trouble exercising on weekends, but can make it to dance classes during the workweek. Go figure. 4th wrist surgery? How hard that must be! Whatever are chocolate aero and sugar foam shrimps?

    Michelle your variety of exercise is inspiring! Sorry the cat cuddler class got cancelled, please tell us about it when its held again.

    Kackie you said it and you said it well!

    Peggy again, what agreat idea about the calendar. and Again one of my favorite phrases "Throw momma from the train" when she said the magic word I bout snorted my drink! What about cues for getting that paperwork done? Like Barbiecat, I'd
    rather read and post than clean house (or sort paper and pay bills!) :)

    AllisonMO Enjoy Sweden, but beware of the lutfisk.

    Erica again, WOW Congratulations, what a MilePost. Well Done!

    Alice mosquitoes as weightloss strategy, oh noooo! The bite would make me swell up more than offsetting the exertion. I HATE THEM. The trout can starve! The least offensive anti-bugstuff I've ever used was Avon's Skin-so-soft wipes...
    Sorry for your loss but it sounds liike you have wonderful memories. The older I get, the pages seem to be more of an animated flip book than a leisurely read...

    Barbiecat, Thanks! Only partly familiar with one that you mentioned, Quarter After One, and I'm struggling with that, can't seem to get past the first 24 counts... My ab favorite is an oldie done to a polka song about "I want to be a cowboy's sweetheart" ;) DH requested roasted veggies for lunch? hmmm, maybe the next weekend I cook, which looks like it will be Labor day (no pun intended)...

    MacMadame, Good for you for trying all the alternatives, AND for being alert to what works for you and what does not. How's the sleep coming? Don't think the body can heal without it... Your Mom still works at 70 and travels to China, and
    credits Chinese medicine for keeping the Hep C at bay? WOW! Maybe that's where you get your energy and determination?

    Jackie oh nooo, the fishy box in the recycle bin is NOT the kind of "cue to exercise" Peggy meant! Just love your sense of humor tho'.. Good job on the Zumba, think you're onto something there.

    Mimi, aka SVQ, you don't know how much you've influenced me. I ate blueberries. I ate a cherry tomato and didn't puke. I've cooked vegetables two evenings in a row. In the past, was ok with salad and raw vegs mid-day but at night it was carbs and protein. Think that's changed permanently, for non-dance class nights at least. All thanks to YOU our beloved SisterVeggieQueen! What the HEC indeed!

    There are many small or toy breeds that don't shed (need grooming) or are low dander, poodles, many terriers, bichon frisees, miniature schnauzers, and so on. Our Robby is a "little black dog" mix who doesn't shed. Our Dixie is a larger (35
    lb) Wheaten Terrier who doesn't shed and looks like an apricot poodle with a Jimmy Durante nose. Do not be deceived. She is ALL TERRIER. You are good and right to recognize that in the Sierras you need to keep a dog close, inside or on leash
    because of the timber rattlers, coyotes, and other hazards. Not to mention they can roll in poison oak and bring the oil home to you! One problem with the electric fence, it doesn't protect the dog it confines. As for foxtails. there's no way around it. Must check every inch of ears toes pits and butt after every outing. On the other hand, grooming is a soothing activity that actually lowers the human's blood pressure! Dogs need walking. Dogs love you no matter how you feel or look. Hope I'm not pushing too hard but can't help my enthusiasm. Dogs HELP!

    As for the avocado oil, I prefer the Hain refined stuff instead of the Chilean... its too green looking!

    Maltodextrin in Splenda? You couldn't prove it by me... ;) Maybe its time to check out SweetLeaf, don't think it was available when I was first experimenting with stevia. Thanks as always Mimi, I'm so glad you're here now!

    Donna Hope you don't stress too much over the minor indulgence. Veggie supper and a good night's sleep should offset. Wake up refreshed and energized and burn off the remainder with a happy morning walk!

    Robin you must be so excited both to see you daughter and for her new job/adventure! Wow, not only are you our extreme excerciser example but your also roasting vegges ala Mimi and following Rebel's fruit? 4-6 miles at a time! No kidding you are AWE inspiring!

