

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello Ladies.

    I've just finished catching up with all the posts. Does it seem that we are overrun by Barbs and Barbies? :wink:

    Hi to all the newcomers - you have come to the most supportive group of women EVER! Feel free to pitch in and tell us a bit about yourselves.

    I am full of a cold and a hacking cough at present (I swear it's because I've been travelling on the tube/subway - too many germs, too many people, not enough clean air). Being asthmatic, every little thing seems to go to my chest and cause infections there. I will be back in the gallery again on Monday and then that should be it for now. Mixed feelings about that. I've enjoyed it tremendously but I have such a lot on my plate at home - and I don't mean on my dinner plate! I'm all about the portion control these days!

    Sister Veggie Queen - you are DEFINITELY an excellent role model! :flowerforyou:

    Barbiecat - love the idea of you talking to your doggies over the phone - DH used to think I was crazy when I used to do that with mine. :smile:

    Viv - you are correct - today is a new day. Pick yourself up and brush yourself down and start all over again. :drinker:

    Barb - well done on your charity shop purchases! Don't you just love it!! :smile:

    I'm going to have a hot blackcurrant juice now, to try to soothe my throat and cough.

    Catch up with all you ladies later on.

    Amanda x
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Apparently a very low carb diet plus zumba were the changes I needed to finally get the scale moving again. I haven't had a simple carb since Sunday and have limited the complex ones. Last night's zumba class didn't leave me feeling so sore as the first two and I am happy to report I have lost 3 of the 4 pounds I put on over the summer. :happy: Bottom line is I am addicted to simple carbs and the best thing for me to do is avoid them altogether. :noway:

    :cry: :love: Walking Sophie was a bittersweet experience today as it is most likely going to be the last time I get to do that. But the grad student who wants to adopt her will be giving her a much better home that she has here. She runs 5-6 days a week, has no other pets and plans to make Sophie a full-time house pet. She has really come along way from the matted up cowed down gal who showed up here the end of July. Time to go give her a bath so she'll smell sweet for her potential mommie.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! Just tried to read and catch up on posts. DH and I returned to MT late yesterday from our wonderful roadtrip. Those of you in the PNW and BC and AB sure live in a beautiful place. We will certainly return to some spots to spend more time. We did lots of walking and in Jasper-Lake Louise...lots of hiking. I did not log in or track food but tried to eat healthy choices. I am sure that I had more bread (simple carbs are my downfall too, SuzyQ) and a few more glasses of red wine than usual, but all in all I think I did ok. It was a great thing to go somewhere different every day!

    Welcome to the newcomers. I look forward to getting to know more about each of you. And I look forward to getting back to the business of moving the scale.

    Mimi: Looks like we have been doing the same "time out" sort of thing. I need the tracking to actually lose though...so here we go!

    Will try to read more posts later. Take care all. I have missed you!:heart: Kackie:heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone; a little shy on the sleep again, up late talking to the sisters, they were with mom, texting from a phone. Nice things can come from tech. but sure too some things were better before someone invented a better way. Pencil and paper are my favorite picks, new cash registers go on the blink, or hydro goes out, and the person at the cash can not add your order, lack of skills.

    the house is so quiet, the cats are sleeping, ready to run the house tonight while I try to sleep. Mom is still hanging on, she is not in her right mind now, slipping away slowly. Hope to see her this weekend, before she checks out of life's hotel.

    going to hit the bed early tonight even to lay there will be a rest instead of being up and working at my desk.

    may not check in tomorrow, have to pack for sat day trip. check in again maybe on sunday.

    luv to all Marilyn

    Marilyn, I hope you get to see your mom and I will keep you in my thoughts with all you are going through. Jeannie
  • missjo113

    (They need a cross your fingers icon!) LOL!

    I agree!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Marilyn, I am thinking of you,:flowerforyou: and hope you have a chance to see your mom this weekend as you had mentioned.

    Amanda, you said we are overrun with Barbs and Barbie's, and it reminded me when I was in first grade (1960), out of a class of 50 students, there were FIVE Barbara's--three of them with the same middle name--Ann. That poor nun should have been ready for retirement, but instead, she taught many more years, and only retired altogether about 4 years ago. She is in her nineties now.

    Barbiecat--regarding you talking to the dogs by phone while you are away--all I can say is if they talk back, Jake should take a video and call the local tv news!!:laugh: :laugh:

    As for "talking dogs"--Mai Li hasn't had much to say this morning, unlike last night, when she wouldn't shut up because she thought she needed a second dinner!! I wonder if Yerba tea would kill HER appetite??:noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am on the second day of a relentless headache, another side effect of my eye problem, and I have put off starting my new position until September 28th. I haven't been able to do much reading, and I still have material to cover before I can start. This way I will have a little more time.

    Have to get moving, so BFN

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Boy, this is the first time today that I've actually stopped. For some reason, and I think this has to do with hormones, there have lately been quite a few mornings when I wake up really early, but I'm not tired the rest of the day. Anyway, today was one of those days so I've decided that when this happens to me, I'm going to do some yoga. Did 30 min this morning. Then went to the Y and walked on the treadmill at 3% incline 4mph for an hour. Then went to a food store, then had lunch in my car (I'd packed it the night before), then went to the MD, then back to the store since they'd held my refrigerated/frozen foods for me. Only they couldn't find the refrigerated so they let me take things from the shelf. I totally forgot that I had a rotisserie chicken in there along with some ground chicken breast meat. They told me that as long as I brought in my receipt, they'd give it to me. Came home, brought in the groceries, made some iced tea, picked up my bowling ball, bought the meat for dinner tomorrow, then Vince and I went bowling, made dinner (and found out that Bryan had eaten half of what we were going to have so I just didn't have the meat), cut up the meat for dinner tomorrow, grated a cabbage for coleslaw for tomorrow. Now I'm sitting down and breathing.

    Tomorrow I'm going to take an class called xtreme pump (kind of like body pump).

    SuzyQ - good for you not having any desserts! Reading about you and Sophie brought a tear to my eye.

    barbie - you sound so much like me eating your own food at the hotel! I just find it amazing how unappealing lots of foods are and how I really want veges and fruits. Only thing is, that isn't what you get so many times so I bring my own.

    Welcome barb3321. You'll get lots of support here. Tell us some more about yourself. You, too bermudabarbie.

    Vince found that his bowling ball wasn't hooking (to make the spares). Seems there are newer materials that do better on the lanes today, so he bought a new ball.

    Jessica and her bf came here around 1 last night along with the cats she's fostering. We're going to have friends over for dinner tonight. Vince is going to grill some steaks (I know Ken likes his steak), I've also made terriyaki chicken (only I "fixed" the recipe so I halved the sodium), made coleslaw, I'm going to make peas and carrots (one dish of each since Vince won't eat the peas), a chicken pesto salad, I'm going to have some veggies, made lemon bars and lemon muffins for dessert. We have green iced tea (unsweetened), made cornmuffins. Corn on the cob is out of season so that's out.

    Bryan's last night of work was Wednesday. He leaves with Jessica tomorrow (and I start my crying). But I will get to see him in January, so that's a positive.

    Tomorrow...yoga. First off, tho, the farmer's markets.

    Havae a great day everyone

  • missjo113
    Just reading through the posts for the last couple of days... there's so many that it's hard to keep up, but that's a good thing!

    Laura - Congrats on your 'almost' 37 pound loss! and have a wonderful time in Vegas! :drinker:

    Marlouise - my thoughts are with you and your Mom. :flowerforyou:

    Barbiecat - good for you for taking your own food along with you. :smile:

    Mary - have a fantastic time at the music festival. Here in central Alberta there is a huge Country music festival every summer. It's called Big Valley Jamboree. 3 days of top country entertainers. Every year I think about getting tickets but I've never made it yet. Maybe next summer... :ohwell:

    My weekend will be spent continuing with our kitchen renos. It takes a bit of time when you're doing them yourself but the end product will be well worth it. We don't get a lot done during the week because by the time we get home from work and then pick up food (as our kitchen is kind of out of operation at the moment) it only leaves us with a few hours before we have to get to bed (5:00 am comes awfully early) . :yawn:

    drink the water, move the body, and endulge in the harvest of fresh veggies!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Barb: I’m so sorry you’ve been having so much trouble with you eye and headaches! :frown: Be well....soon!:happy:
    BTW My middle name is Ann and just about every catholic girl back then had the middle name Ann (after St. Ann the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary) or Marie after the Blessed mother.
    My grandmother wanted to make sure my father , (who was the oldest child) was named after all the important saints, so seeing as she didn’t know if she’d have another son....gave him 5 middle names!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    But that’s okay; I feel honored and have a special place in my heart for these holy people who watch over us.:love:

    Michele...I’m exhausted just reading your post!!!! Yikes...take a breath!!:noway:

    Missjo: We are working on our kitchen too, especially on the weekends as we both work full time. It’s a lot of work but will be worth it in the end. We’re saving a ton of money doing it ourselves!:happy:

    Everybody have a great weekend.:flowerforyou: :drinker:


  • HerbieSue
    Yes, BirdieM, TGIF!!
  • chicletgirl

    What a day, and what stamina! Yesterday I was able to borrow a car and I crammed an entire month of grocery shopping in, a doctor appointment, laundry for 2 weeks, Rx filled and picked up, paid bills and I was exhausted. Compared to your day, I am embarrassed to say that. I hope when I get closer to my goal weight that I will be as active as you are.

    Do you make your chicken terriyaki from scratch. If you do would you mind sharing the recipe. I make it too but use the bottled soy sauce w/ less sodium and a bottled terriyaki sauce. I would love to make it from scratch and with less sodium too. Also if you don't mind could you share your chicken pesto salad? Were the desserts for your guest or did you have some too?

    :indifferent: Well yesterday I went to the doctor for my weigh in and only lost 4 pounds. Very disappointed but I expected as much. This past month with Boo and my mother issues was extremely stressful. I should be lucky I lost 4 pounds instead of gaining though. If I hadn't had you all to cry to, I'm sure I would have gained instead of lost. I looked at my diary and noticed there were a lot of early morning snacking on peanut butter or string cheese ( when I was up the whole nights with Boo) and there were a lot of days where I just didn't eat enough calories. The day before my doctor appointment I was working on things for my mother all day and completly forgot to eat and I didn't walk Boo. So when I took Boo out around 3pm, a neighbor saw me and asked after her. I told her how my day went and that I had to walk her because I forgot. Well about 20 minutes later when I was walking back the neighbor c ame out and brought me food. She told me what exactly she had put on it so I could log it in my diary. It was so kind of her. She told me, "You are always worrying about others and not taking care of yourself. So I made you this." I guess people are out there watching when you don't think so. I probably screwed up my metabolism some this past month. I have started to eat normal again.

    I asked my doctor why the entire back of my legs hurt after walking Boo.I said that it felt like my entire back of the leg was cramping up. I asked her if my magnesium levels were okay, as someone suggested on this site.I mean I have been walking her since July, so my legs should be getting used to this by now. She asked me is my lower back hurt too afterwards. I said yes. She told me I have a condition which I cannot remember the name of having to do with my lower spine and that to help me with it I should do these lower back exercises. I am going to email her again and ask her what the name of the condition is so that I can research it.

    Hope the exercises help.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Barb, I hope your headaches and eye problems go away soon.:sick:
    Mimi- you are a role model and a good one.:love:
    Michele - breathe. :happy:
    chiclet - take care of yourself!:flowerforyou:
    Suzyq - I am sure you will miss Sophie:cry:
    Marlouise - my thoughts are with you and your Mom sending positive energy your way:wink:
    Barbiecat - you are so disciplined. amazing. I also talk to my granddog on the phone all the time he is an English Bulldog and a sweetie. I always talk to my pets if I am away.:laugh:
    Laura - what happens in Vegas ...:tongue:

    to those of you I missed - I am so glad you are all a part of this thread. I love you all.

    I have had a bad week. started out really well and then sort of went awry.:noway: My treadmill is acting up again.:angry: it gets some dog hair in it somewhere and overheats so it pops off to keep it from burning up:explode: . I can't seem to clear it this time. so tomorrow I will disasemble it. When I don't exercise alot I don't stick to my healthy eating that well. and it throws off my workout plans. I always start with an hour on the treadmill and end with an hour on the treadmill and when that doesn't happen I don't feel like doing my other workouts.:grumble: I am going to have to change my ticker soon to be honest because i can't seem to get rid of the camping weight I put on.:ohwell:

    Oh well Monday is a new week and hopefully it will be a good one. :drinker:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :happy: :happy: I am a happy girl right now. I have been taking increased dosage of lipitor since June, because my cholesterol levels were just not coming down. No matter how much I exercise and eat good foods, it is in my genes. Today I had results from my latest blood test and all numbers are in the NORMAL range. I have not been within that range for years!! I am still sad that I have to take the meds, but I do believe that my other good numbers are a result of a fit lifestyle. :drinker: :drinker: And all that bike riding is paying off.

