

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi. I have read ALL the posts and am proud of me for doing so. Welcome to anyone new or barely new! This is a great forum. :flowerforyou: I was just explaining to DH how wonderful the support is on this message board. He appreciates YOU ladies. So there. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: His skinny little body never needs any tweaking in the weightloss department, but he recognizes how difficult it can be for me. He's a good man (mostly) :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :drinker: Don't know if you are tired of hearing this, but I biked back and forth to work today (20K each way) and I can tell you that it is tough. I want to do it again tomorrow. But not Wednesday, because I have Toastmasters and want to look presentable. I feel I still have a lot of strength to build.

    :grumble: My grrrr right now is that the scale is not budging. Is it my age? Do I just need patience? Is my fat converting to muscle? Right now these are just rhetorical questions. Since - in fact - I am feeling quite excellent in any other way thank you very much. I also don't want to stress myself out, because I find that is so counter intuitive.

    :drinker: Despite the aches and pains DH and I are grateful for the stage of our lives that we are in.

    :drinker: This is it for me tonight :drinker:

    (((hugs to all))) and tomorrow is a new day!

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    It was 95 degrees at 8:30AM when I got to work. When we were out walking it was 102, and when I got out of work at 2:30pm it was 105 out!

    I can't drink enough or get enough cold things to eat. I managed to ride my stationary bike, do the GutNBut besides my walk at work. I'm sweaty, but I don't think it was from exerting myself.

    My cousins and their kids will be here tomorrow afternoon and stay for dinner. Then on Wednesday they will be up for lunch and leave on Thursday. It is so busy at work I can't take a couple of days off right now. Our grant is due on the 31rst. But, I will take a few hours on Tuesday and Wednesday.

    All these kid issues are making me wonder what the "dating" years are going to be like with our two. I agree with not giving opportunities for youthful activities that are so much more common these days.

    Chiclet - I can't believe that girls mother is so complacent about teenage sex. If she allowed it she should have made sure they were using some form of birth control. I feel bad for the babies produced out of wedlock. I think it does matter to them when they grow up.

    Good night all,

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Sorry your scale is being uncooperative. Maybe you are close enough to your ideal weight that you should just concentrate on eating right and exercising to build strength and endurance and let your weight take care of itself? I mean change your emphasis, not ignore your weight, but not have that be the primary focus. Just a thought.

    It took courage to share your story about your son and how he came to be a father. I have a friend who is going through some of the same issues with her son. I can't share the details, but she is not having a very good summer, and there isn't anything I can do to help.:sad:

    I guess posting time is over, as Mr. Pepper has decided my lap is the place to be, so the laptop is going to have to move. Gotta get up anyway, since Mai Li is pitching a fit about something--I think it involves food!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Good night.:yawn:

  • chicletgirl
    chicletgirl Posts: 113
    :flowerforyou: Jeannie

    While I was upset that she allowed this to happen in her home, while she and the rest of the family were home too, ultimately, it is both my son and his girlfriends responsibility for birth control. My son always knew that if he ever decided to have sex that he could always come to me and I would give him condoms. He knew this and knew I would not judge him. Because if a teenager wants to have sex, they will find a way and nothing will stop them. I preached abstinance, but also told him to practice safe sex. It only takes once without a condom to get pregnant, not to mention diseases. On that day he didn't have one on him. There was no excuse for this, and he has made none, He did it and has accepted the consequences. I have told him that I also blamed her, She should have been practicing safe sex also. He told me at one point she was on the pill. Still, she was off when they did it that time and why didn't she say to my son, "No, lets wait til we can get a condom." This wasn't there first time apparently,and he had been using condoms and she was on the pill before. They messed up big time. Were irresponsible. I did the best I could. Her mother did not as far as I was concerned. Maybe if she had insisted like I did to keep the bedroom door open, or check on them consistently, or not allow them in the bedrroom this wouldn't have happened. Who knows? One thing I do suspect though, both his girlfriend and MIL wanted this. They wanted him. The fact that they kept the pregnancy a secret makes me believe so. My son fell for their ploys, but does not see it. That;s okay too. He's happy right now and he has made his decision and there is nothing I can do to change that. I have a grandson now. Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if he comes home and tells me that his MIL arranged for a quickie marriage. I have no control over this now. She does. That's life. It seems like from what I hear that most boys do this, leave their family and "adopt" the girls family as his own. That is apparent in my case.
  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    good morning ladies :flowerforyou: this is a very important day for me i go back to gyne when i had my opp to remove my large cyst and ovaries they could not do it because it as attatched itself to my bowels and bladder:noway: well i still am in lots pain and need to tell them i need this sorting . :grumble:

    the thing is i dont know how long i can put up with the pain and misery:sad: so i am hoping that they get me in very fast :bigsmile:
    you all keep me smiling and do take my mind off lots things thankyou all will post with the out come later xxxx
  • Erica_q
    Erica_q Posts: 41
    Hello everyone,

    It's 1:00 a.m., and I'm still up. I have an appointment with a nutritionist tomorrow, so I needed to finish my food diary so I could print it out for her. I'm supposed to be watching my carbs, which I do well for breakfast and lunch, but late afternoon and evening is hard. I went to the doctor today for a routine check-up, and he decided to do a mini physical. Had bloodwork, an ekg, and a tetanus shot. I'm interested to see how my tests come out.

    I lost 1 3/4 pounds this week! :happy: I was hoping for one, so I exceeded my goal. I'm looking to break 200 within the next 2-3 weeks. As long as I'm good about exercising and eating right, I should be able to accomplish that.

    I managed to make it to my bed last night. :smile: Believe it or not, I still have dishes to do, but once they're done, I will be going to bed (in my bed). I can't remember who said they changed their sheets today, but I did, too, and also love the fresh smell and feeling of clean sheets.

    Chiclet - I'm sorry about the situation with your son, but it sounds like you did what you could to discourage the behavior. At least he is owning up to his mistake and being responsible. I hear so many stories where the boy leaves the girl and doesn't accept responsibility. You should be very proud of him for stepping up like that.

    Well, I guess I should go and get the dishes done so I can get to bed. I want to make sure to get up early enough to exercise before I go to my appointment.


  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies.

    I'm feeling a little 'out of sorts' today. I keep going dizzy and think I need to get my blood pressure meds sorted out. I've made an appointment with the doctor for Thursday morning, so I'll hopefully get something done then. To think that I was on five different lots of bp medication in February and my bp was still sky high. I'm now on two lots of meds for it, but would like to think that I'll be off it completely very soon. After over eight years of ridiculously high bp, it would be nice to think that I'm now healthy enough for it to be normal!

    Today will be mainly filled with 'parent parenting' - if you know what I mean (my dad and my mum-in-law both need time spent with them). DH also reminded me to water our gardens too, which I must do before it gets too warm. From where I'm sat at the moment, I have a good view of our back gardens and I have to say that they are looking good! We have some gorgeous fuchsia just outside the window and just a little further down there is a stunning white hebe which looks like a bridal bouquet at present. Just past the hebe is the huge bronze Armillary sphere that I had made for DH's fortieth birthday. As you go further down the first garden, there seems to be something gorgeous going on every few yards. I can't actually see the second garden to clearly from here as there is a natural arbour that separates the two gardens, but I know that the grape vines and the fig trees are doing well. We are also seeing a lot of cherries on the trees but not really that much in the way of other fruit just yet. For a long time, I would buy DH a tree for each birthday - we have a twenty year old oak which started off as a stick, that was the first tree I bought him. It's his birthday next month and I'm going to buy him an olive tree as we don't have one of those at the moment. I know they can be tricky to grow in our climate, but it should do ok providing it doesn't get overwatered in the winter months.

    After reading some of the posts from you ladies, I really appreciate the fact that I no longer have teenagers! Wow, they were difficult years. I'm also lucky that all three of my children have wonderful partners who make them happy and who are happy to be part of our (slightly crazy) family. My DD#2's husband has said on numerous occasions that he feels much more a part of our family than his own. He did not have a particularly loving childhood and yet he is the sweetest, most thoughtful guy you could ever meet. I absolutely think of him as one of my own. My other son-in-law is great too, although I haven't known him nearly as long, but we get on really well and he sometimes calls me just for a chat. As for my future daughter-in-law, she is a poppet! Which is probably the wrong word to use for her as she is not wishy-washy at all. She is an only child and comes from Sri Lanka, so doesn't see her parents very often. My father completely adores her too!

    Ok ladies, a quick and personal question. What do you all do about unwanted facial hair? My upper lip and chin are getting hairier and hairier as the years roll by. I tried electrolysis some years ago, but it didn't really work - despite visiting the salon twice a week for nine months! All it did was get rid of money! I also enquired about laser treatment, but it doesn't work if your hair is really fair like mine. I've tried threading and waxing, but it grows back so quickly! I'm lucky that the hair is not that visible because it is virtually colourless (one of the benefits of being a redhead!), but I still like to get rid of it. Any suggestions?

    Time to get moving I suppose. Have a good day and don't forget to drink your water please!

    Amanda x
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!

    Just a quick check in after reading posts.

    Amanda: I also have what I call "peach fuzz" on my chin and around my mouth. I have resorted to waxing as you said, the other options do not work with light colored "fuzz". It isn't perfect, but I just go when I need to. The only light at the end of the tunnel is, that apparently, the older you get, the less hair you will have on your face or anywhere else! So...waxing it is, for now! (I also figure that it has to be a great way to exfoliate all of the dead skin too!?) Love your new photo! Tell us who is in it!

    Renny: I am SURE that you have built LOTS of muscle in place of fat with your bike riding, etc. Also, you are closer to your goal. I DO think the heat makes my body hold on to fluids at this time of the year too. So I just know any day now, you will see that scale move. Keep up what you are doing...you are getting so strong to be able to bike the distance you are going!

    Chiclet: You are handling everything with your son in a very calm way. I am sure it is not easy.

    Sounds like many of us need to be more vigilant with our eating. I know that I do. Yesterday was a very good, consistent day, though. I just need to stay on that road!
    take care, all! Kackie:heart:
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    ...error in editing oooops!
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Having a bad day here !!!......
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    If at first you don't succeed, try ,try and try again!
    :explode: My computer has it's own mind today so I'll keep this simple!!

    :ohwell: The scales were a tiny bit better today ...nothing to crow about though!

    I'm dodging the showers ...rather down pours! ...and will probably need to use the tumble drier today.

    :ohwell: Nothing planned other than trying to keep my cool with you know who ...how many time can a body wish to go to the loo???

    Amanda ...LOL ..:bigsmile: :bigsmile: .I thought I'd read at the end of your post ..." Time to get ....mowing!!!" I thought you'd said the facial hair wasn't too much of a problem!! ......I'm not laughing at you ...just with you!! I too have a problem ...kept at bay with cream and the trusty ladyshave. What we have to do to be beautiful eh??? I had a good school friend who had a leg problem ...many moons ago you understand! ...her cruel brother gave her a toy lawn mower for a present to "Mow" the fuzz!!

    So ... I do hope everyone is enjoying your day

    :heart: Jackie
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Kackie, waxing it is then! Can't wait until I'm old enough to have a bald face. :happy: My new pic is of DH and I on our wedding day in 2008. :heart: He's a handsome devil! (and looks so much younger than he is - darn it!)

    Jackie, I haven't quite resorted to mowing my face yet - but maybe soon! :tongue:

    I just dropped my dad back at his house and have now stopped off at home for lunch before heading out to see MIL. I'm having hummous and tomatoes. I was hoping to have it with some crispbreads but they seem to have eaten themselves all up (hmm, funny how that always happens with the ones that DH likes most!)

    My new water cooler arrived this morning. :drinker: I'm going to have to wait until later to set it up in my gym. Very excited about it!

    Catch up with you all later.

    Amanda x
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Reading about the son's who have absconded to their partner's families reminds me of an old quote my mother used to say:

    "My son is my son till he gets him a wife, but my daughter's my daughter all the days of her life."

    Seems men have always been like this!

    Mookie--I sure hope they will do that procedure soon. It sounds like you feel just awful. Prayers for you.

    Amanda--I have the fuzz, too. Mine has some dark hairs mixed in so I pluck them. I used to wax but the hair has to be 1/4 inch long and the dark ones were just too visible to let get that long!

    Well, need to get a workout in before work. Have a good day everyone and welcome to any newbies!
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Another pound down! Even after a 4 day vacation. Yippee!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    it is cool and cloudy today, Very typical.

    Renny - when we push ourselves really hard on strength training (ie riding 20k each way) Our mucsles retain water until they are a little more used to it and stronger. Don't worry about it and just keep going.

    amanda - I love the pix. you look great too!

    mookie - I hope things go well.

    Erica - congrats on losing. Way to go.

    Jeannie - sorry it is so hot. sure sounds like you are busy.

    Barb - isn't amazing that fleeting instant of panic when our "kids" aren't where we expect them to be when we get home?

    Barbie - I am sure the sitting still is driving you crazy. but I am also sure your body is thanking you.

    Cindy - I am glad your daughters trip was successful, and I am sure you will be happy when things get back to "normal"

    Robstells - welcome. Zumba is great, I just don't really like classes for some reason. I hope you enjoy it.

    Jackie - glad your shoulder and arm are improving. Keep it up.

    Elizabeth - it is so good to see you posting. I love your name ( it is my daughters middle name) You are doing awesome with your food and exercise. Keep it up girl.

    Wishful - weekends are hard. I work extra hard during the week so I don't beat myself up so much when I relax on the weekends.

    Cathy (camino) Welcome back. Wow what a whirlwind holiday.

    Okay to everyone else, I read all the posts and you are all in my thoughts.

    so my news. DD called after getting back from a trip to San Diego to celebrate her long time boyfriends birthday. After a day at the zoo, and a lovely dinner they went to stroll the beach to watch the sunset. they were picking up shells. Brian was handing Brie some of the shells he had found. The last one he handed her wasn't a shell at all but a princess cut diamond engagement ring. He then got down on one knee and proposed. Then got hit by a wave. Brie was completely taken by surprise because this trip was supposed to be about him. He apparently had the ring for over a month and was just waiting for the right moment. She is giddy happy because they have been together for 6 years but he was the consumate bachelor. Never wanting marriage or kids. (I knew he woudl change with age) He is 32 Brie is 26 so I am very happy for them. No date set yet.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    so my news. DD called after getting back from a trip to San Diego to celebrate her long time boyfriends birthday. After a day at the zoo, and a lovely dinner they went to stroll the beach to watch the sunset. they were picking up shells. Brian was handing Brie some of the shells he had found. The last one he handed her wasn't a shell at all but a princess cut diamond engagement ring. He then got down on one knee and proposed. Then got hit by a wave.

    I love it and will laugh all day about it.

    Amanda - I wax more and more often. I can't see the gray fuzz to use tweezers any more.

    All we can do as parents it to always keep the door open, but with lines drawn in the sand. They are always our kids but we can't live their lives for them or make good decisions for them either.

    Have a great day all and thanks for the sympathy on the heat.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tuesday and I'm so busy I can't see straight:noway: but since I haven't been able to pop in since Friday I knew I had to do this today.

    Robin _:drinker: Yeah you on the loss! How romantic (wave and all) congrats on your DD proposal.

    Barbie - I think I may have to head to Wal Mart and check out their scales... Sounds interesting. Glad you are taking it easier today, overdoing will slow down that healing of your knee and you are so active I know that will be hard for you, but necessary.

    Jeannie - glad you were able to crack the whip and get your house clean for the weekend.

    Amanda - shoes? I missed a picture of shoes? Where do I go to see them, I checked your profile and didn't see them there. I just love shoes:love: What a frustrating (in a good way) problem that the dress you had planned to wear to the wedding doesn't fit. When that happens I'm always hoping it's not a dress that I love, just one I tolerate:wink: About facial hair, I use Nair every six weeks or so and then check it daily with tweezers in hand, just a necessary evil I guess:grumble:

    Terri - those four cookies :grumble: what were they thinking jumping into your mouth.

    Jackie - I know we would all love to see that black evening dress:wink: , having to take it in to make it look right WOW that's a good feeling. That cruise is right around the corner and it sure sounds fun. #2 Son & DIL are going on a cruise in two weeks and I've loaned her a few of my dresses that I had bought in Dec 2008...I think that they would fit again...if I had a place to wear them. Glad you Dad is out of the hospital.

    BirdieM- enjoy that vacation.:drinker:

    Linda- one day at a time, hey you have lost #10 so you know it can be done.

    SuzyQ- {{hugs}} to you, I know that our kids have no idea how they can hurt us we can only continue to love them. My heart goes out to you about your son. I can't imagine what I'd do if my sons were treating me that way, one thing I'm sure of my hubby would have been on the phone in a flash chewing them out for hurting their Mother.

    Mimi - enjoy your time away at the Bay, it's so pretty there. So Mimi did you remember to drink a glass of water after each "colored" M & M?:ohwell: Sorry you missed the wedding, but hoping that the renewal of vows/reception comes off without a hitch.

    Denise - glad your vacation to Canada was a success, will look forward to when you are home and able to jump back in on a regular basis.

    Elizabeth - you have such a wonderful "traveling" family. and your 2yr old grandson sounds like a cutie:flowerforyou:

    BarbieCat1- how good of you not to chastise your daughter for weight gain. My Mom is always quick to tell me and my husband when we have gained, it's always hard to see her when my weight is up, now that it's down a bit I won't be seeing her for several months...oh well:ohwell:

    Kathy (plantlady) will be praying for her and her mom/family:heart:

    Cathy - that sounds like a very busy vacation, glad you are back.:drinker:

    Chiclet - wow, what a saga about your son & girlfriend, her mother sounds like she needs her head examined, I did everything I could to keep my sons & their female friends out of rooms with doors closed, as I didn't want their mother's calling me telling me "my son" was responsible for a "surprise baby on the way". I'm just glad those years are behind me:smile:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the new ones, jump right in and let us get to know you and we will encourage you as you post.:smile:
    Finally finished catching up.

    Last weekend was an eating frenzy, out for lunch and dinner on Friday, out for dinner on Saturday and a BBQ at our house Sunday night with way too much food. But am getting back into the real world and watching what I'm eating.

    The boss is gone until tomorrow and I have more work than money to do with and would love to take a fun vacation anywhere that I can sit on a beach with a fruity drink and an umbrella in it with no thoughts of work, responsiblilites or caring what I know I have to do...but don't see that happening anytime soon.

    I will continue to watch what I eat and drink plenty of water.

    Have a good day All:drinker:

  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    Ah, the teen years... yes, they were difficult for me, for my kids. I don't know how we got through them with our family intact ... but I have a philosophy [and it seems Jennie shares it too] ... no matter how bad it gets, keep the doors and hearts open to your kids. They'll make bad mistakes, as parents will too, but if you keep the doors open to them, there's a good chance that when they're on the other side of 19, they may become human again and many of the lessons and values we tried to teach them as kids, begin to re-emerge, as a natural part of their behavior and characters.

    Chiclet, I feel your emotional pain. But be proud that your son is being a responsible father. Try to keep the door to your heart [and your home] open... if his relationship with his girlfriend lasts, you'll gain a daughter in law and grandchild. If it doesn't, your son will still be a father, and you a grandparent, so the child will benefit from you both. As hard as it is, try to be accepting of his new situation. What he and his girl, and her mother, should have done or didn't .... doesn't really matter any more. Look to the future... there's a grand baby to love!

    I got out for a nice long calorie burning bike ride early today with a gal pal, after some good exercise yesterday with my trainer and 40 minutes after on the treadmill. I missed being able to do that with a house full of company this past week. I'll be tested again later in the week as I rejoin family in Kissimmee for "part 2" of the extended visiting on the calendar. Sigh... but this is real world, and I have to find my way in it. I haven't lost any weight in 10 days, but I haven't gained either, so... I'll keep plodding along. This is so typical for me.... exercise MUST be part of my program. I can't lose without it apparently, even with reduced calorie intake.

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Hello. I'm enjoying reading all your posts.

    I had a nice walk this morning with my mom, her new little dog (new to her), and her friend. It was foggy in Lafayette. Wonderful for walking. She and her friend usually walk a mile and a half. I liked that I wanted to (and did) keep going at their usual end. I took the little dog and walked another half mile. I wouldn't have done that in the old days! :laugh:

    Renny, I've heard many times of people who've lost inches while gaining pounds because the muscle that's replacing the fat is heavier and takes up less space than the fat. This is a good thing! The best part is that you'll burn more calories even when you're sitting still!

    Erica, congrats on getting closer to 199. What a good feeling!

    Robin, congratulations on your son's engagement. That's exciting news. I'll bet he'll invite *you* to the wedding! :laugh:

    Elizabeth, Barbie, and others, thanks for your kindness about my son's elopement. I'm having a hard time with it. It seems like such an uncaring thing to do. Telling me about it in an email that went out to 40 or so people (because he wanted it to be a "level" playing field) was the icing on the cake.

    I have to think it was unthinking thoughtlessness (actually, I think it was a dumb *kitten* thing to do) rather than deliberate as he's usually more considerate and caring. This is the first time I've felt down enough that eating well and exercising just don't feel very exciting.

    My best friend of many years tells me "it is what it is" (basically, to get over it!) That's what I want. That's what I'll do. Eventually.

    It's hard to know what to say to him, if anything. I like his wife (still weird to say "wife") and want to be supportive. I WILL be supportive, doggone it.

    The hardest things are 1) it's embarrassing - my "loving" son wasn't, and 2) wondering whether his more usual caring behavior is more duty than caring. That's a horrible thought :angry: .

    Urgh. I'd rather be my more cheerful and optimistic self. Maybe more veggies will do it! :ohwell: :laugh:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Robin, I just saw on my folks' TV that Congress will vote in the next hour on extending unemployment benefits. I have fingers and toes crossed!