    Kackie more hikes WOW! Keep the bear spray handy, and be careful! You are so right about logging on MFP. Its those days when I give up and don't log that I pay the price both in the way I feel and at the scale. A very happy anniversary to you both and enjoy the champagne! Life is too short not to celbrate such a milestone!

    Viv, "...dogs are away of an evening..."? They go out without you? :)

    Michelle I'll see your nehru jacket and raise you my black velvet bell bottomed trousers that I wore throughout the Peoples Park Riots in Berkeley 1969 ... ;)

    Chelius, Welcome and Hi!

    pcw52 Try it different ways and see what works for you. I weigh in every morning, but only update MFP on Fridays. Others weigh twice daily, weekly and everything in between. As you read the posts you'll see everything from extremely active exercisers to those who are just starting and trying to move around more a litle every day. Whether you start with exercise or food, or a little of both, you are doing the right thing... you are STARTING. Congratulations! And as Barbiecat teaches us ... "Never never never give up!"

    Barbie, What's FA? ... "the dogs liked her" They do tell us so much, don't they?

    Bec Breakfast for me is frequently a Luna Bar and a piece of fruit, but the Luna bar IS processed, so looking to switch more to real food, like homemade granola, half cup yoghurt and piece of fruit. Or a good old fashioned pb&J on a whole grain bread is something you could make the night before and munch on the way to school. Or an apple, an ounce of cheese and some nuts or whole wheat crackers. A devilled egg and some fruit salad. Oatmeal and an orange. Morningstar Farms breakfast patty and a whole wheat Eggo waffle. My old favorite, CHILI! The important thing is to eat breakfast and to include protein as well as carbs. Good hunting.

    Barb et al, HEClers, Love it!

    Gutt'n'butt 7th try day 8, still. Didn't make time this morning. Tomorrow for sure!

    Hugs to all,
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Morning ladies.

    The sun is shining (for a change) so a good day to get some washing out on the line. :wink:

    :flowerforyou: Happy Anniversary Kacki and to anyone else having a birthday (I'm sure there was a birthday mentioned?) Happy Birthday to you :flowerforyou: (sorry but my memory is rubbish)

    :smile: Today I am going to do a few mins with the exercise video and then tidy around before going to see how my uncle is doing. He was out of bed yesterday for only an hour or so. He's still not eating much, which is a worry but at least he is feeling better.

    :noway: Bec 30 miles to exchange your adhesive, to me that is such a long way, :laugh: but you say you do that often - isn't it funny what we get used to. I am going to Leeds on Friday with my friend Jean to meet up with our friend Rosie and Leeds is about 28 mile away, and this to me is a day out :laugh: I am quite excited as I don't get out in York much never mind a trip to Leeds. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to PCW52 and Chellus you've joined a great group of women.

    Hmmm the sun is shining through the window showing all the dog hair that has accumulated in the corner - like tumbleweed!!! How did I not notice that sooner? Looks like I need to get the hoover out (again) :grumble:

    Well I had better make a move or nothing well get done, where to start though that is the question. :laugh:

    Take Care everyone and have a happy healthy Wednesday :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Viv :heart:

    PS Barbara just read your post it must have crossed with mine. :laugh: No the dogs don't go out without me :laugh: DD takes them with her, she's looking after a flat for a few weeks, staying overnight and coming back the next morning to drop off the dogs and go to work. Been doing this for 2wks now and I only just remembered the cross trainer :blushing:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    G'day Ladies (That's the influence of our Aussie visitor!)

    Kackie, happy anniversary! Hope the champers was delicious.

    After a pretty awful day yesterday, I had a really awful night. At 2:00 am I gave in and took a valium. Normally I only take them when my back is really bad, but I felt the need to just switch off. Of course, it means that I have that horrid, leaden feeling today, but I do feel a little better even though my therapy session this morning was fairly gruelling - old issues were brought up and I 'brought my mum back into the room'. Mum was always hypercritical about me and, even after all these years, I still suffer from low self-esteem. One of the things that I always remember her saying to me was when she arranged for me to marry my first husband at the age of 16. She said that it was my only opportunity to ever get married and that nobody else would have me. I was SIXTEEN!! At the age of 51 I should be over this, but some things are really hard to let go of.

    DD#1 came over to visit last night, along with Son-in-law and my step-grandson. She had been for another scan and brought photos of the babies. I can't believe how clear they were! Baby boy was looking right at us and you could actually see his features. Baby girl was a little more coy and seemed to have her hand over nose. My step-grandson decided that was because baby boy is stinky! (Charming - but as a big bro, I guess he gets to say that). It was lovely to see them all and a little sad too as step-grandson is flying back to the States next Monday so we won't see him again for a while. Hopefully he will be coming for Christmas this year, but it depends on his mum - who is not particularly helpful, but then again, why should she be.

    Chiclet, never, ever feel bad at coming on here and saying how you feel. We may not be with you geographically, but we are here to support you any time you need us.Big hugs.

    Bec, my netbook has a cursed cursor also. Extremely frustrating isn't it! As for breakfast, my favourite is an egg, scrambled with a good heaping of spinach and black pepper. Yummy.

    I am happy to be a HECler!

    My DH is allergic to aspartame and I have to make sure that nothing I buy contains it. I do have a little section of the pantry which contains things that may have sweeteners in, that DH knows he can't touch. Generally speaking I avoid artificial sweeteners as much as possible.

    As I wasn't feeling particularly wonderful last night, I didn't have much of an evening meal (despite cooking for all my visitors). I ended up just having a few lightly steamed brussels sprouts topped with a little coriander and lemon hummus. My family look at me as if I'm crazy when I eat something like that, but it suits me.

    Auntiebk, Chocolate aero - they are THE BEST! I used to love the mint flavoured ones. They are chocolate with ... well, bubbles in them. Delicious - but no longer to be eaten by me as I cannot manage sugar these days.

    MacMadame, your Mum sounds wonderful! Good for her!

    Jackie, step away from the fishy exercise area. Of course you can come and use my gym!

    I was pleased to step on the scales today and to see another 2 pounds gone. It really put a spring in my step. Sixteen more pounds and I will have lost 100 - I will definitely do that!

    Viv, I envy you living in York. It's a beautiful place and so diverse. We were up there for the weekend last month, visiting DH's aunt in Holtby, and I could definitely spend much more time around that way.

    Sister Veggie Queen, I have always been a lover of veggies, including the roasted version, but they will now always be 'Mimi's veg'.

    Time to get into action. Mum-in-law needs visiting.

    Have a good mid-week my friends.

    Amanda x
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Hello, I"d like to join this group! I"ll be 50 in a few weeks and have been looking for blogs/web sites in regards to women of this age group. I need to lose at least 40 lb. A bit about me, I was not heavy until about 12 yrs ago (I've been a avid exerciser since my 20's) I went from a physically challenging job to a desk job and doing a lot of traveling, living out of hotels. Gained a lot of wt in a very short time, and getting heavier! My goal for August is to stop the mindless snacking (I don't even understand why I do it!) stop snacking after dinner.
    I have the exercise down pat (I love exercise) but the eating is something I have to work on. I pack a cooler everyday but end up eating out a for lunch quite a bit, how silly is that?
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning everyone :smile: I want to say this first before I forget, and you know I will :laugh: Welcome Connie48 and to the rest of the newbies as well. I am not one to give advice as I am learning how to eat well and healthy myself, but in this group you will find support, knowledge, and humor. Alot of wonderful ladies in this group, Now, with that said, let me go to a second window so I can try to mix and mingle :wink:

    Today I ate reduced fat/calorie waffles for breakfast, plain. I think it has been the first time I have had waffles since I was a kid, child not a goat :laugh: although I can be an old goat at times :laugh: I also had a half of a cup of blueberries. I wasn't all that impressed with the fruit. Hmmm, I thought I liked blueberries, but for some reason they tasted, well, tasteless :cry: I ate them anyway just because. I also had 6 oz serving of blackberry light lowfat yogurt. Sounds like alot, but it was around 270 calories and I am full.

    Chiclet, like the others have said, glad you are feeling better and there is no reason to apologize.

    Michele, thanks for asking Mimi about cutting the tips off of the asparagus, I have been meaning to ask the same thing and kept forgetting to, imagine that :noway: I will do that for sure because the ends tend to be tough and stringy and gets caught in my back teeth, then I sort of lose my apetite for them:grumble:

    Bec, I guess my way of thinking hasn't changed much since I was young :blushing: when I seen your name on here, angusowner, I thought you owned cattle :laugh: Little did I realize your dogs name was angus. As for me having energy?, that's a rare occasion. It just so happened that day I slept the morning away (another rare occasion) and after awhile of being awake, I realized I actually felt like doing something! Amazing what some good sleep will do for ya :wink:

    Kackie, a day late, sorry. Happy 36th aniv. to ya, hope you had a wonderful time :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    auntiebk, I did stress alittle over the mcdonalds food, but I am over it now:wink: I probably wouldn't have if I didn't do so poorly over the weekend, but today is another day and I am off to a good start. A decent breakfast and already have 4 glasses of water drank:drinker:

    Amanda, brussel sprouts used to be one of my favorite veggies when I was younger, I just bought some lastnight. I am going to steam some tonight. I hope I still like them as before they were loaded with butter :noway: Maybe I'll try some lemon pepper on them seeing you use lemon hummus although that's not quite the same

    Well I better get off of here. It sure does take me along time to type, correct errors, and etc. It's a good thing that I don't work in a office:huh: :noway: I have been posting this for about 45 minutes now :laugh:

    I hope everyone has a good day :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Well looks like hubby has decided to keep Sophie, although he has not come right out and said so just yet. :wink: When I asked him if I needed to convert the lost-dog ad to a need-a-forever-home one he said, "Let s just wait and see." But he's been outside messing with her every evening and said something about "your two dogs" to me. Sooooo here's what my new running buddy looks like:


    (She HAD a very full, very matted apricot tail when she arrived., but most of that had to be shaved off .) We just got home from a nice long walk. Sophie has so much young dog energy that I usually take her down one of the many lease roads near our house (we live in oilfield country) and turn her loose to romp for awhile. She never goes far without running back to be sure I'm watching. Poor Muffin had to be carried home. Btw, there are photos of all my pets , family and before and after pictures of me on my profile if any of you want to look.
  • Erica_q
    Erica_q Posts: 41
    Good morning all!

    I missed yesterday as I played scrabble with DD#2 after dinner, watched NCIS, and promptly fell asleep on the sofa. UGH!!! :mad: I haven't yet exercised, but I will get it in before lunch. Not working this afternoon, but I need to get to the library to renew two books before heading off to Las Vegas Friday for my son's basketball tournament.

    Reading about everyone eating roasted veggies makes me want to have some, but sadly don't have the money right now to buy anything. Please pray for us as we will not be getting paychecks until October, just my DH's retirement which is not enough to cover living expenses.

    pcw52 - Welcome. Exercise is a great way to start. :smile: Changing one thing at a time has always worked best for me. If you find one thing to change each week, you'll find yourself making wonderful progress. Make sure to applaud yourself for every positive change you make.

    Chelius - Welcome to you, too. Can't wait to learn more about you.

    Connie 48 - Welcom to you, as well. Congrats on having the exercise down. Working on your eating shouldn't be too hard, since you already have the discipline of exercising. I would suggest, though, that if you are packing a lunch, that you forego eating out. What do you do with the food you pack? If possible, find out ahead of time if anyone is eating out and plan accordingly. Good luck! :smile:

    Chiclet - There is no reason for you to apologize. Everyone has those days when they need to vent. This is a great place for doing that. I can't remember who suggested journaling, but that is a great tool. I don't journal as much as I used to, but it has helped me in the past to get things out. It, also, gave me an opportunity to look back and gain a better understanding of what was going on. I'm sure it would be a useful tool for you, too. Hang in there. :flowerforyou:

    Amanda - I hear you on how our parent's words can stick with us for a lifetime. :frown: Although I don't remember specific words being said, it was understood (by me, anyway) that perfection was required when growing up. Obviously, being the imperfect person that I am (aren't we all? :smile: ), I never felt I was good enough. I still struggle with that today at 53. CONGRATULATIONS on your 2 pound loss. :happy: Way to go! Even better, 84 pounds lost! :bigsmile: I'm sure you'll be minus the next 16 before you know it. :flowerforyou:

    Barbara - What I meant by "they were not my hours" is that I was working another person's shift. She was out because of an injury and decided not to come back to work. I was given her shift, and someone else was given mine. My supervisor, reminding me of that, also told me that I could not be scheduled for more than 3 hours because of my position (the other shift was 3 1/2 hours), which I didn't know. It's all very political, especially since the union has taken over. :grumble:

    Bec - I don't know any details about the job. All I know is that it is in a doctor's office (with 14 doctors!) and there are 4 pregnant ladies. My friend said it would be temporary, but it was possible that it might turn into a permanent position. As we all know, though, there are not guarantees about anything, so I need to give it a lot of consideration before giving up my steady job. Even though the office manager has asked for my resume, there's not even a guarantee that it will get past that. It's been over 20 years since I've worked in a doctor's office, so I'm a bit rusty. Who knows if she'll even want to hire me considering the length of time? :ohwell:

    Well, I haven't eaten breakfast and my tummy is rumbling, so I better put some food in it. :tongue: Have a great day, everyone.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :drinker: Here's to a new day!

    Robin- so happy for your daughter getting a job:drinker: Well I guess we could say that upping Fruits & Veggies is a way to lose as the experiment has worked for you:flowerforyou:

    So Note to everyone that wants to lose....Eat more Veggies and Fruits....eating healthy is the way to go:bigsmile: Robin has tested this and it works!

    Kackie- enjoy that time with your parents, the time seems to fly by as we get older and I'm sure it seems that way to them too.:flowerforyou: Congrats on 36 years! My hubby and I celebrate our 37th in November.

    Viv- 10 min on the cross trainer is a great place to start:smile:

    Michele- $19.50 for the lunch and they don't offer anything in place of foods that people can't eat all of it:grumble: ? I'd probably do the turkey and the salad...but ask them if the salad could be a replacment of the chips..cause giving them more money for a side salad would hurt the pocket book more, I'd probably have some fresh raw veggies in my purse to add to it too...and then I'd see who I could pawn off the cookies to:blushing: but that's just me...

    pcw52 - Welcome and:flowerforyou: starting with one small thing is a great place to start.

    Barbie- just picturing you with your weights while reading the posts:wink: no wonder you are so successful at this!

    Bec- loved your story about pigglets/ doggies. Reminded me of when our dog got "knocked up" and the morning she was in labor I told my Dad and he said how would you know anything about that (I was 14) besides she is no pregnant...well two hours and three puppies later I asked him if she had been pregnant....he didn't think I was funny:bigsmile:

    Barbara sz10- candle light dinner with the doggies:laugh: I'm sure it would have been more fun with Hubby:wink:

    Viv - glad your uncle is feeling better. Yep I know what you mean about taking trips that to some are common place. When we lived in the country we would think twice before going the 25 miles to the next town and now I drive more than that one way to work everyday:cry: putting more miles on the car then I want to

    Amanda-WTG on another #2 lost...that #100 in in sight and I know you will make it:bigsmile:

    Connie48- Welcome:flowerforyou: this is a good place to get encouragement, jump right in and let us get to know you.

    Erica- will keep you in my prayers as you try to make a good decision about the job.

    SuzyQ- Welcome to Sophie as being permanent to your home:flowerforyou:

    Donna56- the waffles and blueberries did sound good:smile:

    So yesterday I was all set for being really good had my dinner planned and my exercise ready in my mind, I even was able to leave work on time....walked throught the door and #2 Son called....
    A) he had already spent 1/2 hr trying to reach his wife to no avail
    B) his FIL is out of state so he wasn't around
    C) my hubby was on a bike ride 1/2 hr away from home
    D) when all else fails call Mom
    His car had broken down and the tow truck was there taking him/it to the repair shop....so I turned around and went back where I had just been in rush (does it really rush) hour traffic to pick him up my 1stLT Soldier and take him home. The plus side I did get to see DIL#2 (who keep saying how sorry she was) and GS #1 & #2 . By the time I got home it was almost 7pm, exercise was out and Hubby took me to Del Taco for taco's...not too bad but not great either:huh: When I was getting ready for bed I did remember that I hadn't done my Gut & Butt so did those at least...thank goodness today is a new day...although I will say the scale was kind to me this AM:wink: it's just not my official weigh in day...so I will keep my fingers crossed that it wasn't a mistake this AM.

