Ruzuki Member


  • Im going to buy myself a whole bag of fun size Twix tomorrow when candy goes on sale. Not too many calories so I can plan to eat one or two a day and plan my other meals around that. If I try to have none at all, Ill probably end up cheating and feeling awful about it so Im just going to plan it.
  • My profile picture is what I wore to a Halloween party last week... the party was music artist themed so my friends said we all have to go as a 'Hipster Band'. (We won the 'Best Use of Theme' award lol) For work today Im wearing my Necomimi. Well, wearing them sometimes, because theyre a bit heavy and give me a headache if…
  • How tall are you? For my height (5'3", pretty short), 111 is on the low end of healthy. Id say, if the scale has been being stubborn about going down while you are still being relatively healthy, you might be good where you are, and only have to worry about maintenance... This might be right where your body wants to be.
  • Congrats on losing so much! Keep in mind that these people are probably trying to compliment you, just going about it the wrong way... I have quite a few friends who are skinny, and some of them tell me constantly that theyre 'so fat', too. I tell them they look fine just as they are. I tell EVERYONE they look fine just…
  • Yes, obviously there are diseases that are caused/corelate with obesity. But changing the way we obtain food didnt cause them. Changing the way we prepare those foods, and quantity, caused obesity, which can cause disease, but not the food itself.
  • Looks like everyone else has addressed the point of calories. The reason all these diseases are 'coming out of the woodworks' is because modern medicine is advancing and finding out these diseases exist. The diseases were already there, but now we have new ways of diagnosing them.
  • Im on synthroid and Im losing. What kind of food are you eating?
  • Ive gotten a lot more conscious about what foods I am eating. If I end up eating out from a work social occasion I always try to research the restaurant first to find the low calorie options, and Im buying a lot more fresh fruit than I ever have before, and buying different brands... instead of always going for the cheap…
  • The reason people say its bad has something to do with your body thinking you are eating sugar and messing up your insulin. Something along those lines. I never paid much attention because I hate how all soda tastes anyways >.>
  • I wont quit because if I make myself get stubborn about something, I wont quit, so Im going to get stubborn about losing weight. And invested in losing weight already and I have no intention to lose that money.
  • Is named May, married, and born in 1986
  • Your ears are part of your sinuses too. Wear swimming earplugs.
  • This Ebola didnt start in Africa, Im pretty sure. Started in South America. And honestly, you dont have to worry about Ebola unless you touch the body fluids of someone who is infected. Its not like it can be transmitted through air.
  • No... I dont trust going to it now, either. At least not on my work computer. XD HYE surfed the web at work instead of actually working? (Not that Im doing that now, I have a break! lol)
  • Some guys like girls for their personalities, not their looks. I had several perfectly good relationships even though I was overweight, and often outweighed my boyfriends...
    in unlovable Comment by Ruzuki October 2014
  • Reading this thread has dashed my hopes of my boobs going down to something like an A cup...
  • lol, best way to start an argument is to mention anything controversial... religion, politics... I have no idea why a lot of science topics are controversial though. A fact is a fact. =/
  • There are people who CANT get some vaccines because of an allergy or medical condition. These people rely on something called 'herd immunity'. They rely on other people having gotten the vaccine, and thus being immune to it. If other people stop getting the vaccines, if they catch the virus they can transmit it to people…
  • I got a flu shot for the first time last year (no doctor ever offered to give me one before), and I was noticeably less sick during the flu season. Going to get one this month, my job has a free flu shot day for employees. :) I'm not very afraid of needles anymore, I get blood drawn a lot for tests. As long as I dont look…
  • Ive been playing Ar Tonelico 3(PS3), Mabonogi (PC MMO), and Minecraft (PC) mainly... There are a lot of other games I play but havent been touching them lately.
  • I'm on 1200 a day. Got a lot to lose.
  • Wow, your meals look so pretty! I might have to try making mine look prettier, it will probably help. Though Im not really having as much of an issue as I thought I would... once I put my mind to something I can sometimes surprise myself with how well I stick to it. Dont listen to anyone bashing your calorie intake, they…
  • I work full time at the moment (usually Im only 30 but Im covering for someone), and I take classes too. Its hard to fit in cooking real meals and stuff with my schedule. One of my classes is a swim class so that helps.
  • If your feeling depressed with no reason you should see a doctor. Depression can be caused by imbalances in the body and stuff, you might want to take pills for it. I have the same issue, I get anxious and depressed and I honestly have no reason to be because I am happy with my life in general (not happy about my weight…
  • Im interested in joining. =o How does it work?
  • I chew gum and drink water.
  • I get calls sometimes from 'Microsoft' or 'Dell' wanting to help me 'update' my computer and I string them along for a while being like "How do I turn this on again?" and "How do I open the internet?", and eventually I am like "Oh someones at the door can you call back?" and they're like "sure" and I never hear from them…
  • Ill send you a friend request! :)