

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    Barbie, I would love to be able to get toghether when you are in Mount Vernon for your Rally. I know you will be busy dancing but maybe we can work something out.

    When I get back from this trip, I can start thinking about the next one and then I'll find out more about my schedule and yours and see what we can work out. I'd love to see you. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hellooooo September, and hellooooo my friends and other such cling-ons. Welcome to all newbies.

    Reporting on August: I did not reach my goal of 145:cry::cry: In fact I only lost 2 pounds in August and still hover around 151. Having said that, I am also keeping track of body fat and that went down from 34.88% to 32.66%. That has to do with shrinking, i.e. losing inches. I am sure the biking to and from work helped in that regard and doing some toning in the gym. So in the end I am happy to have lost and not gained.

    I love summer :smooched: :smooched: and can't believe it is September. Up here - in the great white north (i.e. Canada) - I feel the fall air making its entrance. :grumble: :grumble: But today was a warm sunny day, and my fitness buddy and I decided to go for a power walk instead of the gym. :smile: Nice, nice. We loved it. She is 47 and I am 59. I think I may be in just as good a shape as she is.

    :wink: I made a comment on my profile about retirement. Turning 60 next year has me turning my mind. I, like Mimi, was thinking I would work until my 70's. But frankly, I am not so sure anymore. Despite those thoughts I did apply for some higher positions, given that the recession got me pushed back where I did not want to be. Will keep you posted.

    I am also excited about our cruise (in October) and Mexican (in January) vacation in celebration of our 40th anniversary. I feel spoiled.

    :heart: Love reading all your posts, but working full time I can't respond to individuals. But what I want to do is to remain accountable by posting and logging and absorbing all those wonderful words of support you ladies so freely impart.

    Have a great September!!

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    After my short sleep last night, I am really tired and trying to do laundry so that I can get to bed, so no time to post. I did want to pop in and tell you that I am reading the posts and thinking about you though! Here's hoping tonight is a better night for me, and a great night for all of you!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, I am back from the land of denial.:noway: I am starting over. :huh: I have gained back the 17lbs I lost doing the biggest loser at work. :love: Today is the first step. :drinker: No more McDonald's Caramel Frappes,:drinker: Duncan Donuts Coolattas or :drinker: Rita's Butterscotch Crimpette.:smile: My daughter and I are doing it together. Tonight we walked briskly for 45 minutes.:love: I am so glad to be back and will try to catch up. I missed ya'll. Rose :heart:
  • missjo113
    Hello everyone.
    August saw the same 1.5 lbs come and go weekly, but I'm not discouraged. I keep recording my meals and exercising. This month I've decided that instead of setting a weight loss goal I'm going focus on a few things that I'm not so good at like drinking those 8 glasses of water every day. My full time job keeps me sitting in front of a computer most of the day so even though I walk 8 blocks from where I park to the building I work in and then back again, and try to get in 3 - 4 good workouts a week, I'm going to up those workouts. One of these days that 1.5 lbs is going to be gone for good and take a bunch more with it.

    Time to go walk/run on the treadmill!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, I am back from the land of denial.:noway: I am starting over. :huh: I have gained back the 17lbs I lost doing the biggest loser at work. :love: Today is the first step. :drinker: No more McDonald's Caramel Frappes,:drinker: Duncan Donuts Coolattas or :drinker: Rita's Butterscotch Crimpette.:smile: My daughter and I are doing it together. Tonight we walked briskly for 45 minutes.:love: I am so glad to be back and will try to catch up. I missed ya'll. Rose :heart:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Rose, I missed you and am so glad you are back.....one day at a time you can say no to all that naughty food and get back to all the good habits.....we have new members who need to get to know you and learn from your experience.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Rebel you look really great. Just keep doing what you are doing and that weight will come off. Mary I am so sorry you are not sleeping well. Hope that changes. Rose welcome back. I did not gain all of my weight back but gained a bunch. Just get back on the wagon and keep posting and logging and you can do it again. We are so glad to have you back. I really miss all of our old friends.( I dont mean old age but old as in the past year or so) New people love having you too but I really miss the people who helped me through this my first year. Today is Rhea's first day of preschool and I will have my 2 days a week back for a while until I start keeping the baby. I have hair appt. today and will go to gym after that before I pick her up at 3. Hope you all have a really good day. Sun is finally shining here. Those of you on East coast my prayers are with you with Earl coming your way.
    Vicki M
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, I am back from the land of denial.:noway: I am starting over. :huh: I have gained back the 17lbs I lost doing the biggest loser at work. :love: Today is the first step. :drinker: No more McDonald's Caramel Frappes,:drinker: Duncan Donuts Coolattas or :drinker: Rita's Butterscotch Crimpette.:smile: My daughter and I are doing it together. Tonight we walked briskly for 45 minutes.:love: I am so glad to be back and will try to catch up. I missed ya'll. Rose :heart:

    Wecome back Rose!!!:flowerforyou: You can do it!:wink:
    Remember...you just fell down....you didn't get knocked out!!! :laugh: You can do it! We all slip!:ohwell:
    Today is the first day of the rest of your life!!!
    Love the kiddies in the picture!!!! So much to be grateful for:love:
    BirdieM:drinker: :drinker: :happy:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Reb, the sun is shinging today so I hope you are riding. retirement would be a lovely thing. I guess I need to be working again before I can dream about that.

    Rose - welcome back. I have missed you. You can do this. we all have those bumps in the road and sometimes we just have to do it again.

    To all of you wonderful women I apologize for the upcoming post.

    I am still not doing well. I am the positive one. I can always see the silver lining, the lesson to be learned, the bright side and I can always walk away from any experience good or bad and find a purpose in it. But it takes its toll when you are constantly doing it for you loved ones. My daughter and my DH are both very "glass is half empty" kind of people. They always have been. I have been happy to put some sunshine in their thoughts. but I am runnning out of sunshine. I was thinking this morning about "who is my sunshine? where is my 'its all gonna be okay' pep talk. I realized I used to get those from my Mom. THE most positive upbeat woman I ever had the privelidge of knowing. since she has been gone for almost 4 years I haven't had my dose of mental sunshine recharging or self esteem building and after being unemployed for almost a year and a half I am on empty. I just don't have anymore. I can't do this. I am tired of fighting with DH about how horrible stupid trivial things are. (because they aren't) I want to help my daughter but I am so spent. I am crying buckets this morning and battling with wanting to do anything. Last night I was ready to just give up and go be with my Mommy. I am so tired. Of course I would never do anything so stupid but I hate even feeling bad enough for the thoughts to enter my head. I don't want advice I just want some positive energy recharging so I can go on. Thanks for listening.

    I hope you all have a great day.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Wow, so many new faces. How wonderful.

    The month of August was a great one, I burned tons of calories and feel stronger and
    more fit, I have not lost an ounce however and this week, for reasons unknown my
    weight is up 5 pounds. I am hoping to see it fall quickly, I can handle static but do not
    want to see up.:grumble: The last week or two have been full of stress, perhaps it is
    nothing more than that.

    Contract negotiations and a problem with employee theft, long hours, and short sleep.
    Just business in general but I think sometimes it gets to us in ways we don't expect.

    If the weight does not budge I will change my ticker.

    I do not eat sweets, and do not drink soda, I have been eating more bread (whole grain) as
    of late because of course it's quick.
    I am a healthy eater and have an abundance of fresh and home prepared produce on hand.
    Eat lots of grilled and roasted veggies and also grill and roast my meats. I am a protein
    hound, veggies, nuts, and meat, perhaps that's the problem.

    I did get a used elliptical a week and a half ago, and am enjoying it a great deal, up to 30
    mins so far alternating resistance.
    Still do power walking. Have been very active on the farm, and in gardening at the park.

    So all in all August has been a very health month just not a very skinny one.

    I will keep enjoying this process, and work for the best.

    It is inspiring to see so many old friends doing so well, and so many new ladies excited to
    take the first step on this road.:drinker:

    How fortunate are we, to have this site, the time to commit to improve ourselves. and a
    great group of people for support. :heart:

    As I came in my front door the other night a small green tree frog landed on my forehead. (Just
    like the one in my profile photo) I had seen several earlier and was not all that suprised
    but he hopped from my face to my shoulder ran around my back and jumped into the

    I would love to have a picture of my face at the moment he landed. Perfect landing right
    between my eyebrows, one foot on the bridge of my nose.

  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was a hectic day for me so I only had time to read some posts and log in. I had to get up before 6:00am to help my brother then go back and pick up dad and take him to the VA for a PET scan. When we got there we were told we needed to get blood drawn first and were sent up to the third floor and the other side of the building (the PET scan is in the basement) then back down again. The scan took 2 hours then back home again. We decided to pick up some mashed potatoes and a rotisserie chicken for lunch after which I took a nap :frown:
    When I got up I went to my brothers and got him up and out the door and down to the river so he could take his pontoon out for a while then back to my dad's to get him and take him to a friends house where he and some friends have dinner once a week. I ran to do some grocery shopping before going back to pick him up at 7:30.
    Today I am working open to close which is a 13.5 hour day.:noway:

    Amanda - I envy you your spa trip. I am thinking of making it my goal for losing maybe 75 pounds. Also thanks for sharing your charity shop story.

    Barbie - loved you pictures and your Tinkerbell sweatshirt is SO cute.

    Erica - you are going to have to slip notes in your DH lunch box or his shirt pockets.

    Congrats to everyone for losing weight, still exercising, eating right, drinking your water and when you fall off the treadmill you pick yourself up and start again. Remember this isn't a sprint it's a marathon.

    Have a great day everyone

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just need to vent!!:grumble: Very bad night last night.:angry: Fight with hubby:explode: . Feeling overwhelmed with events, domestic duties and full time work. :noway: Told him I just need more help around the house....especially the weeks where we have so many other things going on! He feels that the "domestic" jobs are mine and he refuses to do..... certain jobs and said he never will. :mad: (He does cook and do some shopping.....but refuses to anything involving cleaning....that according to him is ALL my responsibility! He also sees housework as trivial....and he has too many more important things to do!:mad: Well they may be trivial....but they take time and someone has to do them! The buck stops here! :mad: My resentment was great and felt it unfair that, because he's a man, he gets to pick and choose what he will or will not do!:angry: Because I am a woman, every unpleasant domestic job...like keeping up the entire house etc is automatically mine. :ohwell:
    He really is a good husband. I just hate the double standards when it comes to sharing the domestic workload. :angry: He simply has no concept as to what I have to do....it's all so unimportant to him. :frown:

    I also DON"T have the option to work less hours...or as he said....we'll end up on the streets! So women get to share the full time brunt of fiscal responsibilities....but are still expected to be responsible for the full time domestic chores!:mad:

    I drank a little too much wine and ate a 1/2 cup of chocolate chips after he went to bed.:cry: . Not a good way to handle things:ohwell: Today I feel very downtrodden :ohwell: and will just concentrate on going to work and not picking up food for comfort. :ohwell:
    I will forget about the exercise......for today...I just don't have the strength.:ohwell:
    But this too will pass.:flowerforyou:

    Okay...now I've vented, it's time to be grateful for the things that are so good in my life!:happy:
    Like my husband!!!:laugh: He truly is a good man......but then he's....just....a man and can't see where I'm coming from.He also works hard too, but now he's working part time....and trying to get more work. I guess I figured, if he's home more, than perhaps he could just do, maybe one more little job to ease up on my crazy life. Sometimes, I just need a little MORE support....but he sees it as an attack on all that he does do:ohwell:Maybe his anger is coming from the fact that his hours are cut....and to a man...that is not a good place to be. :ohwell: I can't change him. I can only choose how I will respond to the situation....and I choose to live one minute at a time, today, and realize that I, too, have my own misgivings. I will think about all the qualities that he posesses:flowerforyou:
    BirdieM:ohwell: :heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    I read through the posts and it looks like we are all in good spirits despite difficulties being thrown our way. I'm pretty stressed. Hubby is being difficult again. He goes through these cycles, but of course doesn't see them himself. On top of that a friend is loosing her home this weekend and has to move into an apartment with NO PETS. She has a cat, several dogs, llamas and two horses. The cat and dogs will have to go to the pound and will probably end up getting put down. This seems to be happening more and more. We just can't help her out with the dogs as our old dog just can't handle it. It would hurt Rosey to bring in other dogs into the house right now. I may end up with the cat and one horse. <-which is one of the things upsetting hubby right now.

    I think someone said somewhere either here on on face book that life is fragile. This week seems to be driving that point home.

    Sorry for being such a downer today. Most of you know I am usually very optimistic.

  • ainslieglen
    Hello everyone, and WELCOME September!

    I'm so glad it's not August any longer. Personally, I've never been a big fan of August. It lacks the fresh promise of June, the spicy sweetness of July and the glorious hint of "decadence to come" of September. :smokin: I always feel like I live in slow motion from Aug.1-31...then start to think and move faster come September.

    No motivation in August, so I added 3 pounds to my resume. Guess I'm lucky it wasn't more. Now I have to work hard to get rid of those 3, and aim for another 5 for the month. Wonder if I can manage to lose 8?? I'm sure gonna try:grumble:

    My son and daughter-in-law and 2 year old grandson will be visiting Sept 12-19. I haven't seen them since I stayed with them in Mexico last summer. Their second baby is due in the spring. :bigsmile:

    Barb...I did order my new glasses last Friday and they'll be ready no later than this coming Tuesday. You were SO right about not waiting until I go to Charlotte. It'll be nice to stop squinting my watery eyes:cry:

    Yesterday I popped a filling, so will get that looked after and get a check up and cleaning this week. Ah...Maintenance:sad:

    Jenn(daughter-in-law) is anxious to see my fitness progress. She's going to bring something new for me to wear. YYAAYYY!
    She's also going to give me a fitness assessment while she's here. She's an accredited sports medicine trainer and works at a resort in Cabo San Lucas. Nice to have a personal trainer in the family.:bigsmile:

    I've read all the posts every day and follow your news and keep up with all of you. So many newcomers to welcome:flowerforyou:

    I'm going to work hard this month to keep motivated and positive about EVERYTHING:wink: Here's a group hug:heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Glad you are getting your new glasses sooner rather than later. (Hey, look at the bright side--it will be easier to read the scale when the numbers get SMALLER, as they certainly will:drinker: :drinker: )


    If a tree frog, green or otherwise, landed on MY forehead, my condo would have a hole in the ceiling,:noway: :noway: as I would have jumped right out of my skin!!!


    I am glad you are back with us. See all those hands reaching out of the wagon? It is all of us helping you climb back in.:flowerforyou:


    I am sorry you are having a challenging times. I hope it helps to be able to talk to all of us.


    I think you may be on to something about how your hubby might be feeling. Since you said he considers housework unimportant, it isn't too much of a stretch to think he might be feeling a sense of diminished importance if he has to do some of it. I am not saying it makes sense, but that might be how the mind is working right now.


    I feel for your friend. I can't imagine what I would do if I had to give up my little piggies because I had to move. I am glad you are able to help out with some of the animals. Hopefully, your hubby will come around and be more supportive.

    As for me, I was all set to shop this morning for my mom, but when I went to call and get her shopping list, I got the answering machine. Apparently, they went to their exercise class this morning, so it is about time now for me to call them again, as they should be back.

    Yesterday, I got the other pantry cupboard cleaned out. Found 3 big nasty spiders who got evicted to the great outdoors. About fainted when I discovered how many cans of diced tomatoes I have:blushing: Fortunately, I LIKE tomatoes, but even so, I won't need to buy any for quite a while.


  • debieanne
    :flowerforyou: good afternoon how are yous . what a day don't know were the time is going . will i am doing good today staying with my daily goals, making contact with my friends here, i couldn't get back on as momof10 so i resign up .is anyone living in were the stom is hitting hope yous will be fine. ok need to run . debi:flowerforyou:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    I do not want advice I just want some positive energy recharging so I can go on. Thanks for listening.

    I hope you all have a great day.

    :heart: Robin I am sending positive energy and best wishes your way. I am sorry you are feeling so down at the moment. I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better, but I am sure you will gets lots of good wishesand love from all your mfp friends. Hang on in there I'm sure your optomistic side will show itself again soon. It's just having a little break. Take your doggie out for long walks and have a good moan about everything, he will listen and you will feel a bit better for venting.

    Take Care of yourself and keep away from the half empty brigade for as much time as you are able. Lots of Hugs and good energy are on there way now - can you feel them yet :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: 56 years ago today a little girl was born to an Irish Sea Merchant and a Scottish Lassie, they couldn't afford to keep their little girl so she was put in a foster home and put up for adoption.

    9 months ago that little girl wasn't so little and realized that if she wanted to have a long life and be able to be around for her children and grand children she'd better get herself together....


    So she worked and worked and joined a topic of other women 50+ and has been getting plenty of encouragement and helpful ways to make this journey more fun, with eating and exercise. This morning her husband told her she was HOT and that was what she wanted for 56 years...and he's really proud of her accomplishment.


    I want to say THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THE HELP THESE LAST 9 MONTHS:flowerforyou: And once that last pound goes I will work on figuring out how to do that maintenancestuff.

    Now that I've done this I hope that importing these pictures works:wink:

    Laura:bigsmile: a very happy 56 year old.

    OH MY those pictures are hugh.:noway: ..sorry about that! I Had no idea:laugh:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Awesome pic. Laura!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Laura...Awsome pictures!!!! :flowerforyou: You look great and I'm sure you FEEL great!!! :wink: You're an inspiration to everyone!!:flowerforyou:

    Robin hang in there! Sending hugs!:love:

    Jeannie husbands can be a challenge sometimes,:ohwell: hang in there and good luck with the animal dispute.:wink:
