

  • A stone is 14lb, stones is how I've always thought of weight but using things like MFP I'm learning to think more in just pounds which can be easier. Though when I say how much I've lost it's easier to say stones!
  • I never realised Greek yoghurt was different to just normal yoghurt- I love Muller Light toffee yoghurt, some of the fruit flavours too but mainly the toffee. For some reason I think of Greek as having honey in- and I hate honey with a passion! I'll have to check it out.
  • I'm bumping this as I'm finding it very interesting.
  • Eatwater was one of the worst things I've ever eaten. Not the taste, the texture. It's like.... when you receive a parcel, take the little packing peanuts, soak them for 12 weeks them eat them. That bad!
  • I drink too much water, way too much. I've read things about people consuming too much liquid and suffering, even dying, and I worry. I have maybe 7-12 litres a day, I just drink constantly!
  • Well done! You look amazing. May I ask, how long did it take to lose the 50lb?
  • Oh and this morning I weighed 2lb more with my pyjamas on than naked- yes, 2lb!
  • I weighed in my Dr's office at 2st lighter than I thought I was- well I know, no way was I 13st when I know full well I'm over 15st! So he took me to the nurses' office and weighed on their scales.... 16st. So I don't trust the Dr's scales at all, I bought a decent digital scale which measured in 0.2lb incliments and have…
  • Wow, so inspirational! I only just got down to 'overweight' for the first time in my life... I can't wait till I get to say I'm 'healthy'!
  • I am, and I don't. I don't know how to cope with it. I'm working on it. Well done on not eating the emotion away- thats what I do, I eat the emotions down into my stomach until the pain is physical rather than emotional. Then I feel bad and... eat to cope with it! I worry about hunger so I eat too much, so I'm not hungry.…
  • Well done! You can really really see the loss around your neck and chin! Thats the bit people see, always a problem area for me. Wish I'd done pics like that at my biggest (21st, or 294lb) and now (11st 6lb or 160lb).... but I doubt I'd ever, ever post them! Or find a bikini that big!
  • Very succinctly put, I must remember that as I know how horrible I feel when I have too many carbs- which I have spent the last 29 years doing! I have to ask, where did you get the figure of 150g from? Is that a general figure for everyone or is it like cals etc where everyone is different? Sorry to hijack but I'm new at…
  • I've had the same thing- I've been logging pickled eggs as one brand, not the one I buy but the one I buy isn't there. Today I logged as 'generic' and it's over 3 times the cals and fat! So although stressing over a few cals is unnesesary, sometimes the difference is such that it really messes up the logging.
  • Oh my gosh yes, finding a sports bra is a bugger. Jogging without a sweatshirt or something big was, and still is, out! Though stupidly enough.... finding a bra for a big cupsize AND a bog backsize is easier than a small/average back, large cup!
  • Aww, well done. I went and got measured for the first time in a year and found I've gone from a 40F to a 34G! Amazing! I seem to go up a cup everytime I go down a backsize. I threw away all my big bras, I never want to be a 40 back again! My biggest ever was 46, I wish I kept one, they could go round me twice now!
  • Oh mine are boring- a plethera of squirrels and lots of urban foxes! Birds too but I have no idea what they are.
  • I've found it helps so much having friends on here, all my friends are people on the same plan as me and we are all going through the same trials and tribulations! They look after me, offer advice and experience, hold me accountable and chase me up when I don't log on! The support offered by my friends on here and on…
  • Pork pies and Liquorice Alsorts. Oh and Maltesers. And French Fancies.... and thick toast with marmite. I jaut make sure I have NONE of these in the house, they just have no nutritional value at all!
  • I've never heard of that one but I'll check it out. I used to be very active on FoodFocus as it's very visual and I love a good weight-loss graph, but I prefer the social aspect on here. And I like that it has plenty of UK food brands logged, that's quite difficult to find.
  • Well, everyone is different so it may be that seeing the total amount is more helpful to him, whereas to you seeing it spread out is better. I think for me, I'm more liek you in that I want to see when I eat what I eat, as that's part of my 'rehabilitation' from the binging, junk lifestyle. I need to understand the 'why'…
  • I'm from Leicester, then lived in Newquay, now live near London. Didn't realise there were so many Americans on here, all my friends on here are from England!
  • Marmite on toast. Sigh. I'd love thick toast but i can only have it with a ton of marg on and marmite, far too fatty carby and salty!
  • Just amazing, you look like two different people. Even your nose has slimmed! I can't wait to post a similar thread, when I get to my goal- almost 4st (51lb) gone now, another 2-3 to go!
  • 1. oatmeal - sweet with cinnamon and garam masala! 2. toast - marmite of course! 3. ice cream sundae - toffee 4. frozen yogurt - Never had it! 5. popcorn (flavor) - salted or buttered 6. chocolate candy - Boost bar, or Kinder mini bars. Or Maltesers! 7. fruity candy - Liquorice backcurrant sweets, or chocolate limes, or…
  • I've noticed that I seem to have better losses the weeks I blip in a controlled way- I mean by having an extra pack, better a non-bar pack, or extra protein. The weeks I carbed up.... well that was bad, loss of 1lb and STS. But yes I think upping the cals has helped a little. I may do 4 packs, 5 packs a day alternating or…