Not getting anywhere? Here might be the reason why...



  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    This thread gave me the ebola
  • Ruzuki
    Ruzuki Posts: 136 Member
    edited October 2014
    Yeah.... if I don't proofread my stuff enough times, it comes out weird. On that topic, I believe there is a strong correlation between obesity, the amount of inherent and triggered diseases reported, and the change in process by which we obtain food. Some of this is unavoidable, as a population needs to be fed, and we all can't be hunter-gatherers.

    Yes, obviously there are diseases that are caused/corelate with obesity. But changing the way we obtain food didnt cause them. Changing the way we prepare those foods, and quantity, caused obesity, which can cause disease, but not the food itself.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    This thread gave me the ebola

    LAUGHSSSSSSSS OMG laughssssssssss
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    OP, question. Carbs, say you eat them and they either get use right away as energy or stored as fat, how do glycogen work?

    Quoting myself^^^

    sorry...couldn't see that through all the mudflinging.

    Carbs get used by the body for energy (expended into the atmosphere and recycled in some form or fashion), stored as glycogen for future use, or stored in the muscle and fat tissue as a reserve for when the glycogen gets depleted.

    If you exercise, the body will use carbohydrates from what can easily be digested, then it will dip into the reserve glycogen, and then it will have to figure out another energy source. Once it gets to that might experience fatigue as it runs out. that is why if you go though a heavy workout, you will need to replenish with gatorade or something to continue. That is what the wall is (the point of physical exhaustion when working out where you feel wirey or empty).
    How often do you think that someone that is eating at a caloric deficit will have glycogen stores in the muscle and liver maxed out?

    Do you think that someone who is participating in strength training or other training will be fully depleted of glycogen during training? Does the body at any point burn fat while training?

    In my personal experience, I have discovered that my exercise routines have been lengthened by reducing my carb intake. I eat minimal carbs, and although I have not started measuring glucose levels, I know that my body is not relying on glycogen for primary energy. It is not relying on it because I am training it to not do so.

    As I have learned from multiple sources, fat is burned extensively when weight training, as the body burns fat more efficiently at a lower heart rate. However, I think that if you eat something before working out, and then work out in the "fat burning" mode, you will not burn fat at an optimal rate as the body will first use the nutrients in the food being digested. There is a complex process for how the body can use fat cells. If it is not in that fat burning mode, you won't get as much out of your workout as you might think, IMO. I do not know the physical processes for why this is, but as stated above, my body can go much farther for longer than I could when I was eating over 50% carbs. I can do a full 1000 calorie burn workout, or a 2 hour weight training session before breakfast, and know I am burning fat, but -most- people who rely on carbohydrates must eat something either before or while working out to sustain, as their body has burned through the food that was being digested overnight and it is looking for more. I have tried working out before breakfast when I was eating mostly carbs, and my personal experience left me light headed, hungry, and empty shortly into the routine.

    Even if I don't work out in the morning, I usually don't have to eat for about 4-6 hours after I wake up. I know my body is in a fat burning mode because of this. I am satiated, and while my meals are heavy when I do eat, I don't need to eat as frequently. Where people can sometimes go wrong is when they eat many meals a day, and have more opportunity to overeat.

    Back to your initial question, though: It depends on how much glycogen you have stored. Since there is a finite amount of stored glycogen in your body, it has to be burned through at some point. But at a lower heart rate, you are telling your body to try to burn the fat. If the carbs are mostly taken out of the equation (and therefore the max glycogen stores), then it makes sense that the body is already using the fat for most energy output, and weight lifting will accelerate the fat burn.

  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    edited October 2014
    Well, science disagrees with you.

  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Yeah.... if I don't proofread my stuff enough times, it comes out weird. On that topic, I believe there is a strong correlation between obesity, the amount of inherent and triggered diseases reported, and the change in process by which we obtain food. Some of this is unavoidable, as a population needs to be fed, and we all can't be hunter-gatherers. But my hypothesis is simply that the conventional wisdom that says we should eat between 50-70% carbohydrates for healthy weight loss and good overall health is wrong. The body only stores two things in mass quantities: fat and protein. It stores very little carbohydrates as sugar, in comparison. So if a person eats 50-70% carbohydrates and works at a desk job where they are typically close to their non-sleeping BMR, how can they possible use the amount of energy that the body wants to use? that energy has to go somewhere, and it cannot be destroyed. So if you cant use it, and the reserves are full, where else will it go? How do you explain being hungry by lunchtime even though you haven't used all that energy? Keep in mind, I am talking to the sedentary person, not the personal trainer. The personal trainer can most likely eat cake all day and not get fat (although, they might have a bevy of other issues haha).

    More questions:

    How does the body store protein?
    some of it goes to the muscles, the rest gets broken down and goes many other places throughout the body, but it is mostly not used for frontline energy
    The body does not use sugar/carbs for storage? Where did you get that from?
    I am not sure what you mean by that.
    From breakfast to lunch time you don't believe we burn energy?
    Of course you burn energy. But if you at a 600 calorie breakfast, and only burn 250 of it in that, say, 4 hour time span, it would make sense that that energy has to be stored. Since you are eating again at lunch, the body uses that energy first, and so on and so forth.

