

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello everyone! Hope that your week is going well. I have read back as far as I can the posts that I have missed the past week or so and my, everyone is busy this time of year! Welcome to all the newcomers...this is a fabulous group!

    I am struggling getting myself on track out here with so much going on. We have a house full until tomorrow and I am hoping that will help me get more control over everything! I am getting lots of exercise, which I hope helps make up for the less-than-perfect food selections. We all went on a 6 mile hike yesterday up to a beautiful alpine lake. (3 up and 3 down) I made it up with the 2 young people in just an hour, and in the past it has taken a good 30 minutes longer. Yeah! That felt good. Our one year old GD loved playing in the lake...she is a trooper because that mountain water is COLD!

    Everyone is off fishing from 3 drift boats on the Madison River and darling GD and I are enjoying our day together. Just got back from a walk down to the lodge and back. She doesn't walk too fast and spends lots of time picking up rocks, flowers, sticks and bugs to show me...so calorie burn won't be what it was yesterday, but I also don't get much time to sit down either, so hopefully it will all even out!

    I have missed you all and look forward to being able to check in more regularly after tomorrow! Take care, dear friends, Kackie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    You asked about the DASH diet--stands for "Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension." Google it, there are numerous websites with info. One of the basic concepts is limiting sodium to 1500 mg per day.

    That situation described with not being able to open the door from the INSIDE without a key is DANGEROUS!! What if there was a fire? Would your SIL fit through the window? Here is my solution-- I would INSIST that a key be attached to something way too big to put in a pocket (so it can't walk off) and hung next to that door, so it will always be there when needed.

    So here are some updates:

    Regarding the elderly friend of my parents whose birthday party was last weekend--you may recall my saying my aunt called my parents to say that the guest of honor had a heart attack, so there was doubt as to whether the party was going to take place? Well, talk about "miscommunication"--my mom called to tell me the same aunt called yesterday to say it was not the "birthday boy" who had the heart attack, but rather the husband of one of my second cousins, who live in the same town.:noway:

    Seems when my aunt got the call from another relative from the same town, as soon as she heard the first name, she assumed it was the "Dave" she had recently visited, rather than the other guy with the same name.:noway: :noway: I have a call in to my cousin's wife to see how he is doing, but haven't heard anything back.

    Now, the possibility of my parents wanting to take that trip to visit their friend is back on the table, but as usual, my dad doesn't want to make up his mind until the last minute. I told my mom, the best incentive I can offer is that if he waits too long, and I can't make arrangements for doggy-sitting, we will be making the trip with three little piggies!!!! Since he isn't particularly fond of traveling with two dogs in the car, he should really LOVE having THREE along for the ride!!!:laugh:

    Also, remember, Rosco?---That's the little dog who needs a new home since his elderly owner died last weekend. Well, I caught up with the neighbors who only last week had expressed an interest in getting another dog, and they are interested in pursuing it, so today my friend is going to contact her late client's family to see if we can put something together.

    Lastly, I want to suggest to everyone that they view a video clip from today's 700 Club show by a man named Steve Perrin, who wrote a book "The New American Diet." It contains information on all the phony crap in processed foods--specifically, "obesogens"--which are chemicals shown to cause weight gain. If that doesn't interest you, at the end of the clip, he says ICE CREAM is GOOD FOR YOU!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Okay, now that I have your attention:laugh: :laugh: --here is a link:


    Once you have the show up, if you want to go straight to the segment with Steve Perrine, use the slider control at the bottom of the video and move it to about 43 minutes into the program.

    If you prefer to read the same info, rather than watching the video:


    There is also a behind the scenes video that has some additional info:


    You may have heard parts of what is said already, but having it all in one place is very helpful.

  • mynyddisamrs
    :sad: :sad: Oh dear!!! .....I've done something i haven't done for ages!!.......

    I've turned the washing a lovely Duck Egg Blue!!!!!:noway: :noway:
    My white thick cardi, white jeans, sox and knickers are ....pale blue!!! All from one little pale blue tie( DH is always to blame!!!) put in with all the washing on delicates. So much for saving money with getting the washing hung on the line today ...tonight I'm re washing the whites on 90 degrees in the hope I can get them back to white ...if not I'll get some colour catcher...or have to buy some new clothes.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    So ...I'm posting on here so I don't eat anything stupid!!........:drinker: So glad you're all looking out for me!!

    I must admit, I haven't managed to get on the bike tonight ....I've done an awful lot of "hoisting" though ...does that count!!
    So ...bye again
    Back tomorrow
    :heart: Jackie
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    I feel like I rush home to view my favorite soap. Find out what each of you are doing. I so enjoy sitting here and reading and laughing and sometimes stop say a prayer for you.
    Michele, about the cookies--DD and Dsil2be bought little bags and then had a stamp make with their monogram and stamped each bag. I sat and figured out last night that we will have 20 different kinds of cookies (all homemade) and 6 dozen of each kind. We will be able to take them to the reception site on Friday and they will plate them for us. Only, I was talking to someone yesterday who said to be careful, she has heard of many places that plate the cookies the day before and leave them uncovered overnight. So, DD is calling tomorrow and asking what this place does. If necessary, I will ask my best friend and her daughter to go down morning of wedding and plate them. We are having some very delicate cookies and they cannot be left out overnight. I know in a world with so many problems this is small, but I tend to micro manage.
    We went and Melissa had the final fitting and we brought the dress home. She looks so radiant is the only word I can think of. Many brides are stressed and she is just happy.
    To all newbies--welcome you are going to be sooo happy here.
    To everyone who has lost-congrats
    I have finally lost a few pounds I have been going up and down with. I wish I could be in the 150 for the wedding. Ok I wish I were in the 130's but would settle for 150.
    I feel like the only one on the east coast on here. If any of you are ever coming this way let me know.
    To those of you who are lonely --feel free to write to me I am busy but never realized how much I needed relationships with like minded women.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just a quickie.

    Barb - I agree about the key business being dangerous! I was actually horrified. Anyway, the situation has now been sorted as SIL has had four sets of keys made, so it will never happen again. Fortunately they have lots of low windows so egress would have been possible in an emergency. It still didn't stop Bobby thinking it was a great adventure.

    Mimi - I'm not convinced that I liked Toy Story 3 that much. It was ok, but I thought it was a bit tiresome in parts. Having said that, there were some parts that were really funny, especially those scenes involving Mr Potato Head and his wife.

    Jackie - duck egg blue is a lovely colour! Can the clothes be salvaged? I absolutely hate it when I have a colour run and I'm now pretty diligent about putting a colour catcher in each wash. I've lost too many precious items to risk it these days.

    Chiclet - I copied the Gut and Butt off a post a while back. Here it is:
    gut and butt exercises

    Pelvic lifts -
    Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor, arms at your side palms down. Lift your pelvis up in the air as high as it will go, hold up to 5 seconds and lower. Do this 10 times, when it gets easy add in another set of 10, then up to 2 sets of 10 for 30 total. This never goes above 30.

    Abdominal curls -
    Same position as above except your arms are bent so that your hands are touching your ears. Curl up getting your shoulders off the ground. Whatever you get when you curl up is fine. Don't use your momentum to swing up. It is just your shoulders and head that curl up. Again, start with 10, get up to 30, but don't go over 30.

    Marching -
    Same position as Pelvic Lifts. Lift one leg at a time so that your calf is parallel with the floor. 10 lifts each leg. When you get to where 30 repetitions are easy, start extending your leg, pulling it back and putting it down. This also never gets over 30 at the higher level.

    Side planks -
    Lie on your side, legs bent at knee, keeping a straight line with your body. You are up on your elbow. Upper hand on your hip. Lift your hip off the ground as high as you can and hold up to 5 seconds. Lower down. Start with 5 on each side. As it gets easier add in more repetitions until you get to 30 each side.

    They are pretty good!

    DH has 'man flu' so I'm nursing him this evening. Time for me to go and give him his meds and tuck him into bed.

    Speak to you all tomorrow, god willing.

    Amanda x
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Sorry to hear about your laundry room disaster. As for putting the whites in hot, wouldn't it be better to try the color catcher FIRST? The say hot water can set stains, so I am thinking it might set "dyes" as well. Hope everything turns out right.

    I never have the problem of colors mingling because I wash all in cold water, so if anything gets mixed in, it is no big deal.

    Glad to hear the wedding plans are coming along. You and your cookies--I am glad you are FAR FAR AWAY!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: As far as visiting, I am thinking if Mimi and I do get to meet, I better have a plate of veggies in my hand!!!!:noway:

    Just stopped in to log an apple, so BFN

  • Angusowner
    Hello, dear women,
    Just a few (well, few for me) comments since my hubby thinks it's time for supper. Oh, he will start it on his own - sometimes that is great, other times, well, his combinations are "interesting".:noway:

    Birdie: Like Laura, I love seeing where this journey has taken you in a year & am inspired. I wonder what I will be saying in 1 year.:bigsmile:

    Chicklet: Sorry to laugh at your expense, but you just have a way with words when describing your "S&M" style check-up!:laugh:

    Amanda: My 26-year old & 23-year-old wanted us to go to Toy Story 3 with them. I thought it was cute. It rekindled a strange attraction that I had for my Ken doll in the early '60s, however.:love:

    Barb: Thanks for the DASH info. I think I will check that out, also. Hurray for Roscoe!:happy:

    Donna: When I read your story about losing those things of your mother's, I just felt so sorry for you. My sister had a friend that went through a similar situation. When we were going through Mom's things, Sis said that if no one wanted something that was dear to my Mom, we would make sure a friend, relative or organization received it. She could not stand the thought of someone not appreciating whose it was or what a treasure the object was. This week I finally started unpacking all the boxes piled on and about my dining room table from Mom's. I have put most things away with the exception of a mountain of pictures still on the table.:ohwell:

    Today we attended a funeral for the mother of a dear friend. It was actually a beautiful service and a wonderful tribute to her and her children. Of course, I had to think of my mother's passing not so long ago and of her. She wasn't just a "glass-half-full person, she was a "glass-completely-full, always" person. You are right, Mimi, it is good to count your blessings! I am going to add "accentuate the positive & eliminate the negative" for one of my long-term goals!
    Here's a start:
    1. :grumble: I have to sort all those pictures on my dining room table.
    :happy: I have in my possession wonderful pictures of my parents and family members help bring back great memories.
    2. :grumble: School starts in 2 weeks.
    :happy: I have a job that enables me to live in my own home, travel, make ends meet, and has health insurance.
    3. :grumble: I really don't like to exercise.
    :happy: I am losing weight and getting healthier!
    4. :grumble: I looked in the mirror today and saw so many wrinkles in my neck - it looked like I was pleated.
    :happy: I have lost the fat tissue holding up at least part of my double chin!

    'Nuf for now. Love reading everyone's post - definitely a positive!:happy:
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member

    Sorry to hear about your laundry room disaster. As for putting the whites in hot, wouldn't it be better to try the color catcher FIRST? The say hot water can set stains, so I am thinking it might set "dyes" as well. Hope everything turns out right.

    I never have the problem of colors mingling because I wash all in cold water, so if anything gets mixed in, it is no big deal.

    Glad to hear the wedding plans are coming along. You and your cookies--I am glad you are FAR FAR AWAY!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: As far as visiting, I am thinking if Mimi and I do get to meet, I better have a plate of veggies in my hand!!!!:noway: Sorry Barb, did not realize how much I went on and on about the cookies. hahah. Me and the other mother who have both been watching for the wedding say we are pulling 2 chairs up to the cookie table and eating lololo. The good news is none will come back here.

    Just stopped in to log an apple, so BFN

  • lambocj
    lambocj Posts: 27 Member
    50+ that's me!! Sounds like a positive group! I'm back on track and planning to lose 30 lbs by Christmas!! That will make a very Merry Christmas for me!! I love the food journal on this site and that it calculates everything for you!! I was enjoying Zumba classes until my knee started acting up on me so I've babied my knee and hope to start back and at least go one nite a wk. I have a Wii that I like to use or enjoy walking outside, except in these high 90 days. My husband and I have walked at 9p once in a while since its cooler then. I wish everybody well !!! :flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm excited! :drinker: I still have an internet connection! (Our computers are fine, by the way, the problem is with our service provider.)

    My dd and I went to the county fair today (along with the baby, of course). We did pretty well--our goal was to spend as little money as possible--mainly because we are broke right now!:laugh:

    We split an elephant ear but other than that all we had was water and apples. We looked at most of the displays and had a really nice time. Next year we are going to be aure to have some money when we go!

