Sugar addiction HELP...

Any former sugar addicts managed to curb the cravings?
I crave it like crazy and stuggling...


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  • mmarcy7
    mmarcy7 Posts: 227 Member
    Yes, for me the answer was to stop eating wheat. Donuts, cakes, cookies, yes they contain sugar, but they also contain the wheat/sugar combo. When I stopped eating anything with wheat, the cravings went away. I still eat the occasional ice cream, but without the wheat I don't get the out of control cravings. On the rare occasion I do slip up and eat wheat, for example I had some apple crisp, I have to do the sugar detox all over again, with the cravings and crap. Not saying it's true for every sugar addict, but for me it sure is. I can't have just a little cake/cookies. I have to just forget about them and I'm fine with that. If I need something sweet I eat dark chocolate or a little ice cream or pudding (full fat). Nothing with fake sugar in it. I use steevia if I need a sweetener in something.
  • Wezlfuss
    Wezlfuss Posts: 122 Member
    I used to be reeeally bad about overeating sugary products >.<. Like, REALLY bad. I'm kinda surprised I'm not diabetic. I still do struggle with it today. Anyway,
    you just have to realize that if you don't cut down, you're not gonna get to where you wanna be. I still sneak them into my diet today, but I make sure I stay under my goal as well.

    The trick for me was giving myself limited access to the things that I know I have too much of. If I buy sweets, I never buy more than one serving (no boxes of donuts or cookies), because I know whatever I do get won't last till the end of the day.

    ETA: Don't try to deny yourself what you are craving, though. Whenever I tried that, I would eventually break down and eat a ridiculous amount of whatever I wanted at the time. Just go out and buy a small candy bar, then burn it off if you've gone over your limit.

    avg. candybar = 220 cal, hour of walking = about 300 cal((for me at least))

    It's tough, but trust me, it does get easier.
  • CaptainHandsome
    CaptainHandsome Posts: 127 Member
    make it a treat at the end of a week of keeping a good diet, or even at the end of the day (but keep it under your calorie ceiling)

    tell yourself "if i do this, this and this, then i can have this"
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    being in ketosis cures me. cutting it all out cold turkey. you;;l feel like poop for a few days while you detox but it's so worth it.
    no cravings for french fries, donuts, ice cream, anything carby/sugary.

    i can't do moderation so very low carb works wonders for me.
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    What normally works for me is if I HAVE to eat something with sugar, I eat what satisfies my craving, then eat something healthy. That way the taste of healthy food is left in my mouth, not sugar.

    Sugar is addicting - the more you eat the more your body craves it. If you can eliminate sugar, you will find yourself not craving it as much.
  • Thanks for the replies.
    I think from tomorrow i'm going to just go cold turkey and cut it all out, even fruit.
  • charlena48
    charlena48 Posts: 192 Member
    I thought I had to have something sugary/dessert with lunch and dinner because it was how my family ate when I was growing up. At the beginning of the year I just cut sugar out completely. I read Jorge Cruise's Belly Fat Cure to get me going. I lost 7 lbs. and then got stuck. I then went to adding fruit back into my diet and eating very healthy. I've lost 16 lbs. so far. That's about half of my goal and I feel so much bettter. Also, I don't crave food like I used to. Good luck!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Also look out on line for Radiant Recovery ( - this is a community that help each other get around sugar addiction and will help you understand why sugar messes you up. Stopping is good - staying stopped can be difficult because of out biochemistry so understanding what is going on can help you.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    ps the solution I find that works best is to eliminate sugar from my diary - a little bit can set me off again so I find it best to leave it alone completely. Sometimes I don't and I suffer but most of the time I just leave it alone :-)
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    "£ETA: Don't try to deny yourself what you are craving, though. Whenever I tried that, I would eventually break down and eat a ridiculous amount of whatever I wanted at the time. Just go out and buy a small candy bar, then burn it off if you've gone over your limit. "

    I disagree - if you give in to the craving and you are sugar addicted you will have an even bigger craving - best to leave it alone completely.
  • tatebos
    tatebos Posts: 29 Member
    Sugar has been the hardest thing for me to control. At first it was not even one of the food groups that I was tracking, but when I did start tracking it, I discovered how little of it that I am supposed to have daily. I still go over my limit almost everyday, even though I am under in almost every other catagory except for protein and sometimes fiber. I have discovered that if I have more than two servings of fruit in one day I am at or over my sugar intake for the day. It seems to be extra hard during the summer when fresh fruit is so plentiful. I think the best thing to do is to track it daily and at least try and stay close to the limit and try to get most or all of your sugar naturally. If you like chocolate here is one of my favorite low sugar treats and it is about 200 calories:

    Makes 3 servings:

    One box of sugar free chocolate pudding prepared with two cups of cold skim milk
    two table spoons of crunchy peanut butter, mixed with two tablespoons skim milk and then mixed with two tablespoons of lite cool whip
    In a tall glass scoop 1/3 pudding, 1/3 of the peanut butter mixture, then 1 more scoop of the pudding and top with 1 tablespoon of the lite cool whip

    This is my favorite treat and I reward myself with it about once a week and it only has 3 grams of sugar!!!! When I eat I feel like I had a high calorie sweet treat!
  • I was in a rut for ages and I ate heaps of sugary crap every night. I heard that almonds are a healthy snack, so i bought a bag of em, roasted them under the grill for a few minutes,and took them to work. In the first week, i ate so many that it probably wasn't helpful with theweight loss. But, because every time i felt like sugary food i ate those instead, i think my stomach shrank, and pretty much i broke my sugar addiction for the most part within a week. I would recommend that...
  • I have cut sugar out before (I mean all including fruit, wheat etc) and I never onced craved it. Once I have a little bit, I go crazy. Maybe its more a mental issue?
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
  • I had a huge addiction to sugar, one of the main problems is a candida overgrowth in the intestines. That stuff will make you crave, and if you take steps to clear it out, you'll start to see it gets bad before it gets better.

    Look that over and see if the symptoms fit. Then look at the stages of the cleanse, the diet which if you have chronic candida will take awhile to clear out and manage. I take the caprylic acid(anti fungal) and probiotics. The withdrawals/die off symptoms were rough the first week, but the cravings have started to go away.

    Might be something that can help you.
  • esphixiet
    esphixiet Posts: 214 Member
    being in ketosis cures me. cutting it all out cold turkey. you;;l feel like poop for a few days while you detox but it's so worth it.
    no cravings for french fries, donuts, ice cream, anything carby/sugary.

    i can't do moderation so very low carb works wonders for me.

    Couldn't agree more with this!! Ketosis is what "cured" me of the cravings. Since then I've incorporated a few more carbs (want to stay under 60, but haven't been managing that lately with all the awesome fruit available locally!), but I still don't crave carbs or sugar.

    The secret is: you have to find what works for your body and your mind.
  • I love my chocolate BUT I find lower calorie ways to get it.Vitatops Deep Chocolate.We warm them up and put some fat free whipped cream on top.OMG Super yummmmy and only 105 calories. Vitatops are full of all sorts of vitamins and such. Its just like chocolate cake. Even my 11 yr old gobbles it up. Thats what helps me. I don't deny myself my craving.I find a better choice. :)
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    I'm a sugar addict too. I find that if I eat fruit when I get the craving then it doesn't perpetuate the cravings.