

  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member

    Made me think - when you go to heaven will you go being overweight or at a weight you like! Suppose it depends how good we've been.
  • Dra57
    Dra57 Posts: 56 Member
    Sounds great! I am new to this site - got it as an app for my phone before I realised there was all this here! Am 55 - I will keep in touch with your thread. Feeling inspired!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy September! I have been missing for a bit as things got busy out here in MT. I've done some great, long hikes, it has SNOWED 4 inches, it is nice and sunny again and we leave for our Road trip this Tuesday. Have got to get things together for that but trying to get back to tracking my food again! My computer is so slow out here that I have not been too good about it.

    Thank you to those who have said hello and kept in touch. I miss you all but am not gone! I think of you every day and that helps inspire me to stay on track. Hope you are all well and have a great September! Take care, Kackie:heart::heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    It feels so good to be home in my wonderful and familiar life….the pets and I got up early this morning and went through our familiar routine of me feeding the cats then walking each dog alone on the hill and then letting the cats out……I can’t let the cats out until after I walk the dogs because the cats find us on the hill and tease the dogs and the dogs get distracted and don’t do their “business”. In a few minutes DH and I will do yoga and then take our showers. Today will be an Isagenix “cleanse day” which we haven’t done in a long time because of travel and other commitments….that will allow me to be a lot less active.

    :bigsmile: Vicki, you are so right about me and the TV remote……most of my TV watching now is done while riding the exercise bike…….I’ve also cut way back on knitting and other crafts because I don’t sit still as much……I love the family picture you’ve posted….I know how important all your grandchildren are.

    :bigsmile: Viv, I hope you follow through and take a “before” picture…….you will thank yourself later when you start taking the first of many “after” pictures……then you can post them for all of us to see…..I don’t wait until I’m thirsty to drink water….I drink a glass of water at regular intervals all day and keep track of it just like it was a prescription from the doctor…..I read that by the time you feel thirsty you are probably already dehydrated……I think the only time I feel thirsty is after eating something with too much sodium ( like the pizza we had Tuesday night)

    :bigsmile: Cindy, I hope you will follow through on your instinct to not become a full time caregiver again, at least not right away……it’s time for you to have a bit more time for yourself…..I know you’ll find the balance……Happy Anniversary….enjoy the opportunity to be a couple for awhile

    :bigsmile: Missjo, Happy Anniversary on Sunday.

    :bigsmile: Barbara, it’s good to hear from you again….sorry August was a bit of a food disaster….I know that I strayed a bit with bread and found it hard to get back on track…bread is my favorite way to “stray”

    :bigsmile: Robin, I’m glad to hear that you’re getting back on track….gardening will be good therapy….glad your hubby is making amends for his actions.

    :bigsmile: Laura, you are so right about feeding people at our own homes so we can have control over the food.

    :bigsmile: Mimi, you are such a good daughter being there for your parents……Mexican food is a terrible temptation for me so I try to stay away from it……glad you’ll be getting home soon

    :bigsmile: Susan, we can’t “blame” our obese family for our weight but family obesity is a contributing factor to our weight…..I know I eat healthier in the company and under the influence of other healthy eaters…..it’s a lot harder for me to eat well in the company of my sisters in law who serve huge platters of fried chicken, potato salad, and cream pies.

    :bigsmile: Michele, I love almond milk…..I buy it by the quart and use it in my Isagenix shakes and sometimes on cereal so it gets used up within seven days after I open it.

    :bigsmile: Rebel, I will continue to think good thoughts about your granddaughter returning to her loving family…..please do stick to your goal about weight loss….it is amazing how people comment when they think you’re too thin but they never said anything about us being too heavy and endangering our health.

    :bigsmile: Alice, you sound like such a creative gardener with vision…..I admire that.

    :bigsmile: Amanda, thank you the laughs….I’ve heard some of them before and I laughed just as hard the second time…..thank you for the reminder about being determined and not giving in to temptation…it is possible.

    :bigsmile: Sandra, welcome to the most supportive group of women on the planet….please keep in touch and let us know more about you.

    :bigsmile: Kackie, I thought it was getting cold here in the morning, but snow in Montana beats what we have….I’ll be thinking of you as you travel through my part of Washington on September 9……have a fabulous trip.

    I got on the scale this morning and found my weight within a pound of when I left two weeks ago…I am very happy about that:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone ......I've just got in and had to log on with all of you!! I haven't run through all the posts but will try and do that later.
    I haven't got on the scales either:noway: ...saving that one for tomorrow morning..
    Our cruise was great. St.Petersburg was amazing. The Jewel of the Seas was a lovely ship...food was consumed in abundance but....I did work some of the calories off, dancing 'til the wee hours!:laugh:
    So ...it's great to be back....I'll log in properly tomorrow.
    I did miss you guys!
    :heart: Jackie
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Barb thanks for getting us off to a good start. 71 lbs, con VERY Gratulations!

    Amanda, please do speak with the charity shop manager and reconsider your decision to never shop there again. There is no excuse for the rudeness you experienced, and even if she's a volunteer, she needs to be "counseled out" of any future positions with public contact. Neither should the charity suffer any longer the damage she causes.

    Barbie the others are right! You do look pixie-like and as if you have alays been so, struggle free. Vicki M is als right about the inspiration you are. and yes both gs and dh are cuties! 5 day line dance workshop? I am soooo jealous!

    MacMadame glad to hear your calf is better!

    SMVQMimi I always feel better reading your posts, you have such a gift for the positive!
    "Practice for the rest of our lives" That's IT!

    Michelle, you and I are sisters in bowling. I even had a trophy (twisted figure with bowling ball rolling out between feet) for the "Most Atrocious Bowler" but donated it to the office league after my wrist surgery. Jealous too, none of our stores even offer double coupons, much less TRIPLE!

    Welcome all newbies!

    BarbWirelaceandroses are u another Barbara?

    Firesign, congratulations! You are where I want to... no... WILL be, someday!

    Reb, con VERY grats on the inches and biking. I am WITH you, I usually love autumn but really wish it weren't coming on so fast. Please tell that farmer to close his gate! I too always intended to work into my 70s, felt I needed the external structure and stimulation. Now at 60 I'm not so sure. Joe will retire at 62 and motorcycle around checking out retirement locations for us. I'm just hoping I can hang onto my job 4 years, when I'd be able to COBRA us til Medicare kicks in.

    Welcome back Rose. Love your signature and the fresh start!

    Mary I'm so sorry about the sleep disruption, are you getting your 30 mins exercise in too close to bedtime?

    Robin, You are right right right. Even the most positive people need someone/something to recharge them. Crying buckets is NOT a bad thing, it helps to purge some of the negativity that osmoses into you from your loved ones. Expect the gals here will have (or have already had) great coping strategies, at this point all I can offer is go hug Bodi for me, and repeat, and repeat. Then get angry and go kick *kitten*. Love you gal.

    That's as far as I can get today, must walk pups en route to doggie detailing and then its Farmer's market, Co-op, Winco, and maybe Wal-mart or SIL's for farm fresh eggs.

    gutt'n'butt try 9 day 5.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Amanda I just read your post and it made me chuckle out loud. I have heard some of them before but some of them just hit my tickle button. Thanks for starting my day with a laugh. I say go on the trip. If I have the opportunity to travel I take it. Go have a good time. Going to read rest of posts now.
    Vicki M
  • TediB
    Love reading about all of the successes here. I have been sooooo good for the last 3 weeks and my weight is just not budging. I do feel better and am happier with myself, but I think I would just give up and say it's not worth it without the motivation that all of you share. So thank you all for keeping me on track! Here is hoping September will be a great month for lbs. lost!!!!:drinker:
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Oh man what a chatty bunch. I miss a couple of days and you are 5 pages into the thread. I can't keep up. I read about 3 pages and figured I better just post and try to keep up from there LOL. I managed to maintain the 6lbs I've lost since trying to get back on track. I still can't get myself to track my food. I know I am eating less and doing less fast food eating because I am forced to. My son graduated this June from high school and my ex no longer has current support to pay ( he still owes $17,000 in back support) so he got the support amount he does pay lowered $400. That is such a harsh pay cut and I've had to cut out everything. No more starbucks, no fast food, no lunches with the girls at work, no more soda, I may even have to cut out coffee at home. Even my poor cats may have to find new homes that can afford to feed THEM. I plan on looking for a second job this weekend.

    My goal for this month is to lose 4 lbs before I go to New York on the 18th. My daughter will walk me to death there. So hopefully I can lose 8lbs this month. I come home on the 27th. I had bought the tickets for New York and 2 days later found out I was losing that extra child support. Had I known that I might not have bought my ticket. I am happy to get to go, I am not sure when I will ever be able to do it again. Sorry gals, guess I am a little bummed this morning.

    I go see my fibromyalgia doctor on the 16th. I am hoping he can find something that will help me with the pain in my elbows. I've been taking an anti inflammatory for a month and they still bother me.

    I've told you before that I work for a pharmacy and I am the purchaser for the drugs we get from other places other than our normal wholesaler. I purchase Nature Throid and West Throid from RLC Labs and they just came out with a product called Metaba Slim. It is a natural product that boosts your metabolism. I bought a trial bottle and am giving it a try.. I've been on it 3 days. I had gone up 3 lbs from my last weigh in and I lost back that 3 lbs. It makes me feel really full. I take 2 caps 30 minutes before lunch and dinner and I feel really full. I also have felt an increase in energy. It doesn't make you jittery at all. I'm liking it so far. Hope it helps me reach my goals this month.

    Well I plan on getting a lot of exercise cleaning my house today. I can't exercise like normal people so I have to get it anyway I can. I didn't do a thing to the house this week so I have lots to do today.

    Have a great 3 days weekend!! I'll check back in later.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning, all!

    Just dropping in to say happy 3 day weekend to those of us in the States, and happy Saturday to those from other parts of the world.

    Welcome home. I am sure the critters were glad to see you.:flowerforyou:

    Thank you for the giggles.:laugh:

    As usual, my critters are passed out--one with me in the chair, another on the floor, and a third on the ottoman. I need to get up and get some things done before I go out.

    I get to go and get a FREE haircut today, along with my mom. It seems that yesterday, upon arrival at the salon, we were told that our appointment was on Wednesday, rather than Friday. Considering that I even called to CONFIRM the appointment several days ago, I was NOT pleased--especially since I declined another invitation for Friday afternoon because I didn't want to have to reschedule the haircuts. I have been going to this hairdresser for about 6 years, and she told us if we could return this afternoon, she would give us FREE cuts. I will make sure she gets a big tip!! And from now on, I only book our appointments directly with her. Apparently there are some space cadets working with her who can't read a calendar.

    The weather was warm here for the last two days, but today the clouds have arrived, and the sun is peaking through here and there. We are only supposed to make it into the 70's for the next couple of days, and they are mentioning possibly some showers for Monday--yup, must be a holiday.:ohwell:

    I need to think about breakfast. I am finished with the low calorie phase of my HCG plan for now, and I lost 21 lbs.:drinker: :drinker: in about 6 weeks. My biggest challenge now is getting back to eating more calories.:noway: I know that sounds like an impossible problem to have, but I only made it to 850 yesterday--just am not that hungry, and no cravings for carbs either. I will be in a maintenance/adjustment mode for a while, where I may or may not lose more, and depending upon scheduling, I may go back to a low calorie phase in October to drop some more weight.

    To those in the path of "Earl"--I am glad he more or less behaved himself. If things had been as bad as they predicted, the East Coast would be in quite a mess about now.

    Breakfast is calling. BFN

  • Erica_q
    Good Morning!

    I thought I'd check in today. I'm not sure I'll get another chance to before I start working. I missed a few days, again, so I didn't read all the posts. I'll try to catch up later, if I can.

    Chiclet - all right, I'll buy groceries first. My husband will probably be working nights, because he works until 1:15 with the school district. We'll catch up with each other on the weekends. Even if he has to work at Ralphs, I won't be working, so there will be time to reconnect. With as much time as we've spent together over the summer, though, I think a little alone time will be good.

    Amanda - thanks for the laughs. My kids really loved the one about going back to the refrigerator. That one is so us! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I'm gearing up to start work, so I have planned Monday as my cooking day this week. I am making my dinners for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, so I don't have to worry about fixing dinner when I get home. I'm also going to make some homemade 100% whole wheat bread. I'm trying a new recipe that is supposed to freeze well. Hopefully it will taste good. I might try to cut up some vegetables for munching on, too. I'm not really going to have time for lunch when I'm working, so I'll have to eat in between lunch lines. I'm not quite sure how that's going to work for me, but it's the best I think I'll be able to do.

    I'm hoping to be able to plan my meals a week at a time, since I probably won't feel like logging on every day. If I have them printed out ahead of time, it will make it easier for me.

    We're going to my sister's tomorrow for a Labor Day shindig. I'm taking fruit, but I'm not sure what else is going to be there. I'll do my best not to overindulge. We love playing games, so maybe I'll get started in one early, so I don't stand by the table and munch.

    I have carried my August goals over to September, seeing how I did such a bad job reaching them. Since I won't be home much to eat, I should be able to accomplish them. The only one I'm overly concerned about is the sleeping. I still have trouble falling asleep on the couch. I'm planning on getting up at 5:30 to exercise, so that won't be a problem. It's going to be really hard, though, getting home at 6:30 and trying to be in bed by 10:00 or 10:30. :ohwell: Oh, well, I'll just take it one day at a time.

    It's 11:00, and I'm still in my pj's, so I guess I should get dressed. I'll try to check in later. BFN

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Barb - thanks so much for looking up for me whether you can freeze almond milk or not. I would think that there is a greater chance of the ice cube trays spilling before the milk froze and making a mess in the freezer (knew I should have gotten the larger freezer!). When I freeze the buttermilk, there is some separation but since I have a cover on the container, after freezing and thawing the buttermilk, I just mix it up and there isn't any more separation. You can't mix up in an ice cube tray.

    Alice - how I wish I could envision my garden the way you can.

    Welcome sandraelliottt!

    barbie - congrats on your weight! That's awesome, especially traveling

    Barb (auntibk) - that's such an awesome bowling trophy. Well, Vince and I went bowling today. I'm still practicing (I think I will be for a long time to come). However, my high score was 90, the other games were in the 80-90 range. I'm getting there. Think we'll practice Mon, then Wed, then I might take another lesson Fri since I want to be sure that I'm not forming bad habits. Still only taking 2 steps in the delivery, but that's more than I was taking before which was 0!

    Tedi - no matter how hard it is, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give up.

    Erica - that's great that you're doing your cooking early and just have to reheat. I love when I do that. As a matter of fact, many is the time when I cook twice the amount that the recipe calls for just so that we can have nother dinner that I don't have to cook! I try to plan out what we'll eat for the upcoming week, but I don't log it until that day because things have been known to change. Like the other day I got this absolutely georgeous pork roast, it would have taken something like 1-1/2 hr to roast. So I put it in expecting to eat dinner around 6 since there wasn't anything in the calendar that we were going to be doing. If there were, then I would just have put the roast in the oven earlier. Then....Vince tells me that he has something (and I forget what) that he needed to do that night at 6. So I had to change. This week I was planning to have spaghetti Fri since Vince had a gun club board meeting scheduled. Then I find out that the meeting was cancelled so I made waffles since spaghetti is pretty easy to make.

    Did a hour of yoga today. Tomorrow some balance games on the Wii.

    Have a great evening everyone

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :wink: Hope to have a cleanse day tomorrow. Is the scale gonna show a smitchen (?) of loss. Tomorrow is weigh-in day, but maybe it should be Monday instead.

    Going to see the movie "Inception" with my sons on Tuesday!!! I love my boys!

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • AllisonMO
    AllisonMO Posts: 68 Member
    Am heading to the UK to the Univ of Durham for a study holiday and worried a bit about food in college and in getting logged in through my Blackberry. I know we will be doing lots of walking, but I need to stay within my calories by keeping track.

    Any advice on dressing for the weather in the North?
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Mimi-I had to laugh at your comment about the depression era generation. My mom would have finished your drink for you too just to keep it from getting thrown away. It is amazing what they save and what they will do to keep from wasting anything. I know it was a hard time for all.

    My parents were lucky in that their parents had gardens and raised chickens and rabbits. My Mom often says that Grandma would feed people that had no food especially if they had kids. Both Grandmas were excellent soup makers and their soups went a long way.

    Well, we got our new to us cat. He is gray and white and is the fattest thing I have ever seen. I hope he can loose weight and if not I will bring him to get this thyroid checked. Just what we need is another pet on meds. lol

    My kids had too busy of a day today and too late of a night last night. As scary as it will be I can't wait for them to get their license and not have to drive them and pick them up all the time.

    Have a great evening.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all. Happy Holiday weekend, Just a quick note it is very late and I am getting up early to do flea market. Will check in tomorrow, Rose
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi All,

    Just want to pass on some news on the status of someone that those who have been on the thread prior to July may remember--amasot--Amalia from Greece. Some of you may remember she started a thread in May for a 4th of July challenge that some of us participated in.

    You also may recall, she has some health issues and also has had WLS. She went on vacation and when she returned in August, she decided not to continue participating in the forums, as she said the differences in what she is supposed to be doing, vs. what others are doing resulted in her getting off track.

    She is doing well, and managed to reach one of her goals-- a 100 kg loss.:drinker: :drinker:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Happy Sunday

    :smile: Yeay the scale has finally moved for me. Lost 1pound ! It's been gone a few days now, so will take it off my ticker. :smile: I love the feeling that losing even as little as a pound gives me.

    (Let's hope I don't blow it now today !!)

    :flowerforyou: Alison - not sure about the weather in Co Durham it's north of York, but here in York we have had cool mornings with the sun getting out around lunchtime and getting quite hot. BUT with our weather, better pack for every eventuality then you can't go far wrong. I like layers then you can take off and add on accordingly. :bigsmile:

    :smile: Michele I've never triey Almond milk, I always drink Soya milk and although it says to drink within 3 days, but I take a carton to work with me and often drink it after 3 days, as long as it is kept in the fridge I've found no problem with it.

    :smile: Rose hope you enjoyed the flea market, I love to look around markets of any kind. :bigsmile:

    :drinker: Jeanie I hope your new to you cat is only fat and not needing any meds otherwise I can imagine your hubby will not be happy. I hope your friend managed to find good homes for her other animals, I can't imagine having to give up my pets, it must be so hard for her. We are finding with the recession over in the UK that people are abandoning their pets. Rescue shelters are all full. Last night a dog was left tied up outside the RSPCA. People are resorting to doing things like this because the shelters are full. At least your friend has done the responsible thing in trying to find them homes.

    :laugh: Well talking about pets, I'd better get my boots on to go walking our two little darlings/monsters :bigsmile:

    Take care everyone :heart:

    Viv :smile:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning. How are we all today?

    A little grey here today (the weather that is, not me!)

    I'm full of a head cold which is extremely annoying as I've got loads to accomplish in the next few days, including going to the hospital to have yet more blood taken (my bruises are still visible from the last time). It is also our Aussie's last week with us before he flies back home next weekend. I will be sad to see him go as we never know when we will see him next.

    Last night we attended a charity Mad Hatters party organised by my 'other' daughter. The raffle alone raised over £900, so I think they will have made a good amount for cancer research.

    I drank mineral water all evening. By about ten o'clock I could really have done with a cup of coffee, but persuaded myself not to. To be honest, I'm quite impressed with myself for not being tempted to stray from my food and drink choices. It would just not occur to me to have anything other than what I'm allowing myself. That isn't to say that I'm feeling deprived at all - just making the right choices. Long may this last (hopefully forever!) However, I'm definitely not feeling much like exercising today so it will be gentle walking only. That's the problem with head colds, it makes me extremely lethargic.

    Well, my friends - have a lovely Sunday. Be well and make good choices.

    Amanda x
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi everyone ...I'm trying to get back in the swing of things again.
    The scales said ...uh oh! ....5lb put on while we were away!! So it's back to .....
    Log in , log the food and smaller portions I think. Exercise ...definitely Zumba on a Monday.
    It's great you're moving down Viv ...may I join you in that downward trend?
    At least I know it's possible with this great group and I'm the only one to blame if I don't do it!!!
    My Mum is due home this afternoon and I know she has been safe and well cared for in the care home while we've been away.
    Now it's time to distribute the holiday presents ....we got some lovely winter woollies from Tallin for the grandchildren ....can't wait to see them wearing them.....not that I'm wishing for snow or anything!!

    So ...bye for now ...I'll try and change the goals to September ones later!
    Great to back.