    Why are you trying now to apply your theories that you claim are for an overall sedentary person to the people on this site where the majority participate in some kind of physical activity?
    1. Sedentary does not mean you do nothing at all in the day. I don't know the proportions of who is sedentary or who is completely active all day every day. There are a lot of people who come on here that are NOT active all day, and have jobs where they sit for 8-10 hours per day. For instance, I am a sedentary college student, as I sit on my butt a lot of the day in class or doing homework. But I do things that are active throughout the day and I record them as exercise. As a generalization, people who have active lifestyles are not overweight, as they have a harder time overeating, and therefore this post does not apply to them. As another generalization, people who are sedentary for most the day can more easily overeat, and are -generally- more obese than the former.

  • dlbaron
    dlbaron Posts: 79 Member
    in for the lolz
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    in for idiocy ….
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I think M finally stumped him, it might be over.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    edited October 2014
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    eric_sg61 wrote: »

    For carbohydrate, the body’s stores are relatively close to the daily intake. A normal non-carb loaded person may store 300-400 grams of muscle glycogen, another 50 or so of liver glyogen and 10 or so in the bloodstream as free glucose. So let’s say 350-450 grams of carbohydrate as a rough average. On a relatively normal diet of 2700 calories, if a person eats the ‘recommended’ 60% carbs, that’s 400 grams. So about the amount that’s stored in the body already.
    For this reason, the body is extremely good at modulating carbohydrate oxidation to carbohydrate intake. Eat more carbs and you burn more carbs (you also store more glycogen); eat less carbs and you burn less carbs (and glycogen levels drop). This occurs for a variety of reasons including changing insulin levels (fructose, for example, since it doesn’t raise insulin, doesn’t increase carbohydrate oxidation) and simple substrate availability. And, as it turns out, fat oxidation is basically inversely related to carbohydrate oxidation.
    So when you eat more carbs, you burn more carbs and burn less fat; eat less carbs and you burn less carbs and burn more fat. And don’t jump to the immediate conclusion that lowcarb diets are therefore superior for fat loss because lowcarb diets are also higher in fat intake (generally speaking). You’re burning more fat, but you’re also eating more. But that’s a topic that I’ve not only addressed previously on the site but may look at in more detail in a future article with this piece as background."

    Okay, I might have been wrong in my understanding of carbs and their getting stored as fat. That might be false. I like the article, and I will have to read more from it.
    It does resound my notion that if you eat more carbs, you will burn less fat, though, as the article infers that as more carbs come in, carbs have to come out, and the body will not be able to access maximum fat burn as it is emitting the energy from the glycogen stores. So, if you eat a granola bar before working out, you are not getting the maximum "fat burn" that it may say you are on the treadmill. Infact...the article says you wouldn't even be close to it.
    Thank you for providing something....
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    For the complex process of carbs to fat conversion:

    I can agree with a calorie deficit. If you are eating too much food in general, you will gain weight. But simply put, you cannot burn fat if your body is expecting carbs, and is burning energy that is stored as glycogen.

    These are not academic articles. Also none of them actually back up what you're saying. Let me break it down for you.

    People eat carbs - yay calories \o/
    They eat too many carbs :(:( and gain weight
    They eat fewer carbs that don't give them enough calories to maintain their body as is. The body eats the carbs it does get up and then also takes from the fat cells to keep necessary functions going.

    Calories in, calories out. If your body burns more (through your BMR and daily activity) than you eat you will lose body fat (and some lean tissues also) because that's what fat stores are for - times of scarcity. I'm honestly not seeing what you don't grasp about this process. Do you honestly think someone could eat 1000 calories of pure carbohydrate and yet not lose body fat?

    I think people are assuming I am working in absolutes. I am not. It is my fault for not being specific. As I said to another poster, my presentation could be better. Carbohydrate intake inhibits fat burn, and carbohydrates get digested fast, so most people on a high-carbohydrate diet eat more frequently. Since the body will use the carbohydrates and glycogen reserves first, as it converts to energy quicker than fat does, you will burn less fat if you eat carbohydrates throughout the day. It is like paying the minimum payment on the mortgage. You are paying mostly interest, and very little principle.

    I could sit here and cite a bunch of sources for people on everything I say, but that is not my point. I simply want to get the hamster turning the wheel for the people that are stuck.
    I am sorry for overlooking your statements.
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
    Cool story bro
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited October 2014
    MrM27 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    in for idiocy ….

    Yeah, it's really not worth it. The fundamental science isn't there and debating would mean having to begin with breaking it down in order to even start debating......

    Im still waiting for any "fundamental" science (besides the one that told me I was -partially- wrong) that tells me I am completely wrong. I don't have that. Instead, I get a bunch of people that tell me I am an idiot and leave it at that. Science is about learning, so if you just tell me I am an idiot, and you don't tell me why, you do not support science. I have not made ONE insult to any of you, so why must you make some to me? List your sources that tell me I am an idiot. Please. I would really like to know....
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