Why are you fat???



  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Used to be able to say "I'll burn it off tomorrow" & it would work because I'd burn 1,500-3,000 calories a day with my training. Kept that mindset after I quit swimming, and developed a junk food addiction. Started with ice cream and chocolate and candy, went to food, now it's a little of everything & being lazy.
  • phoenixnichole
    There are so many reasons why I am fat! Having four children, lacking the time or motivation to exercise (ESPECIALLY when it's cold outside), eating when I am bored and not when I am really hungry, familial patterns of cooking with lots of fat (my mother never met a stick of butter that she didn't like...lol), and eating when I get stressed out. (I kid you not, years ago when I took my nursing boards, I thought I had totally failed it. I went to the nearest Wendy's and got the triple cheeseburger meal.Pummeled it in 10 minutes. Turns out I was stressing for nothing b/c I passed on the first try. I felt soooo horrible for eating that greasy cheeseburger!!!) I am trying to break the endless cycle and eat healthier. I just need to stay focused......:-D
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    I blame college and my football/soccer team :P

    When I was playing football for my local side I was super fit but back in 2008 the team fell apart due to lack of players and since then I felt my fitness take a serious dip. I used to be the fastest 200m in my school (and we had some FAST girls!) but the following year, I went to run for sports day and was knackered 130m around (faked an injury to hide my failure)

    Whilst I still did a lot of sport at school (football, badminton, volleyball and used the gym once a week) I still lost my fitness and began to put on weight. Whilst it wasn't a lot, it still came on.

    Then, when I started College, I didn't have the opportunity to do sport anymore. I had no local clubs to join and I was at College from 7am-6pm daily, tons of work and no time to do anything else. That's where I gained most of my weight.

    I've also had a few medical issues lately with ovarian cysts causing major abdominal pain almost constantly for two years until I got on the pill.
  • phoenixnichole
    There are so many reasons why I am fat! Having four children, lacking the time or motivation to exercise (ESPECIALLY when it's cold outside), eating when I am bored and not when I am really hungry, familial patterns of cooking with lots of fat (my mother never met a stick of butter that she didn't like...lol), and eating when I get stressed out. (I kid you not, years ago when I took my nursing boards, I thought I had totally failed it. I went to the nearest Wendy's and got the triple cheeseburger meal.Pummeled it in 10 minutes. Turns out I was stressing for nothing b/c I passed on the first try. I felt soooo horrible for eating that greasy cheeseburger!!!) I am trying to break the endless cycle and eat healthier. I just need to stay focused......:-D
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    I was an emotional eater.Now Im an emotional exerciser.
  • oberon0124
    oberon0124 Posts: 10,527 Member
    Simple I was selfish and thought of no one but me, plain and simple!!!!!
  • famlyluv
    famlyluv Posts: 206 Member
    portion uncontrol and no meaningful exercise. after two babies i am on my way to my goal weight of 135!!
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    I ate too much and moved too little.
  • cryspetstalerson
    My reasons? I stress out a lot about this. I used to think it was because I was lazy ( this was back when I was doing Zumba a few times a week, and eating healthy) Still no luck in weight loss. I lost a bit, but not much. Then I saw a doctor who diagnosed me with PCOS, and I found out my body just doesn't process sugar the right way. I have to work a little harder than others, which is why I don't set any long term goals. I am in pain a lot of the time, from PCOS and Endometriosis. I basically feel like I am in labor most of the time ( I have had one kid so I know what that feels like). After I talked to the doctor, I realized it wasn't because I was lazy, because with the way my work outs were, there is no way I was lazy.
    Oh also a lot of my issues started after I had a sit down job. I had always had issues, but thought a sit down job would be better for me. I shot up 100 pounds after that. :(
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    I am OBESE... Because... I like pizza, hot wings, alcohol, cheese, pasta...and I was lazy! also if we want to blame (it was all me!) ... when I was pregnant I was like nom nom nom nom! and gained 60lbs

    :glasses: good thing im awesome now...
  • Yotulip
    Yotulip Posts: 2 Member
    I eat too much and exercise too little! :)
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    I was very overweight as a child. I lost about 90 pounds ten years ago and kept it off for almost five years. I gained about 20 pounds with my first son, but couldn't lose it due to the antidepressant my doc put me on for severe postpartum depression. We ended up having to have fertility treatments to conceive our second child. In the course of four treatment cycles, I gained 30 pounds. I finally switched meds, so I am able to start losing the weight now. I can't say it is all these circumstances, because I do have a tendency to eat more when I am stressed.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I am fat because I got deathly ill, in ICU for 3 weeks. Then I was unable to smoke. For the next year I was weak, had many issues, had to stop working and was fed 3 meals a day, which I had never eaten my whole life. Now it is almost 3 years later and I gained 60 pounds. I have never been this fat. I am annoyed because I didn't enjoy my fat, didn't party, didn't eat out of emotions, I didnt do anything, I just got sick. Now, I have hormonal issues, hip issues, heart issues, kidney issues. I was healthy up until 3 years ago. I was always average weight. I am on a 1000 calorie diet. I was told by 3 of my specialist doctors, that if I wanted to lose weight this is what I need to do. It comes off so slowly due to my age, my lack of high impact exercise and loss of muscle which happens when you get older. That is why I am fat..and depressed too.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I love food. I love pretty much all food. I have not come across any food that I do not like. Works in my favor with veggies....I am taking this from Galegetsthin.....I feel ya...I pretty much like all foods from all ethnic backgrounds so I am game for any and all foods....plus I really never learned "LIMITS" that is why I will always use sites like this.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    My reasons :

    underactive thyroid
    two pregnancies
    I love food!!!

    That last one is the worst, lol!
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    Lazy works for me, too. Just never developed the exercise habit. By the time I got to university (with it's wonderful athletic facilities that I was paying for in fees), I had so little exposure to gyms and exercise that I stayed away for fear of looking foolish. Aside from the odd game of pick-up basketball or volleyball, the only times I set foot in the gym were when I was reporting on games for the school paper. In hindsight, the choice to stay away was far more foolish than how I would have looked sweating away in the gym.

    Most of my 20s were spent working long, odd hours around freight trains. The walking and climbing on and off box cars helped, but I more than made up for it with far too many hours in front of the tv and computer.

    By the time I got into my 30s, with a desk job and some health issues, I was a poster child for hypertension, prediabetes and just about any other fancy term there is for being fat and unhealthy. After a few false starts, I am on my way now. I know my way around a gym and don't feel that out of place out on the trails lumbering along amongst the runners. I'm a success story in progress.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I used to eat whatever I wanted vs what I actually should eat.

    'Everything in moderation' doesn't fly with me, cause I'd eat all of it til it's gone.
  • Heidi1987
    Heidi1987 Posts: 191 Member
    I am an emotional eater, and eat when I am sad or upset over something. but if I am completely honest with myself I am greedy, and I eat when I am not hungry, often because I am bored or when I feel that i should be eating ( if it is lunch time and i'm not hungry).
    I don't think laziness has ever really been that much of an issue as I have always gone to a gym, walked and swam regularly, just stuffed my face when i get home!

    I am still dealing with the unhealthy relationship I have with food, but I getting there!
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    I posted in Success Stories first and thought I guess this wouldn't really be a "Success Stories" kind of post. Sorry you guys. It's my first post...

    I love this topic. I think it helps people understand how to achieve their success stories so in essence it can belong here. Don't let people talk down to you. To those 3 people who posted to be little smart-alecks there were several others who posted to gain an understanding of why they put on the weight. Great Job :-)

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