

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I can only HOPE I will feel like Chicklet's mom when I am that age. How funny! I am not even sure if my mother knows how she got us children!!!!:laugh:

    I joined a gym and went last Wed and Thursday night and on Monday night. This morning I was up .2 of a pound. How can that be. Exercising and not losing. I was pretty good on the weekend and came out of it the same as when I went in.

    I am only eating about 1,050 to 1,200 calories - but I always have. I will just be patient and see what next Monday brings. Too soon to give up yet. It can't hurt to exercise.

  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    not in this catagory yet.

    12 days I will be, and with a 5yr old to boot. *head swimming*
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    I joined a gym and went last Wed and Thursday night and on Monday night. This morning I was up .2 of a pound. How can that be. Exercising and not losing. I was pretty good on the weekend and came out of it the same as when I went in.

    I am only eating about 1,050 to 1,200 calories - but I always have. I will just be patient and see what next Monday brings. Too soon to give up yet. It can't hurt to exercise.


    Susan, muscles retain water when you first begin to exercise. It may take a week or two to see a loss but you are right, it is good for you. If you are really burning a lot of calories you may need to up your intake a little. it is a game of playing around with it to figure out what works best.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Scanned over the posts VERY quickly! :wink: I'm so far behind that I'll just pop in and say hi.:ohwell: I did read about the hilarious conversation between Chiclet and her mom....and laughed out loud!!!!:laugh: :laugh:
    Just sending hugs to all!:love: Welcome newcomers!!! One Day At A time!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I had my yearly checkup at the OBGYN's today and he said it's the healthiest he's seen me since he met me 7 years ago!!! :blushing: :bigsmile: Eating healthy, one day at a time, drinking water, tracking my food and being open to new ideas and new foods, have literally changed my life! :happy: Chiclet, as far as the dating thing, one of the things that works for me is to keep living as normal as I can and be careful about the amounts I eat.:tongue: As Jeannie said, you can eat cheese pizza and go light on the other meals. FOR ME....and I repeat, because we are all different and different things work for each of us.......FOR ME .....I need to feel like I can participate in all activities with a healthier attitude. :smile: If I feel like I have to stay away from going out to eat....even to a pizza place....I’d feel deprived.:grumble: :angry: Deprivation leads (me) to almost surely discouragement :angry: and then eating.:sad: :sad: I’ve been doing this since August 2009 and I try to bring better choices INTO situations...... rather then taking situations OUT of my life! :wink: So far so good!:blushing:

    I went through my cedar closet, and have made a decision to get rid of just about everything that doesn’t fit me! :flowerforyou: I have bags of clothes going to Big Sisters tomorrow. :happy: My regular closet has only got the clothes that I intend to wear and believe me....it’s looking pretty skimpy.:noway: At least it will make choosing an outfit easier! :laugh: What a wonderful dilemma to have! :laugh:

    Feeling grateful for the beautiful fall day!:love:

    Hope you all have a great day too!!:flowerforyou:

    Back to work!:ohwell:

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Just popping in quickly...

    Chiclet - :laugh: :laugh: your Mom made me laugh:laugh: :laugh: will we ever be like that with our kids:noway:

    Susan - Are you drinking enough water:drinker: ?

    Robin - What is your next challenge (on your signature) "the Harry Potter Challenge??:huh:

    BirdieM- Good job on cleaning out that closet:flowerforyou: I'm finding that things I had bought as incentive to lose years ago, now that I can wear them they really don't appeal to me...I do give them one wearing and if I still feel that way I wash it and put it in the donate bag...and a lot of clothes have gone to the bag:wink:

    Working hard and stressing out because once again it's time to get the month end taxes ready and I'm NOT:ohwell: Hopfully I will get it together...otherwise they will be late:grumble:

    Foods good, water is great,:drinker: hoping to get home on time to fit in exercise, but right now I'm not too sure...my job is making me crazy and I'm really wishing I had the lucky lottery number for tonight:bigsmile:

    Have a great evening all.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I continue on my madcap week, and I am surviving nicely. I should not be online, as my club arrives in just over an hour for a hot dog roast, but had to tell you my funny story from work today. As most of you know, I work at a high school. Our school is doing a fundraiser with the Ford Motor Company where for every car test driven on a certain day, the company donates $20 for our school. A TV station out of Wichita came to our school today to film a commercial for us. They had blocked out the letters "LHS" on the football field for students and staff (all wearing school colors, of course) to stand in for a background for the commercial. The student council had miscalculated on the size, and they could not read the LHS from the top of the stadium, so they had to make us resize the letters. I told fellow staff members that I had never been so flattered as I was when they told me that my S was not big enough to be on TV. Made it a great day for me!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Really need to get to work, but wanted to answer Amanda's shampoo question. I swim a lot, and use a special shampoo that gets metals out of your hair right after I swim. I get mine at the beauty shop, but you can get it online. I didn't research the best place to do that, but here is a link to one so that you can see it. I follow it with a conditioner - personally I use Pantene.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I use this line of products.


    i just LURVE their conditioner for getting the pool residue out of your hair.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Thursdays has become my newest challenge as that is the day I get together with a group of ladies to sew and we potluck it. I suggested brown bagging it so everyone could bring what they wanted to eat, but no one but me liked that idea. Last week I made a strawberry spinach salad and it was tho only low calorie, low carb food there. There were loads of simple carbs though, not to mention 3 kinds of dessert :angry: So guess I'll become the official salad lady so there is always something I can eat. Its either that or just brown bag it myself and let them talk.
    I went to a lecture last night from a famous sports nutrition guy. One of the things he said was that it's impossible to avoid simple carbs forever. But you can take away some of their sting, if you eat them with stuff that takes longer to digest such as hard protein and/or veggies. He says he never eats pizza or cookies without eating a bunch of celery or broccoli first (or during, in the case of pizza).

    I'm not sure I buy this 100%, but, hey, he had lots of charts and research and stuff so I guess it's worth a try!
  • marlouise
    Hello Everyone, very active on the posts today, good day for all!

    I had my time at the gym again today, very pleased with myself and also sore, but that is the best thing. Rain here now clouds are very dark.

    chat again tomorrow, luv to all

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    chicklet - what a weird combination of "foods" that guy brought to your house! What were the blue pads for?

    You know, the other day Vince went for his protine test (he's on coumadin). For the first time, the MD wanted to discuss his results. Not that there was anything unusual about them. We firmly suspect that with the downturn in the economy, people aren't going to the MD as often, so therefore MD offices are feeling the pinch, so he was charged for an office visit. Normally, they just call us with the "continue on the same dose and have your blood rechecked in a month", but not this time.

    Jeannie - no, that's the executive director at the Y where this guy used to work that contemplated allowing alcohol on the premesis. My guess is that he's trying everything in the book to increase profit, seeings how they didn't even make their goal for the children's fund this year. No, the guy I think should be fired used to work under this executive director, he was then transferred to the branch that I like (it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the transfer was to save money and also that he wasn't doing much of a job). Actually, firing both guys to me wouldn't be a bad idea. Well, we're getting a new CEO. Hopefully, things'll change. Hopefully....... I usually do the hulahoop on the Wii for an hour, I have it set for 10 minutes left, 10 minutes right. The only time I had any problem was the first time I did it, and I suspect that had something to do with the fact that I wasn't using correct posture. Since then, I haven't had any problem at all. Just gotta always make sure that I'm standing tall (not leaning forwards like I could easily tend to do)

    Oh, Barb, I'm so so glad you don't have a detached retina!

    You know, lots of times the kids like to go to Pizza Hut. I'd usually get the Fit & Delicious pizza. Do you know that down here they don't sell it?????

    chicklet - your mom sounds like such a hoot!

    Amanda - I knew you wouldn't sink! Now to just remember to breathe! Basically, this BOSU workout has a cardio segment and then a weight segment. The good thing is that while you're doing the weights, you're sitting on the BOSU so you're also using your abs

    I'm finding that lately I'm having these carb cravings. Gotta use more of that apple cider vinegar at least until they're under control. Well...I AM trying to eat healthy carbs, well, sort-of healthy. I had some chocolate chip zucchini cookies...but they do have oatmeal in them. Last night I had these low fat oatmeal raisin cookies. Gotta get this under control. I hate when I feel so out of control.

    Good for you, Birdie, in getting rid of the clothes that don't fit you. How wonderful!

    I was told the same thing about eating carbs and protein together at the same meal. A while ago I went to a personal trainer and he said to me "what did you have for breakfast". I thought I was doing real well when I told him I had had this bran muffin that I made, some Kashi cereal, and an apple. His comment was "do you realize how carb heavy that was? Instead of the bran muffin, I would have had egg whites". And he's right! It WAS carb heavy. Now I realize how much fuller I feel when I've had protein and I stay full for a longer time.

    Everyone, have a great evening. Tomorrow.....deep water class.

  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Hello Everyone
    It's been weeks since I have posted. I'll bet I missed 500 posts.
    I live 3 miles from the San Bruno fire and worked Friday and Saturday all day at the shelter for evacuees. My job was preparing food and feeding people (LOL). On Friday we served 780 meals and on Saturday about 500. Met Mrs. Schwarzenegger (Maria Shriver) since Arnold was in China. Amazing outpouring of support. Media all over the place. Here's the link where they gave me my 5 seconds of fame: http://www.kcra.com/video/24962990/detail.html
    I have gained about 2 pounds but I'm ready to rock and roll back on the wagon again. So keep me in your good thoughts!
  • mimi7grands
    Hello to everyone. I've missed you! :love: Robin sent a note to me that got me started missing my friends. Then it was on to catching up on the posts (skimming mostly). I DO miss you and feel encouraged just reading the posts.

    I'm back home after a busy few days (and, before that, no Internet service). My mom hosted a party on Saturday to celebrate DS's and his new wife's marriage then I hosted a shower on Sunday for my niece who's getting married next month. There were about 30 guests and most stayed for hours, so I take that as a good sign. I was pooped though!

    I've been hovering right about the 200 mark and, at 5'8", am feeling fat these days. Probably mostly stemming from lack of exercise. It's funny though...on the one hand, I feel fat (still need to lose about 40 lbs) but, on the other, I almost don't recognize that thin person in the mirror. (I've lost 120 lbs in 9 years, 100 of them in the last 5 years.)

    Yesterday, I felt as though I were looking in a Fun House mirror. Who was that thin person? It's still hard to believe and, as I said, half the time I feel fat!

    Yesterday, I opened up the last bin of clothes I had in storage. It included a couple of size 14 outfits that a friend gave me years ago and I really never thought I'd get into. I could actually get them on. What? No way. Another 10 lbs and they'll fit just fine.

    I'm so wanting to be normal with how I eat. I'm going through a bit of rebellion about weighing, measuring, and tracking. Is it possible to ever be just plain normal? :noway: That would be awesome. Although I'm not tracking everything, I am weighing each morning so I know I'm not gaining. And, except for last weekend, I'm eating lots of fruits and veggies. They are a life saver (or maybe a weight-saver) for me :wink: !

    Sorry not to respond to each of you but that would be, well, impossible! :laugh: I am thinking about you, especially Renny with her aunt's diagnosis, Peggy with her dad and everyone else who's struggling just now. What a wonderful, varied group we are. Whenever I'm away for a few days, I miss you!
  • lovesauburn
    lovesauburn Posts: 23 Member
    This is my group; I'm 54 and need to loose ~ 25 lbs. and am so sick of the yoyo weight down 2 up 5 dance routine. Today I walked 2.5 miles and was 247 calories according to my Omron pedometer. I did a lot of running around and bought 5 lb hand weights so now I have 3.3 lbs, 5 & 8lbs. The 8lbs are to heavy; I don't feel like I can do upper extremity exercises correctly with them and 5 lbs felt right, 6 lbs to heavy. I will record now and figure out if I can eat more...feeling like I need protein. I did my measurements and not to pretty but oh well so it is. :ohwell: Reading everyone's signature and favorite quotes is very helpful. Bless all of you and count me in for needing support and would love to be uplifting for others.
  • chicletgirl
    Hey Everyone!:smile:

    :flowerforyou: Michelle

    Pizza Hut made a Fit and Delicious pizza? Where was this at? What did it have on it?
    As for the paper like pads (they almost look like wee-wee pads for training dogs just bigger) who knows what he was thinking??:noway: Maybe he thought we were going to have sex and use those to lie on. That's probably what my mom would have come up with, I'm clueless.:huh:

    :flowerforyou: Amanda

    My son was on the city swimming team since he was 6 years old. I always bought his shampoo at a sports store, like Big 5 or Sports Chalet. They had the conditioner too. Might be cheaper at online. Don't know if you dye your hair or not but chlorine is known for turning blonde hair green, so I'm glad you are looking into shampoos that remove it.

    :flowerforyou: BirdieM

    You know I never looked at it like that. You're right though, you can't bury your head in the sand so to speak when it comes to going out to eat or other activities that involve that. It's just that he said pizza and I was panicking, because everyone knows that pizza is a gazillion calories. If it had been a normal restaurant then I could at least order the food to be prepared a certain way or omit things. I think the fact that my first experience eating out since losing weight was going to be a Pizza place!:noway: My mind froze and I couldn't get beyond it. I knew it wasn't right to expect him to change for me, but I didn't know what to do! You literally conked me over the head out of my stupor. DUH!! Thank you.:happy:

    Oh and another thing that made me panic....When I realized I was going out on a date last weekend, I looked through my closet to find something to wear and pulled out an outfit that I liked and normally would wear to look nice. Well it didn't fit properly anymore. I looked like a frumpy old woman. I tried something else on.... same thing. I started panicking (apparently something I am beginning to notice I am doing a lot lately) I ended up looking at clothes I haven't been able to fit into in about a year or two and they fit, sort of, but at least they weren't extremely baggy, just a little loose. I really didn't see that coming. I mean I was just wearing those clothes in July!

    Guess it is a good thing, but I sure as heck can't go out on a date naked! Then again, my mom would say it was okay.:laugh:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Thanks for posting that link. I can't even imagine what the people in the vicinity of that natural gas explosion went through. The videos on the news of the fire and aftermath was just breathtaking.

    My eye is a little less annoying tonight than it was on Monday morning. I have postponed starting work until next week. Spending much time on the computer is still a challenge. Posting is a challenge also, but that is due to Bradley--my favorite little canine terrorist--who has decided that he needs to give momma kisses for having just fed the troops their din-din. I feed them later in the evening because then Mai Li will usually sleep through the night, which means MOMMA sleeps through the night too!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    We have had nice sunny afternoons in the mid- 70's but by tomorrow night, they are telling us the rain that has been hanging out to the north, and getting Renny and Robin and Barbiecat wet off and on is going to move south and douse us for a change.

    I had a long day of errand running for my mom, and some work around the house with my "helper," then a quick dinner out with a friend who had been out of town and just got back. I was naughty and had a child-size scoop of Baskin and Robbins for dessert.:blushing:

    Mimi, Good to see you back on here.

    Renny, I think I overlooked giving you my condolences about your aunt. Hope you are all doing okay.

    Chiclet, Your mom sounds like a real "card"......she will have to be dealt with.:wink::noway: :blushing: Sorry, couldn't help myself:laugh: :laugh: Barbie and Robin, I am glad you guys got to meet, but NO PICTURES???:noway: Sounds like a senior moment to me!!!

    Mai Li is pitching a fit about something, so I have to go and shut her up as it is too late for her to be barking in the bedroom. My upstairs neighbor is a very nice early to bed lady who gets up early for work!!


  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi:frown: key*oard

    hey i've just found out my pc has an on screen keyboard. :smile: Need to buy a new keyboard, spacebar and a few letters on bottom row have jammed. Very frustrating.
    Have a good Wednesday everyone.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    BARB, Glad to hear your eye is doing at least a little bit better. Hang in there, Hubby's best friend was having such problems seeing he wasn't allowed to drive, but thanks to injections (and I don't know what all) he is now legal to drive again.

    Today I still have a mild carb withdrawl headache and am still a bit sore from zumba, but am encouraged to see the scale finally moving down again. Course I've gained and lost the same 3 pounds ever since April. :angry: If I can get below 159 and STAY there, I"ll know I found something that is working. :drinker:

    Just had a piece of cinnamon raisin Ezekiel Bread and am about to go mow the yard, then walk Sophie. I don't take Muffin every time anymore because she gives out and then I have to carry her over half the way. Over half the way is lease roads where we walk through deep sand, so it makes for quite a workout. A walk on the beach without the water! :glasses:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I finally lost a pound. I vow never to go over 150 again. Thanks for the support. I guess my muscles got used to working out. I am drinking all my water - maybe too much!! Yesterday was a day off the gym - maybe that is why I was down, but I did a 2 mile fast pace walk with my hubby last night with my sketchers on. Maybe that helped.

    I am somewhat encouraged by the loss in any event.

    Chicklet - treat yourself to something new - even just a new top. You can hide baggy pants under a long top. You deserve it.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I had my yearly checkup at the OBGYN's today and he said it's the healthiest he's seen me since he met me 7 years ago!!! :blushing: :bigsmile:

    Back to work!:ohwell:


    Birdie - How wonderful! What a great way to have all your hard work acknowledged.
