Emotional eating

So, I'm two weeks in, and I've been feeling great. But sometimes that's not enough to battle depression. It helps a lot, but there are times when it just creeps up on you, you know? I used to turn to food when I got depressed. But last night, I ended up feeling depressed enough that I just didn't want to eat. Its like there was this void that the food used to fill that just opened up and I didn't know what to do.

Pardon the expression, but it just ate away at me the whole night. I didn't eat. I just sat there and moped all night.

Anyone else an emotional eater, and how do you guys deal with it?


  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
    Have you sought any treatment for your depression? Emotional eating is one thing. True depression is a medical condition that requires treatment.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Have you sought any treatment for your depression? Emotional eating is one thing. True depression is a medical condition that requires treatment.
    I agree with this. Depression is something you truly cannot fight alone. Please seek therapy and possibly medication. I can promise you, you will be happy you did.
  • Minimooshable
    I am, and I don't. I don't know how to cope with it. I'm working on it. Well done on not eating the emotion away- thats what I do, I eat the emotions down into my stomach until the pain is physical rather than emotional. Then I feel bad and... eat to cope with it!

    I worry about hunger so I eat too much, so I'm not hungry. But I eat bad stuff, high carb, so yes I am hungry anyway! I've found the 'hole' that needs filling has reduced since I discovered the effect carbs have on me and am eating with carbs in mind rather than just cals. In fact if I have the choice I eat the slightly higher fat food over the higher carb food- which seems to have had an impact on my mental state!

    I'm still experimenting with it all, with my plan. I'm wondering how much of my depression and emotional problems stem from my food choices, rather than the other way round as I had always assumed. It's a work in progress, I don't think I will ever be free of my association of food with my mental state but I hope it gets healthier.

    This week I had bad news- I lost my job- and that day was a complete binge day, ate and ate till I nearly cried. I had a choc easter bunny they bought me at work, part of the problem for me was that they know I'm dieting! Yet they still got it. In my mind it becomes- they want me to eat, they got me this so I can eat it, I'll eat it. Bad energy really.
  • Cherisx
    Cherisx Posts: 2
    Yes I am definitely an emotional eater. It mainly turns on in stressful situations. This week is a perfect example of that. My son had just gotten over a bout of pneumonia and had to fly out of town for work. As I expected from him he did not take care of himself and in a couple of days the pneumonia has returned. Then yesterday, my daughter had outpatient surgery and although it was minor surgery I found myself again in a difficult situation. After the surgery we went out for lunch. I ate twice the amount I normally do.