    Barb, I am sorry to hear about your eye troubles. I am sending good thoughts your way.

    Chiclet, you are so right, losing 4 lbs is so much better than not losing or even gaining. You did well, notwithstanding all the stresses you've gone through. And what a kindly and observant neighbor.

    Mimi, so glad to see you posting. I missed you. I echo the sentiment that you are an inspiration and a role model. You just being you is good for all of us. As well, you are such an articulate writer, it is a pleasure reading your posts.

    Kackie, glad to see you back too!

    Welcome to all the newbies. I see several have joined while I was MIA for a bit. You will love this forum.

    With DH away for 4 days, my eating has been less than stellar. In fact, I had a bad sleep last night, woke up early and went out and had A&W bacon and eggs for breakfast, plus toast, plus hash browns, plus 18% cream in my coffee. Yum. I am not even a bit sorry that I did that. As soon as I finish typing this post I will log it, fair and square. No regrets. I am learning not to beat myself up anymore. I have learned so much from all of you, that falling off the wagon does not mean forever.


    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just popping in to post and keep up with everything. I ate pizza tonight. It is my most favorite thing to have on a Friday night. We were brought up on plain cheese pizza which is a blessing as it's not so bad calorie wise. I did manage to get some exercise in chasing stray balls and running some drills.

    Our new fat cat has lost 1 pound since we got him. The vet says that is a good sign. Maybe we will get lucky and he is just a chow hound and not a sickly cat. (It sounded funny saying chow hound in reference to a cat.

    Have a great evening,

  • HerbieSue
    rjadams: I was doing the treadmill regularly also and I was at a stall. I recently started doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and have noticed the difference. I can't do it every day, but really feel it when I do. I just moved up to level 2 and really like it because it has some different moves, but lots of stomach exercises, I think you would like the change of pace!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Well, I totally blew it tonight. I was so good until about 5:00. I realized that our company would be here in an hour and I had totally forgotten to get things ready for the horsduerves. Jessica was in the living room watching "Deal or No Deal" while I was rushing around like a mad woman in the kitchen opening the cheese, cutting it up, making the horsduerves. Then I really stressed ate. But the funny thing is that I felt so uncomfortable afterwards, I had some yogurt to hopefully make me feel better. I know one thing is that I have to learn to listen to my body and just stop eating when my body says "enough" instead of continuing to stress eat. Well, tomorrow yoga after the farmers markets.

    I did go to this one farm hoping that they still had corn on the cob. A friend who lives near there said that they were going to have some come in in Aug so they may still have it. Only they didn't.

    chicklet, yes I make the chicken terriyaki from scratch. You take 1 Tbs of tomato paste, 1-1/2 Tbs (I'm pretty sure it is) of honey, 1 Tbs of soy sauce (I used the low sodium). The original recipe says to use chicken thighs but I used the breast. When I put it into MFP recipe, it came out at 259 cal and 250mg sodium. I have to look on my recipe here to be sure of the exact ingredients. Update: Yup, those are the right ingredients. I put it in the broiler for about 8 min per side then put it on the grill for another few minutes. The chicken pesto salad is really easy. Bryan gave me the recipe. Basically, I got one of those rotisserie chickens in the grocery store, boiled some pasta, then added the chicken to the pasta and put pesto on it. Bryan told me that it's supposed to be served warm, I thought it should be cold! I really can't see the advantage of it warm, except that maybe the pesto is more flavorful. I did have some of the desserts, but I do want to have my neighbor over one night (they live next door to us), so I'll have the leftovers for them. that WAS the original thought, only problem is that there aren't a lot of leftovers....lol Of course, as is my way, I naturally gave food to everyone. Jessica has a bag, had a bag for Ken & Lynette. I need to ice the red velvet cake that I made for Jess and Zac. Only I didn't put in any red food coloring because I didn't have the food coloring. But that doesn't add anything to the taste or texture, so I figured I was OK. I also need to ice the whiskey cake I'm giving to Bryan to take to his friends' house. And make the indoor smores for Jess. That's great that with all you've been thru, you still lost 4 lbs! What a wonderful neighbor you have! As they say...what goes around comes around...and this just confirms that.

    Got my bowling shoes today. They really don't look "manly". They're white with navy inside and on the very bottom. I tried them on for Vince and he said that I should keep them. I think they were only something like $40.

    Robin - I change things up on the treadmill, do you? Sometimes I do HIIT which basically I sprint for 30 seconds, then for about 1-1/2 min I recover, then sprint for 30 seconds, then recover. I also do incline intervals. Just something a little different on the treadmill.

    Going to take a shower, then go to bed. I'm still feeling a bit bloated, but not as bad as before.

  • mimi7grands
    Hello everyone.

    Visited the Farmer’s Market today – came home with pluots, peaches, figs, strawberries, cucumbers, radishes, corn, tomatoes, and summer squash. Heaven! :love: I’m going to miss the fresh, local produce when summer ends. I like eating local produce, but it’s hard to resist the produce that comes from outside the US when we can’t get it here.

    I’m encouraged by the 1-½ lb loss for the week. I like knowing I can make it a whole week without tracking and still lose. :happy: Makes me feel powerful! On the other hand, I am looking forward to tracking my food again, beginning tomorrow. It’s a lot more relaxing! :laugh:

    Barb, I stopped by our Snowline Hospice shop today. I didn’t score on clothes like you did, but I did on books. I came out with a whole grocery bag full of books by some of my favorite authors – for $14!

    I sympathize with you about your eyesight. I had zigzagging light flashes and a trip to the ER a couple of years ago. Thank goodness was from changes in the vitreous not retinal detachment. The doc told me not to worry but to come back asap if it seemed as though a curtain were coming down over my eyes. That would be retinal detachment. My vision has improved but I still have some blurry spots. Ain’t getting older grand?!

    Marlouise, hugs from me as you deal with your mom’s illness.

    Kackie, so good to hear from you. I hope you’ll put up a pic or two. The PNW is beautiful. I’ve heard Lake Louise is spectacular.

    Susan, woo hoo on kick-starting the weight loss again. I know what you mean about the simple carbs. I can handle them if I decide ahead to have a specific amount of something, say one piece of chocolate. There’s trouble ahead, though, whenever I think I’ll have “just a little.”

    Amanda, I hope you’re feeling better. :heart:

    Chiclet, 4 lbs is good. Pat yourself on the back. You did a good job. Not only did you lose the weight but, as you reminded me, you’re putting healthy fuel into your body. :flowerforyou:

    Robin, you are also a good role model – both in your consistent and enthusiastic exercise and in the yummy meals you fix. I’m on the “up” side now and that’s nice (of course!) But one of the most important things I’m learning is how short and temporary those “downs” can be. It’s the great thing about what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and, most of all, how we support each other.

    Renny, you are right on target about not beating yourself up. Beating ourselves up when we've "done wrong" seems so righteous but it’s the most counterproductive thing we can do. :noway:

    Yay for the splurge :drinker: and yay for tracking it honestly. Keeping the eyes wide open is a victory. Congrats on the good cholesterol results too. I know you’ve been eating lots of fruits and veggies, which is good in lots of ways. I’ve been reading lately about the positive effect on cholesterol of eating foods that are low on the glycemic index.

    Michelle, like you, I realize how crappy I feel when I eat food that’s not so healthy. I didn’t notice it before because it was a constant. Now that it’s an anomaly, eating unhealthy food makes me feel uncomfortable for an hour or two afterward. Isn't it great?! :wink:

    Welcome to everyone who’s new. I’m looking forward to getting to know you. And hugs to all my “old” friends. You are dear to me.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    It is beginning to seem "official" that summer is on the wane--especially here tonight, where it rained very enthusiastically. I took my parents to the barbecue that the yacht club they belong to has every other Friday. The club supplies everything, except whatever you want to grill, so when I saw fresh wild coho salmon for $7.99/lb. at Costco, I decided no steak this time.

