4 lb difference on scales?

I weighed myself about a month ago fully dressed on a doctors scale (balance scale). However I just bought a digital scale today and was fully unclothed and it stated I was 4 lbs lighter. Im excited but uneasy. Which one do I trust? I tried to weigh myself again but it was the same number. Is my scale wrong possibly? Or should I just be happy. My eating habits hasnt changed and my work out hasnt changed. I just dont feel the 4 lb difference.


  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Doctor's scales aren't always balanced either. Pick the one that you will see most often. Don't weigh on diiferent peoples scales either. None are absolute so stick to one. Of course you need to go to your doctor at times, too, but don't stress over the difference. There are plenty of other things in our lives that cause stress we have no control over. I hope this helps.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    You said you were wearing clothes at the doc
    and not wearing clothes at home?
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    you just said you weighed a month ago on ur docs scales and now on urs?????
    you may have lost the 4lbs???

    just a thought
  • Minimooshable
    I weighed in my Dr's office at 2st lighter than I thought I was- well I know, no way was I 13st when I know full well I'm over 15st! So he took me to the nurses' office and weighed on their scales.... 16st. So I don't trust the Dr's scales at all, I bought a decent digital scale which measured in 0.2lb incliments and have stuck to it. The one in the Dr was the old fashioned one where you add weights to it!
  • Minimooshable
    Oh and this morning I weighed 2lb more with my pyjamas on than naked- yes, 2lb!
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    A lot of factors to take into account here. It was a month ago, you were fully clothed, different scales, and most importantly probably at different times of the day (weight can fluctuate 5lbs throughout the day).

    I would be happy with the -4lbs and just work from there.
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    My scale is nice, but weird. When I step on every morning, it'll read the weight I was the previous morning. So what I do is lift the basket where I keep my face wash, toothpaste, and stuff and weight myself with that to reset it. Then I re-weigh and it gives me a more accurate count. Also, try moving it around on a tile floor, I think the grooves can throw it off as well.

    I weigh myself in the morning with nothing on, clothes and shoes can add upwards of 5#.
  • Sindari
    Sindari Posts: 39 Member
    Doctor's scales are abused and rarely calibrated. Plus, you're clothed, maybe ate something (at least had a drink!), and weight fluctuates over the day.

    Stick to your scale, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. :-) Weigh yourself at the same time and under the same conditions. For example, get up, potty, brush teeth, and weigh naked. Just make it part of the routine.

    And if you need a little extra love from your scale, never weigh yourself until after you've -erm- dropped the kids at the pool. LOL
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    My doctor's scale reads 7 lbs. heavier than any other scale I've ever been on. Doc knows it's wrong, but won't change it because he's used to adjusting for it when he looks at a patient's weight. So I just go by what my old analog scale at home says. It seems fairly accurate--I've weighed 20- and 25-pound barbell plates on it, and they've been within 1/2 lb. of the marked weight.
  • 29candicanes
    29candicanes Posts: 30 Member
    Right, I didnt think I had on 4 lbs of clothes. Plus my clothes dont feel any differently on my body. Also the scale wasnt a digitally scale, its actually a balance scale.

    So should i change my weight amount on MFP? I dont my ticker to reflect a weight loss if I havent lost yet.