Why are you fat???



  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    The down to the nitty gritty reason why I am fat is because I wasn't eating right or exercising..doing all of the things we should be doing. However, I have made great strides in the past two years, losing a total of 80lbs. This past October I got lazy in working out and eating right and gained 20 of it back. Was involved in campaigns, vacation and the holidays and I just plain ol' ate crap during that time frame. I do not blame those events for the reason why I am fat. Instead I evaluated what I did during that time, how I ate and then decided where I needed to make changes. One thing for sure.... I am back on track and making sure my food is prepared and packed before I leave the door. Eating on the run is my downfall. I am trying to make it a habit to get in at least 20-30 minutes as soon as I get up, in case my day gets hairy and I cannot make it to the gym. I have 12lbs more to go to get that dang 20 lbs off I gained!! ugggh
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    I was just curious about the different reasons some of us are fat...ahem...excuse me...I mean overweight or in my case OBESE (according to BMI).
    My reasons are as follow: Over the last 4 years I started a relationship, quit smoking (HOORAY FOR ME but here comes the fat), planned a wedding, went on a honeymoon cruise (they feed you SOOO much), got married, then pregnant (actually the pregnancy came just before the wedding, but who's counting), finished everything my pregnant wife couldn't eat (morning sickness), stop working out altogether (but continued to pay them :huh: ), finished everything my toddler wouldn't eat, and bing eating. WOW!!! So that's why I'm fat. What's your deal???

    My health which has seemed to deteriorate since having my daughter, snapped out of it some what then I had my son which made things worse. Had a nervous breakdown, found out I have fibromyalgia and M.E. which then I turned to food to make me feel better. now I have high Cholesterol... so it's really time to kick the bad habits.
  • dancinonwater
    dancinonwater Posts: 18 Member
    My over-eating started as me just being a stupid kid thinking I could eat whatever I wanted. At first, I didn't even notice that I was gaining. Then my anxiety disorder started to get out of control (it has gotten worse as I've gotten older) and I started to eat to calm my anxiety and stress. I am an emotional eater, and, although I'm technically still in the healthy zone, I know that my emotional eating will be the death of me if I don't stop while I'm young. I was even starting to really lose weight, but then some stuff came up and life got tough again, so I started stead eating once more. But I say once more on purpose because I don't every want to get into that never ending circle of stress eating again! Food is fuel, and although it may seem to curb emotions, its only temporary.
  • mdkrmom
    I quit smoking (YEAH for me) and I like rum. I am going to give that up.
  • mdkrmom
    I know all about that--do I want to be happy or fat. I just want a happy medium!
  • ohkaity
    ohkaity Posts: 18
    I've been overweight my whole life. I was first aware of it when I was 12. My mom cooked healthy foods but I was prone to sneaking food and snacking, and the moment I was able to cook for myself it was usually in huge - really huge - quantities. I ate too fast and wanted the good feeling from tasting food to last, so I would eat a LOT.

    I lost a lot of weight after going away for a month-long acting seminar, where meals were cooked for me - but even then I would run away on quiet nights, get boxes of cookies and chips, and binge. Despite that, I lost seven pounds that month, thanks to the activity and the healthy food I was eating otherwise. After that I started paying attention to what I was eating - I wrote everything down, I paid attention to portions, and I lost forty pounds.

    Then I slowly gained it all back and then some after my girlfriend moved in with me. It's not her fault, but we were going through a life change. First we were excited to be together so we'd go out to eat all the time, then we were unemployed and depressed so we'd eat crap, then we were both employed for the worst paper-delivery company in the world (under investigation now for abuse of employees and illegal business practices) and not only did we have to get our meals at 2AM at gas stations, we ate to try and escape from our truly miserable lives. We were poor, we were stressed, and we were worked seven days a week with no days off and no way to call out sick - and despite being treated badly, we convinced ourselves to stay there because we were so desperate for the paycheck and we thought we had no other options. And when we came home, we were so miserable and exhausted that exercise was the LAST thing we wanted.

    Food is absolutely an indulgence for me - and when I'm stressed or upset or feeling like I need to "let loose", I will eat and eat and not stop until I'm sick. And even once I'm sick, I'll even eat some more. Sometimes if I don't binge I get twitchy and whiny and obsessive about food. It's definitely compulsive overeating, right down to grabbing a snack at the CVS next door and shoving it in my mouth before I get home so my girlfriend doesn't know I ate it (even though it's not like she would care). These cravings and feelings go away when I exercise and calm down in other ways - like not procrastinating.

    I also have PCOS, and with that comes insulin resistance and ... yeah. There are a lot of reasons for my being fat, but most of it has to do with eating obscenely large quantities of food and eating when I'm not hungry. Keeping a food diary is the ONLY thing that helps me realize what I'm eating and the only thing that helps me lose weight.
  • BeautifulMe322
    BeautifulMe322 Posts: 110 Member
    I am fat because I make excuses. I don't take responsibility and I scrape by with the bare minimum which is not enough. When I do Just Dance 2 I move just my arms, and count it as a full workout. When I do the elliptical I tell myself that 20 minutes is enough and then when I am supposed to do it again the next day I say "well I worked out yesterday, so I can take today off" then I do that for a weeek and maybe MAYBE I get back on and do it again.
  • lgrier2012
    I just am....children, divorce, laziness, etc contributed but it's my fault overall.
  • Paz26
    Paz26 Posts: 23
    Not gonna lie .....pretty much lazy and bad food..... O & soda add that by 2X pregnancy .... Not caring what ineat equals me ... But that's all changing
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    I became fat after I had my daughter and fell into a depression due to undiagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder and because of a boyfriend who was abusive and neglectful. I have since gotten out of that relationship and am happily married, with a job, and going to school for psychology. I'm not in a toxic environment anymore and it has motivated to make myself a better person.
  • foxxm
    foxxm Posts: 19 Member
    I was in the military and I got hurt on the job. I ended up with some spinal damage and some nerve damage in my right leg. After the accident, I couldn't work out at all. The best I could do was some pretty basic stretches. After the first round of surgeries, the doctors kepp me doped up on pain killers - which made me tired and lazy. After a decade of surgeries and pain pills, I got fed up. When my doctors wanted to put me on methadone (this is what they give heroine addicts who are detoxing) - that was my breaking point. The doctors were telling my husband that he neede to watch me as I might fall asleep talking or eating as I could choke. I couldn't believe it! If I couldn't be trusted to have a conversation or feed myself, how could I keep working? After that appointment, I weaned myself off the morphine and decided to take control of my life. I do on occasion take pain medication but, that is usually after a surgery or if I am in terrible pain. I have always eaten low fat food and I swore off fried food in the 90's. However, the ten years of being a cough potato has made the overweight person I am now. I am hoping MFP can help me get back to a normal weight.
  • uberlaut
    I was morbidly obese for about 15 years of my adult life, because I was under-eating.

    Yes. You read that right.
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    College & laziness
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    I was fat cuz i ate anything i wanted and didn't work out. On me, but i took control:)
  • wendyb38
    I am fat because I do good one day,then do bad the next. I am not too consistent with the whole weight loss thing. I have been battling with my weight ever since I can remember. I weigh 241 now, so I am very obese. You would think that would make me so dedicated to losing weight, but that still isn't enough for me to stay on track. I have a membership to a very nice health club, that I also should be using on a consistent basis. When I think about dieting it is always I will start tomorrow. Now I am tired of what I look like. I just eat a whole bag of m&m's that I consumed in about 5 minutes. I need to change my life, and do it now. I wanted to reach out, because I have not managed to do this on my own, obviously.. I want to change. I just need some assistance in doing so. Thanks in advance for any feedback one might have. ...... Take care
  • julie20012
    i'm losing weight in order to take control of my life. my mum always said i was fat and ugly as a child ( when i was not fat) i then entered a very abusive relationship when i was 16 (he had total control of me and my body) and my now ex said i was fat when i was 9 stone at 5ft 7. i remain in that relationship until i was 19 or 20 and left 15 stone. i lost weight started socializing meet new friends, but raped a year or so later by a friends brother and within months i was back to 15stone. i have used my weight as a comfort blanket for many many years now. i have only been in 7 sexual relationships 3 of them absive. Now it's time for me to take control and not let what they did to me have any further control on the rest of my life ( if that make sense). i would also live to enter a loving and caring relationship and with the possibity of having another child or 2.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Wow! Lots of people admitting that they are lasy and have been binge eating! Good on you!! I am going to go the other way! It started by life getting in the way of my workouts No room at home and no time to go to the gym. I then had my LO and was in such a bad way I stopped eating. No excersise and very little food! The less I ate the bigger I got! I startede a food diary and then I started eating and the weight dropped off! Then I plateued and joined MFP. I tweeked my recipes and realised that on the days when I was eating more than 1000 calories they were all being eaten at night. Nothing in the day and a big meal in the evening. I now have more balanced meals and thanks to my OH I have the time to work out. My emotional state was also very bad but that is on the mend now to! I did used to boredom eat a bit as well.
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I am so LAZY. Seriously my favorite thing in the world is to sit around doing nothing. All day. You give me a laptop and I can manage to only get out of my bed for water and the loo for days. No Lie. Also sleeping, is the best thing ever. I got fat because of genetics and medications in my childhood and stayed that way by eating like crap and living on my couch.
  • LadySylvanas
    LadySylvanas Posts: 133 Member
    chocolate..... too much chocolate, cakes, and biscuits. QQ
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