Why are you fat???



  • jovz10
    jovz10 Posts: 531 Member
    got sick when i had my two kids, preclamsia on the other (high blood pressure) and gestational diabetes on the other (put on special diet). and, my over active thyroid (my helper) went away... just accepted all the weight and got lazy (stayed at home). We also eat out a lot (vietnamese food, chinese all u can eat and mexican burrito)
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    I eat too much and exercise too little! :)

    This really is the bottom line in most cases, including mine. That's why eating less and moving more is so damn effective.
  • I ate too much junk and sat on my *kitten* too much.
  • Seamoan87
    Seamoan87 Posts: 106
    A couple reasons I guess. Depression, sleep and anxiety medication (Seroquel makes you less of a human and more of a zombie) I had a sit down job and didn't realize how much I was eating and how big i was getting. I gained 40 pounds during that stage. Lost about 25 of it and gained back almost half of that when I dated my ex cause we sat around and ate alot. Never letting that happen again.
  • BeanyFrog13
    BeanyFrog13 Posts: 161 Member
    1) Going from an active job to a sedentary one.
    2) Going from walking 45mins to work and back to getting the bus everyday.
    3) Stopping all exercise and yet still eating like 1 and 2 hadn't happened.
    4) Comfort eating.

    The biggest factors in my weight gain though have been eating too much and eating the wrong things.

    The best part about knowing all this? Finding this place, and FINALLY losing some of that weight :D

  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    After my hubby got cancer I focused on him Nd then having a family. Forgot to take care of myself and realized I can't help others if I don't care for myself!

    Plus I hate veggies and meat. Love sweets and junk food!
  • I went on a medication when I was 17. The average weight gain for people on this medication was 50lbs a year. I was on it for a year and a half and gained 150 lbs. There was a recent class-action lawsuit against the company behind the drug, because not only did many people gain a ton of weight, but many developed diabetes as well. I was lucky enough to not develop diabetes, but as a teenage girl, a 150 lbs weight gain was horrific enough.
  • snuggs66
    snuggs66 Posts: 6 Member
    I have always been overweight since I was a child as I'm a comfort food eater but when I weighed myself in November what I saw gave me the shock of my life. I hadn't realized just how much I had let myself go when I saw that I weighed 209 pounds so I got on the Wii and tried to dance to Just Dance 3. I have very little or no coordination so it did look very comical to anyone watching me. Anyway after a couple of weeks I weighed myself on the Wii which I know isn't very accurate and I had lost 4 pounds!! Yippee I thought to myself and that was when I joined MFP at the end of November and have lost a further 5 pounds so far since joining.

    The slimmest I have ever been was for my wedding 22 years ago when I weighed 126 pounds and that is what I am aiming to get to again and I'm getting there slowly but surely but it is very hard work.
  • mochama12487
    mochama12487 Posts: 130 Member
    Many reasons. I believe part of it was I went undiagnosed hypothyroid for many years, and while I am controlled now, it's still hard to lose weight. Growing up, I was not allowed some junk food things, so I would sneak them and binge eat, which I still sometimes do today. I have knee issues which often times prevent me from exercising because I am in a lot of pain. My gene pool is horrible.... I do not have a single healthy-weighted person in my family. And finally, I let all these excuses add up to an even bigger reason that I am fat, and don't always have the self control to tell myself it's because I make poor choices, not because of the cards I have been dealt.
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    Guess because I lack self-control! Working on it...
  • Legally_Natural
    Legally_Natural Posts: 101 Member
    Stress from law school and eating everything my boyfriend ate when we first got together.
  • The reason I'm fat. I gave up on myself. Pure and simple. I didn't think I was good enough to really put any effort into my health. Depression, mood swings and all that didn't help. I felt sick all the time, even when I would hit the gym for two months, I didn't loose weight. Then I found out I had Celiacs Disease (gluten/wheat allergy), and a candida infestation in my intestines(craving sugar like no other). I've taken way too many antibiotics in the last four years, so I needed the healthy stuff back in.

    Then to my surprise weight started falling off as soon as I stopped eating wheat, sulfides, stopped using floride (which can cause hypothyroid) went on the candida diet, followed by the paleo diet. I felt like I broke a curse. I started believing in myself again. That was two months ago. Now I'm 20 lbs lighter and still losing.
  • I hated myself because i was fat (whole family are) and then theres the bullying and lack of friends at school so i comfort ate whenever i felt down or upset and then being a total nerd i would sit at home studying/playing computer games instead of doing any sort of exercise.

    So bottom line ate too much, moved too little
  • lackofnames3
    lackofnames3 Posts: 30 Member
    My history went like this: ALways struggled with wieght and gained more from emotional/stress eating..Got very healthy in college..went on Birth control right before I got married(screwed up my hormones!!!!!)...which led to weight gain-got depressed about the said weight gain...got pregnant--lost weight went through some traumatic events-emotional eating again--another baby--went back to work--had little time to workout--went through financial crisis---got pregnant again thinking our security of a job was there--job loss in the middle of the thrd pregnancy--emotional and stress eating..well, eating high carb meals bc they could be bought in bulk....now Im here..on this web site and I joined a gym and have a handful of obtainable goals: )
  • lackofnames3
    lackofnames3 Posts: 30 Member
    wow, those meds can do way more harm than good!!
  • sonjawi
    sonjawi Posts: 46
    - Got married. I don't eat alone, so when I am in a relation, I eat more. My husband likes to cook and won't give up "bad" cooking habits as frying food and the like.

    - Moved to the US. In Germany I only had access to a limited amount of fast food. The US is fast food paradise and on every corner is another one, and of course I had to try them all!

    - Quit smoking. Did not change my eating habits, but it seemed that the pounds came flying.

    - Went from a job were I had to stand 4 to 5 hours a day to being unemployed enjoying the TV program for 4 to 5 hours a day *lol*

    - Enjoy food way too much! I have too many foods I can't leave alone when they are around, and my husband tends to "spoil" me with a cupcake here, an empanada there, going out to eat several nights a week.

    After all, not enough self discipline and lacking the motivation to lose. But after reaching size 12 I told myself this is the end of the upslope and something has to give :). In this case, my butt needs to get off the couch more.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    For me it is really simple. I LOVE bad food. I LOOOOOOOOVE fast food and all junk food. I LOVE to eat until I feel like I am going to explode.

    I HATE working out. I HATE eating healthy food. I HATE almost all fruits and veggies. I HATE being hungry.

    I could say it is because of my PCOS or my brain tumor or my thyroid, and I'm sure these have played a part in it, but the simply face is I love to eat and I love to eat bad food. And I hate getting off my lazy *kitten* and doing anything.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Never had to watch what I ate as a teen, but then I got married and had four babies.
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    I'd like to blame pregnancy, but I can't.

    I'd like to blame soda, that damn addicting fizzy satan, but I can't.

    I'd like to blame being run over by a large truck and being stuck in the ICU for a week, then on serious restrictions for the past 5 years, but I can't.

    Why can't I? Because I was fat before that. I'm fat because I didn't hold myself accountable for the things that I put into my body. I skipped meals in favor of grabbing a sugary drink from the vending machine and heading down to the school library. When I did eat, it was pizza, chips, glorious white carbohydrates. When I finally did diet, I went vegetarian for 40 days. I lost 40 pounds. Why? Because I was eating vegetable soup every day. It wasn't healthy. I was weak, tired and so, so sick. I tore into my first serving of bacon wrapped meat on that 41st day and gained most of that weight back.

    I'm fat because of me. I will lose this weight because I am undoing the damage that I caused. No one can take credit for my gain, but an entire network of support will be able to share in my victory.
  • ogosun
    ogosun Posts: 175 Member
    You mean "large framed" a nicer terminology..... or i should say politically correct way to say it... oh whatever it is.....hahhahahaha

    Eating too much sweeeetttiiiieeeessssss....
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