

  • Could always expand on Conway's work. Start creating your own rituals, spells, and really I think that is why the books are basic. It's just a foundation to allow for the growth of the individual. Otherwise might start researching other cultures and figure out where all their dragon stories are, and see if you can piece…
  • I've had a dermal in my cheek, labret, ears five times, and my nipples. Nipps hurt the most, but it was the lip piercing that weirded me out because I could hear it crunch through the fibers. Overall they are not that bad though. Also did a suspension wtih 4 8g hooks. Talk about intense!
  • I realized that I used to think that people were talking about me, even if I didn't hear them say anything. That is a self esteem struggle, and it sucks. Trust me, I know. This is were affirmations, and writing down lists about your good qualities, and making sure you only have supportive people in your life really counts.…
  • I had a huge addiction to sugar, one of the main problems is a candida overgrowth in the intestines. That stuff will make you crave, and if you take steps to clear it out, you'll start to see it gets bad before it gets better. Look that over and see if the symptoms fit. Then look at the…
  • I have a net, after uploading the armband (which I couldn't do until now) of 2400 calories in a day, BMR. So I should be eating 1400 calories to loose 2lbs a week. Ok, so I need to eat a little more. Just wanted to make sure I'm getting the calculations right. Thanks for the link!
  • You can find all the recipes online. Sometimes people will say it's not really "Paleo." I like it because it has a lot of gluten-free and dairy free recipes. So It helps get some ideas without having to try and figure out how to replace things I'm allergic too. I like the meals so far. But I eat rice and potatoes too. So…
  • Outback does a gluten free menu. They also make gluten free desert brownie. I was pretty happy to find that out.
  • The reason I'm fat. I gave up on myself. Pure and simple. I didn't think I was good enough to really put any effort into my health. Depression, mood swings and all that didn't help. I felt sick all the time, even when I would hit the gym for two months, I didn't loose weight. Then I found out I had Celiacs Disease…
  • My chest (which I have a total of 10 hours, with 3 more to go) was the worst. Every session I had to get up from the table and try not to hyperventilate. Though I figured out once I started to get super pissed off, I felt much better.
  • What do you train in? Starting Krav Maga classes again. Took Ryu ju-jitsu in highschool When did you start? Next week. Who inspires you? Martial Artists. Biggest Accomplishment? Let you know in a couple months.
  • I moved into a three bedroom house, which is cheap to rent out here in the Az. Before that I was in a small apartment. I sat down at my alter and said "If there's a house around I can rent, affordable, and I can make the move, I'll dedicate a room to you guys." So I did. I work primarily indoors, but it's a permanent…
  • I haven't had any mood swings since being gluten free. I eat a lot of fish, so I don't take the supplements.
  • Remember that healing requires energy too, so your body might think it needs that extra weight. Have you tried any type of detox protocols? Maybe you have Candida or something else that is also effecting you. Just some ideas.
  • I have had more reactions now that I've been gluten free for a few months. But it's only bloating and cramping, and that's only if I eat something with gluten. Not contact sensitive, but I might have gotten to that point if I kept eating wheat. I started looking into it because I just felt fatigue, tired, joints hurt,…
  • My name is Callie, I'm 30 years old, gamer girl. I love Roleplaying Games. Currently in a Shadowrun game. Have been gaming for about 15 years now. I used to LARP all the time! Stopped because of drama and had other things on my plate. Though after I get back in shape I may go back for a little bit. I love costuming! I want…
  • Star Wars for me all the way. I got really bored of WoW early on and have been waiting for this game forever! :D
  • Thanks everyone! I'm totally addicted to food logging already. I like numbers, maybe it's the gamer in me.
  • Well met! My name is Callie and I am eclectic, and solitary pagan. I work with Archangels, but focus mostly on Kemetic/Egyptian deities first and foremost. I have a working relationship with most deities, and have everything from Elegua to Genasha in my prayer room. I'm a big fan of the gatekeepers and tricksters. They…