    When I grill salmon, I put a little butter on it, shake some dill weed over that, and then top it off with a generous squeeze of lemon juice. It was yummy, and best of all, because my parents are light eaters, I have enough leftover grilled salmon for another meal--although I came close to losing it after I walked in the door. :huh:

    I was talking on my cellphone when I arrived home, so I put the tote bag down that held my fish grilling pan, oven mitt, etc. AND the foil-wrapped salmon leftovers, and went to sit down so I could write down a phone number. I soon heard some suspicious rustling, snuffling coming from the kitchen. I looked in the doorway to see Mai Li, head first in my tote bag!!!:noway: :laugh: I quickly jumped up and rescued my salmon, and received a very disappointed look from her.:ohwell:

    She and her com padres didn't lose out. They got a late doggie dinner after I was finished with my phone call.

    Renny, WTG on your cholesterol readings!! Just goes to show you what eating right and exercising can do for you!!

    Robin, Sorry your treadmill isn't letting you "tread" very much.:sad: :sad: I thought dog hair (as in Mai Li's long tail hairs) could only clog a vacuum's beater brush, but apparently, it is good for fouling up other devices as well.

    Chiclet, Glad you were able to get all your errands done, but sorry it wore you out. I think losing 4 lbs. after what has been going on with you for the last few weeks is a WIN-like you said, you could have gained, but you DIDN'T--and that is what counts!:flowerforyou:

    Mimi, Congrats on staying on track with your loss, even though your routine was altered. You are sounding more like a "normal" person than ever. (BTW. not implying you were ever "abnormal":wink: . Rather a reference made to the post a few days ago about what constitutes "normal")

    Michelle, Thank you for your recipes, and I think I burned 100 calories just reading everything you said you did!!:noway: :laugh:

    Amanda, I hope your pesky virus goes away soon.:flowerforyou:

    Suzzeque, I am sorry you can't keep Sophie, but it sounds like she is going to be fine.

    Speaking of doggies, would you believe a friend of a friend of mine was hoping I would take in her Chihuahua for NINE days while she was out of town?:noway: :noway: Fortunately, I didn't have to turn her down, because when I spoke to her, she told me she had already found a sitter. I am going to have enough potential doggie problems when I return to work without having a 4th doggie in the mix!!!

    To anyone I didn't mention, it is not for lack of interest, just lack of memory and the late hour.

    BTW, welcome to the newbies who have popped in during the last few days.

    Well, it is late, and I am tired, so bye for now.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :smile: Here I am back on the waggon again (I really must try harder not to fall out so often :bigsmile: ) I've also been a bit lax with logging my calories, and I am just thankful that I haven't put any weight on. Last week is in the past and I am ready for the challenge of a new week.

    :smile: I ate a big plateful of roasted veggies last night and will do the same tonight. I have also changed the way I log calories, so instead of breakfast/lunch/tea etc I have changed it to times of the day. Hopefully this will show where I need to watch my "empty" calorie intake. I know I still eat too many unhealthy snacks, so also need to arm myself with healthier snacks. I know the theory so why oh why can't I do the practice.:grumble:

    :flowerforyou: Barb you made me smile, Mai Li sounds just like our old dog Milo, he would always have his head/nose in places where he shouldn't - I couldn't leave shopping bags with food on the floor, :laugh: I had to put things out of his reach as soon as I could, otherwise he would investigate and help himself. I loved that little dog and miss him - life was less stressful before Frankie. Mind you Milo had his moments, but mostly he was a good dog.

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet you should definitely pat yourself on the back, losing 4lbs with all that stress, I think you are amazing :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Mimi congrats to you too, you also deserve a pat on the back, losing without tracking - you obviously put into practice what I only think about :huh:

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie hope your fat cat (does he have a name?) continues to lose weight and that he doesn't need any medication. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda get well soon

    :flowerforyou: Marlouise thinking about you and your mum

    Well I had better make a start, lots of things to do today. Take care everyone.

    :heart: Viv :heart:
  • chicletgirl
    Well the stress that was from my little Boo will be over officially tomorrow. My son is taking her in to the vet tomorrow to have her stitches removed. :bigsmile: She is back to normal and even the neighbors have noticed as we walk down the pathway and she says her hello's to everyone again. When she was sick I was lucky if I got her down the path.

    I was informed today that my mom's insurance company has said they will only cover her now up to next Wednesday, then she has to leave the rehab facility. Everyone there that has been working with my mother is shocked, because she is not ready to leave yet!:noway: I called her doctor and she went to see her, and said No Way was she able to leave yet. She planned on calling the insurance company after she saw my mom to report her diagnosis and request more time there. Usually if the patient is not showing signs of progress then the insurance company does this, but my mom is progressing. She is able to stand with one person helping her, can walk about 10 steps now, can use the commode next to her bed, and her body's nutrtion levels are almost normal. The facility wants my mom to be able to walk (with a walker) on to the airplane to come to me, be able to walk to the restroom, be able to pull her pants down, use the toilet and then pull them back up and walk back to her bed. This all involves Physical therapy with their weight machines She needs to continue building up her muscles. The nurse in charge told me that I will need to call some place called Qualis and request an appeal. I have talked with all the therapist, nurses, and the doctor to determine how much she has progressed so that I can relay this to Qualis and hope that she will be allowed to stay for a few more weeks. I have to do this on Monday. My mom asked me to email my SIL to ask how to request an appeal (she actually works for that insurance company!) as she had to do this a year ago when my mom broke her leg. She promptly went down to the facility after work with my brother and yelled at my mother, telliing her that she was so ungrateful for all the things she has done for her and said we were on our own on this and she wasn't going to help. My mom was so upset! When I called her it took everything I could do to get her to calm down and relax. I told her I would handle it and not to worry about anything. Before I got off the phone with her I asked her if she was okay and if she believed me when I said it would be okay and she said, "You're so strong. With everything you have been going through in your own life, plus dealing with my stuff and constantly checking on things for me here, I don't know how you do it. But you do. Your brother was in here today and was a total wreck, yelling at me with his wife. You've always been the strong one. I know you will handle it."

    It's funny, I've lost everything and gone past the point of desperation, cry myself to sleep, am lonely and barely have enough to pay my rent. I don't feel very strong.:indifferent: It's just a matter of surviving. Little does she know that I pour my heart out to all of you.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi

    Isn't it strange? When others here are depressed, stressed and fall off the wagon we are there for them instantly to help them through it, see the positvie or the obvious that they can't see. Yet, when it happens to ourselves, we don't recognize the signs, or the obvious either, and it takes those we helped to help us. How wonderful are all the ladies here I ask you?

    :flowerforyou: Renny

    You know every once in awhile you have to alliow yourself something special to make you feel good. Yours was A & W. But isn't it nice to know that it isn't something that will crush you and that you can just say, "It's okay, I am in control and it's no big deal.":happy: Good for you!:drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Michele

    Thank you for the recipes. I'm going to try them tomorrow. Now I have to ask you for the Whiskey cake recipe. I take it, it taste like whiskey because it is made with whiskey? I would love to make that for my ex mother in law. She LOVES cakes made or soaked in whiskey or rum. How do you manage to make all those desserts, and not eat any? That's like being in a pit of rattlesnakes and hoping you won't get bit. :laugh:
    I too have to agree with you on when eating unhealthy stuff and how it makes you feel afterwards. It's like you've cleaned your system out and when you put something bad in, the whole body starts sputtering and spewing. I had just finished reading your post and had started cleaning up in the kitchen and saw a open bag o f cheetos that my "date" had brought over, eaten and left behind. I thought, "I'll just try one." (Remember the Lay's commercial, No one can eat just one?) Well I ate one and practically died!!:noway: :sick: It was so salty, tasted like I was eating cardboard and left this horrible smell and taste in my mouth. I had to go and brush my teeth. I can't believe my body reacted that way and I can't believe I used to eat those, the entire bag actually!:embarassed:

    :flowerforyou: Robin

    Does anybody not talk to their dogs on the phone when they are away from them???
    I always put the phone on speaker so my mom can talk to her grand puppy, Boo. Her ears look like satelite dishes turning when she is trying to find out where the voice is coming from.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barb

    Your story about Mai Li raiding the bag for the salmon made me laugh. Boo investigates all the grocery bags as I bring them in. She hasn't eaten any human food from the bags.....yet, but she definitely knows where the sandwich meats are, etc. Mostly she is looking through the bags for her scooby snacks and toys,:happy: which she knows her mom has brought her.:smile:

    Have a nice weekend everyone!!:flowerforyou:
