

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Amanda, congratulations on reaching the 90 pound milestone.....I'm not surprised at your continued success because you are so focused and keep your weight loss journey at the top of the importance list even with so many other things going on in your life.....you don't use anything as an excuse to stray from your eating and exercising plan.

    :flowerforyou: Bec, I recently learned to use Photo Bucket and it wasn't too hard....the first step is to find it, join it (it's free) and upload some pictures.....it's best if you reduce the size of your pictures before you upload them to Photo Bucket......after you've done that, then ask again and one of us will tell you how to get the photos onto your MFP posts

    :flowerforyou: Rebel, i keep track of fiber and get my fiber from fruits and veggies and oatmeal......I don't eat much bread because I don't know how to eat bread in moderation :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I'm so glad that you'll be able to get to Minnesota to see your daughter.....that will be such a treat for you.

    :flowerforyou: Rose, congratulations on your financial success at the flea market.....it's hard to get rid of things but making some money might make it a little easier.

    :flowerforyou: we had rain all day so the dogs didn't get to the dog park and I didn't get my walk:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I did find time for yoga, "Gut 'N' Butt" and the exercise bike so the day wasn't a total exercise loss and I got a lot of important paperwork finished.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Erica_q
    Good evening. I have finished all my cooking today, so dinners are taken care of for this week. I need to plan next week's meals so I can buy what I need and plan for cooking day Sunday.

    I got up extremely late this morning, so I dove right into the bread making. Unfortunately, I neglected the exercise and indulged in a little too much bread today. :ohwell: Oh, well, tomorrow is another day. I have planned all my meals through Saturday, with the exception of lunch on Saturday, because DD#1 is moving into her apartment and I'm not quite sure where I'll be at lunch time, so the rest of the week should be a no-brainer. I will make sure to exercise first thing in the morning from now on. No more sleeping in.

    Amanda - Awesome job on reaching 90 pounds!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :happy: :happy: The next 20 should be a piece of cake.:bigsmile:

    Congrats to everyone else who saw the scale go down. I'm afraid mine has been stuck this past month, but then, I haven't done well with the eating, so that's to be expected. At least I didn't gain. :smile:

    I think my brain has shut off for the evening, so I'm going to say goodnight. I'll try to check in tomorrow before the work days begin.

    Goodnight all,

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning!

    Thank you all for the kind words about my reaching 90 pounds loss. I love you all! There are 22 more pounds to go until I reach my target. It would be fab if I could do it by this Christmas, but as long as I've reached my 100 pounds loss by then I will be delighted.

    Barbiecat - I am right with you about bread. I don't know how to eat it in moderation either. I haven't had any since February! It's funny though, since I've had this heavy cold, all I've been craving is toast and marmite! It was always my favourite comfort food. I feel a little like a recovering alcoholic - only with bread. One slice and it would be my downfall.

    Erica - well done for getting all your cooking sorted. I used to do a similar thing when I worked full time. Sunday would be my 'cook day'. It worked really well but these days I am home more and have actually decided that I'm not much of a fan of cooking! DH couldn't believe it when I told him that - he's always seen me as someone who enjoyed planning and preparing food. Hmm, I think that's wishful thinking on his part as he doesn't cook at all.

    Renny - take a hug for yourself and for your grandbabies x

    I can't believe some of you are already seeing snow! Wow, here's me complaining because it's cold and grey.

    Pickledlilly - are you a fan of piccalilli? I used to make it years ago and would crave it like crazy during my pregnancies. A nice big dollop of it with some strong cheese - you cannot beat it.

    I've just ordered myself a new coat. It was the closest that I could find to the beautiful one that I saw for £150 in the charity shop (yes, the one that I am banned from!) It is midnight blue velvet and is a UK size 14 (which is a US size 12). Considering I was wearing a size 30/32 UK dress size at the beginning of the year, I am really pleased. The only problem is, I still have no concept of what suits me these days! I bought myself a top the other day and tried it on for DH. The style was very different to what I've been wearing and I said to DH that it wasn't really 'me'. His reply was that maybe this is the new me. That was quite a good answer and apparently the top really suits me. Both my daughters commented on how good it looked and DD#1 said she would like to borrow it after she's had the twins! I didn't like to say it to her, but I'm hoping that it will be too big for me by then!

    Time for me to go. I've got to get to the bank and then I plan to coddle my cold for the rest of the day. My energy levels are sub-par - although they are still way, way higher than before I lost this weight! Hurrah!

    Have a good and healthy day please.

    Amanda x
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Congratulations to all who have lost. Especially to Amanda at reaching 90 lbs!

    Welcome to all the newcomers and all those returning to this thread who have been MIA for a while.

    Thanks to all who have put up new pictures. It's great to see everyone and your loved ones.

    That's all I have time for this morning. I have to go to the post office to buy stamps on the way to work.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Well I am off to a good start this morning. Dropped Rhea off at school then went straight to gym for an hour. Had my yogurt and now am going to mow lawn. May take a swim after. Have a gift cert for nails. May even go get them done before I pick her up. Have to get it all done while I have energy. Yesterday I was just dragging all day. Got nothing done except rest. Not sure when Kenenth is coming home. He does not really know. At least another week if not more. Hope you all have great day. Check in later.
    Vicki M
  • smelliott
    Hi everyone,

    It has been a lovely day today, sunny and warm, not bad at all for September. I’ve had a bit of a lazy day today. DH is painting the wood work on the stairs, hallway and landing so I’m keeping out of the way. :laugh::laugh: I did 13.1 miles yesterday – my last really long outing before the Great North Run on the 19th – and I’m feeling more confident about finishing now. :happy: My knees are protesting a bit today though.

    Viv, I have Weightwatchers scales too and find they’re great apart from the fact they seem to have got stuck now.:wink:

    Jackie – welcome back. Glad to hear you had a good time.

    Jeannie – Congratulations on another ½ lb lost.

    Michele – I was brought up the same way as you and hate waste.

    Rose – I wish I could follow your example and get rid of a lot of the ‘stuff’ we have around the place -too much stuff, not enough space.

    Erica – Well done on all that food planning and cooking. I used to do something similar when the children were young. I didn’t work on Wednesdays so I used to spend the day cooking. Mmm, homemade bread. Lovely!

    Amanda – Congratulations on reaching 90lbs lost! You’ll soon be at your goal. Hope you feel better soon.

    Kackie – have a great trip.

    Robin – It’s great that you’re having a trip with your daughter.

    Rebel – Well done on another pound.

    Barb – your quip about tequila made me laugh. Glad to hear Mai Li is sleeping through and you’re getting more rest.

    Angusowner – your daughter is probably right. Don’t get stressed about your gain.

    Susan – good luck with the gym.

    Well, I think I’ll go and sort out something for dinner now. DH deserves a treat after his hard day painting.

    Look after yourselves ladies.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    Looks like everyone spent their week end very productively!! I spent Friday taking DF's daughter last minute school shopping then out to Applebee's for dinner. Saturday and Sunday were busy days and my food choices were limited and bad. I tried to limit the damage I was doing and at this point it looks like it was successful as I have lost 3 pounds this week. I went in last Friday for a thyroid recheck to check levels since I restarted medication and my levels are now to high so I need to pick up my new dosage and have levels checked again in 6 weeks. I suspect that my weight loss will slow down a bit once I start the new medication :sad: :sad: :sad:

    This weeks lesson is a short one and one that many of us are already doing but I will go over it as a refresher.

    Amanda, Jeannie and Renny (and anyone else who has lost weight) Congrats!!! you are all doing so well. I continue to look to you for inspiration on my long journey to being half the person I am now. :blushing:

    Robin, I am so happy you are coming up to see your daughter. I hope you can squeeze a few minutes so I can get a chance to meet you.

    Rose, Great job at the flea market. I have thought of doing that myself but haven't yet. Maybe your example will light a fire under me.:bigsmile:

    Erica, Wow!!! planning and cooking for a week!! Good for you. I have tried "let's dish" before and loved it but I have never done anything like that on my own.

    Now for my own little venting....

    I took my dad in for a PET scan last week and there is potential bad news. Lymph nodes are showing up again which may signify that the Cancer is returning. The Dr said it was non-specific, What ????:noway:
    Anyway we need to go back in 6 weeks for another PET scan, also his blood work came back with low white cell count which may mean his is fighting a cold since all other levels are the best they have been in months. Dad said that if the Cancer has returned he will not undergo Chemo again. This saddens me but I can't blame him as it has almost been a year since his first diagnosis.:cry:
    In any case it will be a tough couple of months.

    Hope everyone has a productive day.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Tuesday Morning,

    Just finished catching up with everyone. I will admit I took the weekend off, celebrating the birthdays and having a long weekend.

    Congrats:drinker: to all of you that lost! Some of those losses are pretty significant:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the newbies:flowerforyou: You have come to the best forum there is:wink:
    On Friday we went for an early evening bike ride, to make the long (and sore) story short we saw over 20 deer and I had another crash. Now my right side really hurts, the bruises are on arms and legs and I pretty much hurt. But not enough to stop us from biking on Sunday and Monday. One thing about biking at that time of day is all the protein that is flying and manages to get in your mouth if you try to talk:noway: Yuck!

    The kids Sons #2 & #3 with wives + two grandsons came for brunch on Saturday #2 Son & Wife & Grandsons gave me a new low fat cookbook to go with the new me. It's got some really good stuff in there and I will need to start planning to use it and make the receipes in thee.

    Allergies are really bad this morning...at least I hope it's allergies :sick: and not a cold.

    I really enjoyed reading how everyone did this weekend, so many of you were quite busy and managed to stay good. Today is the beginning of a new work week and the routine of work helps keep me on track so am glad for that, not neccessarily the work part.

    Everyone have a good day, keep drinking your water:drinker: and logging in your food.

  • justahorsen
    I'm a little late checking in but in August I lost 8 pounds, so over my goal of 5.....this month I would like to lose 5 again (and hope I can make 8).....The month did not start out good with too much dining out and too little exercise, but today is a new day and I will take the puppy for a walk when I get home. Maybe I should make that my goal for the month... We have our fair this month and since I am a 4-H leader for horses I will be at the fair with about 25 members (I am a "helper" leader now, not the main leader, I gave that up a few years ago!!) It will mean plenty of walking, and I don't really eat the "fair food" except one night we all get together and walk and buy food and share it all...that way you can have a "taste" of all your favorites but don't have to eat the entire elephant ear/ funnel cake yourself..... TTFN....
  • mimi7grands
    Hello everyone,

    My Internet connection has been down the last couple of days. I'm on my son's right now. (Instead of helping with his bookkeeping, which is actually what I'm supposed to be doing!) I've missed you all like crazy and wanted to say a quick hello while I can.

    I gained 2 lbs while I was visiting my folks in the Bay Area. I don't love it, but I'm not complaining too much. I've said 'bye to one of the pounds and expect to have the other off by the end of the week.

    My mom got some test results - the Holter monitor (checks for atrial fibrillation) came out fine. The CT scan showed some minor changes that could have been from TIAs. She's not aware of having had any...maybe very minor or while she was sleeping. Either way, it brings home the reality of their getting older. I'm so fortunate to still have my folks. I want them to stay healthy forever even while knowing that's not possible.

    Peggy, my heart goes out to you and your dad.

    About reprogramming...I've changed the way I approach things a lot since last January. One thing that's helped is posting on MFP. I edit myself to take out anything equivocal - no "I hopes," no "I thinks," no "maybes." I do less editing now so the reprogramming is working. (Boy, did I have to work on that sentence! It started out as "I seem to do less editing now so I THINK the reprogramming is working." I'm still working on it!!)

    Congrats to everyone who has lost weight and met their goals. It feels so goodt! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new. This is a great group of women. The support from this group, logging what I eat, and changing the way I eat (zapped the refined foods and added lots of fresh fruits and veggies) have made the difference for me. I'm very grateful.

    Renny, I set my fiber goal at 30 grams too and mostly make it.. The amount MFP calculates for you is way too low. (Way too.)

    Warm regards to everyone.
  • marymooster
    marymooster Posts: 134 Member
    that's great.... with the reprogramming... what we say and think creates our reality..... as you are doing use I AM IT IS I HAVE..
    That's how you create.... keep creating....
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: Greetings to all from Rhode Island! Went to a cookout at my daughter's new home!:happy: She has a huge yard and there were people swimming in the pool....while some were playing football behind the pool...others were playing horseshoes next to the pool...the other side of the pool was a net set up for badmitton and I was sitting on this lovely cement patio while my SIL was cooking on the grill...on the deck next to the kitchen. I just sat there taking it all in and thanking God for the gift of this new house and my wonderful family! How lucky we are to be all together and have such a wonderful spot to have a family get together! I'm feeling very grateful for all that I have! I hope everyone's Labor Day was as special as mine! My food was a little messy but I've been on the treadmill daily so I'll burn a lot of it!:laugh:
    I'll eventually get to reading the posts but haven't been checking them since Friday:blushing: so I have some catching up to do!!:noway:
    Have a great day!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello All, its been a long time since i've posted here :embarassed: but its been great looking at how you are all doing, congrats to Barbie on her grandchild, and well done everyone!!! I have now reached my goal of 119 pounds and I am trying hard to maintain it ( i agree with the bread thing.... that keeps tripping me up, I try to have one slice and end up eating most of the loaf) . Also since I last posted I have an addition..... a cocker spaniel puppy (well he is now 5 months old) so i am getting a lot more walking in lol. Life is Good, x.
  • Angusowner
    Will the laptop gremlins return? Let's hope not!

    Update on my Scotty: Angus's bloodtests showed something wrong with his liver: either cancer or a disorder. His vet did not recommend a CAT scan (:laugh: does anyone find that as amusing as I do - a CAT scan not recommended for my dog?) because of the expense and his age (10) would not merit surgery if he had cancer. Anyway, he recommended changing Angus's diet and giving him meds that would treat the disorder. If the numbers drop when he has another blood test, he has the disorder. If not, it is probably cancer, and, well, I will cross that bridge when I get there!:cry:

    :flowerforyou: I pray for all of you whose parents are going through difficult times. I know that feeling of always wanting them there and as healthy and active as they were when we were younger!:heart:

    Sister Veggie Queen: I am rooting for root veggies now that fall is in the air. Can you (or any of you HEClers, a.k.a. healthing eating club members) tell me how to prepare one of my favorites? I love parsnips but don't eat them now because I always prepared them with lots of butter & sugar, carmelizing them. How can I enjoy them without the "bad things"? Also, I have never cared for beets, but someone told me that is because I have never had them prepared correctly. Anyone know how to prepare beets so they are healthy AND tasty?:tongue:

    Off to try & download photobucket (Thanks for the info:smile: )

    Take care,
  • Dora1956
    Hi all my name is Dora at 53 I need to lose 130 pounds. I know it's going to take a long time to lose it so your support is needed. I have a lot of health problems and the major one is my back. I am only able to excrise in the water. We are going into our early cool phase getting ready for cold weather and I have to drive 6 miles to a center with a pool which is not heated. I want to go 5 days a week and spend as much time in the pool as my body can stand. So I'm asking can I count on you to support me?:brokenheart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Rose - how I wish I could have seen those Christmas decorations. When we lived in PA, we used to be able to get a lot. Now down here in NC there are practically none. Vince decorates BIG TIME, and I do mean big time! I'm always on the lookout for something different and unique (especially outdoor decorations). Let me know if there are some decorations that you want to get rid of, really, anyone let me know. I'm always on the lookout.

    Erica - I certainly can understand how you feel about your daughter being so far from home. But look at it this way....at least she's on the same continent as you! Bryan will leave the 19th, so you can be assured of tears and my dumping on you all then. I know that I'm going to be in bad shape. At least now he's on the same continent...heck, he's even in the same time zone. But I've had him at home (much to his dismay) for 4 months. He wants to do some shopping today (Mon) for some things for him to take with him (the heartbreak is starting)

    Amanda -- woohoo! 2 pounds down. That's great. Congrats to all the other losers. Congrats on your anniversary!

    Well, we went bowling today. One game I actually broke 100. OK, that was an anomoly. I'm usually around 70-80. But that's better than 35! Next Monday I'll go see the trainer again just to be sure that I'm not forming any bad habits. Also, we'll probably start to work on a 4-step approach, right now I'm only doing 2 steps. Before I didn't do any, so this is a bit of an improvement.

    Robin - have a great weekend!

    We have a Newcomers general meeting tomorrow (Wed), so after the meeting I'll go do a downloadable spinning workout. Did 1 hr of the Lalofit (weights) DVD today. I think it's time to get some more DVD's....I get bored so easily.

    You can count me in as another one of those that can't eat bread in moderation. So I've been trying to avoid it. Amanda - there are days when I feel the exact same way...like a recovering alcoholic. There are days when I admit that I do fall down, wonder if that's how an alcoholic feels? Probably not...an alcoholic can't stop, I feel that I can stop if I want to, just that I really don't want to.

    Amanda - at the rate you're going, that coat WILL BE too big by the time your daughter has the twins.

    Peggy - I'll keep praying for a good outcome for your dad.

    Kathy - congrats on going over your goal! That's awesome!

    I don't know what's with me lately. I have this pair of pants, they were marked a size 14 but they fit me, so I think in reality they are a size 4. Today they were tight pulling the zipper up. I know that lately I've been doing baking, but I've tried to log all of my food. Yet, it seems that for some days I've been going over my calories. I've been watching my sodium. I've been drinking anywhere from 70 to 100 oz of water/day. Don't know what this gain is all about.

    Welcome Dora! How great that you want to exercise in the water, and it's not even heated. You are burning extra calories there alone. You bet you can depend on us for support!

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Bec, I will be thinking good thoughts for Angus....it's so awful when our pets are sick......the only way I've ever cooked parsnips is in chicken or turkey soup....I cook the turkey carcass, then cook onions, celery, parsnips, and carrots in the broth and it makes yummy and surprisingly low calorie meal

    :flowerforyou: my most recent attempt to eat bread in moderation is to freeze a bag of those 100 calorie sandwich thins and take one out at a time to put something on for a snack.....now if I report tomorrow that the giant bag I bought at Costco is empty, then you'll know that the experiment didn't work :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Dora, welcome to the greatest support group on the planet.....check in with us every day and you'll get ideas and encouragement.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, I like your reprogramming the language you use.......my goal about a complaint free attitude has the same goal of changing my outlook and attitude.

    :flowerforyou: Barty, congratulations on your weight loss and reaching your goal......I hope you'll continue to check in with us and share your adventures in maintaining your new weight.......congratulations on your new puppy....dogs are such great family members.

    :flowerforyou: no rain today so DH got to cut the grass and I got to putter in the garden and take the dogs in the dog park.....life is good.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • chicletgirl

    Haven't been able to post as I have had a number of pitfalls lately. I have kept up on reading them though and posting my food. I notice when things went wrong that I just couldn't seem to eat my full 1200 calories. I know this is going to mess things up for me on my weigh in day. When I eat less than that I don't lose as much.


    Wanted to thank you for your answers to my many questions the other day. I did read them and jotted some of it down. I bought some whole grain-multi grain wraps the other day. They were so yummy and the texture was a little rough like you could taste the "grains" in it. Actually made me feel good eating it because of that. Today I bought feta cheese and will be trying it on my wraps maybe tomorrow with some veggies for lunch.
    I had a really nice male friend a year ago that "exposed" me to positive thinking. He sent me all kinds of web links and videos about people who program themselves into believing they will achieve something if they believe it, say it, and visualize it. I have to admit initially I thought he was crazy, but I couldn't ignore what I thought was him being lucky, what seemed like all the time. During the time I dated him he had me practicing it and I did notice little changes in my life back then. He had so many years of practice and had such a positive attitude, that nothing got him down. If he lost his job, he immediatley found a new one with better pay. He played poker, and black jack and was constantly winning. He was a total over achiever. Eventually we went our separate ways, but I still have the CD's he gave me on programming yourself to think positively. I listen to them once in awhile and when I do I always feel much lighter and better. I really need to listen to them more, and your "reprogramming language" reminded me of that. Thanks!:bigsmile:

    I am so sorry you are dealing with medical problems with Angus. I am hoping it is just a disorder or something that can be treated with medication. The liver can be kind of touchy and is one of the first organs to warn you of problems, so maybe that will be all it is. I will think positively and send well wishes to Angus.

    I have the same problem as you with the knees. I can exercise my upper body just fine, but when it comes to squats, walking, marching in place or any bending exercise I am in excrutiating pain and it will travel up to my lower back. My doctor says as I lose weight I will be able to put more pressure on my joints (knees) and has told me not to get frustrated, but i get discouraged because I know I can lose more weight if I could at least walk a couple of miles like I used to.:frown: I have lost almost 30 pounds and to me it seems to be getting worse, not better! Very frustrating!!:angry:

    :indifferent: I didn't have a very good week or weekend. Issues with my mom, her insurance and her progress is getting me down. My mom still cannot walk or get out of bed on her own yet, but her health has improved and she is much more stronger now. Unfortunately, the insurance company wants to see progress with her physical therapy, but when I spoke to her therapist he said that because she was so weak she wasn't able to progress very far without becoming exhausted. Now when she is finally developing her strength and can do her physical therapy, the insurance is saying they want her to leave the rehab facility because they feel she has not progressed enough. If she is not allowed to do her therapy then I can't get her down to California. What a mess. I am going to argue some more tomorrow.

    Boo has not been herself much lately and her appetite was disappearing. On Thursday, when i took her out for a walk I noticed she was squating more frequently than normal. I thought, "Does she have a bladder infection?" Later that evening, she got much worse and was in severe pain. Then she started peeing in the house....blood. She was miserable and you could just see it in her eyes, the pain and the look of desperation. It killed me. I was frantically calling anyone I knew at 11:00 pm to get a ride to the emergency vet. No one was answering their phone. My best friend did finally call back, but she and her husband are not animal lovers and couldn't see what the big deal was to wait unitl morning. I kept saying she was in pain, I offered to pay for the gas, she finally said she would come reluctantly, and sneak out of the house so her husband wouldn't know. We finally got to the emergency vet by midnight. I am unemployed and not receiving any benefits and only had $150 in the bank. They wanted to run bloodwork, urinalysis, and utrasounds on her bladder. With the exam it came up to $350. I told them I couldn't pay that, so the doctor felt pity on me and charged me $150 for exam, pain injectiion, pain and antibiotic meds. He said he would treat it conservatively. If I noticed it got better than all it was was a bladder infection. Relieved and thankful I took Boo home, thanked my friend profusely, who just grunted at me and stayed up the whole night with Boo trying to comfort her as the pain meds finally started to work. Friday morning the bleeding stopped.:happy: By Friday afternoon she wasn't in pain anymore and by Saturday she also wasn't straining anymore. It looked like it was a bladder infection.:bigsmile: Then on Sunday, early morning, everything came back again. This time it was at 3:00 am and she was crying. I called my son to see if his girlfriend's mother could take me back to the emergency vet. (He lives with then now since the baby was born) He was afraid to ask, I also called my Ex to see if he could take me. I couldn't reach him. When I call him sometimes, his girlfriend doesn't like to let him answer my calls. So I asked my son to call him. Sure enough he called him back and my son told him the situation. My Ex called me and proceeded to yell at me and told me I was going to pay for the gas if he was going to do it. I said fine. He picked me and Boo up and my son showed up too and we went to the vet again. This doctor wanted to do the same things again and charge me $450! I told him no, He said he wanted to check for bladder stones. So instead of doing all those tests that would have to be redone again with my regular vet on Tuesday if she needed surgery, I told him to just take the x-ray. He did. He said she had 7 large stones along with smaller ones in her bladder. He told me antibiotics wouldn't help, and he couldn't do the surgery and I would have to wait until Tueday after the holiday. He said because she was a female, she would be all right to wait til then and all I could do was give her pain med. This time I paid $179. My mother allowed me to take some money out of her account to pay for it. So Boo suffered until this morning where I took her to my vet and he has to do surgery to remove them as they are too large and can not be treated with medicine. Unfortunately, because it was the day after the holiday and was also the first day back from vacation for him, he was swamped with patients all day and could not perform the surgery today. So Boo is alone at the vets tonight probably in pain and will have the surgery tomorrow. $600. My mom has told me she will pay for it. She loves Boo and doesn't want me to put her down. We will pay for it in 3 payments. My vet (who I have been going to since I was 18 knows my predicament and will not charge me for any lab test or blood work, just the surgery.

    So for the past 6 days I have been so depressed and have been crying all the time. Especially when I was unable to comfort
    Boo. I am exhausted. Today when I waited to be worked into the appointments with her, I didn't leave there until 1pm. I was so hungry, and stopped at Jack in the box and got a chicken terriyaki bowl to eat. When I came home and entered it......629 calories on top of 2 small packages of M&M's with pretzels and 2 fudge low carb ice cream bars and a slice of meatloaf.:ohwell:

    Needless to say I have finally went off my "diet" after starting it 3 months ago. And you know what, I don't care.

    Tomorrow is another day. This time dealing with the insurance company. I also have to go through brochures for senior housing and in-home care. What fun.

    Sorry for getting poopy. But I am worn out mentally, As a matter of fact I think I am going to go to bed now all by myself....minus Boo. It's so quiet and lonely here without her. I tried calling friends so I could talk to someone, but no one was home earlier.

    So once again, it is all of you. Very sorry.

    Going to bed now:yawn:

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Chiclet- praying for you, you mom and Boo.
    Bec-praying for you and Angus. Might try a little milk thistle extract to support liver function, not sure of the dosage, but milk thistle gave my best friend Candy an extra 3 good years of life when she only had 15% liver function left.

    Parsnips: Grilled bias cut slices on Foreman grill with a spritz of almond oil just a few minutes on each side, YUMMY. If no grill, try roasting ala SisterMaryVeggieQueen Mimi.

    Beets: leave root and 1 inch of top on beets. Scrub well but don't peel and don't dry. Make a double thick pouch of aluminum foil, put the beets in, fold over and completly seal 2 sides but leave a tiny opening at the end of the 3rd side for excess steam to escape. Roast at 350 degrees till done. Baby beets take 30-45 minutes, the mongo one I did last night took an hour and a half. With rubber gloves on under cool running water rub off any thick or rough skin. Slice or cube 'em, pickle or dress with citrus vinaigrette (good on the greens too, either stir fried or steamed), or just slice them into sections and keep in refrigerator and eat like candy... or so I've been told. Only finished the roasting first time last night and was too pooped to peel!

    Gotta run and do gutt'n'butt but have to say THANK YOU RENNY for the fruit and veggie challenge. Did it yesterday and today was FOUR pounds lighter!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Wednesday already:flowerforyou:

    Chiclet- So sorry about your problems with Boo:cry: , hope the surgery helps and that she is back to herself real soon:flowerforyou:

    Still hurting on my arm and legs from my bike crash, but know it will just take a few more days for it to just be the bruises. Work is stressful and I'm trying to drink more water to keep my mind occupied and not dwell on all the things I have no control over in the office....about this time (in the past) I would have been hitting the M & M's for the comfort...not anymore...now it's drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: then run to the restroom:wink:

    :sad: When the wind is blowing the right way (we are way south) we can smell the fires burning in Boulder, so sad all the people that have lost their homes, hoping that today they can give an estimate of some kind of containment..since as of the early news it is still 100% NOT contained.

    Everyone have a good day, drink your water, do some exercise and log your food...we are in this battle to WIN:wink:
