Shelley18904 Member


  • Well done, that's a great achievement!
  • I started C25K in April 2011, couldn't run more than the 30 second intervals to start with and even then I struggled to do all of them. Nearly a year later and I ran 5 miles on Sunday, can do 5k in under 30 minutes consistently, am registered for a 5 mile road race in May which I'm confident of finishing in under an hour…
  • Well done, that's amazing! We're thinking of doing our first half marathon in November and you've really inspired me to give it a go.
  • We're seriously thinking about it - there's one in November near us which I reckon we could be well prepared for, just getting up the courage to enter! Thanks for all the encouragement!
  • My husband and I are doing the Marlow 3 mile one, we're aiming to get up to 6 miles this year but March is a bit too soon. We're doing a 5 mile road race in Marlow in May though, so the Sport Relief race fits nicely into our training.
  • Today was day 8 for me and I'm really enjoying it - if that's the right word! I have an average sized lounge and have plenty of room and use 1kg handweights, although I used tins of veg at the beginning and they worked perfectly well. I can definitely see and feel results in my body even after 8 days - jeans are looser and…
  • Another recommendation for adding extra calories for breastfeeding - I think that the suggested figure is 500 for exclusively breastfeeding a tiny baby, 300 for feeding a baby who is also on solids and 100-200 for feeding an older baby. I add an extra 200 for feeding my 19 month old, who feeds around 4 times a day/night.…
  • I'm 5'6 and 147 pounds at the moment and my HRM is giving me between 210 and 240 for the 30DS which is for the full 27 mins.
  • I've just done day 3 of the 30 Day Shred and so far it definitely feels like I've worked my body hard. I've seen some great results n here, both pictures and measurements, have a look in the Success Stories forum. Can't vouch for the results myself yet but so far so good!
  • Well done! I logged snow shovelling last week - I am a teacher and our school was shut to the kids after about 5 inches of snow, but I was in and spent 90 minutes shovelling snow to clear the paths and the car park, I was sweating loads - great exercise though!
  • I'm with you on no more excuses :-) I started trying to lose weight again on January 1st after losing 3 stone successfully last year but this year has been one excuse after another - I had lost 5lb but put 2lb back on last week. So since Thursday, there are no more excuses for me - I'm back on track. No cheat days, no…
  • There are some great reasons here. I'm getting fit because I want to live longer and be generally healthier, and set a better example to my two young sons and to all the children I teach at school. Last year I lost nearly 3 stone and discovered that I enjoy exercising, so now I'm trying to reach fitness goals as much as…