    Hope you all remember to drink your water:drinker: , move around and get in some kind of exercise and don't forget to log those Veggies (thank you Mimi - our Queen:wink: )

  • ainslieglen
    Happy Wednesday everyone......

    First of all, welcome newcomers:smile: you'll find fun, support and motivation here...enjoy:wink:

    Viv...good for you for making the effort to exercise. It gets easier and becomes more fun with time and patience :flowerforyou:

    Michele....too bad the one person pushing for the lunch cruise won out.:ohwell: The buffet would probably have been a more"user friendly" choice for everyone and less stressful and a lot more fun. Let us know what happens, and good luck:smile:

    Bec...I use the same reason to ease my way out of little "problem" food situations. It's just so much simpler to say Gee, I can't, my Dr. says no. Hard for people to argue with that:noway:

    Auntiebk...I haven't had turnip greens, but I really like beet greens...yummy:happy:
    Tea at The Empress is a lovely experience,but it's gotten sooo expensive. It was $50. per person last time I was there:grumble:
    My son works in management at a resort in Cabo. Jenn is a personal trainer at a spa/resort. She's certified both in Canada and Mexico. Loves what she does and gets to work with some interesting celebs.....recently Goldie Hawn. Gerard Butler, Rob Lowe....all very nice people:glasses: She sure enjoys what she does:bigsmile: My son's job is not so glamorous, but since he was a banker before they moved to Cabo, I guess going to work at a resort IS more exciting. They've been there for 2 years and certainly have no regrets. Actually, they were married there six years ago. Jenn's Dad has a condo , and they had lots of friends before they made the move. It certainly wasn't an impulsive decision:bigsmile:

    Chiclet....Good to know you're feeling better.This is a safe place to vent....lots of people with willing shoulders to lean on.:heart:

    Michele...I'll go all in with a Mary Quant jumpsuit....so cool back in the day:smokin:

    Amanda...congratulations on the 2 pound loss:drinker:

    Suezzzque....Sophie is just adorable. I think you two were meant to meet. She's a lucky little lady:love:

    Laura....You and Kackie must be doing something very right. I've been married and divorced three times and only managed to "log" in 34 years in total. What I did accomplish was to become the proud and devoted Mom to my 4 kids. And now of course Gramma to 4(going on 5) grandchildren. Believe me, I count my blessings every single day:heart:

    Someone asked me if I'm Gran or Nana to the grandkids....I've been Gramma since my first grandson was born 20 years ago.
    I speak to, or e-mail, or facebook or skype with all four every week. My 2 year old grandson looks at the computer screen and says " I kissing you gramma" It's such fun to see him. He was dancing for me this morning. Can't wait to see him here next month. Got to spend some good time with Jared (20) in May and will spend a month in Charlotte (Dec-Jan) with Hannah and Evan (17 and 10), so this year I get to see all four in a 12 month period. Hannah passed her driver's exam last week and my daughter and son-in law bought her a cute little Honda on the week-end. She's already planning our shopping trips:bigsmile:

    I know I've probably missed some replies, but this is the best I've managed for a while. I don't really like my laptop:sad:

    I appreciate and care about every one of you........Have a happy day:heart:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Elizabeth I hope to have that kind of relationship with my grandchildren as they grow. Right now I'm just glad when #1 GS gets excited just to see me and wants me to hold him:bigsmile: . You are so fortunate to have the grandchildren that you do and that they enjoy their Gramma.

    Ahhhh Cabo now that would be a fun place to visit, and as for working there, I'm about ready to work anywhere where stress isn't part of it...and I think that is call retirement:wink:


    as for 37 years...hard work that all I have to say:bigsmile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    One last question about roasting veges -- how long will roasted asparagus last in the refrigerator?

    Remember I was telling you about that kid selling those cards? Well, I told Vince about it, he said that I should have written the kid a check. He's probably right, the kid is probably $5 richer now. But then again, it's only $5, it's not like we're going to die.

    You know, last year (as some of you may remember) I broke a bone in my foot and was out of commission for 7 weeks. If it hadn't been my right foot, I probably would have taken the deep water aerobics class since there's no pressure on the foot. However, since it was the right foot, I had to depend on Vince to drive me everywhere and there is no way he'd have gotten up early to take me. Plus, he was of the opinion that for 7 weeks I should have just been sitting around with my foot up. Of course, he didn't mention how the food would get cooked or the house cleaned....lol And I didn't tell him that after about 5 weeks, I would walk from the bedroom to the bathroom without the boot on. If he'd seen me doing that, he would have really reamed me out. So I made sure he didn't see me. I also didn't tell him that most times I would take a shower without the boot on. He kept telling me how I needed to wrap that boot up, after a while, I couldn't be bothered.

    Hi there pcw52 and welcome! People weigh in basically as often as they feel the need. Some people every day, some every week. As far as posting your gain/loss....again, that's something personal. Whatever makes you feel most motivated is what you should do. We are here to listen and give you encouragement (and sometimes hints). Congrats on the exercise! I didn't start out exercising every day. I started out twice a week for a few years (yes, years), then I increased it to 5 times a week (for many years), then increased to 6 times a week. You'll get there. Don't beat yourself up, either, if one time you miss. Consistency is more improtant! Just get right back to doing it. Actually, it's good to give your muscles a rest. Seriously, log all your food. I'm still amazed at some of the things that I learn, certain foods that I thought were good really aren't, certain foods that are high in sodium that I would never have expected (like tuna)

    If I get the cookies and chips on the cruise, I've decided that I'll probably only eat one or two (most likely none) and give the rest to someone else. I'm just afraid that I'd hurt the feelings of the people that we're taking if I brought my own food, that's all. Just wish that one gal didn't insist on the lunch. Maybe I should just take a salad with me......

    Bec - I'm not a mean person, but someone who would poison a dog should come back as a dog and die a slow and very painful death. VERY PAINFUL! When I worked in the high school, we used to have a yoga class right after school. It was very relaxing, especially after those students!...lol

    They've rescheduled the cat cuddling orientation for this Friday at 4, which works for me. Then I have to go to another class which is primarily about cuddling cats. Then, I'm a cat cuddler. Only thing for me is that the Humane Society doesn't open until 12 and I'm usually out and about exercising or whatever early in the day. But then again, Vince and I could go together.

    Barb (auntiebk) - I've heard so much about Lara bars. I think they only include 3 or 4 ingredients. Unfortunately for me, one of those ingredients in every bar is nuts.

    So, who on here was at Woodstock??????

    Amanda - I just can't possibly imagine a mother saying the things your mom said to you. Did she maybe have emotional problems????? Of course, in those days, they didn't get therapy.

    Well, had my egg whites for breakfast today along with some edamame. Then, to balance out the proteins, I had 1/4 of a Fiber One waffle (need those carbs too). It also helped me drink more water. Update: someone brought fresh fruit, so I had some pineapple. The cantaloupe didn't look all that great (I know, I'm pickey about my fruits)

    Welcome Connie. Pull up a chair, put your feet up, pour yourself a tall glass of (decaf unsweetened) tea, and jump right in. It's great that you love to exercise.

    Donna - about the tough part of the asparagus, I remember seeing once on Emeril Green that after he cut off the tough parts, he peeled the tough outer layer and said that inside is tender. I've never tried that. Wonder if it's true?????

    Oh, SuzieQ -- Sophie is SOOOO beautiful! I can certainly see how one look and you're in love, I already am!

    Laura - I've already asked them if the salad could be a replacement for the chips, and I was told that it would be extra. I'm seriously considering calling and asking them if I can bring some of my own food. Yup, I'm definitely going to see if I can get rid of the cookies. One other gal is bringing her gd, so I might get the chips and give them to her.

    tomorrow I think I'll do this weight training DVD, then some HIIT on Friday and yoga on Saturday. WiiFit hula hoop on Sunday. You know something, my left ankle sometimes feels "funny", like I need to crack it. I'm beinginning to wonder if it's because in the summertime I'm wearing flip-flops which don't give much support. Last year I broke that bone in my right foot at the end of August.

    Well, everyone have a great evening!