    I wish I had opened a different tab before starting this so I could respond to some individual posts but I forgot. So, I have loved reading all your adventures, trials and triumphs and have said a prayer for each of you.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful evening and a successful rest of the week.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :love: :drinker: Mimi, you have been an inspiration to me.…..hubby and I have made roasted veggies for meals together and we’ve brought them to potlucks a lot, but, thanks to you, I’ve started making them for myself for my lunch when DH is playing golf and lunch is “find it and fix it”…..I found a perfect pan and figured out the right amount of time and temp in the oven and now it’s an easy thing to fix.

    :flowerforyou: :love: :drinker: Bkrbabe, I found out who my friends really were when I changed my eating and stopped overeating as a form of recreation and entertainment…….the real friends applauded what I was doing and encouraged me…..the ones who turned out to not be real friends were the ones who made fun of me, urged me to eat more, and even went so far as to push food at me……I wish you the best at your Girls Weekend and hope that everyone there turns out to be the right kind of friend who will love you even when you decline to eat all the high calorie food and drink they’ve prepared.

    :love: :flowerforyou: :drinker: Elizabeth, I wish you the best at stopping smoking…..many people say that it is the hardest thing to give up (harder than booze, dope, or food) but an amazing thing you can do for your health.

    :love: :flowerforyou: :drinker: Linda, take it one day or one minute at a time and all will go well for your wedding…you are about to begin the best chapter of your life.

    :flowerforyou: :love: :drinker: Bec, I highly recommend yoga in the morning to get focused and relaxed for the day…….I have been doing Rodney Yee’s “Yoga for Beginners” in the morning …the hardest part of it is rolling out the mat and starting the DVD, after that it flows so peacefully and has some great stretches good for all fitness levels.

    :flowerforyou: :love: :drinker: Barb, thanks for the picture of the popcorn muncher

    I am grateful for my “boring “ life……I’ve had enough excitement in the past to last me a lifetime……I love the peaceful feeling of not having a constant soap opera going on in my house…when someone asks me “what’s new ?” the answer is “not much” and I can say that with a smile :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :drinker: :love: Lianne, how about sharing some of your exercise experience for those of us who are limping around with some sort of knee problem…..I know that you’ve been successful.

    I went to the advanced line dance class today but only danced part of the class, then I came home and found that DH had come home from the golf course because he wasn’t feeling well…..he napped while I iced my knee and had lunch then I went for a shorter and slower than usual walk with my friend and now since DH is taking it easy, we’re watching stuff we recorded on the DVR and that allows me to sit still and let my knee relax…..the dogs don’t understand why I didn’t take them to the dog park.

    Thank you all for sharing your lives with me……I’ve had such a great afternoon reading all your posts.
    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    I've replied to the hubby saying that we would be there for the bd ice cream cake and asked him if I could bring this pineapple angel food cake. He replied to me that I didn't need to, that the ice cream would be enough. Well, I think I'm going to fein "our Internet was acting up today and I never got your message". The truth is that I really don't want something high in fat late at night, it'll just sit like a bowl of rocks in my stomach. Admitted, the pineapple angel food cake isn't the greatest. Maybe I will have just a little bit of the ice cream on top of it to make him feel good. I made some biscuits for their dog and even tho he said not to buy his wife any presents, I'd feel badly if I didn't so I bought her some. To me, I was of the feeling that it would have been nicer to have taken her out to dinner and everyone chipped in for her meal, but she's sometimes strange. I don't know how she'd take to that. So I bought her some items, she likes pigs and I found these kitchen items with pigs on them. Guess I spent about $12. It isn't so much the money, but honestly I would rather have done something FOR her than have gotten her something. But that's just me. I've already told Vince NOT to ever do anything like this for me. It would NOT be appreciated at all. Not one little bit.

    Barbiecat - I guess I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so that's why I'll have just a little (and I do mean a little, I may have a larger piece of the angel food cake). Really, the fats should be had in the a.m. and complex carbs and proteins in the p.m.

    Going to get my hair colored tomorrow so I made these butterscotch spice cookies to take with me. I'll also take the rest of the ginger spice cookies that I have in my freezer too (just to get them out of the freezer)

    Isn't there a site where when you stop smoking, it will tell you how much money you've saved thus far and (I'm thinking) how much you've extended your life by?

    Donna - so sorry about losing your mom's stuff. That can really hurt, I know.

    Red Haired... - good for you putting yourself first! You deserve it. You are very important. Plus, if you don't take care of yourself, you really won't be much good to anyone else.

    Barb - oh, I do hope Roscoe finds a home. That would be so wonderful!

    Did an hour of the deep water class today. Tomorrow is my last session with this personal trainer. Wonder if she's going to try to get me to become a member at their club? I already know what I'm going to tell her, first I'll ask if they have a package where you pay a certain amount and that entitles you to so many visits. I'm willing to bet that they don't. Then I'll tell her that there are a few class that I'd find interesting, but not enough to justify a full year's membership. Now if I could get a "limited" membership, that I'd take. But from a business point of view, they'd probably rather have the money of a full year's membership and hope you don't use it. Honestly, I'd probably want to stay with the Y. Even tho our Y isn't that fantastic, by being a member I am able to go to other Y's around the country.

    Jackie - I hate when my laundry gets turned a shade of whatever. My sympathies.

    mimi - you should be so proud. I went food shopping today and bought some broccoli and cauliflower. I'll divide them up into individual portions. I may steam the broccoli some first, tho. To me, raw broccoli can have a bitter taste.

    Update on the btdy ice cream cake: Well, the husband got a Blizzard Dairy Queen cake. I did take my angel food cake. I was good and had just that. I was expecting a "you didn't need to bring anything, didn't you get my email," something like that but nothing, which was just fine. I really didn't feel like having something real heavy at night. The angel food cake was light enough. A friend who used to go to Weight Watchers told me about it. Basically, take an angel food cake mix, instead of the water put in a 20oz can of crushed pineapple. Mix as you would a regular a.f. cake and bake as you would. To me, sometimes a.f. can be a bit "bland" but the pineapple gives it just a bit of "zing". Oh, and glad I bought the wife some presents, everyone else did.

    Just popping in to finish logging my water. Hope everyone has a great evening and day tomorrow.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Just checking in to finally enter my food for dinner and here it is 1:25 am... I got a wild idea to weed a large flower bed after dark tonight and just finished and got cleaned up. Thank goodness for outside lighting. Weird I know but with the temperature around here lately, it made sense to me! :bigsmile:

    I need to get to bed so I'll be brief. Really brief actually, as I don't recall who said what when I was on here earlier. It really great we have so many people on this thread but does make it hard to keep up! :noway:

    A few thoughts are

    Tcac - glad the wedding is all planned out and noone is stressing. The cookie idea sounds like fun. BTW - I am on the east coast in north Florida and I know BC1 is in Florida too. I know there are others too. I don't look to see where people are from very often.

    Mimi - I didn't know you had taken bp meds and are now off them. That is just terrific! Cheers to you. :drinker: That is one of many reasons I am losing the weight - staying off as many meds as possible. My bp is now normal and hopefully will get better as I lose more.

    Brkbabe - I hope I got your "name" right. I had a friend in IL who spun wool and had a loom. It looked really interesting. What do you make?

    Michele - Tomorrow I get my hair colored too but it sounds like you have more fun than I do while there. Butterscotch spice cookies sound yummy.

    I'm about to fall off my chair here, so I'll say goodnight to you all.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Evenin' All,

    Went out for a trip to Trader Joe's tonight and took my friend Linda along. Then we stopped at Starbuck's--her favorite place and my ace in the hole for having something to keep me from getting hungry before bed (decaf with sprinkles of cinnamon and nutmeg, a packet of truvia (stevia sweetener) and a splash of non-fat milk. We sat outside and it was very pleasant, a little humid because we had some high clouds today, but not too warm.

    Here's the latest on Roscoe--the orphaned doggy--turns out the deceased man's son decided he couldn't part with Roscoe, despite his work schedule. He told my friend, when she advised him of a possible new home, that Roscoe was going to stay with him after all. I hope they adjust well to one another.

    Barbie--regarding your comment about Linda(tcac) , and the wedding, and a new chapter in her life...maybe I am way off here, but if I remember correctly, it isn't Linda that's getting married. I thought it was her daughter, but I could be mistaken. I am sure she will straighten us out.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Michelle--I am glad you trusted your instincts about the birthday party, sounds like it went well, and you avoided the "Attack of the Killer Ice Cream.":drinker: :drinker: :drinker: BTW, if you will come and bring me all the cookies in your freezer, I would be GLAD to color your hair any color you wish!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I have to call it a night, soon. In a moment of lunacy I called a friend of mine who lives about 75 miles away in Oregon and arranged to go tomorrow and visit her and her husband and have dinner. Since Esther-(Grammymax--who founded this thread/for newbies who don't know her)- lives in Salem, which is on my way, I may have to call her tomorrow and see if she is around. So now I have to figure out what I need to gather up for the doggies and myself and get up earlier than I have been:blushing: to get moving in that direction.

    My friend, and Esther haven't seen me since last August, when I was at about a 30 lb. loss, so that should be a noticeable change!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: My friend didn't bat an eyelash when I told her not to worry about what she was going to make for dinner because I was bringing my own food!!! We go back a long way, and she is not judgmental about eating.

    Well, so long for now. Mai Li pitched a fit about wanting more food, and since she wasn't standing in the bedroom barking (which might disturb my upstairs neighbor) I just let her carry on for a while. She has food in her dish, but is holding out for the remains of Bradley's dinner, which she can smell, and he will finish before we go to bed. I spoke too soon, she has started in again:grumble: :ohwell: , so BFN

  • chicletgirl
    Do you use the pineapple in heavy syrup or can you use unsweetened? I take it you have to use the liquid in the can. Was wondering what you used.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    The weather in London seems much brighter today. I may risk hanging washing on the line (risky!)

    I am hoping to get a good deal of housework done by this evening, but I appear to be lacking the enthusiasm for it. Nothing new there, I am not a huge fan of housework at the best of times and at present I would far rather expend my energy in my gym.

    I also need to drop in to my GP surgery to put in a request for a repeat prescription. I've just printed it out and I am amazed at how short the list is these days! For over eight years I was on six or seven different meds for my blood pressure which was always sky high, even with the meds. I'm now on one bp pill a day and my blood pressure is the low side of normal - all because of my weight loss and exercise gain. My next bp check is next month and I have my fingers crossed that I will be taken off the last med for it at that time. Even my asthma is so much better than it was before. I've been asthmatic since birth, but I now find that I rarely have an attack (fingers crossed). My breathing still suffers when I'm climbing steep hills etc, but it is improving daily.

    Our friend from Australia arrives in less than 48 hours, so I want to give his bedroom and bathroom a good airing. It will be extremely strange to have someone else living in our house for a month. Note to self - remember to wear clothes at all times!

    My dad has just called and wants me to go and collect him, so I'll have to dash.

    Catch up with you all later on.

    Amanda x
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ...Our friend from Australia arrives in less than 48 hours, so I want to give his bedroom and bathroom a good airing. It will be extremely strange to have someone else living in our house for a month. Note to self - remember to wear clothes at all times!....
    Amanda x

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    BTW, my comments in regard to housework are:
    1) "When I am on my deathbed, I seriously doubt that I will express regret at not spending more time housecleaning."
    2) from a sign in my kitchen " I clean house every other day--this is NOT the other day!" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Something tells me when I have to get up in about 4 hours, I won't be laughing. Unfortunately, I am still not asleep and I had planned to leave here about 10 a.m. At this rate, my junket might get put off until Friday.....

  • Raynedancer
    Raynedancer Posts: 96 Member

    Thanks so much for posting the "Gut & Butt Exercises", as I , also was wanting to know what they were and how to get them.:flowerforyou:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member

    Just wanted to post this pic of DD#2's wedding as it's her tenth anniversary today. It was such an amazingly happy day and my daughter was serene and beautiful (as always) every moment of it. The guy on the left was Simon, their best man. He was an absolute star and sadly passed away the day before my other daughter got married. We all miss him, he was seriously handicapped all his life but had the most amazing personality and the biggest heart of anyone I've ever known.

    So I raise a glass (imaginary!) to Mr & Mrs von Slack on their anniversary and a second glass to Simon - the best of best men.

    Amanda x

  • debieanne
    :drinker: tea break good morning everyone hope the mornings are going well.i have been reading some back post oh how i miss this group and it is so nice to come back on. my past few days have been going good i have been starting to log in again my foods drinking my water a lot better . today is going to be a raining day off an on in mass. its my day off so i am going to work in the gardens in between rain drops and if its not raining hard i will still work how are the vegs growing for everyone who has a garden our cucs didn't do good so far. we have had some beautiful tomotoes. will my 4 yr old grandson is here today so i will keep this short . thank you everyone for sharing our storys have a nice afternoon love debi and family:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: