

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I had my yearly checkup at the OBGYN's today and he said it's the healthiest he's seen me since he met me 7 years ago!!! :blushing: :bigsmile:

    Wonderful! Good choices DO pay off :flowerforyou:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Today was my weigh in day and the scale is up 2 pounds.:frown: I HAVE been a bit sloppy:blushing: and gone over my calories a few times,:tongue: so I’m not surprised.:ohwell: But I’m not worried about it, because I know what to do to get those nasty little pounds back off!:flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: That’s the beauty of monitoring your weight. :happy: Before I joined MFP, I’d let it slip and slip and slip....and then I’d be afraid to get on the scale:noway: and go into denial.:indifferent: That’s when I gain 20 pounds back or more. :explode: Now I’m on top of things in a way that does not overwhelm me. :wink: Now instead of having to take some long and difficult journey to get to where I want to be......I just need to take little tiny baby steps in order to see the positive results I want. :bigsmile: It’s soooo much easier.:smile:

    Mimi, as far as feeling “normal”....that is quite different to each person. To me.....feeling “normal” is not having food rule my life for the good OR the bad. Feeling free to go anywhere without panicking about what’s being served...... walking down the street and just blending in and wearing clothes that DON’T have to be layered etc. For me, I’d also like for my BMI to be in the “normal” zone. But....really life is too short to do so much laboring over the moment and what’s normal and what’s not. It’s all quite relative.:wink: But what’s important, is for you to be aiming for that spot in time... where you are comfortable with who you are, what your weight is, how much activity you want to do etc. In the meantime.....it’s really important to love yourself right where you are:love: even though you’re journeying to someplace else. :bigsmile: Someone once said “A truly happy person, is the one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour”.:happy: “Normal” is a very relative thing! Enjoy the moment....and you’ll know “Normal” when you meet it.:flowerforyou:

  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Hi, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Rosie and I have been on MFP for a while now. I have been recording and losing weight again for about 3 months now.

    I only weigh in every 1-2 months, so recently I changed my weight with a guess so I could get my top calories right. One of my goals this month is to weigh in at the doctor's office at the end of the month so I can "true up" my calorie goal.

    I have definitely continued to lose weight since last weigh in... this is visible to the naked eye and my clothes are looser.

    I am 52, live in Arizona, work as a Business Analyst, and live alone with one cat. My grown daughter lives in California and she is working on her MSW at San Francisco State University. In my spare time, I love to hike, belly dance, and I take vocal lessons. Goal is to write a CD of original songs. I used to be part of a song-writing duo, but came late to music and felt I needed more education to perform better.

    Recently my BFF moved to Iowa for a new relationship, leaving a big hole in my life.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Welcome, Rosie! :flowerforyou: I'm sorry you're going through a difficult time (Re: your BFF) but you've come to a warm, witty and wonderful group of women, who will cry with you:cry: and rejoice with you :bigsmile: as well as help you in any way we can.:flowerforyou: No experts here.:wink: ...just women in the same boat sharing a common journey to a healthier self!:bigsmile:
    Good luck!!!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Welcome Rosie, You have joined a great group of ladies.
    Birdie, you are so right. I love the way you said that. I am at that place where I deny and let myself go. I am still in same size cause I willl not buy bigger but refuse to weigh myself cause I am scared of what it will say. I am eating right and exercising again but I need like you to learn to always weigh and not let myself go this far. On Dr. Oz yesterday he had a panel of experts and his theme was how to lose 10 pounds and they each gave a suggestion on things to do to lose that 10 pounds without major life changes. One of them was to weigh each and every day. I know Barbie does this and it worked for her and my hubby does this but I have trouble with this. I guess I have to just try it and see if it can work for me for a while. I really liked how you said we have to love ourselves whereever we are. That is so true. I cannot change this overnight so might as well enjoy this place while I am here. Many thanks for sharing. Ladies have a great day.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Rosie - I am so excited to have someone from my neck of the woods join! I'm in New Mexico. Hubby is from Tempe. Glad you are here. As it's been said this is a great group. Jeannie
  • debieanne
    good afternoon just wanted to stop in and say hi heading to work soon. its been a real good day. i think iam getting back on track.hope everyone had a good week debi(momof10)
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: A question for all you exercise experts:wink: . I was reading that the way exercise machines calibrate how many calories you burn (e.g. a treadmill, elliptical etc) is based on the person weighing 150 pounds. If this is true, then if you weigh MORE than 150, are you really burning MORE calories then it says? And if you weigh LESS than 150 are you burning FEWER calories than it says? Hmmmm:huh:

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    :smile: A question for all you exercise experts:wink: . I was reading that the way exercise machines calibrate how many calories you burn (e.g. a treadmill, elliptical etc) is based on the person weighing 150 pounds. If this is true, then if you weigh MORE than 150, are you really burning MORE calories then it says? And if you weigh LESS than 150 are you burning FEWER calories than it says? Hmmmm:huh:


    in theory yes if the machine doesn't ask your weight and age etc . but with my HRM it is so different than what my treadmill says. It also has to do with intensity. I can do the same incline, same speed and burn up to 200 calories more or less based on how much ooomph I give it.

    Everything is an estimate.
  • LuckySue333
    Hi everyone,
    I am new to My Fitness Pal and am looking for some friends to help motivate me and we can talk about different subjects pertaining to weight and losing....... And other topiics.. I am over 50+ and would like to join your group.
    I have been on various diets and am still struggling with gaining , losing etc etc... I am hoping this does help me . It would be nice to lose at least 25 lbs , maybe more and better my health... I just lost 6 pds on another weight loss plan but am trying this one since I was slipping on the other one...
    My problem is once I lose it keeping it off. I have to learn to maintain it... But first I have to lose it... Everyone have a good week.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Some machines let you put in your weight. But they are still just guessing how many calories you are burning. To be really accurate, you need a HRM. Even that is an estimate, but it's a lot closer than anything a formula that only has your weight or just your weight and age will give you.
  • LuckySue333
    Hi I am new to MFP and would like to join 50+ groupe. I am not new to dieting plans. Have been on many, lost and gained back many times. would like to lose again at least 25 lbs are more and then maintain it this time around. I have recently lost 10 pounds but gained back 6 so I hope to lose what I gained and more on here.. I need friends to talk to and keep me motivated and on track... Everyone have a good week. I will weigh on Sat and hope I have lost at least one pound.
  • mimi7grands
    Hi Birdie, thanks for your perspective - as usual, interesting and thought-provoking. It's funny, I'm thinking about food as much now as when I was weighing and tracking. I'm going to continue on tis path for the rest of this week, weighing each morning and seeing how I do, then reevaluate. It IS good practice for maintenance. :happy:

    I'm looking for a happy medium somewhere between tracking every bite and relaxing about what I'm eating. Either way, the crucial thing is to eat in a healthy way. I don't want to feel I'm "off" my eating plan when I can't weigh my food. That does NOT work for me! Trying this is hard - but good. And I'm danged determined to show a loss at the end of the week! :tongue:

    Last night was a good exercise - I'd eaten moderately all day and had eaten some protein for an evening snack but was "hungry" for another wrap or some other dense calories (like chocolate!) Instead, I got up, fixed some veggies (asparagus, squash, mini-peppers) and a small sweet potato, then roasted them. :drinker:

    It was a miracle :laugh: ! (Again!!) The cravings disappeared. The key is getting up and fixing the food. Part of the problem in the old days was wanting something that was ready-at-hand. Therein lies disaster. :noway:

    Randy, just wanted to say I admire your hard work tremendously in helping the San Bruno fire victims. That was a kind thing to do. You are such a trooper and a get-it-done kind of person. :flowerforyou:

  • HerbieSue
    Hi LuckySue, welcome. I was on WW and struggling to get back to my goal weight for sooo long. I kept telling myself if I could only lose 4 more pounds I could get back to lifetime and not have to pay anymore, you would think that would be an incentive! Since I found this site I have indeed lost those pesky 4 pounds!! I realized that is is NOT just calorie counting, as I was going over my carbs and sugar according to my MFP journal. I set my goals on this site and try to stick with them and keep track of everything, not just calories. This site and the wonderful women and their support gave me the bump I needed to lose more weight. I'm sure it will work for you too!
  • marlouise
    Hello everyone. beauty of a day today, day off from exercise, not a very good sleep last night, 3 or 4 hours at most. Tonight should be better. Very sore, but it feels good!

  • chicletgirl
    Mimi, as far as feeling “normal”....that is quite different to each person. To me.....feeling “normal” is not having food rule my life for the good OR the bad. Feeling free to go anywhere without panicking about what’s being served...... walking down the street and just blending in and wearing clothes that DON’T have to be layered etc. For me, I’d also like for my BMI to be in the “normal” zone. But....really life is too short to do so much laboring over the moment and what’s normal and what’s not. It’s all quite relative.:wink: But what’s important, is for you to be aiming for that spot in time... where you are comfortable with who you are, what your weight is, how much activity you want to do etc. In the meantime.....it’s really important to love yourself right where you are:love: even though you’re journeying to someplace else. :bigsmile: Someone once said “A truly happy person, is the one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour”.:happy: “Normal” is a very relative thing! Enjoy the moment....and you’ll know “Normal” when you meet it.:flowerforyou: :


    :flowerforyou: BirdieM
    I thought what you wrote here was so wise. This is what I was trying to say to you, about what you told me, and how it affected me. You just say it more eloquently
    ." But....really life is too short to do so much laboring over the moment and what’s normal and what’s not."

    You see that is my problem and I suspect most of our problems, for those of us who have been overweight for all our lives. We never felt normal. We always were looked at or stared at, sometimes repulsively, as, "How could those people let themselves go like that or Fat people are lazy" or if they do give us a compliment, "You have such a pretty face though or nice personality, or fat people are so jolly:noway: What am I being compared to, Santa Claus?"
    Stereotypes have followed us around all are lives and we begin to believe them. After hearing these things all your life we have been programmed to think we aren't "normal". We question ourselves saying, "What do normal people do? or What do normal people eat? What would a normal person do that I'm not doing. Something must be wrong with me."
    That is why, when I first lost a 100 lbs on Jenny Craig, I had such a hard time "dealing" with being "normal". I knew I was the same person I always had been inside, but people were treating me different now and were "Nicer" to me. I was part of the "in group, Normal". This hurt my feelings so badly and I actually resented those people for treating me better! Why couldn't they like me just as much when I was heavy?? And I am not talking about men asking me out, (which suddenly was happening), I'm just talking about people in general that I dealt with everyday. It was so traumatic to me that I gained all the weight back and then some. All those people were like, "Why are you letting yourself go!"

    What I realize now is that, I was not mentally prepared for being my correct weight. Notice I didn't say "Normal weight"? I have noticed that this time around I am not thnking like a "normal person" but as a healthy person. I am not thinking I am on a "diet". I am just eating healthy foods, in the correct portions, in the correct way (watching carbs, fat, fiber etc.) with the correct tools and people to help. Now when I go to the grocery store and I see the supposed "normal" people with their baskets, I notice they aren't necessarily eating healthy. they have junk food and not many vegetables and such like I do. Most of the people, I think are "dieting", sacrificing", "binging", or "starving" themselves when they need to lose weight to compensate for the junk they are eating. I remember a line in the movie, The Devil Wears Prada" where Emily, who was constantly dieting, was told by another girl that she looked so thin. She was estatic, and said, "Really? I am on this new diet, where basically I don't eat anything and when I start to feel like I am going to pass out, I eat a cube of cheese." :huh:

    But even still I notice I have barriers to break that still exist in the "programming". When I wrote I was goiing to go out for pizza the other day and I freaked out, you made me realize that I was thinking along the lines of "dieting" and that I simply couldn't eat Pizza! But that isn't true. You made me see that I had to "compensate" for it. Fit it in to the way I am eating now. That is healthy eating choices. Sometimes the things that we see as HUGE barriers are really no big deal when you hear from someone else how to deal with it, like you did for me. I'm sure there will be more barriers, that I will have pop up now and then. But with this site and the people on it , I now know they are here to help me, guide me and be there for me during the rough times and deprogramming. Finally, how you ended what you were saying really says it all. I am going to wriet this down and put it on my refrigerator and on my bathroom mirror.
    “A truly happy person, is the one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour”.:happy: “Normal” is a very relative thing! Enjoy the moment....and you’ll know “Normal” when you meet it."

    I am going to be a happy person!:happy:

    :flowerforyou: Mimi

    So Mimi, I hold you in such high regard, and was a little taken aback that the Veggie Queen was thinking "normal thoughts". You have the most correct way of eating and thinking that I know. Proof is in the fact that everybody here holds you in such a high regard also. You are together, woman!!:wink: It was humbling to see that even the Veggie Queen thought like the rest of us once n a while, in some small ways. But you know what, I think everyone would benefit from doing a food diary and I am talking about the "normal people" too. Maybe if everybody did this there wouldn't be a need to do the crazy diets that are out there or have the so called "Diet foods" that actually do more harm than good. Everyone would be eating healthy as you do. Remember you told me logging food in to a diary was a tool.
    Were not dieting, we are eating healthy, and using the proper tools to guide us and keep us on track. We are the "normal" people. By dong this we will never allow ourselves to gain tons of weight back because we are being responsible and accountable. You taught me that, MImi. I have told you that you are my Guru. And I am so proud to have you on my side. Keep up the good work and we all missed you so much. I am glad you are back again.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I hope you all know how very much you mean to me! It is so uplifting to read your posts and so motivating to know I am not alone in how i feel or how I deal with life. I am learning from all of you and I want to thank you all!


    Also, welcome to all our new members. This is, without a doubt, the greatest group of women EVER--whether you post a lot or just once in a while you will get the support and answers you need.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :happy: So happy to report the carb monster is back under lock and key and I am ending the day with a few calories to spare.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    chicklet - it's been so long since I've had one of Pizza Hut's Fit & Delicious pizza's that I think I've forgotten what went on them. I know they were made with a low fat cheese, I think the one I used to get had peppers, mushrooms and something else on it. Wish I could get it here.

    I remember when my kids were in swimming, by the end of the season if I didn't use a special shampoo on their hair, their hair would be like straw. Remember, they were quite young at the time

    Welcome rororosie! Glad to see ya just jump right in. And we couldn't forget LuckySue

    Today I don't feel so out-of-control like I did yesterday regarding the carbs. That apple cider vinegar sure works for me!

    Did an hour of deep water today (Wed). Tomorrow, I think I'm just going to do the treadmill, just walking but at a fairly brisk pace.

    Just ordered bowling shoes online. I really don't like ordering online unless I've tried the item on and just want a different color or something like that, but there are VERY FEW places that carry an assortment of bowling shoes. I tried on the ladies size 8 and thought they were a bit tight in the top. The bowling guy that I take the lessons from suggested I might want a men's size 6 since they are cut bigger so I bought those. This place has free shipping and free return shipping. I called and checked, there isn't a maximum number of times I can return the shoes. Most places will let you only make one return. Do I know if a men size 6 will fit me or a woman's size 7.5W? I liked the mens shoes, they are white with a bit of navy which doesn't look too "manly". The woman's (if I need it) is white with baby blue. So we shall see. The shoes should be here in 2 days. I'm also getting my ball redrilled, it should have been ready today. Seems when they drilled the holes they are too close now so I'm getting it redrilled.

    After working on the treadmill tomorrow, I'm going to go to one food store. They have "super double coupons" where they will double coupons up to $1.98, only you can only use a maximum of 20 coupons in any one day. But I'll be in Hickory again tomorrow and then Sat. The store has always been good about letting me leave my refrigerated goods there and pick them up later, so that's what I'll probably do. I do have an appt. with my MD about my BDS. For some reason, the nurse at first didn't want to give me my scores, she kept saying "the doctor will discuss it with you". What is this about? It's MY body. Well, after my constant asking for them, she finally gave them to me. Seems I've gone down a bit, but I don't know how significant it is. I bet any amount of money that he wants me to go back on the calcitonin. I discontinued it because it wasn't really helping. Well, it appears the reclast isn't really doing the job, either. I did suggest that I take Evista but he kept saying "that's really for women who have gone thru menopause. Well, so are fosamax, actonel and reclast! they are all biphosanates and Evista is a SERM so maybe that'll work. I'm also going to bring in this info that was sent to me about Prolia. Another thing I want to ask him, and this is nothing against him, is if there is a specialist in osteoporosis (an orthopaedist, maybe?)

    Everyone, have a great evening.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Morning ladies.

    I'm hitting the ground running today, as I'm off to work in a few minutes (so strange to be 'going' to work instead of doing it all at home) Yesterday went well and I'm ready for another busy day in the gallery today. I will be there all by myself all day, so I'm making sure that I've got some good choice food with me.

    I'll try to get back on later. Have a great day eveyone please.

    Amanda x