

  • smelliott
    Hi everyone,

    just got back from weekend in Peebles (Scottish borders) with DH for our 1st wedding anniversary yesterday. Ate more than I usually would but I have decided to relax my regime for a couple of weeks as I am taking part in a half marathon two weeks from today and I've found that restricting my calories and trying to do long distances doesn't work for me. I won't be running the whole way (there will be quite a lot of walking involved :laugh: ) but I do intend to get all the way around. Keep your fingers crossed for me girls. I will get back on the wagon properley when it is over.

    Alison - I live about 6 miles from Durham and Viv is correct - you need to be prepared for all eventualities on the weather front up here in the North-east! Hope you like Durham. It is a fabulous city. I once spent a week on a course with work at the University and had a great time.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Warning gals, it's another monster catchup post.

    Was reading posts and started up to get ready for church and the shops I didn't get to yesterday but really wanted to finish reading and post. DH (dear man) said "You should do what you feel like doing". So MIRACLE of MIRACLES, I did the gutt'n'butt exercises. Go figure. Then caught up on posts and built this monster.

    Later will cook lunch, play in garden, get the bicycle down, do laundry, watch a movie with that dear dear man and maybe even hit the shops this evening... or maybe only 2 or 3 out of 6. . .
    Will be on call tomorrow, usually slog through open tickets and work the whole 8 hours, but think I might cheat a little this time...

    Alice stress and lack of sleep sound like the weight gain cuplrits all right. Frog-on-forhead? What a picture! I would have had to launder my undies...Gardening as 3 dimensional painting? That explains a lot about the way our yards look, not an artistic bone in this body... ;)

    Peggy your energy is inspiring! 13.5 hr day? Yikes! I'm pooped just READING about it.

    BirdieM, when you figure out a better way to handle anger please let me know. I am the Queen of the Revenge Cheetos. It stinks that you can understand where he's coming from (feeling less valuable and upset at reduced hours) but he's not making similar effort to see from your point of view (how on earth can they think their time effort is more valuable than ours, no matter WHAT the task?). Is there any neutral, male, 3rd party whose support you could enlist? Husbands seem to hear better when it comes from a male they respect. Makes me sad but it is what it is, so if I really need Joe to hear something he's not "getting" from me, I call my BIL. Joe and I had a great counselor who explained to Joe (while I was out of the room) "as a mechanic, Joe, how long do you expect a car to run without an oil change? Marriages need regular maintenance too." In the ensuing 5 years he has gradually come to assume more of the domestic duties, washing up after himself, even putting clean dishes etc away. A mixed blessing. When I'm irritated because I can't find something where it "belongs" I must remind myself to be grateful that he's helping more now... and yes you're right, we're both lucky to have basically good men.

    Jeannie, your heart is so big and so warm, your friend, Blue, DH and we are blessed to have you! Driver'sLicenses? Terrifying!

    Elizabeth, not sure I'd be comfortable with a personal trainer in the family :wink: Has Jenne given you a fitness assessment before? So you can celebrate your progress? Congrats on the new specs, wise choice!

    Barb Brave and kind of you to evict the big nasty spiders outdoors. Thanks for the freezing almond milk info, thank the piggies for us for keeping you captive! Free haircut AND down 21 pounds? WOW You must be GORGEOUS! Thanks for sharing Amalia's success. 100 kg is awe inspiring!

    Debi Mom of 10? WOW!

    Viv good energy sent, felt some of it myself just reading you post! Con GRATS on the pound!

    Laura WOW! DH is right! Thank you SO MUCH for posting. I just found a truly horrible picture of my old self, but kept it instead of INCINERATING it for when I reach my goal size. Belated best bday wishes.

    SMVQMimi We have a crew of 4 come in for an hour once every 3 weeks and like you I rush around that morning clearing the decks to make it easier for them to clean. It keeps me honest too... ;) How far away from you are your folks? What is a Holter monitor? Maybe you could sit in or otherwise clue the doc in if Mom downplays... You are so right about how what we eat affects how we feel. Have to remember that the next time a full sugar CocaCola and bag of Cheetos summon seductively... and OH yes the temptations while travelling, Tried to be moderate but didn't try TOO hard and was up less than I feared... Love those Farmers' markets, yesterday got beets, corn, green beans and a whole bag of peppers both sweet and hot. Funny thing about retraining our tastes, learned I love RIPE bell peppers, just don't like 'em green... ;) Depression generation ain't it the truth? Mama would always eat the leavings rather than throw them away, but she was so energetic she stayed tiny to the end of her days.

    Rose, be at work at 3 am with impending storm? Yikes! Have fun at the flea market, hope you find a real treasure!

    Welcome June! Good Idea, will start paying more attention to what I SAY and try to change my program. What's the peekapoos name?

    Michelle, What is reclast? and calcitonin? annual BD test? I've got osteoporosis and my MD told me that results of meds and lifestyle changes take at least 2 years to show. How long were you on the calcitonin? With all the weightbearing exercise you're doing the scan is bound to show at least stable or maybe even improved. Holding good thoughts for you. You and Robin are inspiring me to try almond milk, thanks to Barb's info on freezing. Congrats on the Yoga and for sticking to the bowling.

    Vicki Mice in the treadmill, you make me smile! We have a small "sitting" room/library with bookshelves and fireplace. Now it has a flatscreen on the wall, wii on the table, Gold's gym mats on the floor, Gazelle,Bosu ball, 5 lb dumb bells and yoga mat. Alas, the only things that get used (almost) every day are the wii balance board, gym and yoga mats... good ideas/intentions only take me so far ;)

    Barbie Redwood national park? You make me homesick for my youth (in N. Calif). Can't tell you how grateful I am for your wisdom (especially about husbands) and courage (posting the AHA! picture). Alas for me, you and Laura started where I am now. Lead on!

    Missjo Happy 29th anniversary! You made me snort my tea with the treadmill buttons story. Have you ever seen the clip with the polar bear on the treadmill?

    Viv thanks for the good idea. When bad choices beckon, I'll remember my OH NO! picture and choose a different path for the future. Your scale tells you how hydrated you are? Cool, Mind sharing the brand/model?

    Cindy Happy anniversary! Guess your sister knows now your mom really can't be alone. How did the family meeting go? Maybe the brother who thinks your mom can stay by herself needs to spend a little more time with her to see the sad truth. If your mom goes to assisted care, will your daughter have to move? Please follow your instincts and don't leap to be the full time caregiver again.

    Robin, heart rate up and pounds down. Love it! Hug Bodi for me.

    Susan, right we have no one but ourselves to blame, right again we CAN do this. I'm gonna try the reprogramming June suggested. When I start playing the blame or poor me game... STOP and do something anything else. Find a something positive to pat my self on the back about (even if it means I do 5 jumping jacks or drink a whole glass of water right then). Repeat for every negative, blaming, worthless, angry, hurt feeling that crops up. Wish me luck!

    Rebel, My heart goes out to you. Can DGD's preference to be with her father influence the courts to change the situation? Think in some jurisdictions there's a minimum age, but in others it's up to the family court judge. What is WITH those social workers? By golly you inspire me, I AM gonna get that bicycle out of the rafters, if I have to do it myself! I'm up for a Skinny Tuesday Fruit and Veggie challenge, can't do it Wednesdays cuz I could never double the exercise (Wednesday's 2hr line dance class) I am so NOT Robin :laugh:

    Amanda thanks for the laughs! Would love to see pics of the mad hatter party, but fundraising-skydiving sounds AWFUL! :noway: When's diamond day? By all means go on the trip and have a ball! Hope the head cold passes quickly. Do you have Airborne in the UK? It's saved me countless times.

    Pickledlily - don't know about heaven, but whenever I dream of my dear departeds, they're always in their prime and beautiful!

    Welcome SandraElliot and all newbies I've missed. These gals ARE inspiring.

    Kackie, when did it snow in MT? Summer has been way to short here in Idaho. We had 4 inches of snow in May and no really hot (110+) days at all. Feel the corner to autumn has been turned and I'm sad to see summer already gone.

    Welcome back Jackie, we missed you! Dancing til the wee hours? You GO gal! Please no, I'm wishing for NO SNOW for a long time... ;)

    TediB Feeling better and happier with yourself is HUGE! Congratulations! Keep on track and the scale WILL budge.

    CrazybeeRX I can't keep up either, hence the monster-posts. You've sure turned a negative (less$) into a positive (no more soda and fast food), good job! Try tracking your food for just one day, or even one meal. It can be a real eye-opener. Enjoy your trip and your daughter and let us know how it goes.

    Erica Your plans sound excellent. Good for you for forward thinking. Good luck with all that work and wishing you even better luck with the sleep.

    AllisonMO enjoy your holiday and your walks!

    gutt'n'butt try 9 day 6.
  • marlouise
    Hello everyone!

    I've been working at home doing work from my job, today I 've done work from the house. Eating rice chips, hummas for some junk food. Body said give it a break, so I did, vegetables start again at supper today, no, not tomorrow, just right after satisfying the junk need.
    Bought a stop watch for my exercises, I did have timmers however if they slip, they crash. This is non slippery and has a shock absorbency thing about it..

    Been to the doc about my wrist, he says yes it sure is arthritis, however at this stage, the sooner I get on with weight training the better things will turn out. MY BRAIN IS DEAF, IT IS NOT LISTENING. Oh I need a kick!

    It is September and I usually feel the rush of energy from the cool weather and the anticipation of the holidays ahead. But !!

    Oh well, but one good thing happened this week and that is OATS, they have boosted my energy levels up (iron I suspect). I am sleepy at times but the energy to get things done is there. I've been eating them raw, just throw on the cold cereal or in the hot soup, or in a bowl of fruit.. Picked up some Quaker chewy bars too, just 100 - 110, calories on the ones I choose, and they have helped me eat more on my compressed breaks at work (7 min.) Before buzzers, beepes, and phones go off.

    Sure was nice having a weekend off, next week I'll go back to the doc and see if anything can be done with my knees. I am going to try and exercise and record info on the workings of them and the exercises I do with them, plus take some joint meds to help. Maybe by the end of the month the doc and I will have a better idea of what may be going on with them. I feel very limited, I can not squat, and hold the position to get anything below my waist. I have to get a chair or stool or something to sit on to do that.

    Hope all goes well this week for everyone, catch you all later...

  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    Hi everyone, I would very much like to join this group. I'm 55 and had a lot of up's and downs and as I have read some of the posts I can relate very much to. Some of the posts have made me feel 'normal again' and that I'm not losing my mind. I don't know, I think sometimes people don't think we've had a life. Getting the weight off is making me feel more confident and younger and I hope that if I'm accepted I can continue. My goal is to look good in a pair of Levi's. Stuff the elasticated jeans.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi everyone, I would very much like to join this group. I'm 55 and had a lot of up's and downs and as I have read some of the posts I can relate very much to. Some of the posts have made me feel 'normal again' and that I'm not losing my mind. I don't know, I think sometimes people don't think we've had a life. Getting the weight off is making me feel more confident and younger and I hope that if I'm accepted I can continue. My goal is to look good in a pair of Levi's. Stuff the elasticated jeans.

    :bigsmile: Pickledlilly - had to laugh at your post - here I am sat in my ELASTICATED JEANS :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I know what you mean though, all my trousers have elasticated waists ! I'd love a pair of normal trousers/jeans, that's a good thing to aim for. Good Luck hope you get into a pair soon. Stuff the elasticated jeans!!

    :flowerforyou: Welcome back Jackie sounds as if you had a fab time, can't wait to hear all about it.

    :flowerforyou: Barbara (auntieBK) my scales are weightwatchers they let you programme your height, weight age and fitness level then it works out your BMI, your body fat percentage (I have 4stone of fat to lose!!) :embarassed: and tells you how hydrated you are - oh and it tells you how much you weigh too :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn oats for energy, :huh: I'll have to try some of that, my energy levels are a bit low at the moment.

    :flowerforyou: Denise good luck with the half marathon in a few weeks.

    Well I've a few things to do before I go to bed. So I'd better make a move, at least tomorrow should be easier at work, my colleague Jane is back from her hols. There's a lot of pressure when there's only one of us.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Barb-Thanks for the update on Amalia. I’m glad that she met her goal, but do miss her posts. Say hello to her for me.

    Wizzywig – Unfortunately, it looks like it is a medical issue with the new cat. My friend called to see if the cat was fitting in and we chatted about it. She didn’t have the money for a thyroid check. I'm going to check with Animal Humane and see if they can do the test for me cheaper than my vet. Blue is lucky that we just said yes without thinking. It looks like on October 15th we will be taking in a basset hound/lab cross too. At least it is small dog and will be easy to find a home for later on.

    Welcome Pickledilly and any other newcomers I’ve missed.

    Welcome back Jackie. Glad you had a good time and I hope your mom did OK too.

    I lost 1/2 a pound since the last weigh in.

    Well, DS is stressing on smelling the pork ribs in the crockpot. So, I better go before he eats raw pork. lol

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Denise - good luck on the half marathon (I know that I'm early, but you can do it!)

    Speaking of depression times....I was basicaly raised by my grandmother. She was an awesome crocheter. Unfortunately, I was a know-it-all teenager who didn't want to have anything to do with that "old lady stuff" Now I regret it like you wouldn't believe. Anyway, I digressed, a few years ago I read a book called "101 ways to save the plant". I couldn't get over how many of those things my grandmother did, not because she wanted to save the planet, but because she was saving money. To this day, I will scrape the paper butter comes in and I will add water to a jar of, say, sauce, before I put it in for recycling. I know that that's just my grandmother's influence. She made her own bread and EVERYTHING was used, if you didn't eat the crust, those were thrown in a bag to dry out and then made into breadcrumbs.

    Barb (auntibk) - reclast is an osteoporosis medication that is given intravenousely once/year. Calcitonin is usually taken in spray form daily in the nose. CSPI at one time did a report on the different osteoporosis medications, and calcitonin was rated very low. At that time, reclast wasn't on the market yet. An annual BD test is a bone density test, tells you if you have osteopenia (precursor to osteoporosis), if you have osteoporosis how bad it is. I was only on the calcitonin for 1 year but since it wasn't rated very highly, and it didn't seem to be doing anything, that's why I discontinued it. For years I'd been on osteoporosis medication, and only until we moved down here did the MD suddenly say that I needed calcitonin. Just made me think ... if it's that good, why didn't the MD before him recommend it?

    Went looking for bowling shoes. There is a DSG store around here (can't spell it out), but they only carried the Dexter brand and it felt very "slippery" in the back. So I didn't get them. Looks like any others you have to get online. I don't have a problem getting them online, but I would like to try on different brands to see which feels most comfortable. Any suggestions?

    pickledily (interesting name) - we'd love to have ya. Yea, things are different when we get older. I see it in some of the posts on other forums. You can tell someone is younger, doesn't have the hindsight. Plus, our needs are different and the things we do (like take care of our parents) aren't something that someone 20 years old does. It is good to be able to ask someone "is this normal" and find out that it really is normal, it just may not be talked about, but it is here.

    Been crocheting a blanket. It's really a pretty easy pattern, but one row is something that you really have to concentrate on at first, so I think I'll either go watch some TV or do some crocheting.

    Did an hour of Wii balance games today. Tomorrow this walking with Leslie Sansone DVD. Then, I think we're going to go bowling. I'll get there yet!!!!

    Have a great evening everyone.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies, I am checking in from my daughters.:huh: She had a cookout for the family and of course I went over my calories ( we are palying WII bowling tonight and I can hopefully burn some off.) To Barbara and Viv, I actually went to the flea market to sell, sell, sell. We have been getting a table at the big flea market up the road from our house for the last 4 weekends and have made over a thousand dollars. My husband cleaned out both of our sheds and discovered he had way more tools than any 1 man needs. I went throgh all of my Christmas decorations that I had stored in the shed and discovered that the mice had been rooting through the bins first and destroyed alot of my animated characters. I used to be an Elementary School Cafeteria Manager and would decorate the kitchen every year. Alot of the parents and teachers would give me decorations as Christmas presents. I really hated to sell them but I couldn't stand the thought of them just sitting in the shed and the mice tearing them up. People in Delaware go crazy over tools, jewelry and Christmas decorations. They are calling me to come play....better go now. Have a great evening, Rose
  • Erica_q
    A very early good morning. I got home from my sister's (where I definitely ate too much), and sat down to plan my meals for the week. I just finished reading all the posts, so I thought I'd check in.

    I'm pretty sure my weight is going to be up tomorrow (or, rather, later this morning) :smile: , but I'm not going to stress over it. In planning my meals for the week, I won't have time to do any snacking, so my calorie count will be down a bit. I'm expecting this will allow me to fix any damage that occurred at my sister's. I'm also planning on getting up at 5:30 when I start working to exercise. Maybe since I'm going to be working such long hours (for me, anyway), I could work on taking some unnecessary foods out of my diet. If I did it with soda, I can do it with anything, right? :happy: Well, except maybe for chocolate. :bigsmile:

    Pickledlilly - Welcome!:flowerforyou: This is a great site to be on. As for the Levi's...anything's possible. :happy: I have no doubt that you will reach that goal.

    DD #1 is moving into her apartment Saturday. It's exciting, but also a little sad. Even though she lived in the dorm last year, her permanent address was still here. Once she moves out, she probably won't be back. She will be graduating in June and has applied to a program called "Teach for America" where she can teach without having a credential, but she is planning on applying to cities that are out of state. She's mentioned New Orleans, Boston, and the Philadelphia area (I think). Those are a long way away from California. :frown: She's very adventurous, so it's right up her alley. She would leave shortly after graduation, and it's a two year commitment.

    Jeannie - Good luck with your cat. We had a cat a few years ago that was diabetic and had stomatitis. I had to give her shots every day and water down her food. She was my favorite cat, so it was really hard to watch her deteriorate. She was 12 when we had her put to sleep. Hopefully, the problem with your cat will be something that can be fixed. Keep me posted.

    Marilyn - Do you use the oats that you make oatmeal with or are they different? I love oatmeal, but I've never thought about adding it to cold cereal or anything else. If it helps with your energy levels, I'd be interested in trying it.

    I should probably go to bed soon. Tomorrow (or later today) is my cooking day. I may not be able to check in, again, until next weekend, but I'll do my best to get back before then. If not, have a great week everyone. :flowerforyou:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy Monday ladies!

    Woohoo! I've reached my 90 pounds off and I'm so pleased! When I got on the scale this morning, it was a whole 2 pounds down and I could have sung with delight. Of course, I've still got another 20plus pounds to lose, but I'm getting closer. It would be amazing to reach my goal by Christmas, which is less than 16 weeks - but I'll take whatever I can get.

    Walked to the hospital this morning to have more blood tests. I really didn't feel like the long walk there and back as I've got a stinking head cold, but I did and I'm glad that I did. It was decidedly nippy out today - autumn is here without us ever really seeing summer. We were supposed to be going to our villa in Menorca this month, but have cancelled it as DH has got to do a lecture tour. Also, I want to be around for DD#1 as she is starting her maternity leave soon. Also, I start my swimming lessons next Monday (shock, horror!) and wouldn't want to miss any of them .... or would I?

    It is our second wedding anniversary next Monday - which means it's also our 22nd anniversary of being together. I still have to sort out a proper gift for DH. We won't be going out to celebrate, but I will cook him one of his favourite meals at home. At least that way, I will have total control over what I eat - which is just the way I like it right now.

    I need to make some phone calls now. I'm not going to visit the nursing home whilst I'm full of a cold. I'd hate to pass on my germs.

    Have a good week my friends.

    Amanda x
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, All!

    We have snowfall again here in MT! Maybe only 2 inches, but everything is white! Looks like January, not September. I know the trees are happy but the locals are not. It has been a short summer up here.

    Amanda: WAY TO GO...90 is amazing and I know you feel it!

    Erica: I know how bittersweet it is when children grow up. We WANT them to but still want them to be our children. Thinking of you

    Pickledilly: Welcome...you have found a great supportive group here. I wish you great success

    Jeannie: Congrats on the 1/2 pound!

    This is short as I must pack and get things together for our roadtrip. Hope to track food via phone while gone and will try to read your posts when in hotels with wifi, but will be thinking of you all no matter. I'm off to get some healthy foods for picnics on the road. I'll think of you in the PNW as I drive through. So excited to see that part of the world. Take care, dear ladies, Kackie:heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    We have snowfall again here in MT! Maybe only 2 inches, but everything is white! Looks like January, not September. I know the trees are happy but the locals are not. It has been a short summer up here.

    wow snow already. I think it is going to be one helluva winter this year.

    I booked a flight for a quick weekend in West St. Paul at the end of this month to be with my daughter. I am excited.
    Today DH wants mexican food so that means a lot of fun cooking together and tequila. Hey its a holiday so its okay, right?

    I hope you all have a great day.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Amanda and Jeannie, congrats on the loss. The scale was smiling for me this morning as well. Down a pound!!! (sigh of relief) Am only (!) 2 months behind in my goals. But at least it is going in the right direction. And I am past the mid-point, Woo hoo!

    :bigsmile: A while ago I set my fiber intake as a measure and set it at 30g /day. By definition then, I am more likely to eat high fiber content foods, such as fruits and vegetables and whole grains and legumes. Whole grain I said, not necessarily whole wheat. I know some people can't eat whole wheat due to the gluten. I am switching to rye bread, which is lower in glycemic index.

    We also love Pumpernickle. So, I have been eating that a couple of times. One little slice sure makes you feel full. When you are not used to eating it however, start with one slice so now and then, because it can be a little tough on the stomach at first.

    Back to the fiber. Anyone else keeping track of their fiber intake? On Saturday I went to the health food store and asked what to use as a cleanse. I also happened to mention my daily fiber ration. She said, the cleansing products are really for people who don't get enough fiber. And you are one who gets plenty. She suggested to go on a fresh fruit & veggie day (hahaha, go figure....she sounds like me) Nice to know I am on the right track.

    This is getting a little longer post than I thought, but I also wanted to mention, that I had the best sleep last night in ages. In fact I pretty much slept around the clock and no hot flashes(flushes). Now that may be a fluke, but perhaps I can connect it to the way I have been eating.

    :drinker: Labour Day today here in the America's. I will try not to labour too too much:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome to any newbies. You have found a great place!

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hey Robin,

    Enjoy your day, but remember what they say about tequila............

    One tequila,
    Two tequila,
    Three tequila,
    Floor!!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hope you have a nice safe trip to the west. If you itinerary is still the same, I think you will be in Tacoma in a day or two--possibly just in time for some rain.:ohwell:

    Congrats on hitting the 90 lb. mark. WTG!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


    Good luck juggling your schedule. Hope you are able to make everything mesh together smoothly.

    EDIT: Rebel,

    Your post popped in after I started mine. There is nothing like a good night's sleep. Hope there are many more. Mai Li has been sleeping through the night again,:drinker: :drinker: so I am once again sleeping better myself.:wink:

    Congrats on your loss as well.:drinker: :drinker: Sorry I overlooked you when I initially posted.:flowerforyou:

    I need to get off the computer and get moving. BFN

  • Angusowner
    I'm baaaaack! I just finished writing out a long post and it disappeared because I hit a wrong button, then somehow I deleted half of the second post without realizing it!!.:ohwell:

    I quickly scanned your posts. Welcome all you new friends!:drinker: I missed all you "old" friends!!:love:

    Well, I plan to keep this shorter than normal because I am pretty sure I will accidentally delete it if it gets long. Perhaps that is my computer's idea of telling me "TOO MUCH!":laugh: I will just say that unloading on you how I was so stressed and what contributed to it was the beginning of me being able to "deal". I have been so busy the last 2 weeks, with normal life, the added stresses, new stresses, and just getting back to a better place mentally. All kind of new to me - always been sort of an "even keel" type!

    I have been logging in meals, etc. off & on. I am eating right -loving my veggies-and exercising. However, I gained 2 pounds:grumble:
  • Angusowner

    To continue - I have lost 1 of those pounds. When I whined to my DD who is also a MFP user, she said, "I think it is stress and lack of good sleep. You should talk to your women!" She means you all! I am glad that I raised a smart daughter!:flowerforyou:

    I am stopping before the computer gremlins take over!

    Take care,
  • Angusowner
    Oh, and I loved seeing the pictures:
    Barbie - beautiful grandson, beautiful you! (Love the Tinkerbell - a favorite of mine & my DGD!:love: )
    Laura - you are an inspiration!!!!:drinker:

    I have pictures stored on my computer but don't know what photobucket is. Can anyone instruct me on posting pictures? Thanks! Perhaps in the future I can show you a healthier me - Barbie & Laura are my role models!

    For the lst time today ....maybe...
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :smooched: :smooched: I put a new profile picture on holding our youngest GS when he was born 5 years ago on September 9th. Happy birthday! :heart: :heart: Lots of kisses.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    " Quote" Susan, right we have no one but ourselves to blame, right again we CAN do this. I'm gonna try the reprogramming June suggested. When I start playing the blame or poor me game... STOP and do something anything else. Find a something positive to pat my self on the back about (even if it means I do 5 jumping jacks or drink a whole glass of water right then). Repeat for every negative, blaming, worthless, angry, hurt feeling that crops up. Wish me luck

    Thanks for the encouragement and I do wish you luck. My brother struggles with weight gain. I am going to call him right now and talk him into joining the local gym with me. They have a September special. Time to get moving again. They also have an onsite personal trainer - I might invest in a couple of sessions too!!

  • marlouise
    Hello everyone!

    Good day today didn't bust over the calories too much. Made a two week menu to follow, it will keep me eating the right foods. I'll make another tomorrow to cover another two weeks. I'm using one of WW old books as a guide,(before the points - 1984). Tweeking some foods to my taste and budget.

    Erica, yes, these are the quick oats you can use to make hot cereal with. For added flavor try Quakers' fruit flavored pouches - just add them to cold cereal or warm fruit.

    Hope all is well here, chat again tomorrow. luv to all..
